Assignment No. 2 in Civic Welfare Training Services 2 (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)


1. Describe what environmental education is all about.

2. Explain how people-centered development management can empower people in the community.

3. Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in EACH of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest). 

                a. education
                b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)
                c. economy (livelihood of the people)
                d. peace and order
                e. health


Mary Lare Alexine M. Rivera said...

Mary Lare Alexine M. Rivera
BSA - 1

1. Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, 1978).
2. “People centered” principles have influenced the course of western culture over the last thirty
years, often changing the bearings of education, business, public policy and international relief and
development programs. These principles, larger humanist movements in the natural and social
sciences and the emergence of post-modernism and chaos theory required organizations who were
serious about adopting a “people first” orientation to change more than their tactics.
3. The evaluation of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano is good for education and health but the others is not really bad because it can be insight.
a. education - 80%
b. environment - 70%
c. economy - 70%
d. peace and order - 90%
e. health - 80%

Anonymous said...

Bonjeneasis C. Habon

1.EnvironmentalEducation is about the interactions which occur in the natural, the built and social environment. It should lead to the understanding of how human interactions and political processes, together with the nature of socio-economic issues and the effect of these on environmental degradation or enhancement.

Anonymous said...

Ronnel A. Mindanao

1. Environmental education (EE) refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. Related disciplines include outdoor education and experiental education.

2. People-centred advocacy has been defined as “a set of organised actions aimed at influencing public policies, societal attitudes, and socio-political processes that enable and empower the marginalised to speak for themselves” (Samuel, 2002). In contrast to traditional approaches to advocacy that seek to effect policy change on behalf of marginalized groups, people-centred advocacy aims to effect social transformation fostering civic-engaged citizens who can negotiate for their rights in the process of fulfilling their basic needs. This approach is also referred to as citizen-centred advocacy, participatory advocacy, transformative advocacy and social justice advocacy.
An enabling process: By focusing on empowering and mobilizing local people and particularly the marginalized groups to help them speak up for their rights, the approach can yield wider benefits in terms of social equity and political participation of these groups.

3. A. 85%
B. 80%
C. 75%
D. 80%
E. 80%

Anonymous said...


1. Environmental education is a process by which people develop awareness, concern and knowledge of the environment… and learn to use this understanding to preserve, conserve and utilize the environment in a sustainable manner for the benefit of present and future generations. And an environmental education curriculum is the sum total of all experiences that learners undertake to help them become environmentally literate. It may also be referred to as a program of activities related to environmental protection and improvement. an approach to international development that focuses on improving local communities’ self-reliance, social justice, and participatory decision-making. It recognizes that economic growth does not inherently contribute to human development and calls for changes in social, political, and environmental values and practices. People-centered development calls for the establishment of self-supporting social and economic systems, key elements of a sustainable society.

a. education- 90%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)-85%
c. economy (livelihood of the people)-85%
d. peace and order- 83%
e. health- 90%

Anonymous said...

Meriam Ogatis

· Learning in the process areas of the curriculum and/or of the learning situations must be given a real purpose;
· Educators must develop a set of understanding about the topics that are relevant and challenging;
· Learners must, to some extent, participate in setting the direction of the learning activities;
· Educators must help develop activities that will inform them about what children already know about a given topic;
· Learners must be engaged in direct shared experiences to gather new information;
· Activities must be interactive and learners must be involved in a range of groupings; and
· Learners must be given opportunities to act out what they have learned at a distance as one would in a library.

For scientific knowledge to be understandable by everyone who needs it, translation will be necessary into presentations that are more easily understood. There is no inherent reason why science should be the domain only of a few highly-trained intellectuals with university diplomas. The essentials of scientific principle and process can often be learned and applied without the specialized scientific vocabularies that experts have built up. Much can be done without complex chemical , the Latin names of species and the often arcane terminologies that serve as invisible barriers to "non-specialists".

Information can be communicated through pictures, maps, graphics, films and animation even to illiterates. For instance, rural villagers know their own environment, and can easily learn to understand and interpret a satellite image of their local area since the ground truth is in their head.


Anonymous said...

Daodoy,Regine T.


1. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), environmental education(EE) is:"The process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skills and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelatedness among men, his culture and his biophysical surroundings. EE also entails practice in decision-making and self-formulation of a code of behaviour about issues concerning environmental quality. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN; 1971).
For me, Environmental education is therefore not only the concern of natural scientists, but draws from the tools and resources of a wide range of disciplines in order to demonstrate the root of current problems and suggest ways in which learners could either prevent or remedy these.

2. A People-Centered Development seeks to return control over resources to …people and their communities to be used in meeting their own needs. This creates incentives for the responsible stewardship of resources that is essential to sustainability. In Communities, Simply organizing people is not sufficient. The goal is the recreation of society from the bottom up on a foundation of productive, sustainable communities. There is need for large scale experimentation to demonstrate the creation of communities that exemplify sustainability, justice and inclusiveness. These must also demonstrate the potentials of small-scale community action on a replicable scale.

3. A. Education - 90%
B. Environment - 70%
C. Economy - 75%
D. Peace in Order - 80%
E. Health - 85%

Anonymous said...


1. Environmental education is a process by which people develop awareness, concern and knowledge of the environment and learn to use this understanding to preserve, conserve and utilize the environment in a sustainable manner for the benefit of present and future generations.

2. The process with enables individuals/groups to fully access personal/collective power, authority and influence, and to employ that strength when engaging with other people, institutions or society.In other words, Empowerment is not giving people power, people already have plenty of power, in the wealth of their knowledge and motivation, to do their jobs magnificiency. We define empowerment as letting this power out. It encourage people to gain the skills and knowledge that will allow them to overcome obstacles in life or work environment and ultimately, help them develop within themselves or in the society. It is also have a negative impact or individuals, corporations and productivity depending on an individuals views and goals.

3. Education-90%
Peace and order-85%

Anonymous said...

Tamagos,Sarah A.

1. Describe what environmental education is all about.
*Environmental education is a process by which people develop awareness, concern and knowledge of the environment…

2. Explain how people-centered development management can empower people in the community.
* the People-centered development management can empower people in the community by telling them the benefits or the good effect of your activity to their community or to your own community.

3. Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in EACH of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest).

a. education=*85%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)=90%
c. economy (livelihood of the people)=70&
d. peace and order=75%
e. health=80%

Tamagos,Sarah A.

Anonymous said...

1.) Environmental education - refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystem in order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. Related disciplines include outdoor education and experiential education.
Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, 1978).

2.) People-cantered development management can empower people in the community- described as a set of organized actions aimed at influencing public policies, societal attitudes, and socio-political processes that enable and empower the marginalized to speak for themselves”, it is also a way of thinking about the objectives, scope and priorities for development in order to enhance progress in poverty elimination”.
3. Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in EACH of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest).

a. education=90%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)=90%
c. economy (livelihood of the people)=70&
d. peace and order=75%
e. health=80%

Anonymous said...


1.Environmental education generally refers to curriculum and programs which aim to teach people about the natural world and particularly about ways in which ecosystems work.Environmental education programs often aim to change people's perceptions about the value of the natural world and to teach how to change environmental behaviors, such as getting people to recycle or how to build eco-friendly dwellings.
2.One empowerment strategy is to assist marginalized people to create their own nonprofit organization, using the rationale that only the marginalized people, themselves, can know what their own people need most, and that control of the organization by outsiders can actually help to further entrench marginalization.
*peace and order-75%

Anonymous said...

1.Environmental education- refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. Related disciplines include outdoor education and experiental education.
2.Managing socio-economic development according to highly detailed pre-implementation plans rigidly applied has not had a high degree of success in generating sustained progress in the world's poorer nations. At the other end of the spectrum is the process approach that avoids specifying targets in advance, and concentrates upon building problem-solving capacity among the people involved. Many international donor and developing country agencies favour the blueprint model, despite its performance weaknesses, for its control and specificity.

richell i. dela cruz

Anonymous said...

Richelle Cammagay F.

1For me,envirronmental education is all about the act and to learn the external factors and Forces, surroundings and effecting an organism person or population.
2.Once we aim for a development,it is merited by the people,or in other words people are one off the ways for us to have a well-developed community by the help of the nations people,their cooperation,intelligence,industriousness and their unity.There's a big possibility for them to produce a highly develop community.

ENVIRONMENT(Includes cleanliness of the city)-85
ECONOMY(Livelihood of the people)-80


Anonymous said...

Rosechell Mata

1.Environmental Education-It's how we help people - of all ages - learn about environmental issues, either as part of their general curriculum based learning, or through specific activities.

We aim to help people better understand their environment and develop the knowledge, values, attitudes, skills and behaviors to improve it for themselves and future generations.

2.PEOPLE CENTERED In term ‘people-centered health care’ is not to be confused with patient-centered health care. People-centered health care is an umbrella term which better encapsulates the foremost consideration of the patient across all levels of health systems. Therefore, this term would cover patient-centered health care.

peace and order-78%

Anonymous said...

Ann Mel Rose D.ESpartero

1. education environment is all about our environment and also our ecosystem, from the word itself environment.
*to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably.

2.people-centered development management can empower people in the community.let' first know the meaning of environmental management.Environmental Management offers research and opinions on use and conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats and control of hazards, spanning the field of applied ecology without regard to traditional disciplinary boundaries.i think they must know the meaning of this.

3. a. education 90%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city) 85%
c. economy (livelihood of the people) 70%
d. peace and order 75%
e. health

Anonymous said...


*Awareness and sensitivity about the environment and environmental challenges
*Knowledge and understanding about the environment and environmental challenges
*Attitude concern for the environment and help to maintain environmental quality
*Skills to mitigate the environmental problems
*Participation for exercising existing knowledge and environmental related programs.

2.A people-centered development seeks to return control over resources to …people and their communities to be used in meeting their own needs. This creates incentives for the responsible stewardship of resources that is essential to sustainability.
Those who would assist the people with their development must recognize that it is they who are participating in support of the people’s agenda, not the reverse. The value of the outsider’s contribution will be measured in terms of the enhanced capacity of the people to determine their own future.

3.a. education-95%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)-80%
c. economy (livelihood of the people)87%
d. peace and order-90%
e. health-92%

Anonymous said...

1.The basic aim of environmental education is to provide different groups of people as well as graduates in a variety of professional fields with the knowledge needed to develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and the rational utilization of its riches. This education should inculcate competencies needed for the solution of environmental problems and foster the highest cultural level of human’s productive activity.

2.People-centered development rejects the idea-obviously absurd, but still generally taken for granted- that people's livelihoods appropriately depend on the ability of their national economy to compete with other national economies on the far side of the world in the production and sale of goods and services which are not strictly essential for a decent life. People-centered development views a properly functioning world economy as a multilevel, decentralising system, so organised that the function of each level enables the levels "below" to develop in a people-enabling and environment-conserving direction. This system includes the household and the local community levels- which are ignored in modern economic understanding.

3.a. education-93%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)-88%
c. economy (livelihood of the people)-90%
d. peace and order-84%
e. health-87%

Anonymous said...


1.Describe what environmental education is all about.

** Environmental education is a process that leads to responsible individual and group actions.Environmental education should enhance critical thinking,problem solving,and effective decision-making skills.

2.Explain how people-centered development management can empower people in the community.

**the People-centered development management can empower people in the community by telling them and convincing them to solve the problems of our community.People-centered is Focusing on what matters to people.

3.Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in each of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest).

A. Education - 87%
B. Environment - 84%
C. Economy - 80%
D. Peace in Order - 80%
E. Health - 85%

Anonymous said...


1. Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, 1978).
2. “People centered” principles have influenced the course of western culture over the last thirty
years, often changing the bearings of education, business, public policy and international relief and
development programs.

Anonymous said...


1.Environmental education is to study about what are we going to do to make our environment clean & have a discpline in any of us to maintain what we have now , so the next generation sees what we have right now like "The Wonders of the Earth"

2.Peoples-Centered development management is using their techniques by mingling with other people ,communicate on them in-order to empower people in community with doing all their best to make the community a better place .

Peace & Order-85%

Anonymous said...

mary ann s. lendio
answer:for me environmental education is learning about what is the importance,and how to manage our environment properly and according to what is right.

and as my research show that Environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. Related disciplines include outdoor education and experiental education.
Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action.
2:people centered dev manage and can empower people in it is a good work on how we hear what people need or want what people want to enhance so that we have freedom in our on or poor should have voice in this world we are all people living with different way.people centered can contribute a lot in empowerment people they already know what to do and what to enhance our daily living.
3:a. education
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)
c. economy (livelihood of the people)
d. peace and order
e. health


Anonymous said...

lorielyn salaysay
bsba 1
1.environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably.Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action.

3. in terms of education , Mayor Lani Cayetano is more focused on this. she gave scholarship to all students here in taguig.

a. education- 85%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city)-80%
c. economy (livelihood of the people)-75%
d. peace and order-75%
e. health-75%

Anonymous said...

Johne Rick S. Bermudo

1.Environmentl Eduction refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. Related disciplines include outdoor education and experiental education.
Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action

2. increasing the spiritual, political, social, racial, educational, gender or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities.

3.a.Education - 80%
b.Environment - 80%
c.Economy - 85%
d.Peace and order- 75%

Anonymous said...

Angelie Gaygaya BEED-II
1. Describe what environmental education is all about.
Ans.Environment education is the systematic of learning for our environment how to care our surroundings.
2.Explain how people-centered development management can empower people in the community.
Ans.People centered development is to guide for applicants other affected by planning applicants.
3.Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in EACH of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest).
d.)Peace and Order-75%

Anonymous said...

analyn gabinete bse/511049 1st year

1.) for my opinion in my environmental education is refer to curriculum and programs of The goal of environmental education is to create a world population that is aware of an environment, and concerned about the program which aim to teach people , the environment and human impacts on the environment. An environmentally educated population will have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations, and commitment to work individually and collectively toward solving current problems and preventing new ones. The objective of environmental education is to generate knowledge to enable the sustainable management of global natural and physical resources.

2.)for my opinion is the one empower centered development is to describes as a set of organization action in our environmental responsibility as a student that control of the organization by outsiders can actually help to further entrench marginalization .

3.)evaluate the performances of taguig city mayor lani Cyetano in terms of the following areas then rate the mayor's performance in each of these area (60% is the lowest ;100 is the highest )

d.)peace and order-75%

Anonymous said...

1.Environmental education is a learning process that increases the knowledge of the people and awareness about the environment, and develop the skills of human beings on how they manage their behavior.
2.People centered development is an approach to international development that focuses on improving local communities, they can empower the ability of the people to enhance the skills and talent they have of the for the purpose in which they will benefit on it.
3.a Education (90%)
b. Environment(90%)
c. Economy (85%)
d. Peace and humor (85%)
e. health (90%)

Anonymous said...

Jenelyn s. Barja

1.Environmental Education-is to teach and give the people knowledge,it also develop the
skills and how they interact between natural and social environment.
2.People centered development management can empower people in the community if the government providing and improving the quality of human life.The government assist and give more attention in the community for their benefited.

Anonymous said...


1.Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action.

2.People-Centered Development is an approach to international development that focuses on the real needs of local communities for the necessities of life (clean water, health care, income generation) that are often disrupted by conventional development assistance. Conventional development includes military aid, large dams, free trade zones and export economies that bring lots of money to the contractors and aid organizations, but often result in massive deforestation, resettlement of communities, introduction of pollutants and diseases.

A. education - 95%
B. environment - 80%
C. economy -90%
D. peace and order -85%
E. health - 80%

Anonymous said...

1)Environmental education is a resource that transcends the classroom—both in character and scope. Regardless of where, how or to whom it’s provided, the end goal is the same: environmental literacy. More than ever, children and adults need to know how ecological systems work and why they matter. Some people have become so disconnected from the natural resources that sustain them, they don’t know where their food comes from or where they get their drinking water. People require knowledge, tools and sensitivity to successfully address and solve environmental problems in their daily lives.
2)People centered development management is focus in the improvement of the people if how they can be more productive and efficient.They can empower people in a way of trained the people and to assist someone to plan their life and supports. It is used most often as a life planning model to enable individuals with disabilities or otherwise requiring support to increase their personal self-determination and improve their own independence.
D)Peace and order=80%

Anonymous said...


1.Environmental education generally refers to curriculum and programs which aim to teach people about the natural world and particularly about ways in which ecosystems work.Environmental education programs often aim to change people's perceptions about the value of the natural world and to teach how to change environmental behaviors, such as getting people to recycle or how to build eco-friendly dwellings.

2. People-centred advocacy has been defined as “a set of organised actions aimed at influencing public policies, societal attitudes, and socio-political processes that enable and empower the marginalised to speak for themselves” (Samuel, 2002). In contrast to traditional approaches to advocacy that seek to effect policy change on behalf of marginalized groups, people-centred advocacy aims to effect social transformation fostering civic-engaged citizens who can negotiate for their rights in the process of fulfilling their basic needs. This approach is also referred to as citizen-centred advocacy, participatory advocacy, transformative advocacy and social justice advocacy.
An enabling process: By focusing on empowering and mobilizing local people and particularly the marginalized groups to help them speak up for their rights, the approach can yield wider benefits in terms of social equity and political participation of these groups.

Anonymous said...


1.Environmental education is a process by which people develop awareness, concern and knowledge of the environment… and learn to use this understanding to preserve, conserve and utilize the environment in a sustainable manner for the benefit of present and future generations.
2.PEOPLE-CENTERED-seeks to return control over resources to …people and their communities to be used in meeting their own needs. This creates incentives for the responsible stewardship of resources that is essential to sustainability.

Three principles are basic to a people-centered development:
bullet Sovereignty resides with … people, the real social actors of positive change. Freedom and democracy are universal human aspirations … The legitimate role of government is to enable … people to set and pursue their own agenda.
bullet To exercise their sovereignty and assume responsibility for the development of themselves and their communities, the people must control their own resources, have access to relevant information, and have the means to hold the officials of government accountable …Government must protect these rights. People from all countries must work together in solidarity to insure that governments accept and act on this responsibility.
bullet Those who would assist the people with their development must recognize that it is they who are participating in support of the people’s agenda, not the reverse. The value of the outsider’s contribution will be measured in terms of the enhanced capacity of the people to determine their own future.

3.MY EvaluatION in the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas.

a. education > 85%
b. environment > 80%
c. economy > 85%
d. peace and order > 77%
e. health > 86.8%

Anonymous said...

student no.5110014

1.Environmental education (EE) refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably.

2.One empowerment strategy is to assist marginalized people to create their own nonprofit organization, using the rationale that only the marginalized people, themselves, can know what their own people need most, and that control of the organization by outsiders can actually help to further entrench marginalization.

a. education-90%
d.peace and order-99%

Anonymous said...

Madel Consulta
1.Environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. Related disciplines include outdoor education and experiental education.
Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action.

2.People centered development- it is having a project which is the government or the people always focusing of the needs of the other people somethimes, they are giving relif goods, financil assistance and others.

3 the performance of Mayor Laarni Cayetano:
peace and order-75%

ivy roy paring said...

Ivy Roy Paring

1. Describe what environmental education is all about.
Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action

2. Explain how people-centered development management can empower people in the community.
People-centered development management can empower people in the community because all people have permission to say in people-centered development management when it comes for changes in social, political, and environmental values in community.

3. Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in EACH of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest).

a. education 90%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city) 80%
c. economy (livelihood of the people) 75%
d. peace and order 85%
e. health 85%

Anonymous said...

Haidelyn Torres

1. Describe what environmental education is all about.
Environmental education is all about attitude concern for the environment and helps to maintain environmental quality, and knowledge and understanding about the environment and environmental challenges

2. Explain how people-centered development management can empower people in the community.
People-centered development is an approach to international development that focuses on improving local communities’ self-reliance, social justice, and participatory decision-making. It recognizes that economic growth does not inherently contribute to human development and calls for changes in social, political, and environmental values and practices thats why people in the community have empower to say in government what they wanted to do in the community.

3. Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in EACH of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest).

a. education 92%
b. environment (includes cleanliness of the city) 80%
c. economy (livelihood of the people) 80%
d. peace and order 80%
e. health 87%

Anonymous said...

Name: Gliza N. Calooy
Course: ACT-1
Student no: 5110110
Schedule and Room: Thursday,1:00-3:00,104

1.Environmental education is a process by which people develop awareness, concern and knowledge of the environment… and learn to use this understanding to preserve, conserve and utilize the environment in a sustainable manner for the benefit of present and future generations.

2.the one empower centered development is to describes as a set of organization action in our environmental responsibility as a student that control of the organization by outsiders can actually help to further entrench marginalization .

3.My evaluations in the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas.

a. education 85%
b. environment 80%
c. economy 85%
d. peace and order 80%
e. health 85%

Anonymous said...

Sandra T. Oyao

1. Enviromental Education ia a learning process that increases people's
knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenge,
develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges
and foster attitudes,motivation,and commitments to make informed
decisions and take responsible action.

2.People-Centered Development (PCD) is an approach to international development that focuses on the real needs of local communities for the necessities of life (clean water, health care, income generation) that are often disrupted by conventional development assistance.


a. Education - 85%

b. Environment -90%

c. Economy - 80%

d. Peace - 85%

e. Health - 80%

Anonymous said...

Mae F. Roa

1. Describe what environmental education is all about.
-Enviromental Education is a study about our environment how natural environment function, particularly how people can manage behaviour and Ecosystem in order to live sustainably, so that we will be able to know how we will care our environment.

2. Explain how people-centered development management can empower people in the community.
-People-centered development management empowering people in the community by giving them knowledge of what is the needs and the neccesities of the community and provide things that can help to the development of the community.

3. Evaluate the performance of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano in terms of the following areas. Then rate the Mayor’s performance in EACH of these areas (60% is the lowest; 100% is the highest).

a. 90% education
b. 80% environment (includes cleanliness of the city)
c. 80% economy (livelihood of the people)
d. 90% peace and order
e. 80%health

Anonymous said...

Arman Lacanlale

1. It refers to programs that aim is to teach people about the natural environment and about ways in which ecosystems work.

2. People-centered development do someone survey to be able to know the needs and necessity of the community and help them by giving them knowledge and give them things that can help for the development of the community.

3. 90%

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