Assignment No. 4 in Foundations of Education 2 (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)

1. Select one philosophy in education that you have learned from this course. Develop a course of action (a program) you wanted to implement from pre-school to post-graduate studies using this philosophy.

2. Create your own vision, mission, philosophy of education for your school. Explain each category.


Anonymous said...

May ann Campos

1. Philosophy in education plays a very big and important role in one’s life especially to those who are in teaching profession like me. In realism, it believes that investigating and reasoning are important in any effective adjustment to the real world in the control of experiences. This means that a person can only reason out why, how, what or where is that one thing comes from if he should experienced it. His knowledge in one thing was the product of his experiences. I believe that the reality of physical world where a child was supposed to live will be his starting point to express its ideas. Learning will involve as he experience reality in the world where he is existing. Being a future educator, it is very necessary for me to have my philosophy in education. That would be my guidelines in teaching my students someday. Just like John Locke, I should be a realist teacher someday. Being realist, I should believe in the world as it is. Existing things will be my basis to teach my students. As nature is a primary self-evident reality this should be a starting point in philosophizing. I will let my students learn every single point of my lesson. I believe that giving all my efforts to teach my student will be essential for their learning. If you as a teacher is very attentive and active in teaching, your students should also be motivated to attend your class. You as a teacher should be the role model in teaching-learning process.
I will implement a program like helping out of school youth children to enter my school free. Free education for poor and unfortunate children in our society.

2. The REALIST SCHOOL for Unfortunate
The Realist School for Unfortunate (RSU) is to promote the value of learning, self-worth among students and staff, quality performance among students and staff, and transition for students to productive and responsible participation in society.

The classroom is one in which the potential for learning is open and free to every student. Realist School for Unfortunate (RSU) promotes and nurtures service excellence especially to our out of school youth children.

Anonymous said...

Eartha Fonacier-Betsayda, BEED

1. I would like to implement the philosophy of pragmatism since it’s a child-centered philosophy and it’s basically concerned on reflective thinking. I think having the ideas put into action can be a great foundation in education.
The following would be my program from pre-school to post graduate school:
Preschool - elementary should be allowed to explore by administeringfield trips and providing creative and constructive projects where they can express their individual talents and develop their creative minds.
High School to college must be exposed to laboratory or scientific experiments as well as library works which will enhance their analytic skills and comprehensive skill. Moreover these activities will make them to be more susceptible to new ideas and innovations.
Post – Graduate students are obligated to produce or come up with a good thesis that could be beneficial to school particularly with its management and improvement of the system and methods in teaching.

2. My school’s vision is to support the total improvement of the child with positive self image who seeks excellent education to a highly competitive society. We desire to prepare the child with knowledge, skills and attitudes that shall prepare him/her to become socially responsible and self sufficient, with preferred learning styles that are facilitated and extended in a wide range of teaching and learning strategies.
My school’s mission on the other hand is to supply quality education in the form of training, guidance and support for all children served by the school. We would like to support our students in any activities and projects they are pursuing.
The philosophy of education that we will be living upto is to obtain a child-centered academy that will enhance and encourage the students to excel more.

Anonymous said...


1. I choose Pragmatism because Pragmatist believes that Education is Child Centered, which is very true for me. It also pertains to the relationship of ideas to action. Using the philosophy of Pragmatism I will develop a program wherein pre-school and grade school students will be able to slowly acquire problem solving skills since during this stage children are not aware of the changes that could happen in their lives. But in reality our world is an ever changing world in which many problems may arise. While on High school and college level, I will implement a program wherein they will be able to practice the knowledge they acquired, because students on this stage are very curious, are called explorers so I will show them through my program the reality of this world and to use their experiences whether good or bad for them to be a better person. I would also want to inculcate core values which can help them to be a person of worth, with dignity, accountability, social responsibility and fortitude to face all the challenges of life.

A school which is the primary means where education is used to shape the students into being a dynamic citizen and excellent professionals in their own field of specialization. A school known for its dedication to equip students to attend to world’s challenges.

I envision my school like that because I believe that school plays a big part in shaping the child’s personality, language, behavior and sometimes beliefs that forms them into being a whole person. And I belief that school should help children be prepared for the challenges in life or at least give them an overview.

This school was established to provide quality education that is flexible to the changing needs of the students to guide them to a productive and meaningful life. To ensure that those who have less in life will have privileged to quality education.

Since most of the Filipino students are poor I want to have a school that is affordable but still gives quality education that is flexible to the different changes in our society, or being updated.

A school that believes in fostering the ability of the students to surpass in a changing world and support commitment to society’s needs and development.

I believe that schools should help or foster the students ability so that they can surpass the demands of this society, that they will be able to succeed even though it’s hard because they are equip and ready.

Anonymous said...

Jayson C. Montiadora

I choose Realism. i want them to explore things especially to explain to explain things that were happening in reality. I want to implement the program that is more on cause and effect relationships. I want the students to learn from their mistakes and to teach them why things are happening and by their experience they can learn a lot from it and it will be crystallized to their mind. the learning and education not more on ideas and theories.


To help students especially those who are less fortunate, to mold and let them use their talent and discover new things by their own willingness and to make them a responsible citizen.


To produce students that are well equipped not by just the knowledge in academics but of-course skillful and knowledgeable from their own experience where school help them to find the fruit in their life. that can help them to become a responsible citizen that posses a values of a true Filipino which are makatao, makabayan, makakalikasan, and makadiyos

Philosophy in education

To inculcate to the students a good value and to facilitate learning of the students and reach their goals by using their own ability and freedom.

For me my mission is to enhance students ability and talent and let them discover new things by just guiding and facilitating them. let them use their own knowledge and experience that they can use in practical life

To my vision to help young ones especially those who are less fortunate to become a responsible citizen.

To my philosophy in education is to facilitate learning to students that everyone is entitled to, by letting them to discover things by their own and let them achieve their dreams...

Anonymous said...

Angelie Gayagaya BEEd-2nd year
1.I select philosophy in education is pragmatism is based on the premise that the human capability to theorize is necessary for intelligent practice. Theory and practice are not separate spheres; rather, theories and distinctions are tools or maps for finding our way in the world.

2.My vision in philosophy of education is I should be student-centered and their school vision should center around the betterment of the students.I want every activity that occurs their building to revolve around what is best for the students. If it is not good for the students, then there is no reason that it should continue or even begin to happen.The vision is to create a society of learners where students are being constantly challenged by teachers as well as their peers.We also want teachers who accept a challenge to be the best they can be on a daily basis.We want teachers to be facilitators of learning opportunities for students.I want students to experience meaningful personal growth everyday. You also want to involve the community in the learning process, because there are many community resources that can be utilized to promote growth throughout a school.

My philosophy of education is stated in the mission statement of our school, where
every adult leads…and every child succeeds.I present curriculum that involves the
interests of the students and make learning relevant to life. I incorporate themes,
integrated units, projects, group work, individual work and hands-on learning in order to
make students active learners. Students are dependent upon teachers to educate them in
the ways of the world so that they can be successful adults in the future.

Anonymous said...

Jona Rose Escopel

1.Realism is the philosophy that i have learned and i want it to be imposed in my future teaching career. I want to develop an action (program)regarding the promotion of the the intellectual capacity develop the students talents and skills.The program is related to their career in the future. Letting the students to do some activity using their own capacity that they might be benefited on it in the future.

2. To run a successful and moral school to alleviate poverty and break the cycle of dependency on external aid wherein students will be able the student’s to do such things that will be used for their self fulfillment.
A school that ensure the holistic development of a child – physically, mentally, socially, morally, and spiritually and a school where the students learn how to love God, humanity and country.
= my vision in my future school will be a helpful one for it will serve as my basis on how to mold my future students for them to look forward as a successful individual.

We seek to provide a holistic learning environment that develops our students into caring, thinking and morally upright judgment. To cultivate the youthful minds towards the true principles of justice, peace and knowledge. Making the school as an instrument in molding the attitudes and way of life of the students as good citizens of this nation and give adequate knowledge and develop skills that will be beneficial not only in achieving a profession but to contribute to national welfare.

Anonymous said...

Jona Rose Escopel

1.Realism is the philosophy that i have learned and i want it to be imposed in my future teaching career. I want to develop an action (program)regarding the promotion of the the intellectual capacity develop the students talents and skills.The program is related to their career in the future. Letting the students to do some activity using their own capacity that they might be benefited on it in the future.

2. To run a successful and moral school to alleviate poverty and break the cycle of dependency on external aid wherein students will be able the student’s to do such things that will be used for their self fulfillment.
A school that ensure the holistic development of a child – physically, mentally, socially, morally, and spiritually and a school where the students learn how to love God, humanity and country.
= my vision in my future school will be a helpful one for it will serve as my basis on how to mold my future students for them to look forward as a successful individual.

We seek to provide a holistic learning environment that develops our students into caring, thinking and morally upright judgment. To cultivate the youthful minds towards the true principles of justice, peace and knowledge. Making the school as an instrument in molding the attitudes and way of life of the students as good citizens of this nation and give adequate knowledge and develop skills that will be beneficial not only in achieving a profession but to contribute to national welfare.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 4:04:02 PM

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