Rules During Quizzes and Exams


Rules During Quizzes and Examinations:
  1. The quiz/exam proper will officially start 15 minutes after the scheduled time. The instructor will read to you these instructions for your guidance. After the official start of the test, you are not allowed to leave the classroom except for emergency cases only.
  2. Cellular phones and other electronic gadgets and any type of paper including notebooks will not be allowed for use during quizzes and exams.
  3. Each one of you will receive a two-page test paper for each quiz and three pages for each major exam. The test paper will serve as your questionnaire and answer sheet at the same time.
  4. You may leave the classroom as soon as you finish the test. Give your test paper to the instructor right away.
  5. Refrain from talking and asking from your classmate/s. Approach the instructor for whatever concern you may have.  


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