Assignment No. 1 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)


NOTE: All answers must be in essay form.

1. Creative writing is both an art and a craft. What makes it an art? What makes it a craft?

2. What skills, values, and attitudes are associated with creative writing? For what purpose does it serve?

3. Compare creative writing such as poetry and short story to journalistic writing such as news articles and feature stories. What are the similarities and differences between the two categories?

4. From the crime stories that you read in the newspapers, choose one story which you think you can develop into a short story. Be sure to incorporate all the important elements of short story that you have studied.

Deadline of Submission: DECEMBER 9, 2011 (FRIDAY) until 11:59 PM


Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 1 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

1. -Creative writing is anything where the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information. Creative writing is writing that expresses the writer’s thoughts and feelings in an imaginative, often unique, and poetic way. Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some under culture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and acquired skills. You learn by doing, by making mistakes and then seeing where you went wrong.

2. -A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times any one of which, can supply the lack of the others.

3. -Poetry and short story are the same with writing news articles in some aspects. They have similarities in forms of writings. It always evokes an emotional response from the reader. A poem attempts to say the most by saying the least. A short story tells a story through use of character, theme, dialogue, motif, setting, tone, and narration. It is typically wordier than a poem, although the two have brevity in common. Both a short story and poem attempt to cut out anything that is not needed to convey the author's purpose.

4. This (dis)-Honorable Soldier

In a world that everyone has to live and survive on everyday challenge. There was a man who named Lakay that is a soldier. He is 20 years veteran soldier; He was assigned in the field where the battle against the rebel in their country happens. He worked for his family who lived in the capital city, and had 3 children and a loving wife. He lives and works like a dog just to survive. One day, he realized that whatever he does in his life they really don’t get rich and rise in their life. Their state in life is still stable, nothing changes. His family is still suffering and getting poorer. Why? Because the government that he devoted to worked is still practicing the corruption. That’s why their country is poorer than the other nation. After he worked of being a fearless soldier, he went home to his family and starts a new life. When he was home, everyday he always drunk with his “Kumpare”. As a retired soldier, he’s doing nothing in their house, he became lazy. One time, he and his Kumpare get drunk again. One of his Kumpare opens a topic and it is a plan, a plan to rob a bank. Without hesitating, Lakay joined the group of his Kumpares’. They started their operation. They robed the bank. Unfortunately, they got busted, some of Lakay’s Kumpare died in encounter. The unfortunate retired soldier is now suffering in the cell because of the crime that he was committed. After serving faithfully in his devoted country of being a soldier, he is now one of the criminals that the government needs to execute.

Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 1 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

1. -Creative writing is anything where the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information. Creative writing is writing that expresses the writer’s thoughts and feelings in an imaginative, often unique, and poetic way. Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some under culture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and acquired skills. You learn by doing, by making mistakes and then seeing where you went wrong.

2. -A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times any one of which, can supply the lack of the others.

3. -Poetry and short story are the same with writing news articles in some aspects. They have similarities in forms of writings. It always evokes an emotional response from the reader. A poem attempts to say the most by saying the least. A short story tells a story through use of character, theme, dialogue, motif, setting, tone, and narration. It is typically wordier than a poem, although the two have brevity in common. Both a short story and poem attempt to cut out anything that is not needed to convey the author's purpose.

4. This (dis)-Honorable Soldier

In a world that everyone has to live and survive on everyday challenge. There was a man who named Lakay that is a soldier. He is 20 years veteran soldier; He was assigned in the field where the battle against the rebel in their country happens. He worked for his family who lived in the capital city, and had 3 children and a loving wife. He lives and works like a dog just to survive. One day, he realized that whatever he does in his life they really don’t get rich and rise in their life. Their state in life is still stable, nothing changes. His family is still suffering and getting poorer. Why? Because the government that he devoted to worked is still practicing the corruption. That’s why their country is poorer than the other nation. After he worked of being a fearless soldier, he went home to his family and starts a new life. When he was home, everyday he always drunk with his “Kumpare”. As a retired soldier, he’s doing nothing in their house, he became lazy. One time, he and his Kumpare get drunk again. One of his Kumpare opens a topic and it is a plan, a plan to rob a bank. Without hesitating, Lakay joined the group of his Kumpares’. They started their operation. They robed the bank. Unfortunately, they got busted, some of Lakay’s Kumpare died in encounter. The unfortunate retired soldier is now suffering in the cell because of the crime that he was committed. After serving faithfully in his devoted country of being a soldier, he is now one of the criminals that the government needs to execute.

Anonymous said...

1. it makes it anart because you can show your emotion your feelings what's on your mind and also what your imagination...creative writing depend on what your writing,what your trying to tell... also connect with your doings, your dicipline and attitudes. articles and short story it almost the same it shows emotions and feeling aboutthe the topic.
4.characters:the characters are arroyo, president noynoy and etc. its the person that much focus in such people.
greeta baring

Anonymous said...


BEED-FRI 1:00-4:00



1. Creative writing is an art because writer expresses his or her ability or skill of being creative using their imagination and creative writing is also a craft through an art or skill.

2. In creative writing skills, values, attitudes are associated, because Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new that has some kind of value, it serves as patterns and one of the bases if the one writer is good, well professional and it is also a reflection of the characteristics of a person’s attitude. Based on my own opinion and as reader, I think a good writer was clearly express his or her works direct to the point and because of that you may know if the writer is including values, positive attitude based on what she or he using words to touch or arouse the feelings and emotions of the readers.

3. Creative writing is often defined as the writing of fiction, where the author creates events, scenes and characters, sometimes even a world. But poetry is literary works in the forms of poems; poetry is language artfully arranged using tools of sound, rhythm, shape of lines, image and metaphor to create an emotional response in the reader, while short story is defined as short piece of fiction aiming at unity of characterization, theme and effect. And for me the similarities of the three are their purposes…to entertain the readers.

4. For me the crime story that maybe I could create a short story is the crime stories about the woman who shot and killed in Toronto, her name is Leanne Freeman.

Scorched for love
by: Elizabeth D. Marcelino

Freeman had lived in Toronto for at least three years, often going back to visit Winnipeg; last 2009 her mother died, she become distressed. Leanne Freeman was shot and killed just as she may have been starting to turn her life around.
Freeman, who was also known as Amanda Freeman, was a sex-trade worker with a history of drug use, Freeman had returned in the summer to Toronto from Winnipeg, where her immediate family lives
. Freeman was the spitting image of her mother, Lori Freeman, A beautiful, brown-haired girl with a dimple in her chin just like her grandfather.

The 23-year-old from Winnipeg was found lying unconscious in a pool of blood just after 1 a.m. on Tuesday, on an isolated road in the Port Lands, lined with smoky power plant chimneys and stretches of scrubby bushes and trees.

"She does have a history of heartache and things that brought her where she was,"

Weeks before Leanne Freeman was killed, she called one of her aunts in Winnipeg, asking for help. Freeman was lack of love and care from their parents; she lives in her own, maybe that was the reasons why she went into trouble. These are the words that she told with her aunt.“I don’t want to be doing this,”

“Leanne wasn’t leading a normal 23-year-old’s life,” She was a hurt girl with nobody to love her.

According to her ant Freeman and her four siblings were put into care when it became clear her mother was unable to look after them, last 2009 her mother died, she become distressed.
she want to be with her that she died..she with her mom now..

Anonymous said...

Marilyn R. Ulan Prof: Marlon B.Raquel
BEED-III 12-08-11

Creative writing is both an art and craft. It makes an art because, art is an application of skill to the production of beautiful things esp. in painting, sculpture, music, literature, architecture, and dancing. It is also a creative adaptation, also used to refer to any skill or mastery, In this case the writers apply or use his/her skills same as thoughts and emotions to create a good art of his mine. It makes a craft because; craft is occupation requiring manual skill, skillful work involving making things with your hands. The writers need more attention strength because it requires some particular kind of skilled work.
The skills, values, and associated with creative writing are the writer must be requires attention, patience, strength, creativity, often unique, productive, expressive, persistence, self-discipline, good skills, experience, knowledge, empathy, and being imaginative as well. The purpose that it serve, is that it can helps a lot to the writers to make his/ her work contain a good result. To become a better, more effective and successful writers.
Journalistic writing is all about periodicals, newspapers, occupation of publishing or writing for. While creative writing is more of ability to create, need to express thoughts, ideas and feelings. its an original, inspired, inventive, resourceful and innovative writing…They are both written publishing. All writing are involves creativity since it is selective and is written from the writers perspective. Creative writing does convey information, even we define it so broadly; indeed information is the basic component of all communication. The over all intent of creative writing is not to inform, it is to stir the emotions, to elicit an emotional response.


We Filipinos are mild drinkers. We drink for only three good reasons. We drink when we are happy. We drink when we are very sad. And we drink for any other reason.

In barangay Tabunok, Talisay City, were the Ponce family was lived. The father Mr. Emmanuel Ponce, he is a retired seaman at the age of 55. His wife Mrs. Melinda a manager of a bank in Banawa, Cebu City at the age of 53. Their children Elaine Grace, 26; Heether Joy, 25; and Erlin Bridge, 18; and their helper, Anastacia Deniega, 30. I could say that they are rich, happy and family that binds together.

“Yaya, ( Mrs.Melinda speak in a loud voice)
kindly make it fast what you’re doing….so that all of us can aet at exactly 8:00 am (dated Oct.17, 2011 its Monday)
“Because I don’t want to be late for my office work it’s Monday remember”?? (Yaya answered)
“ Yes ma’am! Just wait for a little minute.
While the helper, mother and children are busy preparing their foods the father of the family are busy too spend bonding with his friend Joe, outside..

“Hello, Joe,”
“ How are you Emmanuel? He asked,
“Well, fine. you want to drink?”
“Yes, Joe, I drink but not whisky.”
“I drink lambanog.”
“I have drunk everything --whisky, rum, brandy, tequila, gin, champagne, saki and vodka….

After their session, He drunked more he decided to go inside their house. Mrs.Melinda see him and shouting very loud!!
“are you drunk??! You know its Monday! Were waiting for you and yet, you don’t care! You choose to spend more time with Joe drinking alcohol!!
“where have you been??!
(Mrs.Melinda continued nugging louder and louder) when Mr. Ponce got caliber 45. (ponce had a cruel with his wife.
“You better zip your mouth!!
“stop pin pointing me!

Ponce then shot his wife, their children and their helper, before shooting himself.

Anonymous said...


Assignment No.1

1. Creative writing makes it a craft because it requires skill in the use of the mind and requires to developed our skills.

2. In creative writing, we need the ability to be more Creative, Imaginative, Intelligent, more patience, have positive emotions and applying good character, for the purpose to have a successful creative writing and to make it more sensible and appreciative for the readers. As well as its significance is to produce a great and a genius writing.

3. In creative writing such as poetry and short story it is about creating emotional effect and significance. it is good for imaginative intelligence to produce great form of poetry or short story , sometimes it is through the writers experience. While in journalistic writing such as news articles and features stories it is about record of events , or a personal experiences and thoughts, it is accompanying information from the events that happening. this two categories differ in form, purpose and structure in some ways they similar in they are both through writers experience and comes from a true story which as a reader you can gain knowledge and information.

4. The crime story that I've read in a newspaper article about A father who is a driver of a jeep , woke up earlier to work , but then his son woke up also that earlier because he want to join to his father trip with an intention he want to help his father. while on the trip the child seating beside the driver, but then a tragic happen, there's a track who lose a control which happen in an accident. the father miraculously alive but his son did not make it because he was found under the jeep losing his brain.

Anonymous said...


1. Creative writing makes it an art because through this u will use your being creative person in a way that u can create any style that you want. Second your being imaginative, you can imagine great things and u can it use in your arts. Third is being an expressive person, through your feelings you can create a great arts too, this maybe a part of your life that express happiness and sadness. The last one is originality; you must create your arts as in your own idea and no imitation from others. What makes it a craft?? It is the result of creativeness.

2. The skills, values and attitudes are associated with creative writing is that in skills, person should have productive imagination and it is characterized by his or her expressiveness and also the originality. In values, writers should bare in his mind that there is always a good result within his art, that surely the readers can get a good expression with his work. In attitudes, writers should be careful of what he is writing; he should be sensitive with his words and the feelings of his readers. The purpose of this is to have successful arts and writers can really be proud of what will be the result of his art and also the readers should be contented of what he/she reading and most of all they can get a good lesson of what they are reading.
3. The similarities of poetry and short story to journalistic writing is that they are stated of what the writers see and feel and can maybe edited for us to be more exciting to read it. The difference between them is that in poetry and short story it can be write in the way how the writers feel or it depends in there imaginations on how it can really attract the readers to read it. While in journalistic writing such as news articles and featured stories is that, this is more on reality. The writer writes his story through what is really happened in the society. Writers in this situation should only based in reality.


Anonymous said...

1. Art is a creative branch of knowledge, created when an artist has made a beautiful and valuable objects or crafts. Poetry, short story, fiction and non-fiction are crafts. These are the different genres of creative writing. When we are writing about a particular genre we have to unleash our creativity and imaginative skills as if we are doing an artwork. Because creative writing is also a form of art. Creativity and imagination are very important in writing a genre. In doing an art of creative writing we have to express our feelings, experiences and ideas in an inventive and poetic way. We have to focus our mind as well as our heart in what we are trying to write. We have to enhance our writing skills through effective use of figurative language , action verbs and words that modify to create a full impact to the readers. We also need to open our minds for new thoughts so that we can make our writings clear and constant. Emotions of the writer also helps to add thrill, anger, happiness, loneliness, excitement, impact and sense in writing. Just keep in mind that when we are writing we have to implement to ourselves the act of being creative, imaginative and artistic for us to have the result of what we called craft.

Being creative, imaginative, artistic, open-mindedness, having quality time in writing, having attention and interest. These are some of the skills, attitudes and values that we must apply to ourselves because these thing are very important to form a creative writing. For instance, we are going to write fairytale, short story, poem or novel, we must be creative in using our imagination to visualize every event that will happen in the genre. All the happenings needs to be detailed. From the physical abilities of the characters , the settings, other features up to the smallest thing that gives color and amazement to the story. We have to be artistic in our own way to make the genre an interesting one. Paying quality time and attention is also necessary in writing. Get rid of distractions for us to focus in what we are going to write. Being an open-minded person is also required, because if our minds are open to discover and to understand many things, surely, many ideas will come out. Most specially we need to have interest not only in our topic but also in creative writing. Because if we don’t have interest all the things you apply will become useless. We need to associate all of these things to make our creation unique and for the readers to appreciate what we have done.

Anonymous said...

Nil-Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
3. Creative writing and journalistic writing have only few differences and have more similarities. Creative writing requires to be creative just the same as the journalistic writing. They both need to have main topics, details, ideas and conclusions. For creative writing ideas come out base on the writer’s own experiences , emotions and imagination. Non-fiction stories that do not happen in real life and the product of imagination is acceptable, while in journalistic writing all the details are facts and must have happened in real life. An example of journalistic writing are the articles presented in news papers, magazines, radio and television broadcasts. Any news that has wide popular appeal in the society is acceptable in journalistic writing.
The first paragraph in creative writing contains the characters in the story, the main topic is at the middle and ends with what happens after the actions that has been taken in the middle part. While in journalistic writing, the main topic or what we called the “headline” is always indicated before the first paragraph starts. Then, the headline is followed by the supporting details of the article like “what have happened, where did it happened, when did it happened including the time, and who are the persons involved”, down to the conclusion or opinion of the writer or the reporter.
In journalistic writing we also have to balance each issue by making list of source cited, not wasting of words, and delivery must be clear and concise. While in creative writing ,it needs to detailed everything up to the smallest things, we also uses some metaphorical words to add uniqueness.
Creative writing and journalistic writing also creates pictures in the minds of readers and both have the goal that they need to capture the attention and make the articles more interesting to the readers. These are some of the differences and similarities between creative writing and journalistic writing.

4. Last October 29, 2011 the industry of show business was shocked about the news. Ramgen Jose Magsaysay Bautista – an actor, son of the former Senator Ramon Revilla.Sr was murdered in their own house in Paranaque.
Before the incident happen, around 11:00 in the evening Janelle Manahan , girlfriend of the late actor Ramgen, they were on Ram’s bedroom when Mara , sister of Ramgen, knock on the door and ask for a video message for their other sibling whose in Philippine Military Academy in Baguio City. Then after few minutes, the gunman appeared in the room. They did not noticed the face of the man because it is wearing a mask. And Janelle was shot in the face. She did not saw what happened next. But she knew that Mara’s presence is right next to her. And she could hear that her boyfriend is trying to fight with the masked man. Then she knew that her boyfriend is also wounded.
After this silence takes place.. the incident was over..
But Janelle is still confused she asked for Ramona’s help at that time but Ramona did not answer her back. So she find a way to ask for help even if she’s wounded. And at tis time, justice for Ramgen seems to be unleashed...

Anonymous said...

name: chariscel tarroza
1. as what i have understood and learn,
Creative Writing is a written text wherein the author write about his feelings, experiences, creatively. so that the readers would be attracted to read their works. but the question is, what makes it an art and what makes it a craft? well for me, a creative writing an be called an art if the author writes it with full of magic and imagination for the good output, and a product that can call BEAUTY. Beauty because that is what the reader likes. a beautiful piece that can create their feelings and imagination at ease. so that's why, the author should have a wide range of imagination through socialization, and sometimes even technology can help the writer through the use of internet, and of course, i think, every writer knew that the readers, also need NEW. new ideas, new knowledge that they can acquire through reading those text that the writer wrote. so, the author should also, open to changes, and go with the flow for that the readers can relate to their stories. it is also important that the author is sensitive enough to choose the words that he or she will write in his or her books, poems, novels, or anything that is related in writing. because the reader might feel angry with you, instead of loving your works. so that is why, as much as possible, choose the words that you will use in your works. as a writer, a writer bear in mind that this is not all about business. but passion as well. because in this career, it is not a sure bucket- because people will love your works today, tomorrow not. remember that your not the only writer in the world. so you have to be creative all the time, and put your heart on it. on the other hand, a creative writing is a craft or a skill in creating a piece that is meant by the readers. if you don't have a skill in writing, then skip as a reader. so that's why a creative writing is both an art and a craft.

Anonymous said...


1. Creative Writing for me, it is an art piece of your mind wherein you can freely express your ideas, emotions and ability to attract or magnetize readers. Creative writing is an artistic expression like painting or composing music. It is therefore subject to criticism. Sometimes, artistic expression is done just for the sake of doing it. It is also an inventive and artistic writing from other general types of writing. It includes many different formats and genres of writing. Learning how to write creatively must begin on the inside. A certain amount of experience and opinion must be tapped when taking the task of creative writing. That’s why it makes it an art. Creative writing as a craft because it is used with motives and guile.

2. For me, literacy is the first and most important skill that associated with creative writing, followed by emotionalism, positivism, professionalism, provocative, patience, constructionist, imaginative and construe.
When you are literate, you possess the ability to read and write. Obviously on creative writing you needed this skill and ability to be able to create your own masterpiece. It is also a big help for an individual to understand information that is out of context, whether written or verbal. Emotionalism is next to the literacy. It is the ability of writers to see and judge things from an emotional point of view. Positivism, a way of thinking that regards nothing as ascertained beyond the facts. Professionalism, another important manner associated with creative writing. A professional is a good time keepers, knowledgeable, prioritizes effectively is prepared to put the time and effort to get things done but also manages to have a reasonable work life balance is accountable and takes responsibility for what they do, say and write. Provocative, when you are writing it is important that you use provoking words to induce or caused a smile or trigger the excitement to the readers. Patience, in creative writing it takes a patient heart and mind to make a masterpiece; you must possess the ability to wait or the exercise of sustained perseverance to ensure the successful work of yours. To construe a writer or journalist have this kind of skill, which is to analyze the grammatical structure of a clause/sentence, so as to determine the use and function of each word, more likely as a grammarian. Last but definitely not the least, Imaginative, a poem writer or a journalist has a creative mind, having the capacity for imagining, forming a mental image conceive or create in the mind. While making a piece, imagining is a factor to help our mind construct certain information for our target masterpiece.

Anonymous said...


3. Articles a piece of writing on a specific topic, by one or more authors that forms an independent part of periodical publication such as journal or serial magazine or newspaper, while short story or poetry focuses on projecting feelings and experience onto an imaginative plane to rhythmical words.
The differences between the two categories are: an article is a distinct proposition, statement, it is mostly on the newspaper and magazines and it has one or more authors. While poetry is a short piece of imaginative writing, it is shorter than a novel and usually under 10,000 words and it has only one author per short story or poem.
Let’s go to their similarities, they are both giving ideas and information to the readers what the story or article is all about. They stir the imagination and emotions of the readers.


26TH of September 2011, four people, including a pregnant woman and a 5-year old boy, were murdered in an outskirt village of Kumalarang, Zamboanga Del Sur.
Before this incident happened, a happy family lived in Kumalarang, Zamboanga Del Sur, named Elizabeth Saquilabon, 58 the matriarch of the Saquilabon family; her daughters Kareen Anduhon 21, who was pregnant, and Sheremae Saquilabon 16; and 5-year old Ryan Christian Ferolino, a son of Anduhon from a previous marriage.
A day to remember for everybody, especially for Kareen, because on that day, Sheremae prepared a baby shower for her sister. That time, Kareen was 7 months pregnant, nearly giving birth to a baby girl. Sheremae was very close to her sister, she loved her sister very much. That’s why she was the one who organized the party to make her sister happy and more excited about the baby girl. Sheremae is a high school band majorette. She was so pretty and charming; she was also an honor student. She had a relationship with a guy, but when their relationship turned sour, she broke up with him. And took a new boyfriend. After the successful party they all get tired and fell asleep. Until that night they were killed by three to four persons. Stabbed and axed to death while they were asleep. None of them had been sexually abused. The murder weapons were covered separately outside the residence of the victims. Investigators had theorized that the suspects had a drinking session near the victim’s house because they discovered empty bottles of beer. The victims apparently knew the suspects. The house where the victims lived was far from the more populated part of the neighborhood. So when the attack took place no one was aware of what was happening. The investigator said. The victim’s bodies were found on Tuesday when somebody came for a visit. Love triangle is the one angle that police were looking for. Police were gathering fingerprints from the empty bottles and traces of saliva for DNA tests.

Anonymous said...

name:chariscel tarroza
2. as a writer, you should have skills, values, and attitude to be able to create a masterpiece. as a writer, yo are born to be skillful. every time, you want all things around to become beautiful, so you are creating something different. this is the ability of the writer to use his knowledge effectively in doing something, most especially in writing. in values as what i have mentioned earlier, writer should choose the words that he will use in his works. as much as possible if you want to write something that you think is not pleasing to the ears, then try to find alternative words that suits in what you are trying to say.because in doing literary works, more often than not, people who will read that, embarrass their values that they belong. so it is also important to mingle with everybody to know their values to be able to write something different than any other writer. in everything you do, you have to value their feelings, attitude towards the reader because their are the one's who can appreciate and of course value your hard work in doing a literary piece. in terms of attitude, we should have a self-discipline in writing. because sometimes, we are tired and lazy, but then, we should do this for the sake of our readers. sometimes we readers are not appreciating those works that didn't fit in our society. but then, have we ever taught that the author write this because he wants us to appreciate what he is? that the writers write according to there moods? after all, there are only humans like us. they also made mistakes, but fortunately, the learned from it. you learned better from your experience. but then, form what purpose does it serves? for me, it serves the readers. as what i have said earlier, there are the one's who can only appreciate your work whether it is a love story, drama, comedy, or horror, the readers the one and only, can appreciate the beauty and nature of it.

Anonymous said...

NAME:Chariscel tarroza
3.the similarities between creative writing and journalistic writing is that, they both written by authors, they both published to read by the readers. they both give information most especially to the students, workers, and even to the regular citizen. and also i can say that they can give moral lessons and awareness to the readers. while the differences and similarities between creative writing and journalistic writing, is that creative writing can be fiction or non-fiction. fiction means those stories that has been created through the use of imagination. like fairy tales, myths, are some example of fiction. while non-fiction, it is a story that is true to life. like for example biography, autobiography, are some examples of non-fiction. as what i have mentioned earlier, it is true to life. this are the stories that was reported through television and radio. this are the stories that the people should know in our everyday living. like for example, politics, showbiz, and all the information that he people should need. and also they differ on how they execute their works and maybe, only maybe, they also differ in writing according to their moods. most especially in creative writing you have to be patient in doing it because the people always expect for more. you have to be creative for you to attract the readers to read your literary piece. so that is the similarities and differences between creative writing and journalistic writing. remember that people needs a n information whether in text or in reporting style. and also in everything we do, put god in the center of everything! because without him, you can do nothing. you are useless. so put god in the center of your life. thank you and God bless.

Anonymous said...

1.Creative writing is art, because we can make a writing composition out of noting as long as we want to write and we inspire to do writing and aside from that creative writing is art if we know how to appreciate a writing composition.Creative writing is craft,because not all people can not make a good composition because first they are not interested about it,and even though some people know how to write composition but then it will never become interesting cause its no specific idea or substance unlike people who gifted to make a good composition in split second of time.
2.Doing creative writing need a more skills like you should know what are you going to write,how to make a introduction,how to get the attention of the reader those are the basic things or skills that you need, to make composition,and making composition need more patience perseverance, because sometimes we tend to became lazy finishing the composition, in the end it become useless.
3. in creative writing there is introduction,body and conclusion, like in news article,like short story, the main idea is already their there is no further explanation,even though short but still it is easy to understand.
but creative writing sometimes is just work of the mind , there is no realistic story behind it,like poetry, unlike in news article it is more facts.
4. no comment


Anonymous said...

Batersal, Rosalita T.

1. Creative writing is an art in the sense that all writers give their best effort to put life in the story that they wrote, and it transform the man who reads it towards the condition of the man who wrote. Every single word that written in the story can catch the attention and emotions of the reader, there is always having human interest. It is a thing that has a beauty of form and that makes creative writing an art. Creative writing is a craft as well because in a way that in writing it acquires skills, and special knowledge. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and skills that can be develop and improve though all of us is literate but only some had this talent in writing. This skills is something special most especially to those people who loves to write, that makes also a creative writing a craft because it is a special skills.

2. Skills, values, and attitudes that associated with creative writings are, creativity, the ability of constructing words, and being descriptive the skills of narration, and the values is, it can give more importance of literature, and the real interest of what happening around the world. And the attitudes are associated in creative writing is that writers should be open for criticism of his/her works, openness, and know how to ask others opinion, open minded for the comments and suggestions of other people and positive thinker in regards to his/her writings. It gives meaning to ones own experience.

3. Poetry is written in a stanza form, it is read with the rising and falling intonation and page is not filled up and has vacant spaces. And a short story normally concentrate on a single event with only one or two characters that is why it could be read in a single sitting. Comparing to journalistic writing like news article and features stories is that in news articles it present new information, it should be well-research, readable and have a collision. In journalistic writing the main points should be written first above all details and I think it is more factual .They are similar in regards to creativity because all writings involves creativity and the difference between this two categories is that, creative writing is not to inform, because its primary objective is to aroused readers emotion, while journalistic writing the main focus is to inform people.


There is no single comprehensive explanation for why people commit a crime. People who commit crime come different backgrounds, lifestyle and social status.

Know as Ram Revilla in showbiz, Ramgen a son of a movie star and former Senator Ramon Revilla Sr. (Bautista) fought his killers last 28 OCTOBER 2011 inside his bedroom at his Paranaque home. He suffered several stab and incise wounds, and one gunshot wound. His girlfriend, Janelle Manahan, was shot at the face and was seriously wounded.

The victim is an aspiring actor, holding a very famous name , but what is even making it shocking, gripping, believing is that two sibling are major suspects in the killing of an older sibling Ramgen.

The motivation that allegedly drove Ramon Joseph (RJ), 18, and Sister Ramona, 22, to commit the heirous crime, is the quarrel over 1 million subsidy for patriarch nine children. It was said Ramgen and another sister took care of the money.

Withier it was the money, jealousy or antipathy, the fact remains that deep resentment must have been harbored by the killers that they made sure Ramgen wont survive the 16 scrab inflected and the shot fired.

Genelyn Magsaysay, the mother of the siblings concern, denies that both Ramon Joseph and Ramona could ever have conspired nor have reason to kill their older brother Ramgen.

But nothing bounds of possibility. Nothing is inconceivable anymore, where crime is committed family members. The tragical biblical story of Cain slaying his brother Abel has evolved and has gotten worst with even the head of the family mercilessly vanquishing wife and children.

This story is so sensational to remain a mystery forever.

Anonymous said...

Batersal, Rosalita T.

1. Creative writing is an art in the sense that all writers give their best effort to put life in the story that they wrote, and it transform the man who reads it towards the condition of the man who wrote. Every single word that written in the story can catch the attention and emotions of the reader, there is always having human interest. It is a thing that has a beauty of form and that makes creative writing an art. Creative writing is a craft as well because in a way that in writing it acquires skills, and special knowledge. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and skills that can be develop and improve though all of us is literate but only some had this talent in writing. This skills is something special most especially to those people who loves to write, that makes also a creative writing a craft because it is a special skills.

2. Skills, values, and attitudes that associated with creative writings are, creativity, the ability of constructing words, and being descriptive the skills of narration, and the values is, it can give more importance of literature, and the real interest of what happening around the world. And the attitudes are associated in creative writing is that writers should be open for criticism of his/her works, openness, and know how to ask others opinion, open minded for the comments and suggestions of other people and positive thinker in regards to his/her writings. It gives meaning to ones own experience.

3. Poetry is written in a stanza form, it is read with the rising and falling intonation and page is not filled up and has vacant spaces. And a short story normally concentrate on a single event with only one or two characters that is why it could be read in a single sitting. Comparing to journalistic writing like news article and features stories is that in news articles it present new information, it should be well-research, readable and have a collision. In journalistic writing the main points should be written first above all details and I think it is more factual .They are similar in regards to creativity because all writings involves creativity and the difference between this two categories is that, creative writing is not to inform, because its primary objective is to aroused readers emotion, while journalistic writing the main focus is to inform people.


There is no single comprehensive explanation for why people commit a crime. People who commit crime come different backgrounds, lifestyle and social status.

Know as Ram Revilla in showbiz, Ramgen a son of a movie star and former Senator Ramon Revilla Sr. (Bautista) fought his killers last 28 OCTOBER 2011 inside his bedroom at his Paranaque home. He suffered several stab and incise wounds, and one gunshot wound. His girlfriend, Janelle Manahan, was shot at the face and was seriously wounded.

The victim is an aspiring actor, holding a very famous name , but what is even making it shocking, gripping, believing is that two sibling are major suspects in the killing of an older sibling Ramgen.

The motivation that allegedly drove Ramon Joseph (RJ), 18, and Sister Ramona, 22, to commit the heirous crime, is the quarrel over 1 million subsidy for patriarch nine children. It was said Ramgen and another sister took care of the money.

Withier it was the money, jealousy or antipathy, the fact remains that deep resentment must have been harbored by the killers that they made sure Ramgen wont survive the 16 scrab inflected and the shot fired.

Genelyn Magsaysay, the mother of the siblings concern, denies that both Ramon Joseph and Ramona could ever have conspired nor have reason to kill their older brother Ramgen.

But nothing bounds of possibility. Nothing is inconceivable anymore, where crime is committed family members. The tragical biblical story of Cain slaying his brother Abel has evolved and has gotten worst with even the head of the family mercilessly vanquishing wife and children.

This story is so sensational to remain a mystery forever.

Anonymous said...

Mary Grace Sapungay
BSE-English III

Mary Grace Sapungay
BSE-English III
1. Creative writing is both an art and craft.
- It is an art because it is an ability of a person to express feelings and emotions in an imaginary manner and its primary intent is to arouse emotions of the readers.
- It is also a craft because it is a skill that a person has. All people can write but not all has the skill in writing a creative one.
---------------to be continued po

Anonymous said...

Mary Grace Sapungay
BSE-English III
1. Creative writing is both an art and craft.
- It is an art because it is an ability of a person to express feelings and emotions in an imaginary manner and its primary intent is to arouse emotions of the readers.
- It is also a craft because it is a skill that a person has. All people can write but not all has the skill in writing a creative one.
2. The skill that associated in creative writing is the ability to express emotions, feelings and thought. It gives moral lessons for the readers that serves as the values and attitudes.
3. Creative writing and journalistic writing are differentiated in many ways. Creative writing is any writing that expresses events and emotions in an imaginary manner. We have poetry and short stories under creative writing. Poetry is also called metrical writing. It is an spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling recollected in the tranquility or what we call peace of mind. Short story is a fictional narrative, a series of imaginary events that happen to imaginary people. Its most important aspects are character, plot, point of view and dialogue. whereas journalistic writing is a kind of writing that gives information to the readers. All the main idea in journalistic writing should present statements of facts. Support for these facts should also be factual and objective, including specific examples, details and incidents. Under this is news writing. It is a writing that focuses on informing the readers of the recent events. Another is article writing. It is a distinct part of a written document. It a non- fictional prose composition forming an independent part of a publication. Another example of journalistic writing is a special prominence. Those are all writing that explain something to the readers.

Anonymous said...

Mary Grace Sapungay
BSE-English III
“Second chance”
From the “ Ozamiz radioman’s Ambush”
“It’s 3’oclock! “ Cosme said as he look up on his watch. “I will be late on my program. Well, I should fix my self before the sun rise. Cosme was talking about his radio program that is actually airing every four in the morning. Cosme is actually a commentator in a radio station DZOZ in particular.
Cosme Maestrado , as a radio commentator, its inevitable for him to give comments on the things that happen in the country including of course in their city. In that morning, he has criticized the putting up of a private resort in the heart the Malindang forest reserves and moves in the House of representatives for the conversion of Mt. Malindang, a declared national forest reserve, into alienable and disposable land. He has also hitting at police officials for the issuance of permits to carry firearms to dozens of civilian bodyguards of a politician.
The day is over and Cosme went home. He is so tired and he slept early. in th morning, he is sitting on the bed when his wife talked to him. “I heard everything that you have said yesterday in your program”. She started. “Aren’t you afraid of what ever it brings you?” “I know what you mean.” Cosme answered. “but don’t you worry, ill be fine,and in fact, its our right to tell everything to let the people know whats happening. Its my obligation to tell the truth.” Cosme continued. “well, im just worried. We have haerd many media killings right? And im afraid that it will also happen to you.” She continued. “ well, as ive said earlier, illbe fine honey. Don’t worry, okey?”cosme hugged his wife.
On his way to the station, he thinks of what his wife told him when suddenly he noticed that a motorcycle seems like its following his car then suddenly somebody shoot him. He lowered his backrest and fire back to his attakers by using his caliber .45.
Cosme was saved with the supposed attempt on his life. The crime has been investigated by the city police.
While Cosme is having a rest, he received a call from he headquarters. The police is inviting him on their office because of some matters. “yes im coming” he answered. In the office, Chief Superintendent Jufel Adriatico, Northern Mindanao police director talk to him he told Cosme that he will face charges for carrying his licensed .45 pistol outside his residence despite lacking a permit to do so. He also said that he has instructed the Misamis Occidental police director and the Ozamiz city police shief to submit the results of their investigation after a week. Cosme still thank him and went home.
When he got home, he hug his wife and told everything. His wife criedbut Cosme explained that he will be provided a police escort to make sure that he will be out of harm.

Anonymous said...

The Fisher Valley College
Taguig City

Subject: Creative Writing
Instructor: Raquel, Marlon B.
Student: Elve O.Gumanit


1. Creative writing is an art as it involves the creation of beautiful or significant things seems real. When we think about the things that move us, that stir us emotionally, many of these are pieces of writing.
Creative writing makes it a craft as it takes skills to create a piece of writing one word after another and one sentence after another. It takes skills to put the whole together in a way that makes people wan to read. It takes skills to paint a verbal picture and create an atmosphere with our words. .

The skills that are associated with creative writing are talent, persistence, patience, ability to face criticism and imagination. The most significant value of creative writing is the exploration into self which it provides. The fundamental purpose of creative writing is to amuse and to entertain the reader.
Creative writing stirs the emotions, to elicit emotional responses while news articles and feature stories primarily about imparting knowledge. They both share experiences, information, and emotions leading the readers to a particular point of view.


The Keys

“Aahhh…” I screamed and shouted but voice weren’t heard, the night was cold, darkness reigned over the place. I ran anywhere begging somebody for help but I do not have a way out to escape. Four ten-wheeler container van trapped me in; men ask fiercely the things I don’t understand… blood flow …
“Hey wake up, you are dreaming again,” mother shrugged me.
I woke up and looked everywhere in my room, I’m sweat and still gasping for breath.
“Mother I always have that nightmare again, the scene seems real,” I cried.
“That’s not true my child, you are just tired the whole day so you always have a
terrifying dreams,” mother added.
Her hug comforted me as if I’m so safe and secure whenever she’s beside me. I noticed she’s confuse and thinking so deep. We always pray before going to bed my bad dreams gone.

“We are going to spend summer vacation in our province,” father informed us.
“Your uncle Vic will be the one to shoulder all our expenses,” mother added.
“Oh really? How come? I don’t believed uncle Vic would do that, he hates
Lavish spending of money, what a miracle!,” I uttered.

“Shhh ...just prepare these things or you’ll miss one half of your life if we can’t go with them,” she whispered.

One… two… three hours of travel from Valenzuela City to the pier, what a heavy traffic. Mother tapped my shoulder because we had reached our destination.
Full of excitement and joy, I hurriedly went inside the seaport terminal and can’t wait to aboard into the new MV Princess of the Orient vessel. The ship will leave the port in just a few minutes. There were still a lot of passengers coming and I wondered if the ship can accommodate all of us. I enjoyed watching the Mangyan people asking for a penny .When the vessel is moving, there’s something that caught my attention from a distance- the container vans, I felt the blood running from my veins, my heart beats fast, I trembled …ran toward the deck.

At last we finally reached Tagbilaran City, Bohol, the land known for its beautiful God given nature- the Chocolate Hills. Uncle Vic rented jeepney to send us in our home town, Mabini. On our way home, green pasture delighted me, the tempting white beaches captured my eyes, cold fresh air touched my skin, and how I really love this place. It relieved mans’ discomfort.

The following day, most of our relatives came. All of us were having fun, eating, drinking, and an endless talking.

“Mother, I want you to keep this bag; no matter what happened don’t ever give this to anybody.” uncle Vic speak in a low voice.
“What’s this? Grand ma asked.

Anonymous said...

Margie D. Mequiabas

1. Creative writing is an art because in it is focus more on literature and since ,literature play a big role in creative wring ,we all know that in literature we can say the flow of the story going on , emotions is always there in creative writing to aroused the feeling of the reader, and its also a craft because it is a skill that anybody can develop and improve it in regards to this special skill. That makes creative writing a craft.
2. Creativity is the skill that associated in creative writing and the values associated in it is that being lover to our literature and it gives important to everyones experience and imagination. And in creative writing we all know that to be a good or a successful writer in the future , writer should open others suggestion in regards to his works, listen others opinion ,i think it is the best attitude that associated in creative writing.

4. Ramgen’s murder an inside job

Janelle Manahan has very revealing information that could lead to the identification of the killer of her boyfriend Ramgen Bautista ,her lawyer agree Guevarra told Radio Inquirer last Nov. 29,2011.
Quoting from his conversation with Manahan, Guevarra said that Bautista’s murder was the result of a family feud which got out of control. I could outright say this is an inside job, plain and simple he added. Manahan was release from Asian Hospital last Nov. 29,2011 after a month- long treatment for a gunshot wound in the face which sustained during the attack on Bautista. She applied for coverage under the witness protection program, Guevarra added.
On the right of October of October 28, a hooded man shot and stabbed Bautista inside his room at the family house in BF homes Paranaque . Manahan who, was with him was shot in the face and chest Bautista’s sister Ma. Ramona was also in the room and initially said she was abducted by the assailant and dropped of near a Mall hours later. Her statement however was disproved by subdivision security guards who’s saw her and her brother Ramon Joseph or RJ leaved the area minutes after the attached on their brother.
Or least two other suspect later named RJ who was arrested on Oct. 31, Mara has the masterminds. According to Guevarra , Manahan is recovering well and will soon submit affidavit that will debunk the outright this made by Mara in a counter affidavit supposedly sent from Turkey. He said that Ramona in her sworn statement. downplayed the feud among the Bautista siblings as a simple misunderstanding over who gets to use which car. Manahan, however, described it as much deeper that Ramgen’s siblings did something bad to him Guevarra quoted her as saying.
In fact it reached a point where Manahan herself got tangled up the feud because she sided with her boyfriend. Guevarra also said that the examined Mara’s statement and found it very damaging to the viictim’s other sibling. She Ramona practically pointed to Gail another sibling and Gail’s husband Hiro, Guevarra said. Earlier another witness tagged Gail as having a hand in her brother’s murder. With this latest twist, Guevarra appealed to former Sen. Ramon Revilla Sr. and Genelyn Magsaysay, the parents of the victim, to help in the investigation. A conspiracy was hatched to kill Ramgen. It is right to have another conspiracy of silence and cover-up he said.

Anonymous said...

Krystal Jade Salcedo

1. Creative writing is both an art and a craft. What makes it an art? What makes it a craft?
Each of us has the skill to make something that is unique. In creative writing we all know that it is an art because when we write something, we use the art of imagination we express our different emotion that reflects our own personality. This simple art became a craft when we fully give our best to make it beautiful and we use to do it and it becomes part of our lives. And also a craft is the uniqueness of how we execute or how we master the art of writing. It is in the person how she or he will love the art of writing and master his or her craft in a way that she or he has to be proud off.

2. What skills, values, and attitudes are associated with creative writing? For what purpose does it serve?
In creative writing, skills has already their because we cannot create a writing if
We don’t have the skill to make it. We must have the values and attitudes that must be follow for us not to be over confident to write something because we need to bear in mind that when we write their will be our reader that will criticize and be affected to our writings. We must have a good attitude because in every letter, words, sentence and a whole creation it reflects our emotions and personality. Don’t become bias in creating your craft because in the end you can be the one to supper. You must think before you act. This skill, values and attitude serves the basic rules in creating writing for as to make a creation that can capture the attention and specially the heart of our reader.

Anonymous said...

Krystal Jade Salcedo

1. Compare creative writing such as poetry and short story to journalistic writing such as news articles and feature stories. What are the similarities and differences between the two categories?
A poetry is compose by the emotion and experience by the writer that sometimes base by his own story or inspired by others. Same as the short story some writers tell their life story in a short and easy way to inspire or touch others life it can be real or just a fantasy but it always come up and give a realization and moral lesson to others. Compare to journalistic writing it was created to inform others in a certain events or situation same as the news article. Writers will have different ways to make a news article and journal like gathering information to the person or situation for their main topic and specially in making a news article the most important thing for the writers was to make an article that is true and it happened in real life.

2. From the crime stories that you read in the newspapers, choose one story which you think you can develop into short story. Be sure to incorporate all the important elements of short story that you have studied.

In a town at Bacolod City there was a couple who lived happily. They have a good life together with their kids. Wilfredo a 50 years man has a good job and give his best to support his family. He love his wife so much. But then suddenly 3 months later he just feels something about his wife Linda who is 50 years old also. At first he ignores it until finally he decided to follow his wife. It was a cold day for Wilfredo, he suddenly feels that day is a bad day for him. But then he tries to think positive that he just wants to know that he has a wrong feeling. He trust Linda so much, but in the past few days Linda didn’t talk him to much unlike before. She always go outside and worst sometimes she go home late. Wilfredo was inside his car waiting for a white car, until he saw his wife, taking off the white car. He smile and suddenly he slap his face and said “I’m stupid! Why I can’t trust my wife”. But then the eye of Wilfredo becomes bigger than the original. He saw his wife entering a motel. He gets off the car as fast as he could. He follows his wife. Until they reach the 4th floor of the motel in front of 696 room. Wilfredo still controlling his self, to just be calm. But Wilfredo cannot take it anymore he was standing without anything to do while seeing his wife kissing a 62 years old man. Wilfredo feel the hurt inside. He wants to shout, but there is no voice coming from his mouth. He want to kill that man, or worst both of them, his wife Linda who didn’t think that she already have her own family. And that old man who take his wife. Wilfredo was hurt. He didn’t know what happen to the love and promise that they have. Linda, his wife is cheating him; he was a good father, a better husband. But what happen to the promise. That they lived happily ever after? Sad but this will be their journey. Wilfredo accept everything. He together with his kids is assisted by the Women and Children Protection Unit of the Philippine National Police in Bacolod. While his wife and that 62 old man are now in the custody of authorities. Wilfredo pray that someday everything will be ok.

Allina D. Labra said...

Allina D. Labra
BSE-English III

1. Creative writing is both an art and a craft. What makes it an art? What makes it a craft?
Creative writing is both an art and craft. Art because our imagination produces such creativeness through writing and sometimes it also includes our emotion and feelings because we express those by writing or composing and turn into a wonderful piece. But you can’t produce a piece without your “craft” which is your ability that make those imaginations into reality. Both an art and craft are important in Creative writing because you can’t compose without your imaginations and your ability.

2. What skills, values, and attitudes are associated with creative writing? For what purpose does it serve?
When you’re making a piece you need to associate your skills, values, and attitude. One of the attitudes that can make you a great writer and one formula to be successful is the self-discipline and though not all of us have certain control in ourselves it is a gift. Another is our creativeness because without it we cannot compose a piece that can touch our readers and in our part it’s unsatisfactory. But for me the very important value especially in writing is the patience, because in this value you’re enemy are yourselves and without patience you can easily get bored or worse surrender on your ideas and you can’t produce a creative writing. Those skill, value, and attitude are important to a writer to compose a remarkable piece.

3. Compare creative writing such as poetry and short story to journalistic writing such as news articles and feature stories. What are the similarities and differences between the two categories?
Creative writing such as short story and poetry are fiction. It was compose of imaginations of the writer although they have inspiration while Journalistic writing like news articles and feature stories are a non-fiction because it is based on the true event and real life of an individual. But however, those two writings have similarities because all writing has creativeness and also a Creative writing is an informative as a Journalistic writing. Both writing also aroused the emotion of the readers and they have the same purpose and that is to make us empathize into it.

Anonymous said...

Rufina D. Lindain
Creative writing


1. Creative writing is both an art and craft. What makes it an art? What makes it a craft?
2. What skills, values, and attitudes are associated with creative writing for what purposes does it serve?
3. Compare creative writing such as poetry and short story to journalistic writing such as news article and features stories? What are the similarities and differences between the two categories?
4. From the crime stories that u read in the news paper, choose one story which you think you can develop into a short story. Be sure to incorporate all the important elements of short story that you have studied?

1. Creative writing is considered as art and craft because it is typically emphasis in either fiction or poetry they usually start with short stories or simple poems by artist. The art of writing seems to be generally considered as the result of mental and emotional decisions by the writer that control the shape of plots, the revelation of the character and the flow of narrative description. The craft of writing seems to be generally considered as the work most writers perform when turning a draft (the raw, first blood of their effort) into the polished, final script manuscript. It is a process that may consider grueling and somehow dangerous to the essence of what their gut wants to communicate. There are also preparatory actions, dreaming, planning, out-lining that often combine art and craft in intimate communion. This preparation for the act is quite crucial, whether performed mostly in the mind and thoughts loads of words arranged and rearranged.
2. A writer should have focus a variety of many aspects in making creative writing. The most dominant are usually identified as four “ Ps”-process, product, person and place. A focus on process is shown in cognitive approaches that try to describe thought of mechanisms and techniques for creative thinking and writing. Theories invoking divergent rather then covergent thinking or those describing the staging of the creative process are primarily theories of creative process. A nature of the creative person considers intellectual habits such as openness, levels of ideation, autonomy, expertise, exploratory behavior and so on. A focus on a place considers the best circumstances in which creativity flourishes, including degrees of autonomy, access to resources and the nature of gatekeepers. Artistically minded writers will say that writing is most definitely an art while those who think more analytically will claim writing as skills, trade, and a business. You can approach writing armed with learned skills and an ability to string words together in an sensible manner, or you can approach writing as a purely creative endeavor

Anonymous said...

and call it your art or your passion. Both approaches work, and either one can lead to good, strong writing.
3. Through creative writing, a writer could compose or create a novel such as poetry or short story to journalistic writing such as news article and features stories. The product of being creativity of a writer linked with the concept of imagination. By his sort of imagination it is way to express thought, feeling and emotion and focusing on making creative fiction, novels, or short stories but poetry, autobiography and creative non-fiction are all other forms of creative writing. The similarities and differences of making poetry and short story to journalistic writing: short story requires figuring out whose story it is, paying attention to who goes the most change with tips from a published author. It is vary from the news articles which is the story or topic is real and relevance unlike poetry it’s just sort of unreliable imaginary reaction and thinking of a writer same as fiction.
4. A crime stories actually is a long story especially the heinous crime at first it was sensational to the public and the people will be interested to know the real happening of the crime until the case will resolved but in the long run the crime stories will become short story. Let’s take the case of Claudio Tehankee Jr. son of former chief of justice Claudio Tehankee Sr. He murdered Maureen Hultman and another friend, Jussi Leino coming from a party around 3 o’clock in the morning of July 13,1991. Leino was walking and Hultman home along Mahagony st. in Dasmarinas Village Makati City, when Tehankee cameup behind them in his car. He stopped the two and demanded that they show some identification. Leino took out his wallet and showed Tehankee his ADB card ID. Tehankee grabbed his wallet. Chapman who was waiting in his car for Leino stopped and asked Tehankee “why are you bothering us”? Tehankee shot Leino hitting him in the jaw. Then he shot Hultman on the temple before driving away. Leino survived and Hultman died after two months of comatose later in hospital due to brain hemorrhages caused by the bullet fragments. Tehankee was arrested several days later on the testimony of several witness. Tehankee found guilty of the crimes of murder, homicide and attempted mureder of Pao lawyer as counsel de oficio of Tehankee Jr. inter alia. On October 6, 2008, former chief justice Raul M. Gonzales, confirmed Claudio Tehankee Jr. released from prison by virtue of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo commutation sentence. He assume that he already paid the civil liabilities 15 million damage. The supreme court docketed the case as G.R NO.184679. Gov. freed Tehankee Jr. he has been detained 1991 and the President considered him good behavior as enough reason to grant him clemency after 13 years, convicted killer Claudio Tehankee Jr was released from new bilibid prison in Muntinlupa City.- This murder case of Tehankee vs. Hultman will be considered a short story to the people because the case has been closed.

Prepared by:Rufina D.Lindain

Anonymous said...


1. it makes an art because you can express your feeling and emotion through a creative way and it makes an craft because its your talent to express it in your own creative way

2.the skills are skills of writing and values of patience and attitude of creative thinking

3.poetry are writing with you feelings and emotions you are writing it in a creative way and sometimes it has a limitation. while in journalistic writing you can state a fact or your just making a news like an article about the happenings around you and their similarity is just they are both expressive and their differences is just in journalistic writing your making a news and you have an freedom to state everything you want while in poetry you have a limitations

Anonymous said...

jayson montiadora

4.the news about the siblings who try to kill their oldest brother because of money sharing and the girlfriend was the witness of all the crime happening that was not happen in the real story.
the root of this is the money

Anonymous said...

Dejumo, Maria Kasiah P.

1. The arts is a collective term referring to music, art, and literature. Often these are thought of to be categories of works of expression, designed to elicit emotional responses.
* A craft is a skill, especially involving practical arts.

2. In creative writing you can show what skills do you have what values and attitudes and it would be included on that. the purpose of this is to enhance the ability of the person to write and to developed the skills of a person.

3. The poetry and short story, its a fiction because it is more on imagination. but sometimes it can be related into our life. in the journalistic writing it is about the news the real story of our life. it is more on reporting and it has a basis. they don't just invented some issues because everytime they do some articles they should be have a basis.

Title : The car burst at the paranaque.
Characters :
Leo- the driver of a Jeepney.
Ana, Kim, Kath, Roel - the passengers of Leo.
Setting : Paranaque City.4:00 A.m

Leo and his passengers took the place of paranaque even though they lived at Naga City. Ana and her friends have a trip at Paranaque that's why they go on that place. but at the night of their trip there's an accident the Jeepney was Crash and Burst after a few hours theirs someone who'd help them to make them out of the burning Jeepney and sadly to say the driver of the jeepney was dead and some of the passengers at the Jeepney they bring at the St. Luke's Hospital near at the Global City. and the S.O.C.O (Scene of the Crime Operative) investigated the crime that was happened at the Paranaque City. They need to Investigated what truly happened on that particular accident.

Allina D. Labra said...

Allina D. Labra
BSE-English III

4. From the crime stories that you read in the newspapers, choose one story which you think you can develop into a short story. Be sure to incorporate all the important elements of short story that you have studied.
Baby I’m sorry
New Day is ahead on us, but for her it was probably the end. She is a nursing 3rd year student, she choose the course because it was in demand. Her name was “Nica” a popular girl from her school in Batangas City. She was a product of broken family but never in her entire life she imagine to be a rebellious daughter because she was the oldest, she try to be a good model to her siblings especially now that her mother who supported them is at Hongkong working as a Domestic Helper while her father has a new family.
But things were changed when she had a boyfriend, he was Dennis. For her he was an ideal boyfriend because he is cute, sweet and has a fashion sense and he was popular too. Their relationship lasted for about 5 months as soon as Dennis knew about her pregnancy. Yes, she was engaged in pre-marital sex because Dennis insisted from getting her virginity, and so she gives it to him.
Her life was at mess, she was thinking of killing herself. And Dennis told her that he would come back if she aborts the baby, but her conscience told her not to do such thing. Engaging in pre-marital sex is a sin, and sin cannot correct from another sin. But she loves him so much… “What shall I do?” She asked herself. She needs her parents to gives her advice but they were not at her side so she decided to ask her friends about her situation.
“Take the consequences”, one of her friend suggested.
“What? You’re planning to pursue that? What about your future”, her other friend
“But it’s a blessing”, her friend reply.
They argue about it, and she was really confused. Whatever! She wants the baby but what about her future, her family and what other people might say. So she surrenders her baby…
All she could say was “Baby I’m so sorry, Goodbye.”
Now her life was at normal, yes she commits a sin but she apologizes to herself and to God. She is now a volunteer at Foundation for abuse child. She graduated and passed the board examination and her mother come back to the Philippines and stays for good, with them. She never accept Dennis again because now he knew that he is so irresponsible, she’s not seeking for another man on her life because she was now contented, and at peace because she knew that she has an angel from heaven.

Anonymous said...

Abon, Jezen Joy B.
1. For me creative writing is both an art and a science because it is done in a best way of writing it is very artistic and very imaginative so it make creative writing is an art. And also creative writing is a craft it makes it originally and sometimes it is base on the reality. To make the readers empress of what the author have done. It has imaginative manner and whose primary intent is to arose emotions.
2. For me the skills, attitudes and character associated in creative writing is how you make it more imaginative, more fantastic, more creative and as well as more realistic. Creative in the sense when how you gain your knowledge in writing. How you make it interesting to the reader . and also how you make amazing. When you write a story you give full heartedly in your writing. So that all readers must interested to read in your story because it someone amaze in your story. And also it will give self confidence.

Anonymous said...

Jamaica E. Collado
1. Creative writing is both an art and a craft. It is an art because it refers to the ability of a person to express his emotions, thoughts, and ideas through his unique way. It involves re-creation and imagination to express what he feels and how he feels. On the other hand it is a craft because the skill of a person is being develop and improve. The hidden skill of a person is revealed.
Creative writing enables a person to become more creative, imaginative and be more expressive.
2. Creative is a unique skill of a person to express what is behind his façade, re-create, imagine and explore himself and express it in a form of writing they often use some steps to successfully reveal it. The purpose of these is to encourage and somehow touch one’s life.
3. Creative writing and Journalistic writing do have similarities both enable an individual to perceive and view the world more clearly, understand what is unfamiliar, know what is the unknown, reveal what is hidden, and both essential to human’s life because it gives us the answer of what are the reason of our existence.
Though they have similarities, these two categories do also have differences. In creative writing such as short story and poetry in which the poets often use people, images and events to convey meaning. The primary consent of creative writing is to arouse the emotions of its reader it is the writer’s skill to manipulate his works to make it more appealing and interesting.
On the other hand journalistic writing such as feature stories which features the writer’s remarks on a particular person and real life stories and in news article the writer tries to give the detailed information accurately as what was happened. The primary consent of journalistic writing is to give information correctly or it is more on factual information.

Anonymous said...

Jamaica E. Collado
4. Short Story
In a peaceful and beautiful town of Marcova one crime was happened. Mike who is mentally ill killed Carl who is the famous barber of the town. It was 9 o’clock in the morning when Mike went to the barbershop to have his haircut. He was excited and inspired when he approached the shop.
When the haircut was done, Mike returned home with a smile in his face though he was mentally ill he still looks handsome, he was cleaned and at first sight no one would say that he has mental problem. His relatives teased him due to his new haircut. For them it was only a joke but to Mike it was true. He felt angry and thought that the barber betrayed him when the later told him that he looked handsome to his new haircut and thought that the barber made fun at his expensed. The barber’s sibling named Ben was very angry so he made a plan on how to take his revenge.
The following week, he pretended to bring the food to Mike who was detained in the town’s jail. Mike was able to hide his gun and passed to the police. On his way to the visiting area, he saw Mike’s mother sitting in front of his son. When he approached he gets his gun and shot Mike on head, Mike died on the spot.
The police was fired due to the incident and for his negligence but he explained that they were just very busy preparing for the towns fiesta.

Anonymous said...

Diozon, Madelene
1.creative writing is an art because when you start to write a poems, short story etc you can express your emotions and make your own words. It makes a craft because every stanza, you used your own idea by manual work. can associate with a dedication, patient, and knowledge to create your own writings especially when you are doing a piece. It serves as an important factor in creative writings, not only emotions but in skills, values, and attitudes.

3.creative writing can be similar in following and applying the different elements in doing poetry and short story, also the news articles and feature stories. But the differences of this is, in poetry and short story you can create by your experiences and imagine what is the start and the end while in news articles and feature stories, it can create or write, what is happened in ordinary day and people, most of this in politics. They write it from the start but not surely the end.

Anonymous said...

Abon, Jezen Joy B.
3. Creative writing it focuses in short story, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction it has its own form and structure for example in short story has an element namely setting which reveals the story happens. Character it is refers to the performer of the story. Plot it refers to a story line. Theme it refers to a central idea. Point of view which refers to the device use by the writer in presenting his idea and conflict refers to he collision between the character . the poetry has two parts namely narrative poetry and lyric poetry . narrative poetry is classified as Epic, Metrical, Tales, Romance, and Ballad. Where in the lyric poetry is classified as ode, Elegy, Sonnet.
Where in journalistic writing such as news articles. It refers to the true story or events in a certain people in a certain place . it is write by a some person.

It is a sign of guilt this was the reaction of Karen cruz when as to comment on the sudden flight of his sister Audrey cruz to hong kong.
Audrey , who implicated in the murder of her sister nadja cruz left in hongkong abroad Cathay Pacific Flight CX097 at 9p.m Friday Karen ex[press disappointment and outrage after learning that Audrey had left in the country . still stunned by turn of events Karen said unwarranted flight of Audrey is a sign of guilt that she has knowledge and direct participation in the commission of the crime. She asked police to investigate who facilitated audrey’s flight outside of the country and determine their legal accountability.

Anonymous said...

Diozon, Madelene C.
4. There was, a man named Dante Tobero was died at United Kingdom country by using the little injection because they accused him the cased of Drug trafficking, actually he was committed this crime because of financial problem, so he decided to come in that country but suddenly a friend named Joseph offered this illegal drug, and he tried to go there with this illegal drug, and yesterday the United Kingdom supreme read the final decision on him. And his family went there to saw him in last minute; they were all cried all the time. And finally he go to the place where the injection were happen. The news was heard of many people in the Philippines.
Our Vice-President was there in United Kingdom, he felt sad because of what happen, they did everything but the U.K government made their decision final. In this cased, we need to be careful of this Drug trafficking, as we all know Filipino did this thing because of small numbers of opportunities and jobs in our country. So the government makes a solution to this problem. And more security and legal agencies to make sure that this Drug trafficking was not happened again. So that it cannot happen again to our country.

Anonymous said...

Mary Grace Sapungay
Bse- English III
- continuation-

“Second chance”
From the “ Ozamiz radioman’s Ambush”
“It’s 3’oclock! “ Cosme said as he look up on his watch. “I will be late on my program. Well, I should fix my self before the sun rise. Cosme was talking about his radio program that is actually airing every four in the morning. Cosme is actually a commentator in a radio station DZOZ in particular.
Cosme Maestrado , as a radio commentator, its inevitable for him to give comments on the things that happen in the country including of course in their city. In that morning, he has criticized the putting up of a private resort in the heart the Malindang forest reserves and moves in the House of representatives for the conversion of Mt. Malindang, a declared national forest reserve, into alienable and disposable land. He has also hitting at police officials for the issuance of permits to carry firearms to dozens of civilian bodyguards of a politician.
The day is over and Cosme went home. He is so tired and he slept early. in th morning, he is sitting on the bed when his wife talked to him. “I heard everything that you have said yesterday in your program”. She started. “Aren’t you afraid of what ever it brings you?” “I know what you mean.” Cosme answered. “but don’t you worry, ill be fine,and in fact, its our right to tell everything to let the people know whats happening. Its my obligation to tell the truth.” Cosme continued. “well, im just worried. We have haerd many media killings right? And im afraid that it will also happen to you.” She continued. “ well, as ive said earlier, illbe fine honey. Don’t worry, okey?”cosme hugged his wife.
On his way to the station, he thinks of what his wife told him when suddenly he noticed that a motorcycle seems like its following his car then suddenly somebody shoot him. He lowered his backrest and fire back to his attakers by using his caliber .45.
Cosme was saved with the supposed attempt on his life. The crime has been investigated by the city police.
While Cosme is having a rest, he received a call from he headquarters. The police is inviting him on their office because of some matters. “yes im coming” he answered. In the office, Chief Superintendent Jufel Adriatico, Northern Mindanao police director talk to him he told Cosme that he will face charges for carrying his licensed .45 pistol outside his residence despite lacking a permit to do so. He also said that he has instructed the Misamis Occidental police director and the Ozamiz city police shief to submit the results of their investigation after a week. Cosme still thank him and went home.
When he got home, he hug his wife and told everything. His wife criedbut Cosme explained that he will be provided a police escort to make sure that he will be out of harm.

Anonymous said...

name:chariscel tarroza
PNP chief facilities tribesmen's surrender

Early this year, when Manobo tribal leaders sought the assistance of Nicanor Bartolome, who was then the chief of the Philippines National Police (PNP) Directorial staff.
The Manolos wanted Bartolome to help convince a number of their tribesmen who joined the New People's Army (NPA) to surrender.
The tribal chiefs knew they were taking a big chance entrusting the safety of their men to a police official.
Their gamble has paid off.
Even now that he is PNP chief, Director General Nicanor Bartolome still consider the surrender of as many Manobo communist rebels a personal advocacy.
"These tribal leaders approached me when I was still the chief of the Directorial Staff of the PNP, their intention is for their fellow tribesmen to join the mainstream society ." He said.
Bartolome said he directed General ( Chief Supt. Reynaldo) Rafal to make the proper coordination between and among the operating units in Caraga to facilitate the surrender.
Rafal was the director of the Caraga regional police.
Last week, 27 Manobo tribesmen yielded to the local authorities, bringing with them the firearms given to them as NPA regulars.
All of them belong the NPA'S Pulang Bagani Command-5 that operates in Southern Mindanao.
Bartolome said the surrender occurred in three batches-September 1, Sept. 28 and Oct. 11.
He said negotiations for the surrender were a tedious process, and the biggest challenge was how to convince the Manobo tribesmen to trust them and what they could offer for them to go back to the mainstream society.
"I'am happy that the efforts and coordination done by men and women of the CARAGA regional police. Finally paid off,"said Bartolome.
"I thank these former rebels for making the right decision by choosing to leave the bloody struggle and start to live a normal life like everyone else," he added.
In return, Bartolome said they have coordinated with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the office of the Presidential Adviser on the peace process to facilitate the necessary requirements for the tribesmen's integration.
Integration includes helping the ex-rebels and their families start a new life and providing security against retaliatory attack by their former comrades.

Anonymous said...


♥♥♥1)Creative writing it makes an art because we create or build that associate the with emotion like poem and song,and sometimes poem show emotion or feelings when we read.And art is a full of emotion .And creative writing it makes an craft because it is already finish.

♥♥♥2)In creative writing we are more in imagination and good writers,in that skill we can create a short story and poem from that we can explore our self.And in creative writing we need to considered ourselves discipline to create a story,and one of the discipline to need we consider is don't be lazy because if you have a skill to create a story and you and are lazy how can use your skills in creating.And we should be patient.In creative writing avoid the negative values which is mañana habit.

♥♥♥3)Creative writing it is a fiction or non- fiction,it is true or not, that the author can build a story that base on event sometimes it is only an imagination ,and through imagination we create a story while journalistic writing it is a non fiction that should be accurate means, we cannot edit or change the information.the information what the author cover in that event.And journalistic writing we need to inform the people,what happen on that event while creative writing base on observable and we look some information on a book and but the two categories which is the journalistic writing and creative writing it arouse our feeling and emotion of the reader.

Character: Richard Agness,Roen and Ann

Richard,the favorite son of former congressman Rodrigo Flores with Genelyn Marcos in Parañaque has now been laid to rest.Yet the mystery behind his gruesome murder remains.Richard was killed by his own sibling due to money concerns.Agnes and Roen were tagged as mastermind.Roen is the brother of Richard,who paid to killed Richard.He said ,Richard was supposed to killed because he was bad,fighting our parents and hurting my sister.Two weeks before the crime happen,Agnes and Roen have a plan on how Richard killed.And on october 28 on that night,Agnes knock the door,Richard open the door,but Richard did not know why Agnes knock him in past 11:00 pm.After Agnes enter in his room.Their are some assailant shot Richard 8 times,in that time his girlfriend is there,name Ann.Ann was also shot on her shoulder and her face.After happening,Richard died, and his girlfriend was survive.Agnes is the sister of Richard one of the mastermind.After Richard burial.Agnes leave the country via HongKong, but Roen is currently in police custody

Anonymous said...

Heidelyn G. Barot
1.)Creative writing is an art because it can be used in expressing the beauty of writing, the feelings and emotions and because it is also subjective meaning, it's beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder or the one who's looking on it while, it is also a craft because it requires both talent and acquired skills and it is objective.
2.)In creative writing, one should have the skills to write effectively and sensibly and has the good values and attitudes toward his writing so that, the reader will be encouraged to read and be interested in your writing.
3.)Creative writing requires creativity and passion of the writer while in journalistic writing, it requires a wide scope of the knowledge which serves as the main basis of the writer. Their similarities are: they are both writing process, they are essential for expressing one's point of view and both requires the ability to catch up the interest of the reader. However, they differ in styles and intentions, the main intention of the creative writing is to stir the emotions not like in journalistic writing is to inform.
4.)"Suicide Lover,At Your Side Forever"
Sunday,on the 8th day of August 2010, in Pangasinan,policemen found the partner of Zel De Barga at his boarding house who was already dead. Her partner, Nicko Matias,committed suicide in his birthday on Friday at 08:04p.m. The investigators have read the text messages of him and found out that the crime was a suicidal because of the messages "babe, I'm gonna wait for you please come back", "I'm sorry,please don't waste your time,we can still be friends". Until today,Zel has felt guilt for what has happened to her partner. Everyday, she remembers and dreams about the happening before.

Anonymous said...

Magtibay, Catherine Mae G.
BSE-English III

1. a short story tells a story through use of character, theme, dialogue, motif, setting, tone, and narration. it is typically wordier than a poem, although the two have brevity in common. both a short story and a poem attempt to cut out anything that is not needed to convey the author's purpose. however a poem is even more brief than short story. it has a speaker, a voice who tells its story in a few words as possible , usually focusing on imaginary, emotions, and other poetic techniques such as onomatopoeia, figurative language, tone, mood, and stanzas rather than paragraphs.

2. in creative writing, we should have a good attitude and values by writing and have a skills to write a good short stories or poems that will make the readers interested and will encourage them to read your writings.

3. in creative writing, we can write fiction or non-fiction, true story or not and we can write imaginary stories. but while journalistic writing should be clear, concise, and colorful and journalistic writing, we cannot change or edit the information. it should has the right to write the true information so that everyone know's what's going on around him or her. For example is what happened to that or this event. while creative writing it's just arouse the feelings or emotions of the readers.

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