Classroom Policies

The moment you enrolled in the college, you agree to submit yourself to the school policies. Academic institutions are not social clubs; we have rules to follow.

Attendance – It is your responsibility to come to class on our schedule and on time. I will be checking your attendance regularly. Inform me early if you will be late or if you will leave early. Any one who gets a perfect attendance will receive 0.25-point bonus on the FINAL GRADE. Perfect attendance means being present in all class sessions. Those with excused absences will not be given the bonus grade.

A student who has incurred 11 hours of absences in a 3-unit subject during the regular semester shall be dropped from the roll and given a failing grade (Article VIII, College Student Handbook: The Fisher Valley College). The 5th absence will qualify you to receive a W/F (withdrawal failure) mark equivalent to a grade of 5.0. Necessary warnings will be given to you with excessive absences and names of students who have incurred 4 or more absences will be reported to the Associate College Director so that necessary notice can be given to the parents/guardian (No. 4, Policy Guidelines for Faculty). 

Three (3) tardiness marks would mean one (1) day of absence. A student who leaves the classroom and stay out for the duration of the class period without the professor’s permission shall be marked “absent” (Article VIII, College Student Handbook: The Fisher Valley College). However, don't use this as an excuse for you to come to class late. This time allowance has been designed for working students and those who have children to take care of before going to school. Unavoidable circumstances like traffic are also given consideration. 

Cellphone and Other Electronic Gadgets Policy – I strongly discourage you using your cellphones, laptops, and other similar gadgets while we are having class discussions. It does not only distract me; it is also annoying to your classmates who are listening to my lectures. You are expected to demonstrate respect to everyone and avoid disruptive behaviors.

Make-up Exams – I do not give make-up exams EXCEPT for serious illness or death in the family. Do not make other commitments on the scheduled dates of examinations. If you have your examination permit signed by the authorized school authorities and you fail to take the exam, you will get a grade of 60% or 5.0 on that particular exam. Failure to take the final examination because of unpaid tuition fee, on the other hand, would mean an INC grade. There is NO EXEMPTION.

Academic IntegrityYou are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times. Avoid cheating during quizzes and examinations. When you cheat, you are making a contribution to the degradation of the quality of your college education. Plagiarism will not be tolerated as well. In every academic paper you submit, make sure that you cite properly the authors/institutions of your references. Claiming something as your own when you actually copied it from someone is a clear violation. Hiring someone to do your assignments, research papers, or other related works is also an offense to academic integrity. Any violation committed will have a corresponding disciplinary action as outlined in the College Student Handbook.

Index Cards - You are required to submit an index card no later than the 3rd class meeting containing the following information:
    1. Last Name, Given Name, Middle Name
    2. Student Number, Course, and Section
    3. Address (Provincial and Metro Manila)
    4. Contact Numbers (Landline, Cellular Phone, Email Address, Personal Website)
    5. Include a 1” x 1” recent photo PASTED (NOT STAPLED) on the upper right corner of the index card. 

If you follow all these policies, you will surely survive in all of my subjects.


Anonymous said...

s' question... ahm may rules po ba sa cut ng palda? kasi pinapapalitan po yun palda ko.. ang alam ko lang po kasi 2 inches below the knee ang rules lang nila.. jhoyce po

Marlon Raquel said...

Hi, Joyce. Thank you for the comments. First of all, you need to consult the College Student Handbook for the proper uniform guidelines. I will also try to ask the College Administrator about it.

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