Assignment No. 2 in Introduction to Philosophy with Logic (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)

1. What is YOUR philosophy in life?

2. As a social being, how should a person relate with other people?

3. Is morality really important on human beings?

4. If I lie, do I conceal the truth to others or to myself? Explain.

5. If you are to choose, how will your arrange the world? Why?


Mary Lare Alexine M. Rivera said...

Mary Lare Alexine M. Rivera
BSA - 1

1. The philosophy in life for me is capable of rebirth and subsequent re generations. At the same time, birth and rebirths are seen as purification processes to free the soul of impurities.
2. As a social being, the person have relationship with other people like friendship, giving information and other part of life that will be free.
3. Man is not only an important but a person. He is also and primarily a person with an existence, origin and destiny.
4. If I lie, I conceal the truth to other because I mean to say to other that is a liar or not believe the saying. I know myself and not to spread.

Anonymous said...

Ronnel A. Mindanao

1. My philosophy and aim in life is to have a bachelor degree, to get stable job and help my family.

2. Social being involves a person's relationships with others and how that person communicates, interacts and socialises with other people. It can also relate to how people make friends and whether they have a sense of belonging.

3. Yes because Morality is the product of the evolutionary development of man and society. Morality is always relative and never absolute. Within the framework of our society, we chose our own, personal code of moral conduct.

4. If I lie, I suppress the truth to others so I could still regain their trust.

5. If I were to choose, how I arrange the world, I would like a clean and green world and with peace and loving people so we could live Harmoniously.

Anonymous said...


1. My philosophy in life is to achieve my goal and to finish my study.
2. People can experience loneliness for many reasons and many life events are associated with it, like the lack of friendship relations during childhood and adolescence, or the physical absence of meaningful people around a person are a few causes for loneliness. At the same time, loneliness may be a symptom of another social or psychological problem, such as chronic depression. Many people experience loneliness for the first time when they are left alone as infants. It is also a very common, though normally temporary, consequence of breakup, divorce, or loss of any important long-term relationship. In these cases, it may stem both from the loss of a specific person and from the withdrawal from social circles caused by the event or the associated sadness.
3. Yes! Because according to Albert Einstein, morality is a purely natural and human creation, it’s a part of being human, not a part of some supernatural realm.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others; if you're always striving to be someone you're not already, you'll never be a happy person. This comes about through comparing yourself to others and finding you wanting in certain ways. This is a slippery slope to tread, though. You can always see the appearances others wish to portray publicly but you won't ever see what's really going on behind their façades in their apparently perfect world. By comparing yourself to others, you give their image-portrayal way too much power and reduce your own worth based on a mirage. It's a useless activity that only brings harm. Instead, value the person you are, love your personality, and embrace your flaws; we all have them, and as explained earlier, being honest is better than running from them.
5. For me, I will not arrange the world because it is created by God; I know that God there is always a plan to us, that’s why he created the world.

Anonymous said...


1.My philosophy in life is to finish my studies,to reach my goal in life and to live happy and peaceful.

2.As a social being,a person relate with other person by showing love,respect and trust.
3.Yes, because morality is made by us.
4.For me,upon lying you already know the truth,and the purpose of lying is to conceal the truth and lying is concealing the truth to others not to yourself.And we all know that lying is a sin that people didn't avoidable.
5.For me,if I choose,I will arranged the world by imploring PEACE,LOVE,and COOPERATION among all nations because this is what God our creature wants the world to be.

Anonymous said...


1)My philosophy in life is like what William Shakespear said ''the end does not justify the means'', because in this world many people are doing wrong things but they have their good intentions. Even if their intentions are positive,and their actions are wrong,it is still a negative doing.

2)As a social being,a person can relate to other people by understanding what their problems are,by trying to answer the questions that they have in their lives.Apply the experiences that you encountered and make it as their inspirations.

3)Yes,because man alone of all earthly creatures,is a moral being. He enjoys liberty in his actions,but he is responsible for them. He knows what is right and wrong,but at the same time he knows he is bound by his conscience always to do good and shun evil.He has rights and duties with respect to his fellowmen.He can control himself and his passions and be the master of his life and the architect of his destiny,

4)Lying is one of the sins that affects our relationship to God.It's an issue that also affects the personality of every individual.If someone lies,he/she conceals the truth to himself/herself because once he/she says some untrue things,the first one being affected is him/her.He/she is bound by his/her conscience and of course,he/she also committed another sin to God.

5)If I have anything valuable to contribute to the world,it will come to the expression of my own personality that single spark of divinity that sets me off and makes me different from any living creature.

Cheryn Mariz Natividad said...

1. What is YOUR philosophy in life?
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
I believe that if you are nice to other people, they would be nice to you too or whatever nice things you do to others, God has his own way of bringing it back to you or it is as simple as saying that whatever action you’ve done to a person or how you treat them, that will be the way for them to treat you in return …
But in general a lot of people didn’t apply this golden rule in their life and sometimes, this golden rule doesn’t work. Still, there are people who, no matter how nicely you treated them, they will never return it nicely.
If you like people to treat you with respect and not to judge you, this is the behavior that you should have with other people. We should accept people where they are in life without condemnation and judgment.

Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do it to others, what matters most is that you were able to do the right thing. It’s better to be hurt than hurting somebody.

2. As a social being, how should a person relate with other people?
-Person should relate with other people by sharing what’s on their minds or giving ideas which involves to the question of others.

3. Is morality really important on human beings?
-Yes, because man is moral being .He is endowed with the great gift of freedom of choice in his actions ,yet he is responsible for his own freely chosen acts ,his conduct .He distinguishes between right and wrong ,good and bad in human passions .He can control his passions. He is the master of himself .The sculptor of his own life and destiny.

4. If I lie, do I conceal the truth to others or to myself? Explain.
-Once you say some untrue, it doesn’t mean that your concealing the truth because sometimes it’s better to choose the right person who can be trusted of what the truths are.

5. If you are to choose, how will you arrange the world? Why?
-If I will be given a chance to arrange the world, I rather not to change it because I believed that god created the world perfectly. Yes we all know that the world is really unfair .There’s a rich people and there’s a poor one .There’s a lot of things that is not equal but god created it to balance the world. We need to be contented with what we have right now for us to be happy.

Cheryn Mariz Natividad said...

1. What is YOUR philosophy in life?
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
I believe that if you are nice to other people, they would be nice to you too or whatever nice things you do to others, God has his own way of bringing it back to you or it is as simple as saying that whatever action you’ve done to a person or how you treat them, that will be the way for them to treat you in return …
But in general a lot of people didn’t apply this golden rule in their life and sometimes, this golden rule doesn’t work. Still, there are people who, no matter how nicely you treated them, they will never return it nicely.
If you like people to treat you with respect and not to judge you, this is the behavior that you should have with other people. We should accept people where they are in life without condemnation and judgment.

Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do it to others, what matters most is that you were able to do the right thing. It’s better to be hurt than hurting somebody.

2. As a social being, how should a person relate with other people?
-Person should relate with other people by sharing what’s on their minds or giving ideas which involves to the question of others.

3. Is morality really important on human beings?
-Yes, because man is moral being .He is endowed with the great gift of freedom of choice in his actions ,yet he is responsible for his own freely chosen acts ,his conduct .He distinguishes between right and wrong ,good and bad in human passions .He can control his passions. He is the master of himself .The sculptor of his own life and destiny.

4. If I lie, do I conceal the truth to others or to myself? Explain.
-Once you say some untrue, it doesn’t mean that your concealing the truth because sometimes it’s better to choose the right person who can be trusted of what the truths are.

5. If you are to choose, how will you arrange the world? Why?
-If I will be given a chance to arrange the world, I rather not to change it because I believed that god created the world perfectly. Yes we all know that the world is really unfair .There’s a rich people and there’s a poor one .There’s a lot of things that is not equal but god created it to balance the world. We need to be contented with what we have right now for us to be happy.

Anonymous said...

1.learn the nature of the world, discover its meaning and pattern, and acquire a philosophy of life and the art of living. The plot of development may involve escape.
2.Of or pertaining to society; relating to men living in society, or to the public as an aggregate body; as, social interest or concerns; social pleasure; social benefits; social happiness; social duties.
3.t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

richell i. dela cruz

Anonymous said...

Sarah Mae Bruzuela 5110034

1. My philosophy in life is be the real you and look back at your past experiences so that you can move forward without regrets and never let other people affect your success.

2. As a social being, I can relate to other people trough communicating to them, being open to what you feel towards them is also a way of relating with other people. Understanding others helps us to relate with them to establish a good relationship.

3. Morality is important to human being. I try to follow what I know in my own self to be moral, I make every attempt to treat all others as I would prefer to be treated and all things with as much respect as I would a human being. Morality is very important for it plays a very important in leading a good life. It gives me the opportunity to follow what is righteous and be a good citizenry. Morality leads to a peaceful environment. How i wish everyone matters to them the value of morality.

4. Of course, lying is not a good act of a human.If someone lies, you are not able to know the truth. You were also lying to your self as you lie to others.

5. I think I will arrange the world compose of 60% of water and 30% of land to prevent calamities. I will put the Philippines together with the first world countries so that we can follow the growth of that countries.

Anonymous said...


1. What is YOUR philosophy in life?

*Why do I need to fall in-love and leads me to heartbreak

2. As a social being, how should a person relate with other people?


3. Is morality really important on human beings?


4. If I lie, do I conceal the truth to others or to myself? Explain.

*maybe,it is depend to what kind of lies, a lies that can be good to others or a lies that can be bad for you and to others...

a good lies said to your friend that,you don't love him even though you love him too much but for the sake of your friendship you lied to him...

5. If you are to choose, how will your arrange the world? Why?

*first of all before i answer this question i just wanna say that i was so Blessed because we have our God that design and arrange this world in purpose and reasons...

if i have a chance to arrange this world... i should pray first before i do something for this because i know there is a Power in prayer...:)


Tamagos,Sarah A.

Anonymous said...

1)For me, my own philosophy was "we can never go back and change what has been done but we can always earn the lesson learned to make things better next time."
In my past 23 years, i realize that all things that happened in my life was just a trials and a part of my life. I know that it was God who decide to make that things happened to me to make me strong and to trust him more.
2)In my opinion, a person should collaborate to other people for a better relation with them. For me, I always give my best to understand other people and to be more patience especially if that person have a conflict situation or even if I encountered conflict person.
3)For my opinion, my answer is yes because we all know that morality is very important for us as a Filipino. Here in Philippines our culture is conservative and strict when it comes to morality. Morality is important for trace the personality of a human being.
4)Yes, I conceal the truth to other people especially to myself. Maybe because I want to please other people for my own good whether it is a good or bad lies.

5) As a christian, I don’t have the rights to arrange the world.Because I believe that it was God who created the world and he is the only one who can decide if what is the best and possible arrangement of the world.

Anonymous said...

Ann Mel Rose D. Espartero

1.My philosophy in life is to enjoy what God gave it to me because we dont know how long life we ha, so as early from now i do whatever i want as long as i dont even hurting the feelings of someone else and until now i still searching for the answer to my question:

"why after the happiness done in the day their always sad moment or you will cry? , why after joy followed by sad moment? . social being , i think a person relate with other people just because they based they experience to that person who are related what experience happen to their past, it's either bad or good experience.

3. yes , morality is very important in human being because morality is one of the reason to have a peacefull world , and every one will understand.

4.if i lie , i conceal the truth to others and also to myself. we all know that they are many kinds of lie, it's either to others or to your self. just for example you have a partners and you saw him/her that kissing to other girl/boy and he dont know that that you saw him /her and thats what we called conceal the truth to myself because your acting as no bad things happened.

5.if i will given a chance to choose to arrange the world i think , i will start to the people , i will make them good person , lovable , sweet , all the positive attitude their's no negative attitude so that the world will be full of love,care,honesty,kind and of course peace to everyone.
i want that because i want that our world have a peace, no more war between different country that causes death of many person.

Anonymous said...

Potencio Glenda S.

1. my philosophy in life is to achieve my goal and to finish my study.
2. As Social wellbeing involves a person's relationships with others and how that ... It
can also relate to how people make friends and whether they have a sense of ...
the ability to get along with other people is the definition to social well being
3. Man is not only an important but a person.

Anonymous said...


1. my philosophy in life is to believe in my self and into God and make things happen according to Godswill.

2. As a social being i can relate with the other by simply communicating with them ang listen to their fellings and let them know , because as person or as a individual we should know how to relate with the others.

3.yes, why ?, because for me i dont judge the person base on the physical apperance because if every person only base on what they see or what they saw , theres nothing good happen with them., if i lie or if we lie we are not conceal it as truth to your self or to others , remember thers only one person who see or who saw what are you doing even its good or bad .

5. if i will given a change to arrange the world , i arrange it as a good or as a beautiful as heaven , i want to have everybody a peaceful life and i dont want to see people suffering from any vulnerable cases .

Anonymous said...

1.My philosophy in life is to know what we are done on past or rebirth and to know what is the main problem that we are looking for.

2.he/she needs to know the person or the background of a people in order to see their life.

3.yes , cause if were not have morality there's something wrong with our knowledge.

4.If I lie , I conceal the truth to others because I have words that i never be blame although sometimes there's many hindrance on my mind that I can't handle.


Anonymous said...

Carbonilla, Charina Dawn H.

1. My philosophy in life is we can share our thoughts and experience through it.
2. You should relate yourself to other people for you to have social life and to be aqble to know on how to mingle with others.
3. Yes. For us peope to know what is right.
4. If ever I lied, I'll just conceal it to others. Because I know to myself what is the truth.
5. If I've given a chance to arrange the world, I want plants & trees can talk. For us people to know that they are fewer as days goes by.

Anonymous said...

lorielyn salaysay
bsba 1
1. my opinion .. a person may be related to another person by being a friend of one another.sharing different kind of story and communicating with each means of that they will be close to each other.
4.if I lie ,I will conceal the truth to other because i just want them to know what is the truth.
5.i will arrange the world same as what it is like today ..because i dont want to change it in other way .. i am contented to what it is like today.

Jehdama Teja said...

1. What is YOUR philosophy in life?

My philosophy in life is to live my life according to the Lord's standard and not to man. I want to live the way He wants me to live. I want to give until there's just no more to give. I want to love until there's jut no more love. I don't want to offer anything that costs me nothing. Whatever I do, I do it for the Lord and i want to follow where He wants me to lead.

2. As a social being, how should a person relate with other people?

As a social being, a person should relate with other people by means of communication. No man is an island and I agree on that. Someone needs somebody. By means of interaction through communication, one could be able to relate and get well along with others.

3. Is morality really important on human beings?

Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior) is really important on human beings. Without morality there would be no prosperity in this world. Through morality, there's harmony and respect with one another. Because of morality, people would be able to relate themselves with others in a much better way. Having a good behavior is essential in dealing with others as well as having a good relationship that can stand for a lifetime.

4. If I lie, do I conceal the truth to others or to myself? Explain.

If I lie, I conceal the truth neither to myself or to others. There's no truth behind lying. It depends to the person's purpose why he/she lied. But the truth behind lying is it is a sin.

5. If you are to choose, how will your arrange the world? Why?

If I were to choose, I will arrange the world today wherein the people are more loving, generous and kind to one another so there will be no more crime elsewhere. But everything happens because it is already indicated in the Bible that the love of many will perish as the Lord's coming is near. People are the ones who mold their lives and they are the ones who made the decision whether they want to be good or bad. We are human beings created by God to have our own free will and not robot or any material thing than can be controlled.


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