Assignment No. 3 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)


1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?  

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary. Choose one topic below.
                a. Motorcade
                b. Sportsfest
                c. Search for Shining Teen Star
                d. Dong A Creative Writing Contest
                e. Search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure
                f. TFVC Special Night
                g. Overall Anniversary
                h. Other related activities

Deadline of Assignment: February 18, 2012 (Saturday) until 11:59 PM


Allina D. Labra said...

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).
- The difference between a poem and a short story is their format, the poem consist of lines and stanza while the short story can be written by a paragraphs and one thing that makes them similar is that they both express the idea and emotion of the author.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
- As a student in Campus Journalism, my role is to be fair. It is my responsibility to share the truth when writing a news or article. I wouldn’t be afraid to expose violations of other people but I will keep in mind that we have equal rights.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?
- I will write a news about it without naming anyone. The people in the campus has the right to know about the violation but the person who commit this has also a right to keep his/her identity not because I’m protecting them but because I respect his privacy, though I’m not saying that I can tolerate his/her habits, I will tell it to the right person and they exactly know what to do.

Allina D. Labra said...

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.
- This year, we celebrate the 25th foundation of The Fisher Valley College but same as last year we have competitions. The College Department divided into 2 groups: Department of Computer Studies and Department of Business Administration and Accountancy are the Green Iguanas and the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management with the Department of Education are the Purple Chameleons. In every completion there’s a winner but do we know that Honor is more important than winning?

Purple Chameleon VS. Green Iguana
One competition that I knew in this event is the cheer dance. The former champion was the Purple Chameleon it was because of their unusual fighting spirit and unforgettable yell. So others are expecting higher energy to both competitors. Outstanding stunt, powerful yell and uniformity of the choreography those are the qualities of a best cheer dance group. At the end of the foundation week they announce that the champion for the cheer dance competition is the Green Iguana. It is not a surprise for most of us, they did a good performance and they prove that they deserve it but it’s not yet a happy ending for them because of those some people who complain saying,” how can they win without a yell” and “A cheer dance must always have a yell!” But to make things clear, to those who are complaining: We cannot undo things and we are neither the judges nor the committee to that competition, so we must respect their decisions. To the Purple Chameleon cheer dancers don’t worry because you have another year to prove that you also deserve to win. But the over-all Champion for the 25th Foundation of The Fisher Valley College is the Purple Chameleon.

Allina D. Labra said...

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).
- The difference between a poem and a short story is their format, the poem consist of lines and stanza while the short story can be written by a paragraphs and one thing that makes them similar is that they both express the idea and emotion of the author.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
- As a student in Campus Journalism, my role is to be fair. It is my responsibility to share the truth when writing a news or article. I wouldn’t be afraid to expose violations of other people but I will keep in mind that we have equal rights.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?
- I will write a news about it without naming anyone. The people in the campus has the right to know about the violation but the person who commit this has also a right to keep his/her identity not because I’m protecting them but because I respect his privacy, though I’m not saying that I can tolerate his/her habits, I will tell it to the right person and they exactly know what to do.

Allina D. Labra said...

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.
- This year, we celebrate the 25th foundation of The Fisher Valley College but same as last year we have competitions. The College Department divided into 2 groups: Department of Computer Studies and Department of Business Administration and Accountancy are the Green Iguanas and the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management with the Department of Education are the Purple Chameleons. In every completion there’s a winner but do we know that Honor is more important than winning?

Purple Chameleon VS. Green Iguana
One competition that I knew in this event is the cheer dance. The former champion was the Purple Chameleon it was because of their unusual fighting spirit and unforgettable yell. So others are expecting higher energy to both competitors. Outstanding stunt, powerful yell and uniformity of the choreography those are the qualities of a best cheer dance group. At the end of the foundation week they announce that the champion for the cheer dance competition is the Green Iguana. It is not a surprise for most of us, they did a good performance and they prove that they deserve it but it’s not yet a happy ending for them because of those some people who complain saying,” how can they win without a yell” and “A cheer dance must always have a yell!” But to make things clear, to those who are complaining: We cannot undo things and we are neither the judges nor the committee to that competition, so we must respect their decisions. To the Purple Chameleon cheer dancers don’t worry because you have another year to prove that you also deserve to win. But the over-all Champion for the 25th Foundation of The Fisher Valley College is the Purple Chameleon.

Anonymous said...

Cruz, Kristine M.
Assignment no.3
1. Both tell a story with a beginning, middle and end. The short story adds more details such as scenery and motivation. It also have characters and dialogue while poetry is an element of literature that conforms to a specific format.
They are both short
They sometimes both tell a story
They were both written by someone
They both can be published.........
2. As a student, we can help our society through simple things. For me, my role in the Philippine society is to be a responsible and a good citizen and student. Why? Because we can do things if we are on the right track. And being responsible is mostly important. Nowadays, our country needs citizens who are trustworthy, and can responsibly do their role without doing violations on our law. In the future, us students we are the one who can make our society function well. Our dreams and achievements will help our society to improve.

3. As a assumed member of the campus paper, I should know first the information and details about the issue, and of course the reason why my co-student or best friend habitually violates a certain rule. I’m going to talk to his/her and listen to his/her explanation before I commit some action or before I write a news or story about it. If his/her reason is not valid, I guess it’s time for me to take action, write news about it, but I will never mention his/her name to also protect his/her reputation. Maybe I only do that because I want to teach his/her a lesson for doing wrong actions.

The performances of the Students in their Humanities Subject
An evening full of energy and captivating performances from the different classes of humanities subject. The entire department participated in the said event. Their performances were such an exciting and full of effort. Each of the students showed their talents in singing, dancing, acting etc. and of course some professor performed too. The audience also enjoyed the entire night watching the event. The whole school was crowded. Parents, friends, colleagues supported the students, Taking pictures and videos. The judges have a hard time to decide who will be the winner. At last, they have decided the department of Business Administration was the champion and the department of Education got the 1st place.

Anonymous said...

Nil- Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon Racquel
1. Give one striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both. (meaning, similarity, between the two)
-In my own observation, the striking difference between the poem and the short story is the method of how they are written or the use of language. A poem expresses greater things but written least of words by using beauty of language or metaphorical words to easily convey on its theme. In other hand, a short story is written more briefly than a poem. It is wordier because it uses dialogues and narration to convey its theme. Their similarity is that the author of a poem and a short story has the aim to make their literary piece an interesting one and to access the feeling of satisfaction to the readers.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
-As a student of campus journalism subject, my role in the society is to be a responsible citizen. I have to apply what I have learned in this subject. For instance, I have the opportunity to write about a particular issue in our society, I’ll keep in mind that in writing I have to be aware on what is really going on in our community, I have to know each and every side of the story to make all things fair, to conclude and to write my point of view, to criticize in a good way, to be concise to what I say and to write all the facts.

Anonymous said...

Nil-Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon Racquel
3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?
-In that case, I would inform it first to the other members of the campus paper because they also have the right to know all about it. Then I will seriously talk to that person and ask about this matter. I would ask him/her what is the reason behind it. I would give an advice not to do this violation again, once is enough.. I’ll try to understand the situation and explain to that person that he/she must be a responsible individual in all aspects. Whether the reason is valid or not, to write an article about this person is a big NO. I think it would not help the person as well as our committee. I will also consider the feelings of that person. We are all human being, we all do mistakes, and we all do have second chance to change for the better. If I would write something related to this, I’ll just write an article about “Honesty and Responsibility”.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.
- Last January 24, 2012, The Fisher Valley College celebrates its 25th Foundation Anniversary. 25 years of giving quality education, molding productive citizens in our society, and giving knowledge, skills and hopes to each and every student.
- Celebrating Foundation Anniversary in our school is really a blast! All students, professors as well as the facilitators got busy preparing for all the activities. First day is such a day of fun and excitement. We have the motorcade. The students together with the mentors have a round trip parade from main campus to c-5 annex. College students give their strength and power in our sportsfest. Colleges are grouped into two. The Purple Chameleon consists of the Education Department and Hospitality Management Department. And the Green Iguanas consists of Business Administration and Accountancy Department together with the Computer Department. The competition between the two groups is full of blasts and excitement. It seems like, Purple Chameleon and Green Iguana gave their all to fight for the win. It is very fun seeing the students cooperating, helping and giving their very best to have the honor to the group where are they belong. Purple Chameleon dignified the meaning of their color which means royalty, passion, sympathy and extreme because they are the one who spotted the honor of Excellency. The champion, Purple Chameleon!

Anonymous said...

Nil- Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon Racquel
1. Give one striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both. (meaning, similarity, between the two)
-In my own observation, the striking difference between the poem and the short story is the method of how they are written or the use of language. A poem expresses greater things but written least of words by using beauty of language or metaphorical words to easily convey on its theme. In other hand, a short story is written more briefly than a poem. It is wordier because it uses dialogues and narration to convey its theme. Their similarity is that the author of a poem and a short story has the aim to make their literary piece an interesting one and to access the feeling of satisfaction to the readers.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
-As a student of campus journalism subject, my role in the society is to be a responsible citizen. I have to apply what I have learned in this subject. For instance, I have the opportunity to write about a particular issue in our society, I’ll keep in mind that in writing I have to be aware on what is really going on in our community, I have to know each and every side of the story to make all things fair, to conclude and to write my point of view, to criticize in a good way, to be concise to what I say and to write all the facts.

Anonymous said...

Nil-Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon Racquel
3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?
-In that case, I would inform it first to the other members of the campus paper because they also have the right to know all about it. Then I will seriously talk to that person and ask about this matter. I would ask him/her what is the reason behind it. I would give an advice not to do this violation again, once is enough.. I’ll try to understand the situation and explain to that person that he/she must be a responsible individual in all aspects. Whether the reason is valid or not, to write an article about this person is a big NO. I think it would not help the person as well as our committee. I will also consider the feelings of that person. We are all human being, we all do mistakes, and we all do have second chance to change for the better. If I would write something related to this, I’ll just write an article about “Honesty and Responsibility”.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.
- Last January 24, 2012, The Fisher Valley College celebrates its 25th Foundation Anniversary. 25 years of giving quality education, molding productive citizens in our society, and giving knowledge, skills and hopes to each and every student.
- Celebrating Foundation Anniversary in our school is really a blast! All students, professors as well as the facilitators got busy preparing for all the activities. First day is such a day of fun and excitement. We have the motorcade. The students together with the mentors have a round trip parade from main campus to c-5 annex. College students give their strength and power in our sportsfest. Colleges are grouped into two. The Purple Chameleon consists of the Education Department and Hospitality Management Department. And the Green Iguanas consists of Business Administration and Accountancy Department together with the Computer Department. The competition between the two groups is full of blasts and excitement. It seems like, Purple Chameleon and Green Iguana gave their all to fight for the win. It is very fun seeing the students cooperating, helping and giving their very best to have the honor to the group where are they belong. Purple Chameleon dignified the meaning of their color which means royalty, passion, sympathy and extreme because they are the one who spotted the honor of Excellency. The champion, Purple Chameleon!

regine mantala said...

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

> it is a composition in verse,it is written in separate lines that has rhythm and sometimes rhyme. while a short story is a short written story usually dealing with few characters or a short work of fiction.the similarity of this two is they express the feelings and emotion of the writer.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
> as a student of campus journalism subject,my role is to write the truth and nothing but the truth about my country and as a student of this subject, I can promote my county through my writings.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

> assuming that i am a member of the campus paper,i think i will speak with that person first and talk to him and ask him the truth before i write something about that matter.i'll find the truth before i divulge the in formation in the public.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary

This year the fisher valley college celebrates the 25th foundation anniversary,just like last year, the search for the mr. and ms. campus figure was held again.All the courses has their representatives for the talent search. but before the search,, all the contestants are busy practicing for their talents and for their modeling.
But after the practices and the show was about to held,all the staff are busy preparing for the special night.and when the show starts every contestants has their own marks and strategy to impress all the judges. They all shine with their beautiful sports wear and they all look stunning and elegant in their evening wear.
the most fun part of the show is the question and answer portion,because some contestants are mentally blocked because of the yelling and cheering of the people in the crowd.and after all the showing of their talents the coronation night has come. and the HRM student got the new title of the MR. and MS. campus figure 2012.

Anonymous said...

Faith Sarah A. Laguardia
BSE-English III

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

Poems tells a story. Like a short story, it has a beginning, a middle and an end. The beginning generally gives the story setting. The middle brings in the conflict, and the end resolves the conflict. However, a short story will usually offer more information such as what the character looks like, the setting and sensory details.
In both the short story and narrative poem, the character must face challenges and overcome those challenges. The conflict in both leads to a climax and resolution where the character either learns a lesson, or simply overcomes the obstacles presented in the story. This is what makes the narrative poem different from a lyric poem and a short story different from an essay.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
As a student of Campus Journalism subject my role in the Philippine society is to let everyone know what is in the inside of me and to share my ideas, my stories and my experiences to everyone. I want to express my feelings towards other and to encourage them and let them enhance their skills, talents in writing and to share their creative imagination to others and especially to express their selves.
3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

The first thing that i will do is to confront the person who is involve in the issue, if the news about him is true or not. I will find first evidence and proof about the suspect in money issue and if I find the truth I will not tell it by writing a letter. I will tell it verbally to the person who is the victim. Because for me in my own way it is better to tell them it verbally because it is good to know the truth not by writing but in verbal speaking.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary. Choose one topic below.
a. Motorcade
b. Sportsfest
c. Search for Shining Teen Star
d. Dong A Creative Writing Contest
e. Search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure
f. TFVC Special Night
g. Overall Anniversary
h. Other related activities

Write a news about the recently held a Campus Figure 2012 last January 22,2012 at The Fisher Valley College. It is a pageant competition to let the student show their skills not only to show their beauty but also to show their talent and brain. It is a combination of beauty of inside and out. Do you know that in Campus Figure the only thing to help for you to win is money. Because the percentage of the money you need to remit is 50% that 50% is worth 7,000.00 pesos. And the other 50% to make it 100% is 10% for evening gown,10% for question and answer. 10% for talent, 5% for casual wear and 5% for sports attire. In this kind of percentages you may see that the big percentage is money than others. So how about the other participants who don’t have money? Even that they do their very best to prove their self and to make a lot effort in this competition. Do they have a chance to win? Other said yes but the truth is no. because even you did your best but you don’t have money you don’t have a chance. But besides everyone knows the truth and even that you don’t have a trophy or sash or you didn’t won it doesn’t mean that you are a loser. And In other side you just show to everyone what is your abilities and it is a privilege to be a part of them.

Anonymous said...

Faith Sarah A. Laguardia
BSE-English III

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

Poems tells a story. Like a short story, it has a beginning, a middle and an end. The beginning generally gives the story setting. The middle brings in the conflict, and the end resolves the conflict. However, a short story will usually offer more information such as what the character looks like, the setting and sensory details.
In both the short story and narrative poem, the character must face challenges and overcome those challenges. The conflict in both leads to a climax and resolution where the character either learns a lesson, or simply overcomes the obstacles presented in the story. This is what makes the narrative poem different from a lyric poem and a short story different from an essay.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
As a student of Campus Journalism subject my role in the Philippine society is to let everyone know what is in the inside of me and to share my ideas, my stories and my experiences to everyone. I want to express my feelings towards other and to encourage them and let them enhance their skills, talents in writing and to share their creative imagination to others and especially to express their selves.
3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

The first thing that i will do is to confront the person who is involve in the issue, if the news about him is true or not. I will find first evidence and proof about the suspect in money issue and if I find the truth I will not tell it by writing a letter. I will tell it verbally to the person who is the victim. Because for me in my own way it is better to tell them it verbally because it is good to know the truth not by writing but in verbal speaking.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary. Choose one topic below.
a. Motorcade
b. Sportsfest
c. Search for Shining Teen Star
d. Dong A Creative Writing Contest
e. Search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure
f. TFVC Special Night
g. Overall Anniversary
h. Other related activities

Write a news about the recently held a Campus Figure 2012 last January 22,2012 at The Fisher Valley College. It is a pageant competition to let the student show their skills not only to show their beauty but also to show their talent and brain. It is a combination of beauty of inside and out. Do you know that in Campus Figure the only thing to help for you to win is money. Because the percentage of the money you need to remit is 50% that 50% is worth 7,000.00 pesos. And the other 50% to make it 100% is 10% for evening gown,10% for question and answer. 10% for talent, 5% for casual wear and 5% for sports attire. In this kind of percentages you may see that the big percentage is money than others. So how about the other participants who don’t have money? Even that they do their very best to prove their self and to make a lot effort in this competition. Do they have a chance to win? Other said yes but the truth is no. because even you did your best but you don’t have money you don’t have a chance. But besides everyone knows the truth and even that you don’t have a trophy or sash or you didn’t won it doesn’t mean that you are a loser. And In other side you just show to everyone what is your abilities and it is a privilege to be a part of them.

Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 3 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

Poem is a composition in verse and it is written in stanza form. While Short Story is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot and it is written in a paragraph form.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?

My role in the Philippine society is to be a good citizen. I am obliged to follow all the laws, rules and regulations of our Government. As being a Filipino I am responsible for my country and it is my duty to protect and serve my own country.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

My answer to the question is Yes. I will expose it in to the public. Because as a writer and member of the campus paper I should be equal to all the readers, I don’t care if he/she is my best friend, a professor, a co-student, or a member of the school administration. The public has the right to know the truth that that particular person is habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary. Choose one topic below.

b. Sports fest

I am very happy to share my story/news about Sports fest that recently held on our 25th Foundation Anniversary. It is because I am part of the winning team in Basketball. The two departments (DoE and DoHM) combined, we (Purple Chameleon) against the Green Iguana (DCS and DBAA). In my 2nd year in TFVC and for the 3rd time playing basketball in our campus it is my first time to won in the league. Well, First of all I am very lucky to join the combined team of the two departments (DoE and DoHM). The game was very intense up to the last part. As a matter of fact the game needs to have an extra five minutes to decide who will be the champion in Basketball. On the first half of the game we (Purple Chameleon) took the lead on the scores. While on the second half of the game the Green Iguana tied the scores and the game went to overtime. But up to the last seconds of the game, we (Purple Chameleon) never give up and successfully won the championship. That’s my news about Sport fest, thank you.

Purple Chameleon Champion!!!

Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 3 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

Poem is a composition in verse and it is written in stanza form. While Short Story is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot and it is written in a paragraph form.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?

My role in the Philippine society is to be a good citizen. I am obliged to follow all the laws, rules and regulations of our Government. As being a Filipino I am responsible for my country and it is my duty to protect and serve my own country.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

My answer to the question is Yes. I will expose it in to the public. Because as a writer and member of the campus paper I should be equal to all the readers, I don’t care if he/she is my best friend, a professor, a co-student, or a member of the school administration. The public has the right to know the truth that that particular person is habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary. Choose one topic below.

b. Sports fest

I am very happy to share my story/news about Sports fest that recently held on our 25th Foundation Anniversary. It is because I am part of the winning team in Basketball. The two departments (DoE and DoHM) combined, we (Purple Chameleon) against the Green Iguana (DCS and DBAA). In my 2nd year in TFVC and for the 3rd time playing basketball in our campus it is my first time to won in the league. Well, First of all I am very lucky to join the combined team of the two departments (DoE and DoHM). The game was very intense up to the last part. As a matter of fact the game needs to have an extra five minutes to decide who will be the champion in Basketball. On the first half of the game we (Purple Chameleon) took the lead on the scores. While on the second half of the game the Green Iguana tied the scores and the game went to overtime. But up to the last seconds of the game, we (Purple Chameleon) never give up and successfully won the championship. That’s my news about Sport fest, thank you.

Purple Chameleon Champion!!!

Anonymous said...

Batersal, Rosalita T.

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

The big different between a poem and a short story is that, they differ in there form and structure and they are simmilar in in the sense that both a poem and a short story is a type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings and emotions.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?

Being the student of a campus journalism subject ,I think my big role in Philippine society is that ,be responsible student and be a good model to other students .You have to be sensible enough of what is happening in our society,but above all, as a student posses the courage to fight for the right.

Anonymous said...

Batersal, Rosalita T.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

If I were in this situation, being a member of campus paper, personally it is quite hard for me because I believe that every people wants to have a good reputation,everybody works to have it.But for me , being a a campus journalist I will write a news about it but before I write a story, it will pass by some steps first , I need to conduct an interview in both parties just to be fair, taking into consideration that you have to respect the privacy of the involve person after that if you have already all the evidence ,documents and analysis about this issue then as a campus journalist you have a freedom to tell the truth to the people around you. Because our first concern here is the good for the school and the people,our concern is to tell the truth not to disclose or hide the truth.


Dong A Creative Writing Contest

Thursday, January 26 at exactly eight o'clock in the morning some of the in charge students from the Creative Writing and Campus Journalism subject headed by our subject professor Mr. Marlon B. Raquel are very busy preparing all the things needed for Dong A Creative Writing Contest. While the committee of the events are busy fixing everything , the contestants from the grades five and six pupils of The Fisher Valley College from main campus and C-5 Annex are so excited for the competition. The competition is open to all grade five and grade six pupils only and all they have to do is to register. Some of them are ready but some are still thinking for their concept for the competition. The competition was held at TFVC main campus , at room 102. After a one hour preparation, the mechanics of the competition was discussed to the pupils by one of the staff from Dong A Philippines the sponsor of the competition. The following mechanics are ; any writing composition,either it is a poem, short story,essay, letter for parents,letter for a friend etc.and at least four to five paragraphs and they are allowed to do within one hour. Their works was judge, from the college department, professor Mr. Marlon B. Raquel, High school and elementary Principal, and Grade six Adviser Ms. Sherry An Bolisay. After one hour of competition in that day after it was judge by the panel,the result was announced and the 1st place goes to an ''Excalibur" by Simon N. Eustaquio ,TFVC Grade VI-Ruth pupil, and 2nd place "The Last Goodbye" by Cristen Ivy B. Marcelo, TFVC grade VI-Ruth pupil.This pupils both received special gift items from Dong A Philippines,as their prices, likewise all the contestants also received items as their consolation price. Congratulations and TFVC were very proud of you guys.

Dong A Creative Writing Contest was part of The Fisher Valley College 25th Foundation Anniversary Celebration. The purpose of this competition is to enhance the writing skill of this young people. At their very young age they can appreciate the
art of writing by expressing their ideas and feelings thru writing. According to Mr.Raquel "It is an honor that Dong A Philippines choose to visit The Fisher Valley College and give this opportunity to the pupils of TFVC" since Dong A Philippines is an International Business Company in the world. It is our privilege that TFVC is one of the chosen school to visit by Dong A Philippines. In behalf of The Fisher Valley College Staff and faculty, students from Creative Writing and Campus Journalism Class headed by Mr. Marlon Raquel would like to thanks the sponsor ,Dong A Philippines and all the teachers and students who share their talents and ability to write.

Anonymous said...


1. The difference between poem and short story is their poem the audience is ignored while in short story the audience is private. The similarity between the two is that they both express feelings and ideas of the author.
2. As a campus journalism student my role in the society is to practice truth, balance and being fair. Have a keen sense of awareness of what is happening in our society.
3. Yes, I will write a news regarding that matters. I will divulge the information to the a campus journalism student I owe the public an explanation..and what important is the public trust.
4. I cannot write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation anniversary simple because how can I write a news without even experiencing it. I didn’t attend in any event in the recent foundation. My apology Sir Raquel.

Anonymous said...

Margie D.Mequiabas
1. They are different in form and they are similar in their meaning because they both express their ideas and feelings and emotion.
2.I have a right to write anything that is happening in our society and I have a freedom to give my idea for the development in the society being a model of everyone around me.
3.Being a member of a campus paper I have a freedom to tell the truth but I have to hide the name of the involved person because there is no issue in that person if she or he did not do anything wrong.
4.Every student from The Fisher Valley College are very excited because of the 25th foundation anniversary celebration.Every one, teachers, professors,and students are required to wear the yellow gold t-shirt to emphasize the 25th anniversary celebration. From the first day of the celebration January 24,2012 Tuesday all students and teachers are preparing for the thanks giving prayer headed by pastor Toledo. To honor and to give thanks to our Almighty father for all the blessings to The Fisher Valley institution. After the thanks giving the students are very excited to watch the parade because of the very beautiful floats from each department and to see the beautiful campus figure contestant who riding in their respected float.
The first float that come out is from the high school department that makes the float unique because of the very big fan as their decoration, followed by the float from the DCS and DBAA "The Green Iguana" and followed by the float from the department of DOE and the HRM " The Purple Chameleon" that amazed all the people because of the very beautiful float decoration.The parade is so very successful, then after the parade the balloon raising and the flag raising was the next activities that students awaits. All of the students from each department give their best effort from the floats to balloon raising and flag raising because of the competition. From the float the first placer goes to Purple Chameleon and the balloon raising and flag raising goes to Green Iguana and this is all the activities happen on the first day of the celebration.From here we can say that the 25th foundation anniversary celebration of the Fisher Valley College is a very successful one.

Anonymous said...

Abon, Jezen Joy B.

1. poem- is a composition of verse. And a short story is it is an artistic form of prose fiction which in centered on a single main incident whose aim is to produce a single dominant impression. Its qualities are economy, compression, brevity and emphasis. The difference of the two is the rhyme and the stanza. Because in poem it has a stanza, while the short story it has a paragraph. Although they have the same message to the reader. But their qualities is different.

2.As a student or a member of the campus journalism or for the campus paper. I must know my responsibilities my duties. And my role in the Philippine society is to tell the truth. I will write the truth and I will not tell a lie so that the reader will encourage to read all my work. And specially co member says good things for what I am doing

Anonymous said...

Magtibay, Catherine Mae G.
BSE- English III

1. The difference between poem and short story is the format and also the rhyme of the poem, the poem has a stanzas, and lines.. while the short story is written by a paragraph.and the similarities of poem and short story is they can express the same feelings that what the author wants to express.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, may role is to write a true story or the true information what people wants to know.

3. I will write a news sabot it without saying names. all the people has the right to know all about the habitual violates that he did without reviling his or her identity because i respect his privacy and i will tell it to the person who is responsible to do exactly what they will do.

4. This year we celebrate the 25th foundation of The Fisher Valley College main. The four courses divided into two. The purple Chameleon is the department of education and the department of hospitality management. while the Green Iguana is the department of business administration and accountancy and the department of computer studies. first thing we did is to have a motorcade or parade, the competition of the cheer dance and the winner of the cheer dance is the green iguana. Then next day is the ball games the basket ball girls the winner is the green iguana and the basket ball boys the winner is the purple chameleon, and the volleyball girls is the purple chameleon, and the volleyball boys is the purple chameleon. Then, next day we watch the shining teen star. awarding, then next day it was the day of the campus figure and the mr. and ms. campus figure is kristel sta. barbara from the department of hopitality management and jasser mirasol from the department of computer studies even though all the representative of department of education didn't get any of the award on the campus figure but still the purple chameleon is the over all champion this year for the foundation of the Fisher Valley College.

Anonymous said...

Abon, Jezen Joy B.

3. I will report it because as a campus journalism member you are telling the truth , you are writing the truth. I will not judge his/her for what he did , but I will tell it to the person who is know what to do to resolve his/her problem.

4. On January 25,2012 the foundation held at the the Fisher valley college quadrangle. Every year it was celebrated but today was the 25th foundation anniversary. We thank specially God for giving us and celebrating the 25th anniversary. The students are divided into two groups the Green Iguana where in the computer department and the business administration and accountancy department. While the purple Chameleon we proudly say the combining departments of the Education Department and the Hospitality management Department. All the students participated in this event . we are not the winner but purple Chameleon give their best to win for that fight . We all know that in a competition like this there is a looser and there's always a winner but the important is they give their best. And we salute them because they fight for our department.

Anonymous said...


1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

-A short story tells story and it have character, theme, dialogue, motif, setting, tone, and narration. It is typically wider than the poem. While the poem is even more brief than short story. It has speaker, a voice who tells its story in as few words as possible. it's focusing on imaginary, emotion and others. their similarity are they have both express emotions and trying to catch the feelings or attention of the reader.

2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?

-As a student of campus journalism subject is to write some news, essays and articles. Example is, i will write my feelings about the situation of the Philippines, about the leader who leads us today. I will write my opinion or suggestion that can be read by them or by everyone. I will not point some specific person but my goal is discuss my feelings and for the good of the fellow people.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

-Ofcoures, I will write a story or a news about it. But as a respect to him I will not tell his name, because i know how hurt and shameful it is. I will just want to inform him that the things he do is not good and everybody is affected. And i think everyone has the right to know of what is happening in the organization. Its not my intention to put him in shame but to inform to everybody to be careful.

4. Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.

-During the 25th foundation anniversary of the fisher valley college was very great, at their first day they have motorcade. It was very great because we tour some specific place in taguig. We had ride in owner with have a nice decorations. All department has been join the wonderful motorcade. The representatives of the campus figure was also join the motorcade and they are the center of attraction while we ride and passed some people. we give them candy and also we take some pictures, and i feel happy when I done it. I think it was 2-3 hours we had done it and after we got back to school. Yet, it was so hot in that day but still we all enjoyed. When we are in school already, I was so feel tired and hungry but then for me it's worth for us because we feel enjoyment and also the motorcade was successful and all of as was safe. The Fisher Valley College 25th foundation day was very unforgettable for me. All events are done successfully. More blessing and more power. :)

Anonymous said...


1. the differences between poem and short stories, the poem is a composition in verse, either in meter or free, characterized by imaginative treatment of experience and heightened use of language more intensive than ordinary speech. while the short story it is invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with few characteristics aiming at developing a single episode or creating a single mood.
- and also they are both writings created by the person, which is the author for the short story and the poet of the poem.

2. As a student of campus journalism, i will used the knowledge that I've learn in this subject, and i will write creatively to share my experience and knowledge to become a good citizen in the Philippines.

3. If I'll be the one of the member of campus paper. I will not divulge the information to the public, If I get an information that there's someone cheated in terms of money matters why? is it because I confront her .. to let her know that she's doing is not good and a sin, and if she continue doing of that perhaps I will write a news about it.

4. The anniversary of foundation was held January 25-29, 2012 the day of January 27,2012 , this day have a contest in " Dong A Creative Writing Contest" this contest include the level of Elementary grades and High school student's and with the special participation of the whole class of Mr. Marlon Raquel which is the creative writing and campus journalism ". and the staff of the Dong-A Ball-pen gave those student's whose participate to write their own composition such as : poem, short-story and essay.

Anonymous said...

Assignment # 3 in Creative Writing
Elizabeth D. Marcelino
BEED 3rd year/FRI 1:00-4:00

1. One of the utmost difference among poetry and a short story is that it constantly evokes a touching reaction from the person who reads. This reaction is generated in the reader of poetry because of the rhythm of the lines, the fabulous and correct choice of words, and the metaphorical language which touches upon the very energy and heart of the reader. Even the image appearance of a poem can enchantment the reader as often poets arrange a poem to fit the matter. Poetry, too, is often read loudly--and should be. When the reader speaks the terminology, there is that communication between the poet and the reader which does not often occur with a narrative that is usually read silently.
2. For me the best thing that I can do is to write about the present condition of our society and encourage the reader to have an open mind to have a positive outlook in sociological and personal affirmative development.
3. If I am one of the writer in campus paper and I noticed that there is someone is involved in habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters i will not write or open it into the public. Why? Because I have to make sure how true the issue is. Or maybe I will ask to the suitable person that is capable to give action for those matters.
4. The 25th Foundation Day of The Fisher Valley College”
January 23-28 the days where the TFVC celebrating 25th foundation. Everybody was happy from the start of the day celebrating their 25th year of Excellency. Every student, professors, and visitors’ are happy that day. Every department has their own presentation. The first day activity was a motorcade parade, followed by cheer dancing. Everybody is happy. On the second day indoor games and outdoor games and so on. Until the day of Campus Figure. The said foundation Day is successfully happened through the cooperation of all students’ faculty members, and the said event hosted by Mr. Marlon Raquel Overall champion goes to purple chameleon.

Anonymous said...

Ulan, Marilyn R.

BEED-FRI 1:00-4:00


1. Narrative poetry tells a story. Like a short story, it has an opening, midpoint and an end. The beginning in general gives the story situation the focal point brings in the conflict, and the end resolves the discrepancy. However, a short story will usually suggest more in sequence such as what the personality or character looks like, the setting and sensory information.
2. For me my role in the Philippine society is to become one of the role model of individual in sense of being responsible citizen. And if I can, I will give or bring an honor to our beloved country someday.
3. Assuming that I am one of the member of campus paper and happen that I know there is a member or co students that violating the rules, all I can do is to write in the article about the incongruity through “blind item”..Using some words of encouragement and advice that will give him/her openness in mind. Why? Because for me doing mistake is not usually intended, therefore if he/she noticed that somebody knows what she/he doing, may be somehow he realized to correct what they doing.

4. Overall Anniversary


Last January 23 the fisher Valley College celebrating their 25th foundation Anniversary. Everyone has their own preparation for that said event. The purple chameleon (department of hospitality management and department of Education) and Green Iguana(department of bus. Administration and are the two competing group to the said event. Everyone is enjoying and cooperating, all the students show their supports to the group where they are belong. A lot of activities are being held inside the campus. To make the story short students, professor, Guest are enjoying, they are very proud for their Excellency! At the end of the celebration The Purple chameleon are the overall champions.

Anonymous said...

1. The Only difference between poem and short stories is that in poem it has a different forms but it always follow a pattern and most of the poem are written in a stanzas while in the short stories is just it follows a rule but doesn't have any pattern and you can make it and write it in a paragraph way of arranging it.

2. Well my role in the Philippine society is just i'm a student that has a right to do things and to do anything that can make me happy unless it doesn't harm somebody in short i have a right to practice the human rights and I think my role in the society is to pursue my studies and to explore new things using education as a part of a normal life of every child. And especially to impart things that is happening or things that i know through writing it and to developed my talent in writing (If I really have)..

3. If that case happened, Yes I will write a news about it because it is a right of every student in that school to know that their is a person that doing something wrong happening in that school even though that person is my friend or a person that has a high position in that school I will not be afraid to provoke the Identity of that person because first of all were all paying for our education and we have a right to know and to be knowledgeable for the things that is happening in the school and it is our right to know it. And I will not be afraid to write the name of that person if i have an evidence.

4. The night began and all the students in the FISHER VALLEY COLLEGE are expecting something in the night of the pageant. All students have their own choices of who will be the winners in that pageant and all are waiting for the result of the over all champion in the Sport fest,Cheer leading, Indoor games etc. that was happened in the 25ft Foundation Anniversary of the fisher Valley College.
The time come and it is the Question and Answer Portion lots of students are happy for all the answers of each contestants and all are just waiting for the result of that pageant. When the announcement was done some of the students are happy but most of the students are not., because of the winners in the said pageant maybe not in the part of the girl who won in the the pageant but in the part of men division.Some students said that he should not be the winner in that pageant because of his answer that he even ask to the judge to translate it in TAGALOG and when it was translated he couldn't even answer it.
Some students are not happy for that result. Some said that its the judges factor and some of them said that he won because of the money.
But all were happy because of the unexpected result of the overall champion in the 25ft Anniversary of The Fisher Valley College. The Purple chameleon unexpectedly won in the anniversary because of the attendance factor they said that they don't have a chance to win because of the less no. of students that are counted in several days of the anniversary but even though lots of things that are UNFAIRLY JUDGE the SPORT and FAIR PLAYERS are always the winner.

Congratulations for all the winners and better luck next time for those who did EVERYTHING just to win...


Anonymous said...

Kristina A. Hermida

1.Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

-The difference between the poem and the short story is their structure the poem is a piece of poetry which composes of rhymes and stanza's while the short story is a story in prose varying widely in length but shorter than either a novel or a novelette, and concentrating on a single effect which the writer wants to achieve

2.As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?

-As a student of campus journalism subject, my role is about being true for what I have wrote and be responsible in anyway and I think it would help our people to be also inspired in writing and sharing their ideas.

3.Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

- Being a member of campus paper, think before I write or act. first it is important for the people to know what is happening in our campus to give them warning and inform them, it is for the sake of protection. but I will surely will not give any name because it is a privacy it can be a shame to that person and also in the school. We can do it through writing but we should be careful, responsible and be honest or telling it to the right person.

4.Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.
"The 25th Foundation Anniversary of The Fisher Valley College"

All college student of Te Fisher Valley College are much preparing in their Sport fest Event in this part of event we will see who is the best.The College Department divided in to 2 teams The team Purple Chameleon which are The Department of Education and the Department of Hospitality and Management where as The team Green Iguana are Department of Computer Studies and Department of Business Administration and Accountancy. Both team are eager to achieve their goal, a goal of to be the champion. In the first event of competition is the cheer dancing, all students and audience are very excited to see what kind of dancers are in the fisher valley, to see who has the most unusual fighting spirit in terms of this kind of contest and what team has an outstanding stunts and outrageous yell. Of course we are all hoping that may the best Team win. the next part is the outdoor games, which has the male division for basketball and volleyball games same as in the female division. in this part we will see the sportsmanship of the players individually and by their team wherein we will see who will be the most valuable player of the year. But then,still The Purple chameleon defend their title to be the overall champion this year.

Anonymous said...

Elve O. Gumanit
Creative Writing Assignment no. 3

1. Poem has a verse and follows a specific form while it is absence in the short story they both entertain readers.
2. My role is to become aware of our environment not only in school, must know our rights and responsibilities, avoid our self being ignorance of the laws, get involve and learn in a respectful manner, and calm to attain social change through journalism.

3. If I discovered someone in the campus violates the rules on honesty especially money matter, I am going to write an article as “blind item” on editorial page.

TFVC’s 25th Foundation Day

The Fisher Valley College in Hagonoy, Taguig City recently held its 25th Foundation Day. The event started from January 24 until January 27, 2012. Main campus and C5 branch united together as one. Every department had its own special preparation for that important affair. They were in their best yellow shirts, no color coding for the first day except for the games or activities after the motorcade. All were very excited and participated well.
On first day, there was a thanks giving service. Mrs. Josephine Rogelio led the opening prayer then followed by TFVC College Chorale for the Philippine National Anthem. The emcee was no other than the energetic Ms. Kate Osorio.
Various activities colored the big event such as sports fest; Search for Shining Teen Star, the Dong A Creative Writing Contest sponsored by the Dong A ball pen makers, Search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure, then Tfvc special night. The celebration was a successful one. Winners bring home the bacon, the losers better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Elve O. Gumanit
Creative Writing Assignment no. 3

1. Poem has a verse and follows a specific form while it is absence in the short story they both entertain readers.
2. My role is to become aware of our environment not only in school, must know our rights and responsibilities, avoid our self being ignorance of the laws, get involve and learn in a respectful manner, and calm to attain social change through journalism.

3. If I discovered someone in the campus violates the rules on honesty especially money matter, I am going to write an article as “blind item” on editorial page.

TFVC’s 25th Foundation Day

The Fisher Valley College in Hagonoy, Taguig City recently held its 25th Foundation Day. The event started from January 24 until January 27, 2012. Main campus and C5 branch united together as one. Every department had its own special preparation for that important affair. They were in their best yellow shirts, no color coding for the first day except for the games or activities after the motorcade. All were very excited and participated well.
On first day, there was a thanks giving service. Mrs. Josephine Rogelio led the opening prayer then followed by TFVC College Chorale for the Philippine National Anthem. The emcee was no other than the energetic Ms. Kate Osorio.
Various activities colored the big event such as sports fest; Search for Shining Teen Star, the Dong A Creative Writing Contest sponsored by the Dong A ball pen makers, Search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure, then Tfvc special night. The celebration was a successful one. Winners bring home the bacon, the losers better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Elve O. Gumanit
Creative Writing Assignment no. 3

1. Poem has a verse and follows a specific form while it is absence in the short story they both entertain readers.
2. My role is to become aware of our environment not only in school, must know our rights and responsibilities, avoid our self being ignorance of the laws, get involve and learn in a respectful manner, and calm to attain social change through journalism.

3. If I discovered someone in the campus violates the rules on honesty especially money matter, I am going to write an article as “blind item” on editorial page.

TFVC’s 25th Foundation Day

The Fisher Valley College in Hagonoy, Taguig City recently held its 25th Foundation Day. The event started from January 24 until January 27, 2012. Main campus and C5 branch united together as one. Every department had its own special preparation for that important affair. They were in their best yellow shirts, no color coding for the first day except for the games or activities after the motorcade. All were very excited and participated well.
On first day, there was a thanks giving service. Mrs. Josephine Rogelio led the opening prayer then followed by TFVC College Chorale for the Philippine National Anthem. The emcee was no other than the energetic Ms. Kate Osorio.
Various activities colored the big event such as sports fest; Search for Shining Teen Star, the Dong A Creative Writing Contest sponsored by the Dong A ball pen makers, Search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure, then Tfvc special night. The celebration was a successful one. Winners bring home the bacon, the losers better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

1. The poetry is the words that have a rhyme to be able in understanding what’s the meaning that the author wants to is tell to the reader and the format before you write a and emotions you get in the poem. It is rhythmical stories that expressing the thoughts and idea in the reader while the short story is the experience that makes people inspire in the moral lesson that they get in the story. It also has characters who act in the situation that the author gives and the reader knows the start, the conflict, solution and the ending.
2. It makes good if you know how to appreciate and understand it well on your own. A patient for what is the meaning and importance you can get to the poem that you write or you read. And also you can make t good if the emotions drive in the stanza that you apply for it.
3. The poem of Mila Aguilar was centered in the people who made sin and God, our savior come to save against them, to become a good people n the society and thank God because he is there to help us n all our sins in this world has a human. In third stanza he represent that if all people needs to forgive to their sins, he forgive for that moment. The last stanza of the poem is no other things in this world are important but the people.
“More than love”
By: Madelene Diozon

Love is priceless feeling
It’s difficult to find,
But in circle of your life,
You feel love in family.

Love can make you hurt,
But in your love one’s
It is unpredictable,
Our family is like tree forever.

Until the end of time,
Feel the love and joy
Feel it until the last drop
Of your tears fade away.

Anonymous said...

Marian S. Palattao BEED III

1)Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).

♥♥3Poem is written in stanza form while the short story is written in a paragraph. And the similarity of two is arouse the emotion of the reader

2)As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?

♥♥♥As a student of campus journalism, my role in the Philippine society is be responsible, be observant and alert from the news.

3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?

♥♥♥If I’m one of the member of campus paper and if one of the professor could be violates certain rules that relating to the money matters. The only I can do is to write a story about professors that violates the rules but I’m not used his/ her name, instead of using his/her name. I used his/ her codename to revealed that kind of violation. So that if ever the professor read that story he/she stop kind of violation.

4)Write a news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary. Choose one topic below.

♥♥♥Search for Mr. and Ms campus figure 2012 of The Fisher Valley College – Launch a campus figure on December 20, 2011. Then on Jan. 27, 2012 was the awarding , in that night the finalist were show their beautiful swim suit, sports wear and beautiful dress. The host on that night were the student assistance of Fisher Valley and taking up, information technology, which is Ms. Myra Bayo and the other one is the professor of computer department, which is Mr. Lou Ismael Montenegro. Every department cheer their bets. After the question and answer portion, out of 16 finalist, the judges would be chose one contestant who would be Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure that would be base on the criteria and she/ he got the highest score. In announcing , who would be Mr. and Ms. campus figure, the student of Fisher Valley were nervous. At the end of contest, the Mr. Campus Figure was on the department of the computer who’s name Jasser and the Ms. Campus figure was on the department of hospitality, who’s name Kristel Sta Barbara that have confident and have a good answer..

Anonymous said...

Mary Grace Sapungay
BSE-English III
• 1. a poem is made up of verses, or stanzas. Laid out on a page, a poem will not resemble the prose used in short story. In a poem, words are often chosen not just for their functional, prose meaning, but for their sound, or feel. WA short story is usually written in fictional prose. Fictional writing can be defined as any narrative that is not based in fact.

2. As a student of Campus journalism subject, my role in the Philippine society is to write the current events that actually happening in the school, exposing and telling the whole truth without any bias.
3 If I were in this situation, would not make a news story about it. I will talk to him and tell him that is wrong to violate certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. I will explain to him that there is no secret that will not be exposed. Because he is still my friend and if he still consider me as his friend then he will listen to me.
4. Purple Chameleon Strike
The Fisher Valley held is 25th Anniversary last January 25-29, 2012.
As usual, two teams of the College Department again compete on different categories. The outdoor games which includes the badminton singles, basketball boys and girls, indoor games such as games of the generals, chest and dota.
The Fisher Valley College held its campus figure 2012. I can say that the Purple Chameleon striked because it was never that they would win over the Green Iguana which was the defending champion.
Purple Chameleon is actually a combined force of the Department of Education and Department of Hospitality Management, whereas the Green Iguana is a combined force of the Department of Computer Studies and Department of Business and Accountancy.
The initial scores as 27-25 in favor of the Green Iguana.
After the announcement of the winners of the campus Figure 2012,the students were so excited because they will be announcing the overall champion. The winner of the float was the Purple Chameleon, for the attendance, the Purple Chameleon again. This made them to be the overall champion.

regine mantala said...

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).
 The difference of poem between and a short story is their format.. a poem is a type of which achieves its effects by rhythm, sound patterns and imagery. A short story is a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format.
2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
 As a student of the subject campus journalism my role is to awaken my fellow that writing is not boring because it is a story telling and to tell the truth whatever consequences we might face.
3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?
 If I’m a campus paper member.. and I accidentally discover that one of my co-members is violating the rules of the administration, I will write something about on what is that person doing in that matter, but I won’t mention the name of that person.. Maybe I’ll write a blind
4. Write news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.
 This 2012 the fisher valley college celebrate its 25th anniversary. Just like the last celebration. The school had sports games, cheering, booths and concerts. The tfvc has a lot of games and contest for the students during its anniversary. On the first day,
The school had games like basketball (girls and boys division),volleyball, badminton, and scrabble, after that, the next day, the school had the cheering battle between the two groups. The purple chameleon and the green iguana. And the third day is the coronation of the campus figure and the concert of the guest stars in the campus. That night was the most fun night and everyone enjoys the 1week celebration of the tfvc’s 25th anniversary.

regine mantala said...

1. Give one (Yes, only one!) striking difference between a poem and a short story and one characteristic that is shared by both (meaning, similarity between the two).
 The difference of poem between and a short story is their format.. a poem is a type of which achieves its effects by rhythm, sound patterns and imagery. A short story is a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format.
2. As a student of campus journalism subject, what is your role in the Philippine society?
 As a student of the subject campus journalism my role is to awaken my fellow that writing is not boring because it is a story telling and to tell the truth whatever consequences we might face.
3. Assuming that you are member of the campus paper. What will you do if you discover that someone in the campus (could be a professor, a co-student who happens to be your best friend, or a member of the school administration) habitually violates certain rules on honesty relating to money matters. Will you write a story or news about it? Will you divulge the information to the public? Why or why not?
 If I’m a campus paper member.. and I accidentally discover that one of my co-members is violating the rules of the administration, I will write something about on what is that person doing in that matter, but I won’t mention the name of that person.. Maybe I’ll write a blind
4. Write news about the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary.
 This 2012 the fisher valley college celebrate its 25th anniversary. Just like the last celebration. The school had sports games, cheering, booths and concerts. The tfvc has a lot of games and contest for the students during its anniversary. On the first day,
The school had games like basketball (girls and boys division),volleyball, badminton, and scrabble, after that, the next day, the school had the cheering battle between the two groups. The purple chameleon and the green iguana. And the third day is the coronation of the campus figure and the concert of the guest stars in the campus. That night was the most fun night and everyone enjoys the 1week celebration of the tfvc’s 25th anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Salcedo, Krystal Jade T.

1.The difference between the poem and short story is their structure the way it was written, even if these two kinds of writing reflect, show, and express the idea and emotion of the writer but you can easily notice by the structure their differences.

2.Being s student of a campus journalism class by my experience and knowledge that I learn I can be a help to our society to express good news the way I see it and understand it. And also to consider others and share the knowledge and information that I know by my writings. I can also give advices and realization to others the way I connect to their problems and it is through to my writing ability that I learn to my class.

3.As part of the campus journalism it is my duty to inform my classmate, and fellow students to inform news that relates and affects our life being a student. If I’m on that situation I can make a news that cannot valuate my duty and on the same time not to hurt someone. By making a story about a student who rob a money with his classmate but I assure that in my story I will put lesson or ending that can strike the realization of the readers.

4.Every year the “The Fisher Valley College” conducts their foundation day. This is the time where the whole families of the TFVC celebrate their anniversary. And last January we, the family of TFVC start the celebration with prayers before we start our motorcade. I experience it, and that will be a wonderful day to the student and faculty member of the TFVC. We ride in different float. Each float represents each group that will compete in different games. It was a very happy experience to each student who are been part of that motorcade. We see different smile of people while giving them candies. They are also shouting when they see the finalist of our campus figure. It was a good feeling seeing others smile and laugher. That was the goal of the

Anonymous said...

name: Chariscel A. Tarroza
course: BEED-III
1. as what i have understood and learn about our creative writing class, poem is a kind of genre that is rhythmical in form. while the short story, is a kind of genre that can be read in manner that you like. the similarities between the two is that they are both creative writing and genres. in some ways, they can both stir up the emotion and imagination of the readers.
2. as a student of campus journalism subject, my role to the society is that, to give the readers an information necessary in what they are needed. and we should be responsible in whatever we will create, because there are certain steps that we need to follow in order to create a wonderful genres.
3. if i will be given a chance to be part of a campus paper, and to be involve in that kind of situation, i will write a story about the person, but i will not publish it to the public. i will just approach that certain person to correct my writings that was meant for that person. if that person has a common sense, that person will approach me, on what i was trying to convey with that certain writing. so i will tell that person the truth and i will confront to that person so that the person will realize the mistake that the person has done.
4. dong-a creative writing contest was held on January 26, 2012, at the room 105. it aims to develop the skills in writing most specially to those Grade 5 students which is the primary purpose of the contest. the students of creative writing class and campus journalism class, including me, were able to join in the said contest because we can get extra credits for that. dong-a creative writing contest has been successful, because many people join the contest and even the preschool pupils. hundreds of dong-a ballpen were given away to those people join the contest. and it was a privilege to write a news, regarding the activities in foundation day. allow me to share with you the writing that i've wrote in dong-a creative writing contest. actually, it's a song that i've dedicated to my very special someone. hope you like it! :)

stop doubting
can you please stop doubting at me
i just can't see the world it is
without you, without me, without love

so now, let's have some fun
treasure every mem'ry that we've begun
we can get through this because we're in love

can you please stop at me
because life is full of misery
without you, without me, without love

so let love flow our lives
we can get through this together
no matter what begun

we can fight it, we can prove it,
that we belong together
that we belong together
forever, together, forever, togethe...r

that's all! thank you and God Bless us all! :)

Anonymous said...

Heidelyn G. Barot

1. The difference between the poem and the short story is how they are being written or their form. Poems are written in stanza form while, the short story is in paragraph form. They’re just both expressing emotions, ideas and same in stirring up the feelings, emotions and interests of the readers.
2. My role in the Philippine society as a student of campus journalism subject is just this simple; I won’t be biased in all sides and be fair or equal to everyone’s right and feeling. Also, the truth must be shown and the hidden matters must be exposed or revealed because, everyone has the right or deserves to know what really it is. But still, if there are things that I can fix in just talking with, as long as I don’t hurt and step on others shoes I don't have to tell it on public.
3. If I’m a member of the campus paper, it depends on the situation, if I’m gonna right a news about it because, even it’s my obligation to reveal to the people what is the truth or how the problem starts. Everyone still deserves another chance to change. But, if I have discovered that they have done that again, I’ll make it sure that, I’ll tell everybody every li’l detail about what they’ve done. But, before I do that, first, I have to confirm the issue, second, confront the person/s involve/s on it and, last, talk to them first, if they won’t do it again, I guess, I don’t have to divulge it,. Even though, I have taken my principle and pride in doing that, there are still factors to be considered.
About the search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure:

I had seen the beauty of each contestant in the recently held 25th Foundation Anniversary, search for Mr. and Ms. Campus Figure. Every candidate had worn their very best suits on that night. Although I’d seen that, some had brought themselves with self-confidence, some were still nervous. But still, we could see in the eyes of each contender the willingness or eagerness to win and to the audience, the joy and the excitement to know who’ll win. If what team will be the champion. For the results of the winners on that event, many agreed to the Ms. Campus figure champion but for the male winner, some were still asking and wondering how the results were made. In behalf of this, all were still good and showed their sportsmanship in playing the game of wisdom.

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