Assignment No. 1 in Foundations of Education 2 (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)

1. If you will be given a chance to live in an ancient civilization, what would that be and why? 

2. What is the importance of history in the study of education? 

3. Explain the role of family in education among the ancient Chinese, Romans, and Jews.



Anonymous said...

Angelie Gayagaya BEED-11
1.If i have a chance to live in an ancient civilization i want to experienced the stone and bamboo how to make a fire.
2.The importance of history in study of education is to know the past of education,to find out where did the education came from and who is the first educator of education.
3.The family in Chinese a first person was a first of all ,a member of a family.The family provided its member with economic security,education,and a strong sense of identity.One's success and failure in life were also a reflection upon the family.The code of conduct that ruled the family ruled the government.

Anonymous said...


1). If I will be given a chance to live in an ancient civilization, I would choose to live with ancient Chinese civilization. Because ancient china followed policy of isolation; they have no fear for invasion, for they have no intention to conquer. This country did not care to associate with the rest of the world but instead desired to live unto self.
Ancestors worship was also one important of their lives. The method of learning consisted of repetition and memorization or “backing the book”. Their education was mainly concerned with memorizing the works of Confucius, a great religious leader.

2). History is the written record of the past. By knowing what are the accomplishment of leaders in the past, we are about to know what is the living of our ancestors beyond those billion past years. The beliefs and experiences of education today rest on the history.

3). The role of family in education among ancient Chinese, Romans and Jews was very important. Family is the centered most reason why they are about to survive their life

Anonymous said...

DATE: DEC. 0 5, 2011

Assignment No. 1 in Foundations of Education 2 (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)

1. If you will be given a chance to live in an ancient civilization, what would that be and why?

 If I will be given a chance to live in an ancient civilization, I would like to travel back to the Ancient Chinese Civilization. Being able to meet the remarkably sensible Confucius would definitely be a once in a lifetime event that I would treasure forever. In Ancient Chinese Civilization, people had no fear to be invaded for they had no plans to invade others too. Their main reason to survive and to live was to improve themselves both intellectually and skillfully as well as to make the best out of what they have. They had a high regard in education. They valued their education a lot. At a very young age, they had to learn to behave properly. They were taught the different skills of counting, calculating and reading. Through repetition and memorization, children learned the different teachings of Confucianism and other skills that would help them become better individuals. They had different methods of instructions wherein they could learn using the Confucian method in which teaching wasn’t only confined in the classroom but they’re allowed to have an outdoor teaching too. They also used direct and exact imitation to learn writing and reading. Memorization method was also practiced during these days.

If you would observe their practices and methods of teaching and learning, one would analyze that these methods are still being used and practiced up to these days. In line with this notion, it only explains that ancient Chinese civilization has contributed a lot to the education system of the world. Aside from these facts, people during these days read a lot. I am a book lover thus living during these days would become a fascinating journey for me.

2. What is the importance of history in the study of education?

 History played a very big importance in education. By learning how people behaved and gained knowledge in the ancient times, we would become more aware of the system we are having right now. It enlightened our minds to the different ways on how people before learned and educate themselves. By understanding what has happened in the past and the current situation of today, we can better understand what can happen in the future. By looking at what has happened, we can understand what we should avoid and what we should make better. We live in a country that is strong today because of what the past leaders have all done.

3. Explain the role of family in education among the ancient Chinese, Romans, and Jews.

 Families played a big role in molding the children’s know-how skills. In ancient civilizations, whether it’s Chinese, Romans or Jews, the parents served as the first educators of their youngsters. They taught their offspring the rudiments of knowledge, morals and religion. All started at home. Both boys and girls learned to follow these rules for them to be able to upgrade their skills once they entered a much rigid trainings. The girls were taught the different household chores such as cooking, weaving, sewing and the like. In Chinese civilization, girls were taught to use pleasing speech and good manners. They were also trained to follow their elders and become submissive to the opposite sex. They’re learned to become obedient, and docile. On the other hand, boys were taught differently. They learned to respond boldly and clearly. They are trained of different skills such as archery, chariot driving and all the arts of warfare like the use of battle-ax and lance. Their fathers were their first trainers. These lads went with their old man to shops and farms to learn the trades of their father.

Anonymous said...

Jona Rose Escopel

1) If i will be given a chance to live in an ancient civilization, i would prefer to live in Chinese civilization for they really value and preserve the culture they have, they were not afraid to be colonized by other races for they were not also after to conquer other countries just to widen their culture.

2) The importance of history in the study of education is that through history we are able to know and trace how the ancient people started to know things, how they were taught by their families and many things or we should say because of history we are able to know how this what we call education started.
3) The role of the family in education among the ancient Chinese, Romans and Jews is that the family acted as the primary molder, it is where they started their education or in the family is where the children started their LEARNING.

Anonymous said...

jayson montiadora

1. well if i will be given a chance to live in an ancient civilization and why maybe i would choose roman empire. Why? because that time starts the Christianity the biggest religion now a days and i would like to see how it grows and how its starts and if all the rules in bible in that time are strictly followed and how people are punished if it is not followed. And i would like to know if there are miracle happen in that time.

2. the importance of history in education is it helps and explain how things around us now a days exist. and when all of this starts and we cant study the future if we didn't know the past or the history of one thing.

3. the role of education in ancient Chinese are the son is the priority of the family especially in Chinese because they said that boys can be the breadwinner of the family and can bring the family business and the surname of the family while the girls are left in home and their teacher is there mother teaching them household chores and they are not sending in school because they believe that girls are born to marry and to bear children. while in roman it is the same but they are more on application of what they have learn and the boys are the superior of the country and their family. and lastly in Jews in their education hey focused in the bible and the holy gospels and you have to master the books that they are teaching if you want to be accepted in the society and it is more on corporal punishment.......

Anonymous said...

amina tarhata pungutan
educ units
1. If i will given a chance to live in an ancient civilization i choose to be part of Chinese civilization because chinese preserve their culture and beliefs they stick on how could they impart their knowledge to their children from there ways of living and values.
2. History is very important to education because from written history of different ancient civilization we can trace where and how education started, from history also we can briefly understand the different ways of teaching in how it progress and from history we can pick ideas that can be useful for us as a future educator.
3. In chinese the role of family education is important because it is were roles are implemented and explained to the children what they have to learned and how they could apply what they learn from the family.
In romans they mold there children to do task for them to good in hands on work.
In jews they will mold from religion and ethics it is from the family were they thought their children to do what is right.

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