Assignment No. 2 in Foundations of Education 2 (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)

1. Did education of knights prepare them well for their later responsibilities? Has that kind of education disappeared now? Explain.

2. What did the guild system of education add to knowledge and to civilization?

3. What are the differences in the teachings of Christianity and Islam?


Anonymous said...

May ann C. Campos
Foundations of Education 2

1. Yes, it is very true that the education of knights prepared them well for their later responsibilities. Unfortunately, this kind of education or training of a child these days was not as good as of those children before. Why did I say so? Simply because we are living in a modern world today and technology was one that has the most effect in our life these days. Technology affects the training for a standard quality education.
2. Guild system educations add to knowledge is that it encourages every individual to be industrious and to have an interest in business and it also influences every mankind to have a more knowledge with commercial and industrial life.
Guild system of education add to civilization is that it serves as a guideline for every generation on how to be good in commercial and industrial life.
3. Christianity teachings focus on believing that there is a lord of all who is the creator and he must be praised and follow his teachings. Islam teachings focus on the development of social welfare. They follow Mohammed which they consider as their lord. They used to memorize “Koran” which was their medium of their belief.

Anonymous said...

Jona Rose Escopel

1)Yes, the education of knights trully prepared them well for their later responsibilities because they started to learn good values like having faith, loyalty, courage and honor in depending the crown. They were trained to be more responsible through joining and learning household works and acted as a valet or personal servant in preparation for their knighthood life. Now a days this kind of education is still existing but only few are practicing because of some high technologies being invented that will make the way of life more easy than before.

2) The guild system of education added some associations that will help the members to know how to work at an early age up until they learned their skills. They also perform charitable, religious and social guilds where they help their members through what they called alms.

3)*Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ while in Islam based on the teachings of Allah.
*The followers of Christianity called Christians and divided into 3 groups the Roman Catholic, Protestant & Eastern Orthodox while Muslims are the followers of Islam.
*Christian consider Jesus as the center of their religion while Allah is the name of the God of Islam.
*The Holy Scripture of Christian is the Holy Bible while in Islam is the Koran.

Anonymous said...

1.)Yes,this kind of education disappeared now,because we have different beliefs and they depends in a higher officials.
2.)The guild system of education add to knowledge and to civilization is base on the merchant guild and craft guild.And the goal of education were they search their knowledge of social welfare.
3.)The difference in the teaching Christianity and Islam are we have different beliefs about God,the mass,about inside of the bible of Christianity and Koran of the Islam.

Anonymous said...

DATE: JAN. 09, 2011

Assignment No. 2
1. Yes they were. Since childhood they have been trained of the tasks they will be doing in their later years and I believed that they have been trained pretty well. They have learned the responsibilities of being an upright and cultured individuals such as being courteous, loyal and trustworthy.

Nowadays that kind of education has not being followed all around the world though I think that in some places in Europe there are still a number of institutions which somewhat practice these principles taught in knighthood. It would be much better if this method of teaching would be practiced here in the Philippines so that all citizens would become more competitive and more confident as well as more patriotic and loyal to its government.

2. The guild added system to knowledge and civilization. To become a master one should undergone lot of tests and qualifications. The guilds made sure that there were not too many masters and that there would be work for all. They follow certain schemes to be considered as a member of the guild. With the help of the guild system, there had been closeness and camaraderie among the members. They took care of their sick members, provided education for fatherless children and helped the widows who weren’t able to support themselves. In this way, it elevated the standards of living of the people. The civilization became more modern and the knowledge inculcated becomes more advanced because it opened the minds of people to marketing or commerce. Their creativity also has been polished for they have learned to improve their craftsmanship for them to succeed as merchants.

3. Islam is monotheistic meaning it only serves Allah or it only has one God. Christianity also believes in one God however God speaks plural when referring to himself: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. In Islam, they only see Jesus as one of the prophets whereas in Christianity Jesus is the son of God. When it comes to salvation, Islam rejects the doctrine of original sin. According to Mohammad, “Every human being is born in a state of a pure nature” which is opposite to the teachings of Christianity wherein the Bible teaches that “Man is born into sin.” Salvation for Moslems comes only through Allah meaning only those who obey Allah and Mohammed, his prophet, can enter into Heaven. In Christianity, salvation comes only through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Another difference about salvation between the two, in Islam, salvation must be earned. How? Through good works, giving alms, and dying in jihad or holy war. But in Christianity, salvation comes only by faith and through the grace of God. On the issue of eternal judgment, Islam believes that the pure and beautiful ones will be going to paradise. They also believe that those who kill or are killed by unbelievers will return to the garden of Paradise where they will enjoy many lustful pleasures. But they will go to Hell if they invoke a god other than Allah. In Christianity, those who believed Jesus Christ and submitted their lives to his Lordship will enjoy eternal bliss in heaven where there’ll be no sorrow, pain, tears as well as death. However those who reject Jesus will suffer eternal torments in hell. Islam both allows and forbids murder and violence, depending on who is the recipient of the act. In Christianity it forbids Murder which is listed right alongside sins like sorcery, fornication, robbery. Muslims must recite prayers in praise of Allah five times daily while facing Mecca, the city where Allah revealed the Koran to Muhammad. Prayer must be performed at prescribed hours and in a definite pattern of word and posture. Christianity presents prayer, fasting and worship as arising totally without compulsion or obligation, but wholly from the heart. Fasting is required of every Muslim for one month per year.Fasting is to be done in a manner of humility and secrecy.

Anonymous said...

1. Yes, I think they are very much prepared for their responsibilities. Not only in skills but also in different aspects like their behavior, manners, and knowledge. Being able to start or study at a very young age, I believe they had learned and experienced what they ought to know and practice before they became official knights. Also I'm not quite sure if this kind of learning is being done in other countries. I think it's because that kind of discipline and dedication the knights had demonstrated is very hard to follow.
2. The guild system added to knowledge by training prospective member into becoming a commendable part of the guild. I can compare the training and education the guild system had given to their student to the education given to the knights. It is somewhat similar;the teachers educate their students in achieving the proper learning at a young age.They were knowledgeable not only in their specific work but also in other aspect since they had gone to learn other things like being disciplined and responsible in many things. They had to endure many years of work and training just to be part of the guild. They also need to prove their worthiness being a member. On the other hand the civilization had improved, since people had given opportunity to work and to demonstrate their craftsmanship. People had been creative and learned to socialize with others craftsmen to make their guild successful.
3. Muslim and Christian argue over Jesus’ identity. Even though Muslims believe in one God, like Christians, they reject that there is a trinity (this one God is three persons). The Koran is strongly saying that Jesus isn't God. Jesus is given great honor in the Koran, He was called as a prophet and as a miracle-worker, but he's not God. In contrast the Bible is strongly telling us that far from being just a created being, Jesus become a human being. Islam and Christianity also disagree over Jesus’ death. Since Jesus is just a prophet for Muslims, it is unthinkable for them that a prophet of Allah could die a horrible shameful death like a crucifixion. So the Koran actually claims that Jesus didn't die on the cross, Judas died in his place, God made him to look like Jesus as payback for his wicked betrayal of Jesus and the two were switched at the crucial time. On the other hand, Christians are willing to risk their honor, face ridicule and shame, by declaring that Jesus was the messiah who was crucified. And He did die a shameful painful public humiliating death by crucifixion. Islam and Christianity disagree over the way to escape judgment. In Islam, the way someone gains God's approval and escapes his fate on the final Day of Judgment is by 'falah', which means self-effort or positive achievement. They say that people must submit to God and follow all of his directives which are found in the Koran. Judgment day will involve some kind of summing up of what we've done wrong and what we've done right. And even then entry into heaven is down to whether or not Allah decides to grant you mercy on the last day. This is completely opposite to Christianity. According to the Bible, no-one can ever be good enough to deserve God's favor, to win God's heaven, because from birth we are all sinners, pre-disposed to rejecting God and living our lives our own way. That's why it was vital for God himself to be in a human body and die on a cross, dying the death we deserve. The only way to be saved and enter the kingdom of Jesus according to the Bible is for God himself to accept Him as our Lord and Savior. What we need according to the Bible is not 'falah' but faith. Those with faith in Jesus now can be sure that in the future God will welcome them into his heaven with wide open arms as if they deserved to be there as much as Jesus himself. Eventually Islam and Christianity present two very different gods who may share some similarities but who have different identities and completely different standards.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Rebeccah Molina , BEED
1. Yes, I think they are very much prepared for their responsibilities. Not only in skills but also in different aspects like their behavior,manners,and knowledge.Being able to start or study at a very young age,I believe they had learned and experienced what they ought to know and practice before they became official knights.Also I think that kind of education is not being practiced in our country but I’m not quite sure if this kind of learning is being done in other countries because the kind of discipline and dedication the knights had demonstrated is very hard to follow.
2. The guild system added to knowledge by training prospective member into becoming a commendable part of the guild. I can compare the training and education the guild system had given to their student to the education given to the knights.It is somewhat similar; the teachers educate their students on achieving the proper learning at a young age.They were knowledgeable not only on their specific work but also on other aspect since they had gone to learn other things like being discipline and responsible on many things. They had to endure many years of work and training just to be part of the guild. They also need to prove their worthiness being a member. On the other hand the civilization had improved, since people had given opportunity to work and to demonstrate their craftsmanship.People had been creative and learned to socialize with others craftsmen to make their guild successful.
3. Muslim and Christian argue over Jesus’ identity. Even though Muslims believe in one God, like Christians, they reject that there is a trinity (this one God is three persons). The Koran is strongly saying that Jesus isn't God. Jesus is given great honor in the Koran, He was called as a prophet and as a miracle-worker, but he's not God. In contrast the Bible is strongly telling us that far from being just a created being, Jesus become a human being. Islam and Christianity also disagree over Jesus’ death. Since Jesus is just a prophet for Muslims, it is unthinkable for them that a prophet of Allah could die a horrible shameful death like a crucifixion. So the Koran actually claims that Jesus didn't die on the cross, Judas died in his place, God made him to look like Jesus as payback for his wicked betrayal of Jesus and the two were switched at the crucial time. On the other hand, Christians are willing to risk their honor, face ridicule and shame, by declaring that Jesus was the messiah who was crucified. And He did die a shameful painful public humiliating death by crucifixion. Islam and Christianity disagree over the way to escape judgment. In Islam, the way someone gains God's approval and escapes his fate on the final Day of Judgment is by 'falah',which means self-effort or positive achievement. They say that people must submit to God and follow all of his directives which are found in the Koran.Judgment day will involve some kind of summing up of what we've done wrong and what we've done right. And even then entry into heaven is down to whether or not Allah decides to grant you mercy on the last day. This is completely opposite to Christianity. According to the Bible,no one can ever be good enough to deserve God's favor,to win God's heaven, because from birth we are all sinners, pre-disposed to rejecting God and living our lives our own way.That's why it was vital for God himself to be in a human body and die on a cross, dying the death we deserve. The only way to be saved and enter the kingdom of Jesus according to the Bible is for God himself to accept Him as our Lord and Savior. What we need according to the Bible is not 'falah' but faith. Those with faith in Jesus now can be sure that in the future God will welcome them into his heaven with wide open arms as if they deserved to be there as much as Jesus himself. Eventually Islam and Christianity present two very different gods who may share some similarities but who have different identities and completely different standards.

Anonymous said...

Submitted by: Jayson C.Montiadora

1. The Education of knights is a kind of education that is well prepared because ever since before they become a real knight there are lots of preparations and learning through physical chores and obstacles. Half of their life was dedicated to their work before they become a real a real knight. Unfortunately that kind of education right now does not exist anymore because lot of countries are who conquered our countries and lots of education methods are being used and sadly that kind of education is not recognized.

2. The guild system of education has a lot of influence to the knowledge because in that time there are lots of preparations before achieving what you have dreamed of and to the civilization it caused a lot of restrictions to every citizen…

3. Christianity and Islam have a lot of differences to each other. In Christianity they began their Education by forcing everyone, citizen or followers of the religion to change their religion and focused on studying the words of GODS an especially by letting go of all the vices and luxurious things that a normal man are having and they should focused their self to Christianity only and by attending Catechumenal Schools while in Islam are just applying to their life on what they have learn in schools and they are more on memorizing especially the “Quran” and their schools was established completely together with the complete facilities for the best education that they have and they are more on Scientific Method.

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