Assignment No. 4 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)

Write one news article on each of the following:

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

Remember to research on the these: WHO, WHEN, WHERE!



Anonymous said...

“ Seminar for Graduating Students Sponsored by the Guidance Office”

March 16, 2012 at 8am when the seminar of graduating students was start in AVR room of TFVC. The seminar was sponsored by the guidance officeled by Mrs. Kathleen Osorio acting Director in TFVC and Guidance counselor Mrs. Marve Lakampuenka and two faculty in Colleges and our adviser in Creative writing who is Mr. Marlon Raquel and Mrs. Buenaflor. The seminar was conducted by the staff Department of Labor (DOLE) with representative Miss Sheree Ann Vargas and Mrs. Edna Butch Lapuz.. DOLE or Department of Labor was introduced the LEGS or Labor Educational for Graduating Students which is to promote the Social justice and equal work opportunity for all Filipino workers regardless of gender, race or creed and regulate employee or employer relationship. The importance of right giving fair Salary and Wages and related Benefits that to be paid to an employee in exchange for a task. It is also include the fair and reasonable value of board and lodging and other facilities Computation of Wages that excess of 8 hours or OT(over time) working days and hours including rest days and holiday. The National Program LEGS joint from L.A.N.I means (Love, Attitude, Noble, Integrity) program The Mayor in Tagiug Miss Lani Cayetano implemented this program to all graduating students this year 2012. The Head of Public Employment Representative Mr. Norman Mirabel had been tackled also about the Job Employment or Local Employment Program for new graduating students which aim is to familiarized the TUPAD or TULONG PANGKABUHAYN DISADVANTAGES to all workers. It is a project for diplaced workers resulting from the Global assigning clean-up facilities in our country. The DOLE informal sector worktrep program is intended to improve the socio-economic and well being of the workers in the informal sector also known as is an worktrep. Philippines Jobnet is an internet based applicant matching system which aim is job seekers search for manpower. This is the facility of the Department of Labor or DOLE. The Skill Mapping is the register of skills registry system is roster of active manpower supply that shows information on the qualifications and skills of registrants which are either formally acquired in school or gained through experienced. Certificate of Recognition(PESO TAGUIG) whole NCR top is Taguig City because of the program by our mayor Miss Lani Cayetano. The last speaker from POEA representative is Mr. Rustico Banaag and Mrs. Rose Villaflor the sales manager of the PAROLA.
She was introduced the PEOS or Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar for BPO or Bussiness Process Offering. It’s aim How to create very creative and impressive and safety business. And last how to make appealing Resume.

Prepared by:
Rufina D. Lindain

Anonymous said...

Abon, Jezen Joy B.

L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13
March 13,2012 Tuesday that was the day said that the scholarship benefit will be given. I’m so blessed I belong to 139 scholars of L.A.N.I they given to us a basic scholarship worth 5,000 pesos. Although It is a small amount but It is a big blessing to me because not only for me but also to other students that receive also the same amount. I am happy when I receive a letter from the city hall and also Mrs. Kate Osorio informed us about that scholarship. With the help of Mrs. Kate Osorio. That day was held and that promise were became true. It is a small amount for others but for me I am full heartedly thankful and great full .I hope that project will encourage the student to study. And will have a job here in our city. Because our city became a developing city because of us. It is not because of politics but they encourage us to study and they helping us in a very simple way.

Anonymous said...

Kristine cruz

Labor employment seminar on March 16

The history of Japan encompasses the history of the islands of Japan and the Japanese people, spanning the ancient history of the region to the modern history of Japan as a nation state. Following the last ice age, around 12,000 BC, the rich ecosystem of the Japanese Archipelago fostered human development. The earliest-known pottery belongs to the Jōmon period. The first known written reference to Japan is in the brief information given in Twenty-Four Histories in the 1st century AD. The main cultural and religious influences came from China.

The first permanent capital was founded at Nara in 710 AD, which became a center of Buddhist art, religion and culture. The current imperial family emerged about 700 AD, but until 1868 (with few exceptions) had high prestige but little power. By 1550 or so political power was subdivided into several hundred local units, or "domains" controlled by local "daimyō" (lords), each with his own force of samurai warriors. Tokugawa Ieyasu came to power in 1600, gave land to his supporters, set up his "bakufu" (military government) at Edo (modern Tokyo). The "Tokugawa period" was prosperous and peaceful, but Japan deliberately terminated the Christian missions and cut off almost all contact with the outside world. In the 1860s the Meiji Period began, and the new national leadership systematically ended feudalism and transformed an isolated, underdeveloped island country into a world power that closely followed Western models. Democracy was problematic, because Japan's powerful military was semi-independent and overruled—or assassinated—civilians in the 1920s and 1930s. The military moved into China starting in 1931 but was defeated in the Pacific War by the United States and Britain.

Occupied by the U.S. after the war and stripped of its conquests, Japan was transformed into a peaceful and democratic nation. After 1950 it enjoyed very high economic growth rates, and became a world economic powerhouse, especially in automobiles and electronics. Since the 1990s economic stagnation has been a major issue, with an earthquake and tsunami in 2011 causing massive economic dislocations.

Anonymous said...

L.A.N.I. Scholarship

Anonymous said...

Elve O. Gumanit
Creative Writing
Assignment no.4

L.A.N.I. Scholarship

Mayor Lani Cayetano of Taguig City has awarded scholarship benefits to qualified beneficiaries of Taguig City Scholarship Program under the L.A.N.I.or Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors in Need Program. Last March 13, 2012, more than one hundred college students of The Fisher Valley College received five thousand pesos as their scholarship grants for the school year 2011-2012.The fortunate graduating student from the Department of Business Administration was given twenty thousand pesos –full scholarship grant. The mayor, together with her staff, handed the envelope personally to every grantee. She encouraged every Taguigeño to focus more on education and for that to support her advocacy. They announced that the acceptance of application for scholarship for the 1st semester 20113-2013 will start on April 16 until May 15, 2012 for 1st batch. They will be planning if they are going to accept graduate outside Taguig City soon. More information or details are posted on their website.

Anonymous said...

Elve O. Gumanit
Creative Writing
Assignment no.4

L.A.N.I. Scholarship

Mayor Lani Cayetano of Taguig City has awarded scholarship benefits to qualified beneficiaries of Taguig City Scholarship Program under the L.A.N.I.or Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors in Need Program. Last March 13, 2012, more than one hundred college students of The Fisher Valley College received five thousand pesos as their scholarship grants for the school year 2011-2012.The fortunate graduating student from the Department of Business Administration was given twenty thousand pesos –full scholarship grant. The mayor, together with her staff, handed the envelope personally to every grantee. She encouraged every Taguigeño to focus more on education and for that to support her advocacy. They announced that the acceptance of application for scholarship for the 1st semester 20113-2013 will start on April 16 until May 15, 2012 for 1st batch. They will be planning if they are going to accept graduate outside Taguig City soon. More information or details are posted on their website.

Anonymous said...

Passed by: Nathaniel A. Abad
beed- III

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13
The Local government of taguig has a good project for the people of the taguig especially for the college students of each colleges and universities around the city. The City administration headed by the city mayor Lani Cayetano gave a basic scholarship program for the college students who graduate in public high school in town. Luckily, 130 of the tfvc students grant the opportunity to receive the basic scholarship program worth 5,000 pesos and one of the students of tfvc received full scholarship worth 20, 000 pesos. The awarding ceremony conducted last march 13, at the Quadrangle, The Fisher Valley College, Taguig City. Where in the scholars enjoy receiving their money together with their guardian.

2.SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC
The Fisher Valley College is a Christ- centered institute and the Jollibee Food Corporation is a large company that has a vision, to help the youth to reach their dreams that is why they make a proposal to the TFVC Administration by e- mail. They are offering scholarship program for the students of TFVC where in they should work for the Jollibee and the Jollibee Food Corporation deduct their salary for their tuition fee. According to the Registrar representative, the collaboration started last first semester s.y. 2010- 2011, and the branches of the Jollibee that involve in this opportunity are the following: Taguig- Bayan Branch, Pateros Branch, Baymart Branch, F.T.I Branch, C-5 Shell Branch, and lately the Global branch, all in all the there are 27 students who are under in this collaboration and they are distributed in different branches that mentioned a moment ago. The TFVC and Jollibee Food Corporation called them as a “SEEDS”

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27
The graduation ceremony of The Fisher Valley College will be on March 27, 2012 at the .greenhills christian fellowship, Robinson Galleria, Ortigas, Pasig city at exactly 2pm. The graduating students are excited about it as well as their parents. The students are very happy because this will be the end of their striving in school, and this will be the prize of their sacrifices as students like passing a project, assignment report. Congratulations tfvcians you guys did a great job, good luck for the new chapter of your life.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
The TFVC conducted a seminar for the graduating students for this school year, the seminars held at the AVR, The Fisher Valley College. The seminar has a theme “Career Patting” where in the speaker were from the different field, like in Call center industry, POEA, PESO, Dole. Some students who attended in the seminars said that there are some topics that interesting but some topics get them bored. But they said that all in all the seminars are helpful for them.

5.Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16
Last march 16, 2011 the Guidance office conducted a seminars held at the TFVC Audio Visual Room headed by the Guidance Councilor Mrs. Marve Lakampuenga. The seminar is for the graduating students only. There are a lot of topics discussed by the different speakers. Mr. Marlon Raquel speaks regarding the unemployed Filipino citizens, Ms. Presh Dela Fuente who are very expert with regards to the resume or what she called curriculum vetae , she discussed also about the techniques of how to get hire in the position that you are applying for. And last Mrs. Marve Lakapuenga discussed about the physical appearance that they should have every time they apply for a job and it is about the personality development. The students are very happy for the knowledge that they learned from those prestigious speakers.

Anonymous said...

Laguardia, Faith Sarah A.

1. L.A.N.I scholarship and giving 5,000 php. To TFVC students

L.A.N.I scholarship and giving 5,000 php. Monday March 13, 2012 mayor Lani Cayetano comes to TFVC to give 5,000 php. For those scholar students. TFVC students have a big help for the students here in Taguig most especially for those students who are lack of financial support and cannot able to pay their tuition fees. Some of the TFVC students spend their money worth 5,000 php. To their payment of tuition fees for the final examination, some students give their money to their parents to sustain their everyday needs. TFVC scholars and their parents was very thankful to Mayor Lani Cayetano for this program because it was a big help for them to support their studies this program is not only help for financial support but this is also encourage the students to study hard and to be more dedicated in their studies to achieve their dream and goal in life.

2. Seeds scholarship collaboration between Jollibee and TFVC

This program gives a chance to students to study and to work at the same time. This scholarship has a big help for those people who want to study but they don’t have any financial support for their needs like payment for tuition fees, daily allowance, projects and other financial needs. In this program many out of school youth was given a chance to study because of seeds they need to balance their time for their work/duties and their studies. They need to maintain high grades so that they may continue their scholarship, this program help the students not only to be educated person but also to be a hardworking and responsible one, helps to achieve their dream and career in life.

3. Upcoming Graduation Ceremony on March 27,2012

TFVC is celebrating their Graduation Ceremony on March 27, 2012. Almost all of the fourth year students will march on their graduation Ceremony. They need to passed all of their subjects to be able to graduate. All of there are now excited for their Graduation day. They always practice their marching and their graduation song. Some of them are mixed emotion happy because they will be graduate some are sad because they will be miss each other. The Graduation they is a Thanks giving day. All graduating students are very thankful to first is to the Lord who strengthen them all the time in good times or in bad times, second is to their beloved parents who support their needs since they study, third is to their professors who do their best to teach them and share many things, correct them if they wrong and always there to give encourages to them. And the fourth one is for their friends and classmates who are always there in good times and in bad times.

4. Labor employment seminar on march 16

Labor employment seminar on March 16 in The fisher Valley held at the AVR room this program is for the Graduating students. This program help the students to find a job easily The ability to locate and recruit highly-educated, hardworking employees is an important requirement for foreign and local companies doing business in the Philippines. The most common forms of employee recruitment include internal database searches, networking events, job fairs, and newspaper advertisements.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16.

Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16. Because they want to help all of the graduating students in The Fisher Valley College by this seminar has a job fairs program for them to have a good job after they graduate. This program aims to help students to be hard working person this seminar was sponsored by the guidance office for their own good in the future.

Anonymous said...

Laguardia, Faith sarah A.
BSE-English III

1. L.A.N.I scholarship and giving 5,000 php. To TFVC students

L.A.N.I scholarship and giving 5,000 php. Monday March 13, 2012 mayor Lani Cayetano comes to TFVC to give 5,000 php. For those scholar students. TFVC students have a big help for the students here in Taguig most especially for those students who are lack of financial support and cannot able to pay their tuition fees. Some of the TFVC students spend their money worth 5,000 php. To their payment of tuition fees for the final examination, some students give their money to their parents to sustain their everyday needs. TFVC scholars and their parents was very thankful to Mayor Lani Cayetano for this program because it was a big help for them to support their studies this program is not only help for financial support but this is also encourage the students to study hard and to be more dedicated in their studies to achieve their dream and goal in life.

2. Seeds scholarship collaboration between Jollibee and TFVC

This program gives a chance to students to study and to work at the same time. This scholarship has a big help for those people who want to study but they don’t have any financial support for their needs like payment for tuition fees, daily allowance, projects and other financial needs. In this program many out of school youth was given a chance to study because of seeds they need to balance their time for their work/duties and their studies. They need to maintain high grades so that they may continue their scholarship, this program help the students not only to be educated person but also to be a hardworking and responsible one, helps to achieve their dream and career in life.

3. Upcoming Graduation Ceremony on March 27,2012

TFVC is celebrating their Graduation Ceremony on March 27, 2012. Almost all of the fourth year students will march on their graduation Ceremony. They need to passed all of their subjects to be able to graduate. All of there are now excited for their Graduation day. They always practice their marching and their graduation song. Some of them are mixed emotion happy because they will be graduate some are sad because they will be miss each other. The Graduation they is a Thanks giving day. All graduating students are very thankful to first is to the Lord who strengthen them all the time in good times or in bad times, second is to their beloved parents who support their needs since they study, third is to their professors who do their best to teach them and share many things, correct them if they wrong and always there to give encourages to them. And the fourth one is for their friends and classmates who are always there in good times and in bad times.

4. Labor employment seminar on march 16

Labor employment seminar on March 16 in The fisher Valley held at the AVR room this program is for the Graduating students. This program help the students to find a job easily The ability to locate and recruit highly-educated, hardworking employees is an important requirement for foreign and local companies doing business in the Philippines. The most common forms of employee recruitment include internal database searches, networking events, job fairs, and newspaper advertisements.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16.

Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16. Because they want to help all of the graduating students in The Fisher Valley College by this seminar has a job fairs program for them to have a good job after they graduate. This program aims to help students to be hard working person this seminar was sponsored by the guidance office for their own good in the future.

Anonymous said...

Laguardia, Faith Sarah A.
BSE_English III

1. L.A.N.I scholarship and giving 5,000 php. To TFVC students

L.A.N.I scholarship and giving 5,000 php. Monday March 13, 2012 mayor Lani Cayetano comes to TFVC to give 5,000 php. For those scholar students. TFVC students have a big help for the students here in Taguig most especially for those students who are lack of financial support and cannot able to pay their tuition fees. Some of the TFVC students spend their money worth 5,000 php. To their payment of tuition fees for the final examination, some students give their money to their parents to sustain their everyday needs. TFVC scholars and their parents was very thankful to Mayor Lani Cayetano for this program because it was a big help for them to support their studies this program is not only help for financial support but this is also encourage the students to study hard and to be more dedicated in their studies to achieve their dream and goal in life.

2. Seeds scholarship collaboration between Jollibee and TFVC

This program gives a chance to students to study and to work at the same time. This scholarship has a big help for those people who want to study but they don’t have any financial support for their needs like payment for tuition fees, daily allowance, projects and other financial needs. In this program many out of school youth was given a chance to study because of seeds they need to balance their time for their work/duties and their studies. They need to maintain high grades so that they may continue their scholarship, this program help the students not only to be educated person but also to be a hardworking and responsible one, helps to achieve their dream and career in life.

3. Upcoming Graduation Ceremony on March 27,2012

TFVC is celebrating their Graduation Ceremony on March 27, 2012. Almost all of the fourth year students will march on their graduation Ceremony. They need to passed all of their subjects to be able to graduate. All of there are now excited for their Graduation day. They always practice their marching and their graduation song. Some of them are mixed emotion happy because they will be graduate some are sad because they will be miss each other. The Graduation they is a Thanks giving day. All graduating students are very thankful to first is to the Lord who strengthen them all the time in good times or in bad times, second is to their beloved parents who support their needs since they study, third is to their professors who do their best to teach them and share many things, correct them if they wrong and always there to give encourages to them. And the fourth one is for their friends and classmates who are always there in good times and in bad times.

4. Labor employment seminar on march 16

Labor employment seminar on March 16 in The fisher Valley held at the AVR room this program is for the Graduating students. This program help the students to find a job easily The ability to locate and recruit highly-educated, hardworking employees is an important requirement for foreign and local companies doing business in the Philippines. The most common forms of employee recruitment include internal database searches, networking events, job fairs, and newspaper advertisements.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16.

Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16. Because they want to help all of the graduating students in The Fisher Valley College by this seminar has a job fairs program for them to have a good job after they graduate. This program aims to help students to be hard working person this seminar was sponsored by the guidance office for their own good in the future.

regine mantala said...

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5, 000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

The L.A.N.I. or lifeline assistance for neighbor’s in-need gives P5, 000.00 to 2000 qualified students who studied in public high school in Taguig. The said scholarship giving was given at the Fisher Valley College on March 13 around 2:00 pm. The students of TFVC who will claim the money should bring their guardian with them.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and TFVC

The seeds program or the skill enhancement and educational development for students.
This is a financial assistance program were students are challenged to finished college while working at Jollibee company.
Your school must have an existing partnership with Jollibee. Jollibee will pay only up to P12, 000 pesos. The rest will be shouldered by you. And you need to work at a Jollibee store too. So this is not a free scholarship at all. It’s like getting a loan but instead of paying it in monetary terms; you will have to render services at Jollibee. It is indeed a working student program of the company. Working hours depend on your class schedule. It can be a 4 to 5 hr.-shifts a day and definitely it won’t conflict your schedule at school. They should only work maximum of 8 hrs. because they have no OT or over-time because it is not paid by the company. A se4eds scholar has no SSS, no health benefits, no double pay, and no bonuses because even though they are working in Jollibee they are not acknowledge as an employee because they are called scholars of the store.. Well, basically you can just ask your school registrar or the school you intended to enroll if they accept SEEDS scholar or inquire at a Jollibee store near you.
The fisher valley college has an existing partnership with Jollibee.
I as a seeds scholar of the fisher valley college worked at Jollibee on day time and studying at afternoon. I am working for my tuition fee and for my stipend. I get my stipend from my duties.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

The fisher valley college graduates are now preparing for the coming graduation that will be held on march 27 2012 at ortigas..the graduates are starting their practice for the ceremony this Tuesday march 20.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16

Last march 16 2012 at the avr of the fisher valley college, a seminar was conducted by the staff of the fisher valley started at 8:00 am. The said seminar is about how to get a job and what are the requirements on applying for a job after graduation.
The seminar is for the graduating students of the fisher valley college.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

Last march 16 2012 at the fisher valley college… the department of labor and employment has a seminar at the AVR started at 2:00pm
The seminar of the (DOLE) aims to promote social justice and respect for human dignity. They also have their speech about the labor education for graduating students or (LEGS)
This program is to acknowledge the needs of students as a future member of the community.
Equal mark opportunities for male and female employees are entitled with equal competition and no discrimination. They also tackle about the wages and wage –related benefits—this is the amount paid to an employee in exchange for a task wage shall be paid directly to the employee in cash or legal trades.

regine mantala said...

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5, 000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

The L.A.N.I. or lifeline assistance for neighbor’s in-need gives P5, 000.00 to 2000 qualified students who studied in public high school in Taguig. The said scholarship giving was given at the Fisher Valley College on March 13 around 2:00 pm. The students of TFVC who will claim the money should bring their guardian with them.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and TFVC

The seeds program or the skill enhancement and educational development for students.
This is a financial assistance program were students are challenged to finished college while working at Jollibee company.
Your school must have an existing partnership with Jollibee. Jollibee will pay only up to P12, 000 pesos. The rest will be shouldered by you. And you need to work at a Jollibee store too. So this is not a free scholarship at all. It’s like getting a loan but instead of paying it in monetary terms; you will have to render services at Jollibee. It is indeed a working student program of the company. Working hours depend on your class schedule. It can be a 4 to 5 hr.-shifts a day and definitely it won’t conflict your schedule at school. They should only work maximum of 8 hrs. because they have no OT or over-time because it is not paid by the company. A se4eds scholar has no SSS, no health benefits, no double pay, and no bonuses because even though they are working in Jollibee they are not acknowledge as an employee because they are called scholars of the store.. Well, basically you can just ask your school registrar or the school you intended to enroll if they accept SEEDS scholar or inquire at a Jollibee store near you.
The fisher valley college has an existing partnership with Jollibee.
I as a seeds scholar of the fisher valley college worked at Jollibee on day time and studying at afternoon. I am working for my tuition fee and for my stipend. I get my stipend from my duties.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

The fisher valley college graduates are now preparing for the coming graduation that will be held on march 27 2012 at ortigas..the graduates are starting their practice for the ceremony this Tuesday march 20.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16

Last march 16 2012 at the avr of the fisher valley college, a seminar was conducted by the staff of the fisher valley started at 8:00 am. The said seminar is about how to get a job and what are the requirements on applying for a job after graduation.
The seminar is for the graduating students of the fisher valley college.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

Last march 16 2012 at the fisher valley college… the department of labor and employment has a seminar at the AVR started at 2:00pm
The seminar of the (DOLE) aims to promote social justice and respect for human dignity. They also have their speech about the labor education for graduating students or (LEGS)
This program is to acknowledge the needs of students as a future member of the community.
Equal mark opportunities for male and female employees are entitled with equal competition and no discrimination. They also tackle about the wages and wage –related benefits—this is the amount paid to an employee in exchange for a task wage shall be paid directly to the employee in cash or legal trades.

Anonymous said...

Marcelino, Elizabeth D.

1. L.A.N.I. scholarship
Last March 13, 2012 Tuesday, Mayor Lani cayetano have been to TFVC to give and allocate the amount of Five Thousand pesos (P5000) for those who grant as scholar of the city of Taguig. The one hundred thirty plus students in TFVC receive the said amount. During the ceremony all the parents of those scholars has also there to witness the said giving out. And one of the student of the fisher Valley College also receive full scholarship package of the amount of Twenty thousand pesos (20.000). It is a big help to the parents and the students to chase their studies.

2. SEEDS Scholarship
The Jollibee food corporation is helping students who wanted to pursue their schooling in college. And the TFVC is one of the schools who were the school partner of the said program of the Jollibee Corporation. My co-students are also one of the lucky students who grant a scholarship and now she is graduating this march. Jollibee helps students to reach their goal in life and exchange of that scholarship and you have to work at Jollibee too. Jollibee will pay only up to 12,000 pesos.

Thank you for the knowledge that you shared to us… There's no one quite like a special teacher, and no teacher quite as special as you. God bless po… ^_^

Anonymous said...

ASS.NO.4 March 20, 2012

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13.
Mayor Lani Cayetano committed that under her leadership, all Taguigenos are special and all should be given fair opportunity to study, find work, and have a brighter future. ( “lahat ng Taguigeno ay VIP at walang maiiwan, lahat may oportuidad.”) She also believed that education is a crucial key to social progress and humandevelopment. Hence, the comprehensive Taguig city Scholarship Program was established under the L.A.N.I. ( Life Assistance for Neighbors In-need) Program.
A total of 139 student –beneficiaries from Fisher Valley College received their lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-need (LANI) scholarship grant held last March 13, 2012 at the school grounds of Fisher Valley College. The distribution of grants is an example of Taguig City Mayor Lani Cayetano’s thrust in serving Taguigenos through quality education. As we all know that this program will help a lot for all the scholar students. L.A.N.I. scholarship gave P5,000.00 to all the students who gain their Basic Scholarship, but Mayor Lani says that all scholar students need to study hard and have a good/high grade as a return of the said scholarship.

2. SEEDS SCHOLARSHIP- collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and TFVC.
Jollibee Foods Corporation partners with TFVC in providing post-secondary education to qualified students through the provision of financial assistance under its Skills Entrepreneurial and Educational Development for Students (SEEDS) Program. Jollibee Foods Corporation is helping financially challenge students to finish College through a program dubbed sands for Skills Enhancement and Educational Development for Students. TFVC have an existing partnership with Jollibee. Jollibee will pay only up to 12,000 pesos. The rest will be shouldered by you. And you need to work at a Jollibee sore too. So this is not a free scholarship at all. It’s like getting a loan but instead of paying it in monetary terms; you will have to ender services at Jollibee. It is indeed a working student program of the company. Working hours depend on your class schedule. It can be a 4 to 5hr shift a day and definitely it won’t conflict your schedule at s school. This program can help a lot for those students who experience financially problem, but they want to pursue their study to finish.

Anonymous said...

Name: Nil-Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon Racquel
1. L.A.N.I – Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-need

Mayor Lani Cayetano awarded a lifeline assistance scholarship for more than 2,000 students in Taguig. It was a three-day awarding program. Starting March 13 the beneficiaries of the said scholarship in the Fisher Valley College PUP Taguig and Manila was given an amount of five thousand pesos in cash. Fortunately, there is one student here in our school that was given a full-assistance scholarship with an amount of twenty thousand pesos in cash. On March 15, the Taguigeno beneficiaries that will have their Bar/Board Exam Review were also given an amount of assistance at Taguig City University auditorium. And on March 16, the beneficiaries from Technological University of the Philippines Taguig and Manila was also given amount of assistance at TUP MPH. Mayor Lani Cayetano committed that under her leadership, all Taguigenos are special and all should be given fair opportunity to study, find work and have a brighter future. She also believes that education is a crucial key to social progress and human development. This program was a success. The beneficiaries of the said scholarship were very thankful to our respectable Mayor. Many students were also hoping that on the next school year they can also have this privilege of assistance even though they graduated in high school outside Taguig but still they are residents of Taguig for many years. I am saluting Mayor Lani Cayetano because she lends her hand for Taguigenos who are aiming to have a brighter future!

2. SEEDS: Collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and The Fisher Valley College.

Jollibee Food Corporation implemented Skills Enhancement and Educational Development for Students. It helps financially to students who are having a great challenge to finish their College. Fortunately, many students of Fisher Valley College were under of this working student program. Instead of paying their tuition fees in terms of money, the students have to render services at Jollibee store. And Jollibee is very considerate because the working hours of the students depend on their class schedule. Jollibee is such a jolly food corporation that really has a good deed. They help students to continue aiming high. We salute Jollibee. Jollibee makes a lot of students, happy!

3. Upcoming Graduation Ceremony
On this coming March 27, 2012 will be a big day for the graduating students of our beloved school, The Fisher Valley College. They have now reached one important achievement in their lives. Their parents, mentors and our school stand as the key of these students to unlock the great door for a better future. This graduation proves that their hard work and determination are all worth it. They keep on moving on despite of many difficulties. It’s gonna be a momentous occasion that deserves a warm “congratulations!”

4. Labor Employment seminar

March 16, 2012 at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon, The Fisher Valley College held its Labor employment seminar at the AVR. This labor employment seminar aims to asses the graduating students for their job application as soon as they have their diplomas. This proposal is very helpful most especially to the graduating students in our alma mater that sooner will apply for a job in their chosen fields.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the guidance office.

The Fisher Valley College guidance office sponsored a seminar for them upcoming graduating students of this year. The seminar was held at the Audio visual room in our school. The staffs, professors, guests and the graduating students were present on the said seminar. The seminar aims to share the skills on how to use values in developing their professionalism if they already have a work, to learn the communication styles in qualifying for a job, to improve the emotional intelligence and to know the importance of an employee in a company or in field that they have chosen.

Anonymous said...

Name: Nil-Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon Racquel
1. L.A.N.I – Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-need

Mayor Lani Cayetano awarded a lifeline assistance scholarship for more than 2,000 students in Taguig. It was a three-day awarding program. Starting March 13 the beneficiaries of the said scholarship in the Fisher Valley College PUP Taguig and Manila was given an amount of five thousand pesos in cash. Fortunately, there is one student here in our school that was given a full-assistance scholarship with an amount of twenty thousand pesos in cash. On March 15, the Taguigeno beneficiaries that will have their Bar/Board Exam Review were also given an amount of assistance at Taguig City University auditorium. And on March 16, the beneficiaries from Technological University of the Philippines Taguig and Manila was also given amount of assistance at TUP MPH. Mayor Lani Cayetano committed that under her leadership, all Taguigenos are special and all should be given fair opportunity to study, find work and have a brighter future. She also believes that education is a crucial key to social progress and human development. This program was a success. The beneficiaries of the said scholarship were very thankful to our respectable Mayor. Many students were also hoping that on the next school year they can also have this privilege of assistance even though they graduated in high school outside Taguig but still they are residents of Taguig for many years. I am saluting Mayor Lani Cayetano because she lends her hand for Taguigenos who are aiming to have a brighter future!

2. SEEDS: Collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and The Fisher Valley College.

Jollibee Food Corporation implemented Skills Enhancement and Educational Development for Students. It helps financially to students who are having a great challenge to finish their College. Fortunately, many students of Fisher Valley College were under of this working student program. Instead of paying their tuition fees in terms of money, the students have to render services at Jollibee store. And Jollibee is very considerate because the working hours of the students depend on their class schedule. Jollibee is such a jolly food corporation that really has a good deed. They help students to continue aiming high. We salute Jollibee. Jollibee makes a lot of students, happy!

3. Upcoming Graduation Ceremony
On this coming March 27, 2012 will be a big day for the graduating students of our beloved school, The Fisher Valley College. They have now reached one important achievement in their lives. Their parents, mentors and our school stand as the key of these students to unlock the great door for a better future. This graduation proves that their hard work and determination are all worth it. They keep on moving on despite of many difficulties. It’s gonna be a momentous occasion that deserves a warm “congratulations!”

4. Labor Employment seminar

March 16, 2012 at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon, The Fisher Valley College held its Labor employment seminar at the AVR. This labor employment seminar aims to asses the graduating students for their job application as soon as they have their diplomas. This proposal is very helpful most especially to the graduating students in our alma mater that sooner will apply for a job in their chosen fields.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the guidance office.

The Fisher Valley College guidance office sponsored a seminar for them upcoming graduating students of this year. The seminar was held at the Audio visual room in our school. The staffs, professors, guests and the graduating students were present on the said seminar. The seminar aims to share the skills on how to use values in developing their professionalism if they already have a work, to learn the communication styles in qualifying for a job, to improve the emotional intelligence and to know the importance of an employee in a company or in field that they have chosen.

Anonymous said...

Name: Nil-Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon Racquel
1. L.A.N.I – Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-need

Mayor Lani Cayetano awarded a lifeline assistance scholarship for more than 2,000 students in Taguig. It was a three-day awarding program. Starting March 13 the beneficiaries of the said scholarship in the Fisher Valley College PUP Taguig and Manila was given an amount of five thousand pesos in cash. Fortunately, there is one student here in our school that was given a full-assistance scholarship with an amount of twenty thousand pesos in cash. On March 15, the Taguigeno beneficiaries that will have their Bar/Board Exam Review were also given an amount of assistance at Taguig City University auditorium. And on March 16, the beneficiaries from Technological University of the Philippines Taguig and Manila was also given amount of assistance at TUP MPH. Mayor Lani Cayetano committed that under her leadership, all Taguigenos are special and all should be given fair opportunity to study, find work and have a brighter future. She also believes that education is a crucial key to social progress and human development. This program was a success. The beneficiaries of the said scholarship were very thankful to our respectable Mayor. Many students were also hoping that on the next school year they can also have this privilege of assistance even though they graduated in high school outside Taguig but still they are residents of Taguig for many years. I am saluting Mayor Lani Cayetano because she lends her hand for Taguigenos who are aiming to have a brighter future!

2. SEEDS: Collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and The Fisher Valley College.

Jollibee Food Corporation implemented Skills Enhancement and Educational Development for Students. It helps financially to students who are having a great challenge to finish their College. Fortunately, many students of Fisher Valley College were under of this working student program. Instead of paying their tuition fees in terms of money, the students have to render services at Jollibee store. And Jollibee is very considerate because the working hours of the students depend on their class schedule. Jollibee is such a jolly food corporation that really has a good deed. They help students to continue aiming high. We salute Jollibee. Jollibee makes a lot of students, happy!

3. Upcoming Graduation Ceremony
On this coming March 27, 2012 will be a big day for the graduating students of our beloved school, The Fisher Valley College. They have now reached one important achievement in their lives. Their parents, mentors and our school stand as the key of these students to unlock the great door for a better future. This graduation proves that their hard work and determination are all worth it. They keep on moving on despite of many difficulties. It’s gonna be a momentous occasion that deserves a warm “congratulations!”

4. Labor Employment seminar

March 16, 2012 at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon, The Fisher Valley College held its Labor employment seminar at the AVR. This labor employment seminar aims to asses the graduating students for their job application as soon as they have their diplomas. This proposal is very helpful most especially to the graduating students in our alma mater that sooner will apply for a job in their chosen fields.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the guidance office.

The Fisher Valley College guidance office sponsored a seminar for them upcoming graduating students of this year. The seminar was held at the Audio visual room in our school. The staffs, professors, guests and the graduating students were present on the said seminar. The seminar aims to share the skills on how to use values in developing their professionalism if they already have a work, to learn the communication styles in qualifying for a job, to improve the emotional intelligence and to know the importance of an employee in a company or in field that they have chosen.

Anonymous said...


*Mayor Lani Cayetano came to the Fisher Valley College it was March 13,2012, Mayor Lani Cayetano gave 5,000.00 of those students who are
in enrolled in public school during their high school years. and Mayor Lani give 5,000.00 to each students who applied for "LANI'S SCHOLARSHIP".

* SEEDS SCHOLARSHIP collaboration b/w tfvc and the jolibee corporation they helped those students who cannot afford their tuition fee to support their needs in terms of schooling. and that jolibee's aim is to helped those person who wants to pursue and finished their studies too. and to achieved the goals of those person by the helped also of TFVC and the Jolibee Corporation.

* " The Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27,2012 it will be located at GREEN HILLS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP(GCF), Ruby Corner Garnet Roads, Ortigas Center at Pasig City. and the Graduation Ceremony will be start at exactly 1:30 in the afternoon.. and many of the student's at the Fisher Valley College will be Graduated this year.

Anonymous said...

Abon, Jezen Joy B.
Assignment no. 4

1. L.A.N.I Scholarship and giving P5,000.00 the TFVC Scholars last March 13, 2012

The Lifetime Assistance for Neighbors In-need ( LANI ) scholarship program. In line with executive order no. 2011-11 has been approve last march 13,2012 Tuesday. The registration starts at 2:00 o’clock in the after noon at the TFVC, Audio Visual Room
( AVR ) but the sais ceremony will start at 4:00 o’clock in the after noon at the TFVC quadrangle. One hundred nine students of the Fisher Valley College was given P5,000.00 cash. It was a basic scholarship. But one of the student of the Fisher Valley College was given a full scholarship he is vergel Maravilla from the department of Computer Studies.
Because he is a salutatorian when he is in High school. So he is deserving to receive a full scholarship from our Mayor Ma. Laarni Cayetano.
The Lifetime Assistance for Neighbors In-need ( LANI ) scholarship
Were helping those students who are deserving and the students that are wanted to become an Educated. And this scholarship program aims that all Taguigenio must achieve this sais program. Because they only want is to increase our Education here in Taguig.

Anonymous said...

Abon, Jezen Joy B.
Assisnment no.4

2. SEED Scholarship- a collaboration between jollibee corporation and TFVC
The Skills Enhancement and Education Skills ( SEED ) were helping those students who want to receive a scholarship. They will be work as a crew at the jollibee corporation. This student will achieve if they are qualified and passed the examination. The students that are qualified will have a grade no lower than 2.50. there aimis to help those students want to finish there course and graduate in a degree.
Being a SEED recipient you will be a time bounded because you are managing your time because you work at the Jollibee at 6:00 o’clock in the morning un till 12:00 o’clock in the afternoon. Then I have a class at 1:00 o’clock pm un till 7:00 o’clock in the evening. Mr. Kevin said. A past Jollibee recipient from the fisher valley college. It was so hard for me but very exciting., exciting in the part that you earned money off course and especially you encountered different people with their different attitude. Sometimes I get mad but I forced my self to stay calm. And I also learn always from my mistakes he added. As they said become a SEED recipient is hard but exciting.

Anonymous said...

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

Graduation is the event where every students are waiting for. Especially for those who are Graduating Students in the Fisher Valley College. The Event will be held at the Greenhills Christian Fellowship, Robinson's Galleria, Ortigas, Pasig City at 2pm in the afternoon.I'd interviewed some of the students some said that it was sad and happy. They felt Mixed Emotions happy because they are done for all the examinations, Assignments, Projects but sad because because they will be apart from their classmates. Some said that its not the ending but it was the Beginning of their Dreams.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16

This was conducted at the Fisher Valley College at The Fisher Valley College Audio Visual Room. This seminar is to inform the graduating students on how students will be prepared in " Carrer Patting" lots of students were joined in the said seminar and Different representative s from the different Departments like Dole, A representative from DOLE explained the rights of every employee if they have a plan to apply for a job. They discussed the minimum salary wage that an employee should receive. Laws that they should follow and rights of every employee and employers.
The representative from P.O.E.A discussed something about the students who want to apply abroad and informed them a legal procedures in applying abroad.
The PESO is a local department from Taguig one of their Representative Discussed some of the available job from Taguig.
And Imposis discussed the importance , Right application of Curriculum Vitae.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

This Seminar is for the Graduating Students in the Fisher Valley College that was held at the Audio Visual Roomlast March 16, 2012. The aim of the program is to prepare the students for the real world of work. The Speakers are Mrs. Marvie Lakampuenga, Ms. Prenschell dela Fuente an Mr. Marlon A. Racquel. Mrs . Lakampuenga discussed about the "power Dressing" Teaching the students how to prepare and the proper attire that they have a pleasing personalityand should wear a proper attire. Mrs Presncshell dela Fuente who are expert in making in the said Curriculum Vitae. She discussed about how to make a right Curriculum Vitae and a way to get the right position that you are applying for. Lastly, Mr Marlon Racquel told about the Recruitment procedure s. He also discussed regarding the unemployed Filipino Citizen....

Anonymous said...

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

Graduation is the event where every students are waiting for. Especially for those who are Graduating Students in the Fisher Valley College. The Event will be held at the Greenhills Christian Fellowship, Robinson's Galleria, Ortigas, Pasig City at 2pm in the afternoon.I'd interviewed some of the students some said that it was sad and happy. They felt Mixed Emotions happy because they are done for all the examinations, Assignments, Projects but sad because because they will be apart from their classmates. Some said that its not the ending but it was the Beginning of their Dreams.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16

This was conducted at the Fisher Valley College at The Fisher Valley College Audio Visual Room. This seminar is to inform the graduating students on how students will be prepared in " Carrer Patting" lots of students were joined in the said seminar and Different representative s from the different Departments like Dole, A representative from DOLE explained the rights of every employee if they have a plan to apply for a job. They discussed the minimum salary wage that an employee should receive. Laws that they should follow and rights of every employee and employers.
The representative from P.O.E.A discussed something about the students who want to apply abroad and informed them a legal procedures in applying abroad.
The PESO is a local department from Taguig one of their Representative Discussed some of the available job from Taguig.
And Imposis discussed the importance , Right application of Curriculum Vitae.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

This Seminar is for the Graduating Students in the Fisher Valley College that was held at the Audio Visual Roomlast March 16, 2012. The aim of the program is to prepare the students for the real world of work. The Speakers are Mrs. Marvie Lakampuenga, Ms. Prenschell dela Fuente an Mr. Marlon A. Racquel. Mrs . Lakampuenga discussed about the "power Dressing" Teaching the students how to prepare and the proper attire that they have a pleasing personalityand should wear a proper attire. Mrs Presncshell dela Fuente who are expert in making in the said Curriculum Vitae. She discussed about how to make a right Curriculum Vitae and a way to get the right position that you are applying for. Lastly, Mr Marlon Racquel told about the Recruitment procedure s. He also discussed regarding the unemployed Filipino Citizen....

Anonymous said...

jayson c montiadora

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

Graduation is the event where every students are waiting for. Especially for those who are Graduating Students in the Fisher Valley College. The Event will be held at the Greenhills Christian Fellowship, Robinson's Galleria, Ortigas, Pasig City at 2pm in the afternoon.I'd interviewed some of the students some said that it was sad and happy. They felt Mixed Emotions happy because they are done for all the examinations, Assignments, Projects but sad because because they will be apart from their classmates. Some said that its not the ending but it was the Beginning of their Dreams.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16

This was conducted at the Fisher Valley College at The Fisher Valley College Audio Visual Room. This seminar is to inform the graduating students on how students will be prepared in " Carrer Patting" lots of students were joined in the said seminar and Different representative s from the different Departments like Dole, A representative from DOLE explained the rights of every employee if they have a plan to apply for a job. They discussed the minimum salary wage that an employee should receive. Laws that they should follow and rights of every employee and employers.
The representative from P.O.E.A discussed something about the students who want to apply abroad and informed them a legal procedures in applying abroad.
The PESO is a local department from Taguig one of their Representative Discussed some of the available job from Taguig.
And Imposis discussed the importance , Right application of Curriculum Vitae.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

This Seminar is for the Graduating Students in the Fisher Valley College that was held at the Audio Visual Roomlast March 16, 2012. The aim of the program is to prepare the students for the real world of work. The Speakers are Mrs. Marvie Lakampuenga, Ms. Prenschell dela Fuente an Mr. Marlon A. Racquel. Mrs . Lakampuenga discussed about the "power Dressing" Teaching the students how to prepare and the proper attire that they have a pleasing personalityand should wear a proper attire. Mrs Presncshell dela Fuente who are expert in making in the said Curriculum Vitae. She discussed about how to make a right Curriculum Vitae and a way to get the right position that you are applying for. Lastly, Mr Marlon Racquel told about the Recruitment procedure s. He also discussed regarding the unemployed Filipino Citizen....

Anonymous said...

Mary Grace Sapungay
Bse-english III
1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13
- taguig mayor Lani Cayatano came at The Fisher valley College on March 13, 2012, Tuesday. She had given her scholars for the shool year 2011-2012. Each of the students were given P5000 each. The program started at 3:00pm at the Fisher Valley College arena. Mayor Lani was accompanied by the city spokesperson, Atty. Darwin Icay and some other city hall workers.
The students of The Fisher Valley College were happy because it is a big help for them in their schooling. Mayor Lani and atty. Icay had explained further information about the pther programs that they actually doing in order for the Taguigenios to be globally competitive.
2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and TFVC
- the Jollibee corporation has collaborated with The Fisher Valley College for the sake of the students who are actually working in the said company. Both parties agreed that the salary of the students is directly given to the school for their payment for the tuition fee. The Fisher Valley College is a Christ- centered institute and the Jollibee Food Corporation is a large company that has a vision, to help the youth to reach their dreams that is why they make a proposal to the TFVC Administration by e- mail. They are offering scholarship program for the students of TFVC where in they should work for the Jollibee and the Jollibee Food Corporation. According to the Registrar representative, the collaboration started last first semester s.y. 2010- 2011, and the branches of the Jollibee that involve in this opportunity are the following: Taguig- Bayan Branch, Pateros Branch, Baymart Branch, F.T.I Branch, C-5 Shell Branch, and lately the Global branch, all in all the there are 27 students who are under in this collaboration and they are distributed in different branches that mentioned a moment ago. The students who are working in the company are called SEEDS.
3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27
- The 2011-2012 batch of The Fisher valley College will be having their graduation ceremony on March 27, 2012 at the .Greenhills Christian fellowship, Robinson Galleria, Ortigas, Pasig city at exactly 2pm. The graduates are now having their practice regarding on their graduation. They are being practiced by the college director, Ms. Kate Osorio.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
March 16, Friday, when the guidance ofiice of The Fisher Valley College conduct a seminar for the graduating students only. Lots of topics discussed by the different speakers. One of the speakers is Mr. Marlon Raquel who is a professor in the school. He talked about unemployed Filipino citizens, Ms. Presh Dela Fuente who is very expert with regards to the resume or what she called curriculum vitae, discussed also about the techniques of how to get hired in the position that a person is applying for. Mrs. Marve Lakampuenga further discussed about the physical appearance that they should have every time they apply for a job and it is about the personality development. The said seminar was a big help for the graduating students for them to be able to be confident enough when they are having their interviews.

Anonymous said...

Diozon, Madelene C. BEED-III
1. On last March 13,2012, the mayor of Taguig City, Mrs. Lani Cayetano was gave a scholarship in the students of the Fisher valley College, over 139 persons who apply I nthis basic scholarship are given and one of the students received full scholarship that achieve their requirements to get it in the whole year. Mrs. Lani gave 5,000 in each student that joined in this event. It was the event that the students in the Fisher Valley College don’t lost hopes to be educated and to have a chance to continue their study in college.
2. A SEEDS Scholarship that held between the Jolibee Corporation day at TFVC was collaborate in each student to have a work to their tuition fee. TFVC and Jolibee Corporation had a agreement about the job opportunity that was given in the students. It was a good encouragement to have an experience in job and to studies as well in the community.
3. The graduation day at TFVC was located at Greenhills Christian Fellowship(GCF) at Pasig City. It is start at 1:30 pm. The students whose finished their degree courses like Education (BEED) and BSE-English), Computer Studies, HRM(Hotel and Restaurants Management) and BSBA, BSA are the one who enter the new life after the graduation. On March 27,2012 was the finale of the college life in the TFVC Campus.

Allina D. Labra said...

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5, 000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13
ON March 13, 2012 Mayor Lani Cayetano gives basic scholarship to all graduates of public high school in Taguig City. Almost 100 students of The Fisher Valley College were given this help and only one has received full scholarship with the amount of P20, 000.00. It was a big help especially those people who need financial support on their education. Mayor Cayetano said on her speech that hopefully next year all students who live at Taguig will received the same financial support. It is also an encouragement for us to strive to become a productive citizen of our city.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and TFVC
SEEDS Scholarship is financed by Jollibee Corporation and one school that has a partnership to this kind of financial help is The Fisher Valley College at Taguig City. SEEDS stands for Skills Enhancement and Educational Development for Students. This kind of scholarship needs not only the intellectual ability but also your skills, same as the other scholarship you need to apply for it and if you’re really fit for them they will hire you and you need to work for them as a crew, and as exchange they will provide your tuition fee and you can also get monthly salary. The good in this scholarship is they are the one who will adjust on your hours and it keeps you responsible on your duty.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27
MARCH 27, 2012 it is the day that the graduating students are waiting for. The graduation ceremony will be held at Greenhills Christian fellowship in Robinson Galleria at Ortigas, Pasig City. The graduating students are very excited for this once in a lifetime event. They look this ceremony not as an ending but the beginning of their success in life. To dream and strive for more.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
The Fisher Valley College gives seminar last Friday (March 16, 2012) about Labor Employment at Audio Visual Room (AVR) the students who attended the seminar was thankful for the information it gives. The theme of the seminar was “Career Patting” it’s like searching for the perfect career, a program that helps to the student to find a suitable job.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16
THE Guidance Office of Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar for the graduating students last Friday, March 16, 2012. This seminar is about orientating and preparing the graduating students to the real world of works and life. Ms. Marve Lakampuenga (Guidance Counselor and Department Head of Education) tackle about power dressing, Ms Prescnhelle Dela Fuente discuss about resume and application letter, Mr. Marlon Raquel shared about recruitment procedure and many more guest like DOLE who’s about labor laws and rights of employee, POEA, and PESO for the local employment in Taguig City.

♥ u SIR RAQUEL :))

Allina D. Labra said...

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5, 000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13
ON March 13, 2012 Mayor Lani Cayetano gives basic scholarship to all graduates of public high school in Taguig City. Almost 100 students of The Fisher Valley College were given this help and only one has received full scholarship with the amount of P20, 000.00. It was a big help especially those people who need financial support on their education. Mayor Cayetano said on her speech that hopefully next year all students who live at Taguig will received the same financial support. It is also an encouragement for us to strive to become a productive citizen of our city.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jollibee Corporation and TFVC
SEEDS Scholarship is financed by Jollibee Corporation and one school that has a partnership to this kind of financial help is The Fisher Valley College at Taguig City. SEEDS stands for Skills Enhancement and Educational Development for Students. This kind of scholarship needs not only the intellectual ability but also your skills, same as the other scholarship you need to apply for it and if you’re really fit for them they will hire you and you need to work for them as a crew, and as exchange they will provide your tuition fee and you can also get monthly salary. The good in this scholarship is they are the one who will adjust on your hours and it keeps you responsible on your duty.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27
MARCH 27, 2012 it is the day that the graduating students are waiting for. The graduation ceremony will be held at Greenhills Christian fellowship in Robinson Galleria at Ortigas, Pasig City. The graduating students are very excited for this once in a lifetime event. They look this ceremony not as an ending but the beginning of their success in life. To dream and strive for more.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
The Fisher Valley College gives seminar last Friday (March 16, 2012) about Labor Employment at Audio Visual Room (AVR) the students who attended the seminar was thankful for the information it gives. The theme of the seminar was “Career Patting” it’s like searching for the perfect career, a program that helps to the student to find a suitable job.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16
THE Guidance Office of Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar for the graduating students last Friday, March 16, 2012. This seminar is about orientating and preparing the graduating students to the real world of works and life. Ms. Marve Lakampuenga (Guidance Counselor and Department Head of Education) tackle about power dressing, Ms Prescnhelle Dela Fuente discuss about resume and application letter, Mr. Marlon Raquel shared about recruitment procedure and many more guest like DOLE who’s about labor laws and rights of employee, POEA, and PESO for the local employment in Taguig City.

♥ u SIR RAQUEL :))

Anonymous said...

Faith C. Delostrico BSE-ENG

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

-Mayor Lani Cayetano committed that under her leadership, all Taguigeños are special and all should be given
fair opportunity to study, find work, and have a brighter future. Last monday march 15. Lani Cayetano went to Fisher Valley College to give those beneficiaries of her scholarship. They received P5000.00 each.The parents were there also to witness the program. They were happy because it can help them and specially for paying their tuition fees.In fact, their are one student who receive his full scholarship. He got 20,000 pesos. It was a very big help for him and his family. Mayor Lani encourage them to study hard and work hard to reach their future for them to be successful in life someday.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

- The Fisher Valley College has a SEEDS scholarship. They encourage students to work on jollibee corporation for them to help students in their studying and in terms of money. They give the opportunity to the students to work while studying. It help them for paying their tuition fees without asking to their parents. They help students who really want to finish their education. But, they have to sacrifice because I know its not easy to be a working students. They will do their best to be a responsible students even if they are working.

3.Upcoming Graduation Ceremony
On this coming March 27, 2012.

-this day, will be a big day, memorable and happiest moment for those graduating students. They are very proud of themselves because they are now starting to reach their goals in life. They should be proud because they face and fight all the challenges and sacrifices in their lives. Parents are very happy to see that their son and daughter will graduate and hopefully can find a good job. I wish for their success in life.

Anonymous said...

Faith C. Delostrico

4. Labor employment seminar on march 16

-March 16, 2012 at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon, TFVC held its Labor employment seminar at the AVR.This seminar aim and assess the students on how to get job someday when they are facing the real world of job. It can help them on how to handle themselves as soon as they will find a good job.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the guidance office.

-TFVC sponsored a seminar in the AVR for those graduating students, with the staff, guest and the professors. The goal of this seminar is to help those graduating students on how to use their skills and abilities specially if they are already professional person. They should be careful with their moves and how to communicate people, their attitudes and styles.

Anonymous said...


♥♥♥1.L.-LOVE, A-attitude,N-novel, I-Integrity= Mrs. Lani Cayetano the mayor of Taguig city was offered scholarship for taguigeñ0s. March 13, 2012 Mrs. Lani Cayetano was gave a 5000.00 pesos for student who apply scholarship in Fisher Valley. One hundred thirty eight were received 5000.00 pesos and one of student of fisher valley received 20,000.00 pesos, student, professor and parents of those student who applied for scholarship was here in fisher valley at quadrangle. And almost 2000 students here in taguig were received their scholarship. But unfortunately I’m not the one of those because of late applied. Even I’m not belong in scholarship, I’m salute Mrs. Lani Cayetano because she gave opportunity to those youth that have financial problem.

♥♥♥2.The fisher Valley have a scholarship for those student that lack of money or have a financial problem this program started on last semester s.y 2010-2011 the aim of this program is to help those student to achieve their goals but this program have a requirements to submit so that they belong to SEEDS SCHOLAR and of the requirements is the age from 18-to upward and other requirements is to passed the initial interview to Mrs. Kate Osorio the college registrar before to the manager interview. And the branches of the Jollibee that involve this program are :Taguig- Bayan Branch, Pateros Branch, Baymart Branch, F.T.I Branch, C-5 Shell Branch, and lately the Global branch.

3♥♥♥3. March 27, 2012 will be graduation of 4th year college and which be held in Christian Fellowship, Ruby corner roads at Ortigas center Pasig City at 1.30pm . After their sacrifice in daily went to school, and doing their requirements.

Anonymous said...

Hermida, Kristina A.

1. March 13, 2012, Mayor Lani Cayetano has given a scholarship worth P5000 to all the students who graduated here in Taguig at the Fisher Valley College. Her program is about helping the students especially in their tuition fees, like what she said it is better to give the money to people than to keep t in her pocket without a purpose. she also mentioned that by doing this kind of program, it will encouraged more the students to study more and give their best to get a high grades to maintain the scholarship. according to the parents it is a big help for them because their expenses will be lessen.

2. The seeds scholarship of the jollibee Corp. is a big help for the students who wanted to support their studies, it is an opportunity for them , so that they will not stop their schooling. to support themselves is a challenge to reach their goals. which is the goal of this program is to help students to continue the construction of their road to success.

3. Teachers, Students, and Parents are very excited to the up-coming graduation ceremony, it is where all the graduating students starts to feel and taste the sweetness of success, for all the hardships and patience that they experienced during the construction of their road to success.

4. Last March 16, 2012 the labor employment seminar at the A.V.R held at The Fisher Valley College. This Labor Employment Seminar mission is to give an assessment to those students who will be Graduating this year, to help them in their application for the job that they want. the purpose of this seminar is to give them additional information about employment.

5. The Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar for those graduating students at the A.V.R. this seminar was presented by the Professors,staffs and students which they will participated. The objective of this seminar is to develop and applying how to act their Professionalism in their career soon, especially communication which is very important, and to improve their emotional intelligence together the values itself.

Anonymous said...

Margie D.Mequiabas BEED-III

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5, 000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13.

Our City Mayor Ma.Laarni "ate lani Cayetano"has awarded scholarship benefits to those students of each colleges and universities of the entire city of Taguig.Last March 13,2012 one hundred thirty students of The Fisher Valley College received five thousand pesos as their scholarships pay for the School Year 2011-2012.Then luckily student from the Department of Business Administration was given twenty thousand pesos for his loyalty and hardship who name Vergel Maraville.Our Mayor Lani Cayetano who personally gave to every students and her encouraging message was very interested one because she announced and encourage to all students especially resident here in Taguig was one of the piority to be part of this program.and also all parents was very happy to their children while receiving money from the administration of Mayor Lani Cayetano and people say that this is the first time happen here in Taguig.

Point Of Jude said...

Assignment No. 4
Creative Writing and Campus Journalism
Jude Mark S. Bagsao

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

On last March 13, 2012, Tuesday at around 3 in the afternoon the Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) scholarship grants was held in The Fisher Valley College grounds. Mrs. Lani Cayetano the mayor of Taguig personally gave the P5, 000.00 pesos to the scholars of Taguig that enrolled in TFVC. Mayor Lani Cayetano led the distribution of scholarship to the students of TFVC. The scholarship is part of the service of the municipality of Taguig to serve better to their fellow Taguigeños. A total of 139 student-beneficiaries from Fisher Valley College received their respective Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) I asked one of the students who received the P5, 000.00 peso cash Scholarship “What does it feel receiving that kind amount of money?” the student said “Masaya” and then I asked her again, “What are you going to do now to the money that you received?” and the she replied “Ibibigay go sa Lola ko” then she smiled.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

The Fisher Valley College and Jollibee Corporation collaborated in the program commonly known as SEEDS Scholarship. The said program is intended to help the youth to have the opportunity to go to school as a scholar. This program is very useful in our society especially to the students who will take under the said program. SEEDS Scholarship gives opportunity to study to those who can’t afford to by tuition in college. Students who are under in this program will have a discount in tuition that will deduct to their salary while working in Jollibee Corporation. The said collaboration of the two institutions is very helpful. Hopefully this program will continue to help more youth who wants to study and to have a brighter future. This program gives chances to the youth to have a better life through studying and working.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

On March 27, 2012 Tuesday, this is the date where all the graduating students from all the departments/courses that they have been waiting for this is the day of their Graduation. The Fisher Valley College’s Graduation day will be held on the day that said at Greenhills Christian Fellowship. For all the Graduating students I would like to greet you Congratulations because you made it. This period is their very most awaited date to come because after too many years of studying at last they will all graduate on the time destined for them. Have a great brighter future for all the graduates of The Fisher Valley College batch 2012.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
Last March 16, 2012 Friday, a seminar was held at the AVR of The Fisher Valley College and one of the agendas of the said program is the Labor employment. The seminar was held for the helps of all the graduating students. There many topics that discussed on the said seminar. There are guest speakers that entertained all the graduating students guest speakers from different agencies and departments from Department of Labor and Employment (D.O.L.E) and Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and company from Infosys. The said seminar helps all the graduating students to find a job after they graduate. The seminar gave opportunity to all the students to get a fine job as soon as they got their diplomas.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

The Guidance Office of The Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar that held on March 16, 2012 Friday at the AVR of the school. The seminar was made for evaluating all the graduating students if batch 2012. The seminar opens an opportunity to all the graduating students. Best luck for the future of all the Graduating Students.

Point Of Jude said...

Assignment No. 4
Creative Writing and Campus Journalism
Jude Mark S. Bagsao

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

On last March 13, 2012, Tuesday at around 3 in the afternoon the Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) scholarship grants was held in The Fisher Valley College grounds. Mrs. Lani Cayetano the mayor of Taguig personally gave the P5, 000.00 pesos to the scholars of Taguig that enrolled in TFVC. Mayor Lani Cayetano led the distribution of scholarship to the students of TFVC. The scholarship is part of the service of the municipality of Taguig to serve better to their fellow Taguigeños. A total of 139 student-beneficiaries from Fisher Valley College received their respective Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) I asked one of the students who received the P5, 000.00 peso cash Scholarship “What does it feel receiving that kind amount of money?” the student said “Masaya” and then I asked her again, “What are you going to do now to the money that you received?” and the she replied “Ibibigay go sa Lola ko” then she smiled.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

The Fisher Valley College and Jollibee Corporation collaborated in the program commonly known as SEEDS Scholarship. The said program is intended to help the youth to have the opportunity to go to school as a scholar. This program is very useful in our society especially to the students who will take under the said program. SEEDS Scholarship gives opportunity to study to those who can’t afford to by tuition in college. Students who are under in this program will have a discount in tuition that will deduct to their salary while working in Jollibee Corporation. The said collaboration of the two institutions is very helpful. Hopefully this program will continue to help more youth who wants to study and to have a brighter future. This program gives chances to the youth to have a better life through studying and working.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

On March 27, 2012 Tuesday, this is the date where all the graduating students from all the departments/courses that they have been waiting for this is the day of their Graduation. The Fisher Valley College’s Graduation day will be held on the day that said at Greenhills Christian Fellowship. For all the Graduating students I would like to greet you Congratulations because you made it. This period is their very most awaited date to come because after too many years of studying at last they will all graduate on the time destined for them. Have a great brighter future for all the graduates of The Fisher Valley College batch 2012.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
Last March 16, 2012 Friday, a seminar was held at the AVR of The Fisher Valley College and one of the agendas of the said program is the Labor employment. The seminar was held for the helps of all the graduating students. There many topics that discussed on the said seminar. There are guest speakers that entertained all the graduating students guest speakers from different agencies and departments from Department of Labor and Employment (D.O.L.E) and Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and company from Infosys. The said seminar helps all the graduating students to find a job after they graduate. The seminar gave opportunity to all the students to get a fine job as soon as they got their diplomas.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

The Guidance Office of The Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar that held on March 16, 2012 Friday at the AVR of the school. The seminar was made for evaluating all the graduating students if batch 2012. The seminar opens an opportunity to all the graduating students. Best luck for the future of all the Graduating Students.

Anonymous said...

Assignment No. 4
Creative Writing and Campus Journalism
Jude Mark S. Bagsao

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

On last March 13, 2012, Tuesday at around 3 in the afternoon the Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) scholarship grants was held in The Fisher Valley College grounds. Mrs. Lani Cayetano the mayor of Taguig personally gave the P5, 000.00 pesos to the scholars of Taguig that enrolled in TFVC. Mayor Lani Cayetano led the distribution of scholarship to the students of TFVC. The scholarship is part of the service of the municipality of Taguig to serve better to their fellow Taguigeños. A total of 139 student-beneficiaries from Fisher Valley College received their respective Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) I asked one of the students who received the P5, 000.00 peso cash Scholarship “What does it feel receiving that kind amount of money?” the student said “Masaya” and then I asked her again, “What are you going to do now to the money that you received?” and the she replied “Ibibigay go sa Lola ko” then she smiled.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

The Fisher Valley College and Jollibee Corporation collaborated in the program commonly known as SEEDS Scholarship. The said program is intended to help the youth to have the opportunity to go to school as a scholar. This program is very useful in our society especially to the students who will take under the said program. SEEDS Scholarship gives opportunity to study to those who can’t afford to by tuition in college. Students who are under in this program will have a discount in tuition that will deduct to their salary while working in Jollibee Corporation. The said collaboration of the two institutions is very helpful. Hopefully this program will continue to help more youth who wants to study and to have a brighter future. This program gives chances to the youth to have a better life through studying and working.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

On March 27, 2012 Tuesday, this is the date where all the graduating students from all the departments/courses that they have been waiting for this is the day of their Graduation. The Fisher Valley College’s Graduation day will be held on the day that said at Greenhills Christian Fellowship. For all the Graduating students I would like to greet you Congratulations because you made it. This period is their very most awaited date to come because after too many years of studying at last they will all graduate on the time destined for them. Have a great brighter future for all the graduates of The Fisher Valley College batch 2012.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
Last March 16, 2012 Friday, a seminar was held at the AVR of The Fisher Valley College and one of the agendas of the said program is the Labor employment. The seminar was held for the helps of all the graduating students. There many topics that discussed on the said seminar. There are guest speakers that entertained all the graduating students guest speakers from different agencies and departments from Department of Labor and Employment (D.O.L.E) and Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and company from Infosys. The said seminar helps all the graduating students to find a job after they graduate. The seminar gave opportunity to all the students to get a fine job as soon as they got their diplomas.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

The Guidance Office of The Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar that held on March 16, 2012 Friday at the AVR of the school. The seminar was made for evaluating all the graduating students if batch 2012. The seminar opens an opportunity to all the graduating students. Best luck for the future of all the Graduating Students.

11:39pm March 20, 2012 Tuesday :)

Point Of Jude said...

Assignment No. 4
Creative Writing and Campus Journalism
Jude Mark S. Bagsao

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

On last March 13, 2012, Tuesday at around 3 in the afternoon the Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) scholarship grants was held in The Fisher Valley College grounds. Mrs. Lani Cayetano the mayor of Taguig personally gave the P5, 000.00 pesos to the scholars of Taguig that enrolled in TFVC. Mayor Lani Cayetano led the distribution of scholarship to the students of TFVC. The scholarship is part of the service of the municipality of Taguig to serve better to their fellow Taguigeños. A total of 139 student-beneficiaries from Fisher Valley College received their respective Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) I asked one of the students who received the P5, 000.00 peso cash Scholarship “What does it feel receiving that kind amount of money?” the student said “Masaya” and then I asked her again, “What are you going to do now to the money that you received?” and the she replied “Ibibigay go sa Lola ko” then she smiled.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

The Fisher Valley College and Jollibee Corporation collaborated in the program commonly known as SEEDS Scholarship. The said program is intended to help the youth to have the opportunity to go to school as a scholar. This program is very useful in our society especially to the students who will take under the said program. SEEDS Scholarship gives opportunity to study to those who can’t afford to by tuition in college. Students who are under in this program will have a discount in tuition that will deduct to their salary while working in Jollibee Corporation. The said collaboration of the two institutions is very helpful. Hopefully this program will continue to help more youth who wants to study and to have a brighter future. This program gives chances to the youth to have a better life through studying and working.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

On March 27, 2012 Tuesday, this is the date where all the graduating students from all the departments/courses that they have been waiting for this is the day of their Graduation. The Fisher Valley College’s Graduation day will be held on the day that said at Greenhills Christian Fellowship. For all the Graduating students I would like to greet you Congratulations because you made it. This period is their very most awaited date to come because after too many years of studying at last they will all graduate on the time destined for them. Have a great brighter future for all the graduates of The Fisher Valley College batch 2012.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
Last March 16, 2012 Friday, a seminar was held at the AVR of The Fisher Valley College and one of the agendas of the said program is the Labor employment. The seminar was held for the helps of all the graduating students. There many topics that discussed on the said seminar. There are guest speakers that entertained all the graduating students guest speakers from different agencies and departments from Department of Labor and Employment (D.O.L.E) and Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and company from Infosys. The said seminar helps all the graduating students to find a job after they graduate. The seminar gave opportunity to all the students to get a fine job as soon as they got their diplomas.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

The Guidance Office of The Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar that held on March 16, 2012 Friday at the AVR of the school. The seminar was made for evaluating all the graduating students if batch 2012. The seminar opens an opportunity to all the graduating students. Best luck for the future of all the Graduating Students.

Point Of Jude said...

Assignment No. 4
Creative Writing and Campus Journalism
Jude Mark S. Bagsao

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

On last March 13, 2012, Tuesday at around 3 in the afternoon the Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) scholarship grants was held in The Fisher Valley College grounds. Mrs. Lani Cayetano the mayor of Taguig personally gave the P5, 000.00 pesos to the scholars of Taguig that enrolled in TFVC. Mayor Lani Cayetano led the distribution of scholarship to the students of TFVC. The scholarship is part of the service of the municipality of Taguig to serve better to their fellow Taguigeños. A total of 139 student-beneficiaries from Fisher Valley College received their respective Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) I asked one of the students who received the P5, 000.00 peso cash Scholarship “What does it feel receiving that kind amount of money?” the student said “Masaya” and then I asked her again, “What are you going to do now to the money that you received?” and the she replied “Ibibigay go sa Lola ko” then she smiled.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

The Fisher Valley College and Jollibee Corporation collaborated in the program commonly known as SEEDS Scholarship. The said program is intended to help the youth to have the opportunity to go to school as a scholar. This program is very useful in our society especially to the students who will take under the said program. SEEDS Scholarship gives opportunity to study to those who can’t afford to by tuition in college. Students who are under in this program will have a discount in tuition that will deduct to their salary while working in Jollibee Corporation. The said collaboration of the two institutions is very helpful. Hopefully this program will continue to help more youth who wants to study and to have a brighter future. This program gives chances to the youth to have a better life through studying and working.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

On March 27, 2012 Tuesday, this is the date where all the graduating students from all the departments/courses that they have been waiting for this is the day of their Graduation. The Fisher Valley College’s Graduation day will be held on the day that said at Greenhills Christian Fellowship. For all the Graduating students I would like to greet you Congratulations because you made it. This period is their very most awaited date to come because after too many years of studying at last they will all graduate on the time destined for them. Have a great brighter future for all the graduates of The Fisher Valley College batch 2012.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
Last March 16, 2012 Friday, a seminar was held at the AVR of The Fisher Valley College and one of the agendas of the said program is the Labor employment. The seminar was held for the helps of all the graduating students. There many topics that discussed on the said seminar. There are guest speakers that entertained all the graduating students guest speakers from different agencies and departments from Department of Labor and Employment (D.O.L.E) and Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and company from Infosys. The said seminar helps all the graduating students to find a job after they graduate. The seminar gave opportunity to all the students to get a fine job as soon as they got their diplomas.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

The Guidance Office of The Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar that held on March 16, 2012 Friday at the AVR of the school. The seminar was made for evaluating all the graduating students if batch 2012. The seminar opens an opportunity to all the graduating students. Best luck for the future of all the Graduating Students.

11:39pm March 20, 2012 Tuesday :)

Anonymous said...

Batersal,Rosalita T.

1. Mayor Lani awards scholarships benefits to qualified beneficiaries from The Fisher Valley College students last March 13, 2012 at exactly 2 pm at the TFVC quadrangle. This program is a part of the comprehensive Taguig City Scholarship Program under the L.A.N.I. or Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-need Program.
All the the qualified beneficiaries students received five thousand pesos each(P5000), and one student fron TFVC was received a full-scholarship benefits of twenty thousand pesos cash (P20,000) on that day as well.
Parents of those qualified students are invited to witness the awarding. Students who are qualified for this program are very lucky because it can help them a lot for their studies ,and it is a big help for their parents either

2. Jollibee Food Corporation implemented Skills Enhancement and Educational Development for Students. It helps financially to students who are having a great challenge to finish their College. Fortunately, many students of Fisher Valley College were under of this working student program. Aside from the fact that they are studying, the students have to render services at Jollibee store but still received an allowance from the company. And Jollibee is very considerate because the working hours of the students depend on their class schedule. Jollibee is such a jolly food corporation that really has a good deed. They help students to continue aiming high. TFVC and Jollibee Corporation has one big Vision a good education for all and fair education for all.

3. On this coming March 27, 2012 will be a big day for the graduating students of our beloved school, The Fisher Valley College. Graduation is is always a sayisfying moment for everyone, you have to satisfied the prayers of all parents ....the expectations of teachers and hopes of our country.So towards the end of fulfilling is always a momentous events for the life of graduates.

4.March 16, 2012 at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon, The Fisher Valley College held its Labor employment seminar at the AVR. This labor employment seminar aims to asses the graduating students for their job application as soon as they have their diplomas. This proposal is very helpful most especially to the graduating students in our alma mater that sooner will apply for a job in their chosen fields.

5. . March 16, 2012 at 8am when the seminar of graduating students was start in AVR room of TFVC. The seminar was sponsored by the guidance officeled by Mrs. Kathleen Osorio acting Director in TFVC and Guidance counselor Mrs. Marve Lakampuegna and two faculty in Colleges and our adviser in Creative writing who is Mr. Marlon Raquel and Mrs. Buenaflor. The seminar was conducted by the staff Department of Labor (DOLE) with representative Miss Sheree Ann Vargas and Mrs. Edna Butch Lapuz.. DOLE or Department of Labor was introduced the LEGS or Labor Educational for Graduating Students which is to promote the Social justice and equal work opportunity for all Filipino workers regardless of gender, race or creed and regulate employee or employer relationship. The importance of right giving fair Salary and Wages and related Benefits that to be paid to an employee in exchange for a task. The aim of this seminar is to prepare students for the real world of work.

Anonymous said...

Assignment No. 4
Creative Writing and Campus Journalism
Jude Mark S. Bagsao

1. L.A.N.I. Scholarship and giving of P5,000.00 to TFVC scholars last March 13

On last March 13, 2012, Tuesday at around 3 in the afternoon the Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) scholarship grants was held in The Fisher Valley College grounds. Mrs. Lani Cayetano the mayor of Taguig personally gave the P5, 000.00 pesos to the scholars of Taguig that enrolled in TFVC. Mayor Lani Cayetano led the distribution of scholarship to the students of TFVC. The scholarship is part of the service of the municipality of Taguig to serve better to their fellow Taguigeños. A total of 139 student-beneficiaries from Fisher Valley College received their respective Lifeline Assistance for Neighbors In-Need (L.A.N.I.) I asked one of the students who received the P5, 000.00 peso cash Scholarship “What does it feel receiving that kind amount of money?” the student said “Masaya” and then I asked her again, “What are you going to do now to the money that you received?” and the she replied “Ibibigay go sa Lola ko” then she smiled.

2. SEEDS scholarship - a collaboration between Jolibee Corporation and TFVC

The Fisher Valley College and Jollibee Corporation collaborated in the program commonly known as SEEDS Scholarship. The said program is intended to help the youth to have the opportunity to go to school as a scholar. This program is very useful in our society especially to the students who will take under the said program. SEEDS Scholarship gives opportunity to study to those who can’t afford to by tuition in college. Students who are under in this program will have a discount in tuition that will deduct to their salary while working in Jollibee Corporation. The said collaboration of the two institutions is very helpful. Hopefully this program will continue to help more youth who wants to study and to have a brighter future. This program gives chances to the youth to have a better life through studying and working.

3. Upcoming graduation ceremony on March 27

On March 27, 2012 Tuesday, this is the date where all the graduating students from all the departments/courses that they have been waiting for this is the day of their Graduation. The Fisher Valley College’s Graduation day will be held on the day that said at Greenhills Christian Fellowship. For all the Graduating students I would like to greet you Congratulations because you made it. This period is their very most awaited date to come because after too many years of studying at last they will all graduate on the time destined for them. Have a great brighter future for all the graduates of The Fisher Valley College batch 2012.

4. Labor employment seminar on March 16
Last March 16, 2012 Friday, a seminar was held at the AVR of The Fisher Valley College and one of the agendas of the said program is the Labor employment. The seminar was held for the helps of all the graduating students. There many topics that discussed on the said seminar. There are guest speakers that entertained all the graduating students guest speakers from different agencies and departments from Department of Labor and Employment (D.O.L.E) and Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and company from Infosys. The said seminar helps all the graduating students to find a job after they graduate. The seminar gave opportunity to all the students to get a fine job as soon as they got their diplomas.

5. Seminar for graduating students sponsored by the Guidance Office on March 16

The Guidance Office of The Fisher Valley College sponsored a seminar that held on March 16, 2012 Friday at the AVR of the school. The seminar was made for evaluating all the graduating students if batch 2012. The seminar opens an opportunity to all the graduating students. Best luck for the future of all the Graduating Students.

11:47pm March 20, 2012 Tuesday :)

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