Assignment No. 2 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism (2nd Sem, AY 2011-2012)


1. How is poetry different from short story?

2. What makes a good poem?

3. Read the following poem. Provide your interpretation.  

By Mila Aguilar

My people are
a bastard lot
I was born
to redeem them.

My people are
lost in embers hot
I am here
to retrieve them.

God bless the souls
of those who survive
the holocaust
of my people's greed.

God forgive
the bodies of those
who connive
for their moment's needs

To sell my land,
My blessed land,
My blest, divided
Unredeemable beloved


4. Write an original short poem. The theme must deal with LOVE for your friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, family, etc.


Anonymous said...

Student: Elve o. Gumanit
Professor: Mr. Marlon Raquel
Date: January 12, 2012
Creative Writing Assignment No. 2
1. Poetry is recited by the author or the spokesman for him but not to audience, poetry is overheard while short stories are marked by the absence of the author and any actor or expositor, they are read.
2. Good poetry have certain elements: thought content, emotional content, imaginative content and form such as meter, line, foot, stanza, rhyme, punctuation, pauses, poem type, and format for a total effects.
3. The poem, My People Are – this means that there was a chaos, a conquest and there’s one man, a hero who wanted to save the people and their beloved country from the enemy.

By Elve Gumanit

Months and even years had passes by,
Yet until now I’m still very shy.
Damn to myself when should I say,
Even the simplest words it may.
Always asking to myself how to express,
Revealing those few words for you to impress.
Each day, I pray for you too,
Safe and sound from head to toe,
Time will come, I know you’ll go.
Moments of happiness and sorrows we shared,
Of all your sacrifices, I never cared.
Today, I’m not sure If I’ll be the same as exactly as you,
Hoping to be the best mother and a faithful wife as you do.
Everything in this world you did so not to make me blue

Anonymous said...

Student: Elve o. Gumanit
Professor: Mr. Marlon Raquel
Date: January 12, 2012
Creative Writing Assignment No. 2
1. Poetry is recited by the author or the spokesman for him but not to audience, poetry is overheard while short stories are marked by the absence of the author and any actor or expositor, they are read.
2. Good poetry have certain elements: thought content, emotional content, imaginative content and form such as meter, line, foot, stanza, rhyme, punctuation, pauses, poem type, and format for a total effects.
3. The poem, My People Are – this means that there was a chaos, a conquest and there’s one man, a hero who wanted to save the people and their beloved country from the enemy.

By Elve Gumanit

Months and even years had passes by,
Yet until now I’m still very shy.
Damn to myself when should I say,
Even the simplest words it may.
Always asking to myself how to express,
Revealing those few words for you to impress.
Each day, I pray for you too,
Safe and sound from head to toe,
Time will come, I know you’ll go.
Moments of happiness and sorrows we shared,
Of all your sacrifices, I never cared.
Today, I’m not sure If I’ll be the same as exactly as you,
Hoping to be the best mother and a faithful wife as you do.
Everything in this world you did so not to make me blue

Anonymous said...

Student: Elve o. Gumanit
Professor: Mr. Marlon Raquel
Date: January 12, 2012
Creative Writing Assignment No. 2
1. Poetry is recited by the author or the spokesman for him but not to audience, poetry is overheard while short stories are marked by the absence of the author and any actor or expositor, they are read.
2. Good poetry have certain elements: thought content, emotional content, imaginative content and form such as meter, line, foot, stanza, rhyme, punctuation, pauses, poem type, and format for a total effects.
3. The poem, My People Are – this means that there was a chaos, a conquest and there’s one man, a hero who wanted to save the people and their beloved country from the enemy.

By Elve Gumanit

Months and even years had passes by,
Yet until now I’m still very shy.
Damn to myself when should I say,
Even the simplest words it may.
Always asking to myself how to express,
Revealing those few words for you to impress.
Each day, I pray for you too,
Safe and sound from head to toe,
Time will come, I know you’ll go.
Moments of happiness and sorrows we shared,
Of all your sacrifices, I never cared.
Today, I’m not sure If I’ll be the same as exactly as you,
Hoping to be the best mother and a faithful wife as you do.
Everything in this world you did so not to make me blue

Anonymous said...


1. How is poetry differ from short story?
In poetry, the poet does not address an audience but he speaks spontaneously to himself or to the universe, or perhaps, to an absent lover. The poem itself is allegedly the outpouring of the artist’s feelings and beliefs. A poem is to be read slowly, carefully, and attentively. A poem recreates experience. The subject matter of poetry can be found in everything that interest the human mind. A poem presents a dramatic situation. A poem is an act of speech that takes place in a particular occasion. Poetry is oral, it is recited in a song-like manner.
A short story is a fictional narrative prose. The short story is a fiction which presents human life on two levels—the world of objective reality made up of human actions and experiences and the world of subjective reality dealing with human apprehension and comprehension. People fictionalized their common experiences and actions in order to give significance and meaning to them. The short story as a form of fictional literate attempts to recreate or represent concrete human experience.
2. What makes a good poem?
A good poem must consist of imagery(a poet shares his experience with the reader through vivid images), the language of comparison( a poet can create a situation for us), symbol(the poet is allowing an object to stand for or to suggest, an idea), rhythm and rhyme(sound)..a good poem does much more than say or state. It transmute sense, feelings, tone, and intention into experience, into being itself.
3. My interpretation of this poem is about the corruption happening in our country. It is the socio-political views of the author. The poem itself is dealing on how much the author wants to help her people, her country. But I have another interpretation of this poem. Those are verses from the Holy Scriptures, depicting love of god to his people. Yet, they were so stubborn and continued to do what pleased them even if they were against God will. Such is the case of His people in Sodom and Gomorrah. God destroyed this places , so with the people for they ignored
His love and warnings.


I used to be his princess
And he used to be my prince
Then suddenly,
A witch stole him from me.

I thought of fighting
But then I saw him happy
With his new princess
Jolly and bubbly

Do I need to fight
For my one true love
Or just accept the fact
He is out of my sight

My prince used to tell me
His heart would be mine
‘til the end of the world
‘til the end of all time

He said that we’ll always be
Together forever,
He said that he will
Never stop loving me…

He said a lifetime
Was what he was after
I guess forever
Is not long as it used to be….

Anonymous said...


1. How is poetry differ from short story?
In poetry, the poet does not address an audience but he speaks spontaneously to himself or to the universe, or perhaps, to an absent lover. The poem itself is allegedly the outpouring of the artist’s feelings and beliefs. A poem is to be read slowly, carefully, and attentively. A poem recreates experience. The subject matter of poetry can be found in everything that interest the human mind. A poem presents a dramatic situation. A poem is an act of speech that takes place in a particular occasion. Poetry is oral, it is recited in a song-like manner.
A short story is a fictional narrative prose. The short story is a fiction which presents human life on two levels—the world of objective reality made up of human actions and experiences and the world of subjective reality dealing with human apprehension and comprehension. People fictionalized their common experiences and actions in order to give significance and meaning to them. The short story as a form of fictional literate attempts to recreate or represent concrete human experience.
2. What makes a good poem?
A good poem must consist of imagery(a poet shares his experience with the reader through vivid images), the language of comparison( a poet can create a situation for us), symbol(the poet is allowing an object to stand for or to suggest, an idea), rhythm and rhyme(sound)..a good poem does much more than say or state. It transmute sense, feelings, tone, and intention into experience, into being itself.
3. My interpretation of this poem is about the corruption happening in our country. It is the socio-political views of the author. The poem itself is dealing on how much the author wants to help her people, her country. But I have another interpretation of this poem. Those are verses from the Holy Scriptures, depicting love of god to his people. Yet, they were so stubborn and continued to do what pleased them even if they were against God will. Such is the case of His people in Sodom and Gomorrah. God destroyed this places , so with the people for they ignored
His love and warnings.

Anonymous said...

JANUARY 12, 2012


I used to be his princess
And he used to be my prince
Then suddenly,
A witch stole him from me.

I thought of fighting
But then I saw him happy
With his new princess
Jolly and bubbly

Do I need to fight
For my one true love
Or just accept the fact
He is out of my sight

My prince used to tell me
His heart would be mine
‘til the end of the world
‘til the end of all time

He said that we’ll always be
Together forever,
He said that he will
Never stop loving me…

He said a lifetime
Was what he was after
I guess forever
Is not long as it used to be….

Anonymous said...


1. How is poetry differ from short story?
In poetry, the poet does not address an audience but he speaks spontaneously to himself or to the universe, or perhaps, to an absent lover. The poem itself is allegedly the outpouring of the artist’s feelings and beliefs. A poem is to be read slowly, carefully, and attentively. A poem recreates experience. The subject matter of poetry can be found in everything that interest the human mind. A poem presents a dramatic situation. A poem is an act of speech that takes place in a particular occasion. Poetry is oral, it is recited in a song-like manner.
A short story is a fictional narrative prose. The short story is a fiction which presents human life on two levels—the world of objective reality made up of human actions and experiences and the world of subjective reality dealing with human apprehension and comprehension. People fictionalized their common experiences and actions in order to give significance and meaning to them. The short story as a form of fictional literate attempts to recreate or represent concrete human experience.
2. What makes a good poem?
A good poem must consist of imagery(a poet shares his experience with the reader through vivid images), the language of comparison( a poet can create a situation for us), symbol(the poet is allowing an object to stand for or to suggest, an idea), rhythm and rhyme(sound)..a good poem does much more than say or state. It transmute sense, feelings, tone, and intention into experience, into being itself.
3. My interpretation of this poem is about the corruption happening in our country. It is the socio-political views of the author. The poem itself is dealing on how much the author wants to help her people, her country. But I have another interpretation of this poem. Those are verses from the Holy Scriptures, depicting love of god to his people. Yet, they were so stubborn and continued to do what pleased them even if they were against God will. Such is the case of His people in Sodom and Gomorrah. God destroyed this places , so with the people for they ignored
His love and warnings.

Anonymous said...

JANUARY 12, 2012


I used to be his princess
And he used to be my prince
Then suddenly,
A witch stole him from me.

I thought of fighting
But then I saw him happy
With his new princess
Jolly and bubbly

Do I need to fight
For my one true love
Or just accept the fact
He is out of my sight

My prince used to tell me
His heart would be mine
‘til the end of the world
‘til the end of all time

He said that we’ll always be
Together forever,
He said that he will
Never stop loving me…

He said a lifetime
Was what he was after
I guess forever
Is not long as it used to be….

Anonymous said...

Name: Abon, Jezen Joy B.
Professor: Mr. Marlon Raquel
Date: January 12, 2012

1. Poetry is an imaginative expression of emotion, thought or narrative, frequently in metrical form and often using figurative language. While in short story it is an artistic form of prose fiction which in centered on a single dominant impression. Its qualities are economy, compression, brevity, and emphasis.
2. A good poem has its own rhyme. To make a poem more beautiful the writer have a inspiration to do a poem. It is done in a Very inspirational way . when you read a poem sometimes you cry, you make happy because the writer reflects on what he did it is sometimes based on his experience based on the reality. You see or feel a deep message. The poem is done in a very artistic way. Because you read something an emotional thing or message.

Anonymous said...

Name: Abon, Jezen Joy B.
Professor: Mr. Marlon Raquel
Date: January 12, 2012

3. the poem entitled my people are it reflect the love for his country. So he pray for his people to love their country also.

By: Jezen Joy B. Abon

When the first time I saw you,
My hearts feels in love with you,
I want to spend my life with you,
No matter what happen i'm always here for you.

Many years passed,
Many problems solved at last,
You and I forever,
That’s our promise to be together.

I wait for you for many years,
To be with you I have no fears,
You make me feel happy all the time,
Thank you for being mine.

Allina D. Labra said...

1. How is poetry different from short story?

- Poetry is made of few words or lines it express the emotions of the writer and it surprise and arouse the readers. Most of the time the poem reflects the personal experience or feeling of the writer and when you read a poetry it needs strong emotion while short story are made by imagination of the author though sometimes they take an idea in real life but most of the prefer more imaginations and short story have character, plot, and dialogue while the poetry have not.

2. What makes a good poem?

- A good poem was made with passion and love. It doesn’t measure how complicated the words nor how long or short it was. A poem with sense and meaning are considered as a good one. The importance while making poem is that you’re emotion and intellect must be in peace and ready, so you can produce simple but meaningful poems.

3. Provide your interpretation.

- I think Jesus is the one who was talking in the poem because of these phrases, “I was born to redeem them” and “I am here to retrieve them” because He is the only one who has the capability to do that. This poem express the sacrifices of Jesus for us sinners, though in some stanza He try to reason out why His people done something unpleasant while in last stanza He just gave in and He compensate His will for our benefits, for His people. I think this poem was made for us to realize something important and to retain to our heart and mind that Jesus is the one who save us.

Allina D. Labra said...

4. Write an original short poem. The theme must deal with LOVE for your friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, family, etc.

Perfect Man (For me)
By Alie Labra

I know a Man
An extraordinary Man
He doesn’t pretend
And He’s totally content

He sacrifice for me,
Empathize with me,
Provide everything to me,
And I know He loved me.

I feel safe with Him,
‘Cause He never disappoint me.
And all the bad things I’ve done,
He still gives forgiveness and understanding.

And even if,
I love Him as much as I can,
There’s nothing greater than
The Love He gave to me.

I praise and Worship Him.
I’m thankful though,
He chooses me as His servant.
I just hope I could be with Him.

Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 2 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

-Poetry is a metrical form of writing while short story is a sequence of events that is told from a particular point of view. When you relate events, you are creating a narrative, telling a story. Poetry is a form of writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm. A short story is a fictional narrative weaving together a number of different elements such as character, plot, point of view and dialogue. Poetry is the easiest way to express yourself especially your emotions. In poetry, you can easily express yourself to someone any time as you write your own piece of poem.

-For me a good poem encompasses some semblance of creativity and originality and expresses a sincere and passionate emotion or moment in ones life. The only important thing to making a good poem is emotion. A poem is good when the reader understand the true meaning of it. A good poem begins with wisdom and ends in pleasure.

The poem is all about the people and blessed land. The author wants to be a hero in his own land and he wants to save the people from the greedy and corrupt officials of maybe their government. The poem shows how powerful the people are. Power to the people.


As we close our eyes
Touch our lips
Our memories, reminisce
Your spirit remains no silence
Your spirit remains in my heart so deep

Our kiss that touch the sky
And brought us in the land so high
You're the missing piece that I want to find
And put into my garden where you can shine

Probably the day just to be with you
Is my longest and happiest moment that I will treasure
No magic words, no tricks
It started with a kiss

As we kiss
And the weather's getting colder
It doesn't matter as we hug and kiss smoother
Thanks to the Supreme Higher who has the power
This is the perfect moment to say that I love you and I will miss you

Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 2 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

-Poetry is a metrical form of writing while short story is a sequence of events that is told from a particular point of view. When you relate events, you are creating a narrative, telling a story. Poetry is a form of writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm. A short story is a fictional narrative weaving together a number of different elements such as character, plot, point of view and dialogue. Poetry is the easiest way to express yourself especially your emotions. In poetry, you can easily express yourself to someone any time as you write your own piece of poem.

-For me a good poem encompasses some semblance of creativity and originality and expresses a sincere and passionate emotion or moment in ones life. The only important thing to making a good poem is emotion. A poem is good when the reader understand the true meaning of it. A good poem begins with wisdom and ends in pleasure.

The poem is all about the people and blessed land. The author wants to be a hero in his own land and he wants to save the people from the greedy and corrupt officials of maybe their government. The poem shows how powerful the people are. Power to the people.


As we close our eyes
Touch our lips
Our memories, reminisce
Your spirit remains no silence
Your spirit remains in my heart so deep

Our kiss that touch the sky
And brought us in the land so high
You're the missing piece that I want to find
And put into my garden where you can shine

Probably the day just to be with you
Is my longest and happiest moment that I will treasure
No magic words, no tricks
It started with a kiss

As we kiss
And the weather's getting colder
It doesn't matter as we hug and kiss smoother
Thanks to the Supreme Higher who has the power
This is the perfect moment to say that I love you and I will miss you

Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 2 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

-Poetry is a metrical form of writing while short story is a sequence of events that is told from a particular point of view. When you relate events, you are creating a narrative, telling a story. Poetry is a form of writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm. A short story is a fictional narrative weaving together a number of different elements such as character, plot, point of view and dialogue. Poetry is the easiest way to express yourself especially your emotions. In poetry, you can easily express yourself to someone any time as you write your own piece of poem.

-For me a good poem encompasses some semblance of creativity and originality and expresses a sincere and passionate emotion or moment in ones life. The only important thing to making a good poem is emotion. A poem is good when the reader understand the true meaning of it. A good poem begins with wisdom and ends in pleasure.

The poem is all about the people and blessed land. The author wants to be a hero in his own land and he wants to save the people from the greedy and corrupt officials of maybe their government. The poem shows how powerful the people are. Power to the people.


As we close our eyes
Touch our lips
Our memories, reminisce
Your spirit remains no silence
Your spirit remains in my heart so deep

Our kiss that touch the sky
And brought us in the land so high
You're the missing piece that I want to find
And put into my garden where you can shine

Probably the day just to be with you
Is my longest and happiest moment that I will treasure
No magic words, no tricks
It started with a kiss

As we kiss
And the weather's getting colder
It doesn't matter as we hug and kiss smoother
Thanks to the Supreme Higher who has the power
This is the perfect moment to say that I love you and I will miss you

Point Of Jude said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 2 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

-Poetry is a metrical form of writing while short story is a sequence of events that is told from a particular point of view. When you relate events, you are creating a narrative, telling a story. Poetry is a form of writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm. A short story is a fictional narrative weaving together a number of different elements such as character, plot, point of view and dialogue. Poetry is the easiest way to express yourself especially your emotions. In poetry, you can easily express yourself to someone any time as you write your own piece of poem.

-For me a good poem encompasses some semblance of creativity and originality and expresses a sincere and passionate emotion or moment in ones life. The only important thing to making a good poem is emotion. A poem is good when the reader understand the true meaning of it. A good poem begins with wisdom and ends in pleasure.

The poem is all about the people and blessed land. The author wants to be a hero in his own land and he wants to save the people from the greedy and corrupt officials of maybe their government. The poem shows how powerful the people are. Power to the people.


As we close our eyes
Touch our lips
Our memories, reminisce
Your spirit remains no silence
Your spirit remains in my heart so deep

Our kiss that touch the sky
And brought us in the land so high
You're the missing piece that I want to find
And put into my garden where you can shine

Probably the day just to be with you
Is my longest and happiest moment that I will treasure
No magic words, no tricks
It started with a kiss

As we kiss
And the weather's getting colder
It doesn't matter as we hug and kiss smoother
Thanks to the Supreme Higher who has the power
This is the perfect moment to say that I love you and I will miss you

Anonymous said...

Jude Marck S. Bagsao
Assignment No. 2 in Creative Writing and Campus Journalism

-Poetry is a metrical form of writing while short story is a sequence of events that is told from a particular point of view. When you relate events, you are creating a narrative, telling a story. Poetry is a form of writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm. A short story is a fictional narrative weaving together a number of different elements such as character, plot, point of view and dialogue. Poetry is the easiest way to express yourself especially your emotions. In poetry, you can easily express yourself to someone any time as you write your own piece of poem.

-For me a good poem encompasses some semblance of creativity and originality and expresses a sincere and passionate emotion or moment in ones life. The only important thing to making a good poem is emotion. A poem is good when the reader understand the true meaning of it. A good poem begins with wisdom and ends in pleasure.

The poem is all about the people and blessed land. The author wants to be a hero in his own land and he wants to save the people from the greedy and corrupt officials of maybe their government. The poem shows how powerful the people are. Power to the people.


As we close our eyes
Touch our lips
Our memories, reminisce
Your spirit remains no silence
Your spirit remains in my heart so deep

Our kiss that touch the sky
And brought us in the land so high
You're the missing piece that I want to find
And put into my garden where you can shine

Probably the day just to be with you
Is my longest and happiest moment that I will treasure
No magic words, no tricks
It started with a kiss

As we kiss
And the weather's getting colder
It doesn't matter as we hug and kiss smoother
Thanks to the Supreme Higher who has the power
This is the perfect moment to say that I love you and I will miss you

Anonymous said...

1.Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. a poem should have diction, it is Imagery, there is also Language of comparison and symbol and off course it should have rhythm and rhyme. While the short story is a fictional narrative prose.

2. a poem should have diction, it is Imagery, there is also Language of comparison and symbol and off course it should have rhythm and rhyme.

3. it is a bout the person that cared about other people, a person who prayed not just for his self but even for the others.

4. My Wealth
my wealth is my family
who always make me happy
despite of tragedy
they are is till there stand by me.

thanks to my family
who gave everything to me
i know someday
I'll can help you on my own way.


Anonymous said...

Student: Rosalita T. Batersal, BEED- III
Professor: Mr. Marlon B. Raquel

1. In poetry, by the use of sound of the words that works together with their meaning for more emotional impact, and it is usually written in rhythmical composition. Sometimes rhymed in language and more imaginative than ordinary speech. It makes poetry different from a short story, because a short story tells through the use of characters, settings, dialogue, and narration.

2. A poem should have a full package in regards to its theme, structures of words, and by using a concrete imagery and vivid descriptions that takes the reader everywhere and catch to the heart of any and all matter.

3. A poem “My People Are’’ tells about of what happen around peoples life when people are so greedy and it reflects the country where people live it becomes chaos, and in the poem there is a man who want to save every people who are the victims of that selfishness and he want to save those who were lost and turn back to the good path of their lives.

By: Rosalita T. Batersal

My pledge of love with you will last
Every single day longing for you to come
To hug you again is not enough
But to see and talk to you again is all I want

Remember my dear father missing you always breaks my heart
Bracing a strong wind without you
Even in my dreams
Wishing you to sing with me again

My words is not enough for me to proclaim
That you’re the best father I’ve ever had
My pledge of love with you will still remain
And that is my infinite promise for you way back then

Anonymous said...

Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but this is by no means necessary. Poetry is an ancient form that has gone through numerous and drastic reinvention over time. The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to define. While short story is invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot. Short stories are of course shorter than novels, and so they share many similarities with poetry. In both the authors try to get the message across with brevity and in a brief form. However, poetry achieves this in the tremendous often only a couple of stanzas can be enough to communicate an extremely complex theme or idea. In poetry authors do not have the extravagance of spending time establishing theme and character - they must say what they want to say in as meager a form of language as possible.

Answer for No.2 question: good poem must:

A good poem must be well written with a concise and accurate use of language. The great advantage of poetry is that it can summarize ideas in the minimum of words. This is one of the main distinguishing features of poetry as compared to prose.
A good poem should be able to lift the reader out of the ordinary and give glimpses of a more illumining reality.

The poem “MY PEOPLE” by: Mila Aguilar is about how God love us how he is willing to save us. Man has a rebellious nature, especially against the things of God. BUT God still giving us a chance to change and come to him..


Of all the people in this world
My family is different
My mother, my father is always there
To love and support all the way

I am proud and blessed
For the family I have,
God gave me a wonderful gift
This is the family I have

All of us have faith in God
We grow full of love
My family, my life
Thank you God….

Anonymous said...

Student: Rosalita T. Batersal, BEED-III
Professor: Mr. Marlon B. Raquel
Date: January 13, 2012

1. In poetry, by the use of sound of the words that works together with their meaning for more emotional impact, and it is usually written in rhythmical composition. Sometimes rhymed in language and more imaginative than ordinary speech. It makes poetry different from a short story, because a short story tells through the use of characters, settings, dialogue, and narration.

2. A poem should have a full package in regards to its theme, structures of words, and by using a concrete imagery and vivid descriptions that takes the reader everywhere and catch to the heart of any and all matter.

3. A poem “My People Are’’ tells about of what happen around peoples life when people are so greedy and it reflects the country where people live it becomes chaos, and in the poem there is a man who want to save every people who are the victims of that selfishness and he want to save those who were lost and turn back to the good path of their lives.

By: Rosalita T. Batersal

My pledge of love with you will last
Every single day longing for you to come
To hug you again is not enough
But to see and talk to you again is all I want

Remember my dear father missing you always breaks my heart
Bracing a strong wind without you
Even in my dreams
Wishing you to sing with me again

My words is not enough for me to proclaim
That you’re the best father I’ve ever had
My pledge of love with you will still remain
And that is my infinite promise for you way back then

Anonymous said...

name: chariscel A. Tarroza
professor: Mr. Marlon Raquel
1. As what i have understood about this matter, poetry is a text, written in verses, wherein it is read with a tone. As for the short story, it is a non-fiction stories, that has a character, setting and other element related in the short story. The difference between the two is, the poetry needs to be written in verses, while the short story it is not. Moreover, poetry can be fiction of non-fiction, while in short story it should be non-fiction only.
2. A poem can be a good one, if it's content are reasonable, suitable for all ages, can be used to studies and research, and has a moral values.
3. the poem meant to a hero, who want to save their land to the tragedies that there country is facing.
When I'am with you
by: Chariscel A. Tarroza

When I'am with you
I feel like rainbow in my side.
When I'am with you,
I feel like angel in the sky.
When I'am with you,
I feel complete.
Because It's only you,
I want to be with.

When we have a fight,
I don't know what should I do.
Cause' I don't want to finish,
This feeling I've been through.
You open my heart,
like a soft cloud.
And I let you in,
With this humble heart of mine.

I hope that we should be faithful,
To one another.
I hope that we should be honest,
In all the things that we shared.
I'am very thankful,
That God gave me you.
I should say, I'am really happy,
When I'am with you.

Anonymous said...

Marilyn R. Ulan Prof. Marlon B. Raquel
BEED –III Jan. 13, 2012

1. Poetry differs from a short story. Short story is an illustrate story, straight to the point. Short stories plays have narrators. A narrator is a person who tells the story. A short story has plot, point of view, and theme and character development. It differs in comes of the way how it written. A short story is usually written in fictional prose. While a poem is a composition in verse, marked by beauty of thought and language. A poem differs from a prose work in that it is to be read, slowly, carefully and attentively. A poem is not to be read cursorily like the daily news. A poem recreates an experience. Also a poem expresses emotion and doesn’t necessarily a beginning, middle, and end as does a rational story. A poem should have devices like meter, alliteration, rhyme verse etc. Although not every device is used in every poem. A poetic word is supposed to paint pictures or invoke feelings, but sometimes is for the poet only. The word “poetry” means “ to create” while a short story is usually written in recognizable sentences.

2. What makes a good poem?
For me, a good poem tells you something you didn’t know. Sometimes it may point out a fact that you had not previously noticed. A really good poem knows, and might never have found out without the poem’s showing you. The best sort of poem tells you something you didn’t already know, and probably don’t want to know. It easy to criticized, but not easy to write poems. In my own, All I can say that a good poem makes his reader put themselves what kind of emotions that the poet want to express. A good poem needs rhyme. Rhyme’s primary purpose, meanings, ideas, and thoughts in the mind of the reader. But perhaps most straight forwardly, rhyme works well when effectively combined with the rhythm and diction of a good poem. In short rhyme’s helps to complete the poem. It also needs rhythm good temporary poetry has a line to tread: that between creating an almost musical rhythm that carries the poem along successfully and envelopes the reader, and adopting the combination of diction and poetic rhythm that is appropriate to the language. Some poems for example, people remember because they were forced to do so at school. But I do think that the good poem has certain something memo ability about it. A good poems marriage a sound and sense: capturing something in language so as to resonate with the reader in its ingenuity and ultimately its freshness. A good poem makes working its magic capturing the reader’s attention before eventually revealing its various tricks slowly but surely, in careful close readings. The poet gets the attention of his his/her reader.

3. My own interpretation about “My People Are” By: Mila Aguilar
God is our great high priest. For me, it’s all about when Jesus offered one perfect sacrifice for sin. Tragic is not death but life with out purpose. Many are the plans in the heart of man, but God has a purpose for everything, purpose means original reason why something exists. God’s law was the act of the understanding and will; forgetfulness of it comes from the neglect to look into it. Parents who are careless as to themselves, as to their own lives, even

Anonymous said...

Marilyn R. Ulan Prof: Marlon B. Raquel
BEED – III Jan.13,2012

as to their own shame, still long that their children should not be as themselves. The law of God, concerning what was to be done, or not to be done, by the people. It is very wicked to be pleased with the sins of others, because they may turn to our advantage. He was legal. God cannot interfere with earth without a human. God died on the cross for us because all of us are sinners. He understands all our needs. Jesus prays on behalf of man. Remember all the sacrifices that Gods made for us. Jesus is our savoir. Jesus saves through his death and resurrection. He is Lord, he expect complete obedience. GOD BLESS the souls of those who survive.
4. Poem:

Yonder the blue tree
Weeps for me, weeps for me
It sees you
You’re not me.

Speak you must
Sing your words
Acts your dreams out
Dance your life.

Trim grosgrain rainbow
Unshod your feet
Claim the terrible snow hills
Swim in the sea.

Earth be the sky now
Invert your caprice
But love me, love me.

Anonymous said...

Student: Faith C. Delostrico Bse-ENG III

1. the poetry is It has a speaker, a voice who tells its story in as few words as possible, usually focusing on imagery, emotion, and other poetic techniques such as onomatopoei, figurative language, tone, mood, and stanzas rather than paragraphs. While the short story tells a story through use of character, theme, dialogue, motif, setting, tone, and narration. It is typically wordier than a poem, although the two have brevity in common.

2.A writer of a poem should always have the ability to create, imaginative, productive and imaginative and characterized by expressiveness and originality, so that he could have a good poem.

3. Based on the poem My people are. it state that their is a war in his beloved country. Many people died.He would come to sacrifice and save his beloved country and also his fellow people.

4. My Family
by Faith Delostrico

A family is a home
Within the heart
It's a place where love starts
It's a place where happiness begins.

A family is a blend of people
And personalities who share
A common path on their travels.

Under one common roof and
Enfolded within one amazing
And wonderful feeling.

A family brings together
A million memories of yesterday
And a dream of distant tomorrows.

A family understands
When no one else does
The bond shared,
The history made
Or the way their lives
Are interwoven.

Other things may come and go,
But a family will never be apart.
'Coz a family is
A home within the heart.

Anonymous said...

How is poetry different from short story?
Poetry is different from short story because poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, Poetry is an art form which human language is used we can make a poem weather we are happy or sad we can easily make a poem if we have an inspiration in our life maybe about love, friends, family, environment and nature etc. Poetry has a sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response.
Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but this is by no means necessary. While short story a fictional prose tale of no specified length, but too short to be published as a volume on its own, as novellas sometimes and novels usually are. A short story will normally concentrate on a single event with only one or two characters, more economically than a novel's sustained exploration of social background.

What makes a good poem?

A good poem must be well written with a concise and accurate use of language. The great advantage of poetry is that it can encapsulate ideas in the minimum of words. This is one of the main distinguishing features of poetry as compared to prose. A good poem should be able to lift the reader out of the ordinary and give glimpses of a more illumining reality. Good poetry can offer hope from seemingly painful experience. Many great poets deal with our fear of death there poetry offers an alternative view to the pessimism that can pervade man.
A good poem should engage the heart of the reader it should be more than mere intellectual cleverness.

+Read the following poem. Provide your interpretation.
My interpretation on the poem that I’ve read is, it is all about a hero, a person who wants to have a freedom for his fellow people and also for his own country and also he sees for justice for those who died in a tragedy but even he sees to find justice he did not want to use a an iron hand to resolve the problems and he always pray and ask guidance for God for all what happened in the past, present and for the future

“A Gift From God”
By: Faith Sarah A. Laguardia

Love is a gift from God
For making him mine,
Because when I’m with him
I’m always be fine.

Thank you Lord
For the man you gave,
Because he loves me so much
Like you did.

He makes me smile
When I feel so down,
He makes me feel
That im his only one.

He makes me mad,
He makes me sad
But deep inside
He is still my love.

Thank you Lord
For making him mine,
Because when I’m with him
I’m always be fine.

And now I pray
That we will be together,
No matter what happened
We will stay forever.

Submitted By: Faith Sarah A. Laguardia ( BSE-English III )

Anonymous said...

Assignment no. 2
Cruz, Kristine M.

1. The difference between short story from poetry is that, a short story is a narrative prose story presenting a central theme or impression, usually subordinated to a single mood or characterization. It has characters, setting, plot and point of view. While poetry is a work or works metrically composed. In ordinary ways poetry is both imaginative and metrical. It may exist without regular meter.

2. poetry makes a good poem when it expressed in a way beautiful, lyrically, comic or sharply satiric.

3. For me, the poem interprets the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us to be saved. he died for us, because we are all sinners, he gave his own life to redeem us. but not all of his people gave importance to his sacrifice. Greediness and Selfishness ruled the mind of his people.

by:Kristine Cruz

The first time that we met,
I thought you can't be my friend
Hesitate to approach you..

But then, All I feel is
I want to be close to you.
We became good friends.

And wish it will last till the end.
Thankful to have you..
I'm here for you..
Anytime,Anywhere, FOREVER MY DEAR FRIEND!!!

Anonymous said...

Name: Nil –Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Sir Raquel
1. The difference between a short story and a poem.
The difference between the two is that, short story consists of characters, setting and plot. The character is the one who takes part in the action of a story. It needs to be clearly and well-define. It names the characters, and as much as possible important and other details about the character are also included. The setting in a short story tells about the time and place in where it happens. It often uses particular scenery and many other places where the setting of the story can happen. Seasons, weather and time is also included in the setting of the story. And the plot, it is the conflict that makes the story more thrilling and more interesting. In making a short story, you can write anything. We can easily convey the theme because the words being use doesn’t exactly needs to have the beauty of language. While in writing a poem, there is a required measure of word, meter and rhyming of words each every end of a sentence. It uses different metaphorical words to describe what is being told. Use of metaphorical words and beauty of language is needed because it makes the reader feel the act of enchantment. In writing a poem, it seems like you are making a craft. You have to be artistic and imaginative.

2. What makes a good poem?
To make a good poem we need to convey experiences, ideas and emotion in a vivid and imaginative way. We need to convince the reader to feel such emotion. A good poem leads the reader to an extraordinary world and ambience. We have to create features in mind to help make the reader’s imagination a magical one. We have to use metaphorical word to define the subject and to add beauty of language. Paragraphing, rhyming and measurement are also required. And while writing, it should’ve come from the heart because it will reflect on the delivery of your poem.

3. Interpretation
In my own understanding according to the poem “My People Are”, there is an individual who is trying its best to save the people. And I refer this individual to Jesus Christ, the begotten Son of our Lord. He knew that we people are lost; we are living in a sinful world so that he is asking for our forgiveness to our God, and to please save us from this sinful land.

4. “Lucky Me”
By: Nil-Joei Mateo
I am very lucky
Because God gave me
A loving Mommy
And a good provider Daddy.
You gave us anything
You always keep on providing
For us to have a comfortable living.
Even if I am naughty, you still open the door
To a wonderful world that I can explore.
Thank you for being there
For always making me feel that you care.
You’re the greatest gift from above
Tied up and bonded by power of love.
Your understanding and your smile
Those simple things that makes me fine.
Mom and Dad my love for you is so true
I cannot live without the both of you.
You will always be in my heart.. I’ll hold
Until the day I become old.
I would thank you from the bottom o my heart,
But for you Mom and Dad my heart has no bottom.
I love you .. I really do..

Anonymous said...

Name: Nil –Joei G. Mateo. BEED-III
Professor: Sir Raquel
1. The difference between a short story and a poem.
The difference between the two is that, short story consists of characters, setting and plot. The character is the one who takes part in the action of a story. It needs to be clearly and well-define. It names the characters, and as much as possible important and other details about the character are also included. The setting in a short story tells about the time and place in where it happens. It often uses particular scenery and many other places where the setting of the story can happen. Seasons, weather and time is also included in the setting of the story. And the plot, it is the conflict that makes the story more thrilling and more interesting. In making a short story, you can write anything. We can easily convey the theme because the words being use doesn’t exactly needs to have the beauty of language. While in writing a poem, there is a required measure of word, meter and rhyming of words each every end of a sentence. It uses different metaphorical words to describe what is being told. Use of metaphorical words and beauty of language is needed because it makes the reader feel the act of enchantment. In writing a poem, it seems like you are making a craft. You have to be artistic and imaginative.

2. What makes a good poem?
To make a good poem we need to convey experiences, ideas and emotion in a vivid and imaginative way. We need to convince the reader to feel such emotion. A good poem leads the reader to an extraordinary world and ambience. We have to create features in mind to help make the reader’s imagination a magical one. We have to use metaphorical word to define the subject and to add beauty of language. Paragraphing, rhyming and measurement are also required. And while writing, it should’ve come from the heart because it will reflect on the delivery of your poem.

3. Interpretation
In my own understanding according to the poem “My People Are”, there is an individual who is trying its best to save the people. And I refer this individual to Jesus Christ, the begotten Son of our Lord. He knew that we people are lost; we are living in a sinful world so that he is asking for our forgiveness to our God, and to please save us from this sinful land.

4. “Lucky Me”
By: Nil-Joei Mateo
I am very lucky
Because God gave me
A loving Mommy
And a good provider Daddy.
You gave us anything
You always keep on providing
For us to have a comfortable living.
Even if I am naughty, you still open the door
To a wonderful world that I can explore.
Thank you for being there
For always making me feel that you care.
You’re the greatest gift from above
Tied up and bonded by power of love.
Your understanding and your smile
Those simple things that makes me fine.
Mom and Dad my love for you is so true
I cannot live without the both of you.
You will always be in my heart.. I’ll hold
Until the day I become old.
I would thank you from the bottom o my heart,
But for you Mom and Dad my heart has no bottom.
I love you .. I really do..

Anonymous said...

Margie D.Mequiabas

1.Poetry has a rhyme scheme and consist of verses and also the author used a flowering words or may simply consist of words that have a certain rhythm while a short story are the equivalent to that of any novel,just shorter ups consist of paragraph,and flowing sentences.
2.A good poem should be able to lift the reader out of the ordinary and give glimpses of a more illumining reality.
3.Meaning there's a man or a hero who wanted to save the people because there was a total confusion and capture happen.and wanted the man to save and beloved their country from the people or someone who is against in fight.
By Margie D. Mequiabas

To be a part of a family
Family is the people you trust
The people you come to if you have a problem
Like mine is so divine where love is shown
Hurt is shared our love for each other is never impaired
And everything to me and always
Going to be there for you
Family loves me,and I love them very much too
Means everything to me
Without them I wouldn't know what to do
That's why I love my family so much
My family is my life and always will be forever
So I just want to say... I LOVE MY FAMILY.

Anonymous said...

Margie D. Mequiabas

1.Poetry has a rhyme scheme and consist of verses and also the author used a flowering words or may simply consist of words that have a certain rhythm while a short story are the equivalent to that of any novel, just shorter ups consist of paragraph, and flowing sentences.
2.A good poem should be able to lift the reader out of the ordinary and give glimpses of a more illumining reality.
3.Meaning there's a man or a hero who wanted to save the people because there was a total confusion and capture happen. and wanted the man to save and beloved their country from the people or someone who is against in fight.
By Margie D. Mequiabas

To be a part of a family
Family is the people you trust
The people you come to if you have a problem
Like mine is so divine where love is shown
Hurt is shared our love for each other is never impaired
And everything to me and always
Going to be there for you
Family loves me, and I love them very much too
Means everything to me
Without them I wouldn't know what to do
That's why I love my family so much
My family is my life and always will be forever
So I just want to say... I LOVE MY FAMILY.

Anonymous said...

Posted by; Jayson C Montiadora

1. Poetry is different from Short Story because in Short Story it has a character that has the main Character, The Secondary Characters. Short Story has a Setting where the Short Story began and happened and lastly it has a Conflict while in Poetry it composes of limited stanzas and words that sometimes limited to eight syllables by lines. There are some poems that are called free poems that there are no limitations.

2. A good poem for me is a poem that every line has a good meaning, readers will think critically about the meaning of the every flowering word and it should have an essence and reader will learn something about the poem.

3. For me, the meaning of the poem “My People are” is just the mother nature are telling what are the people doing in our world today they are destructing everything they are destroying our environment and deforestation are now continuous in every part of the world but those people who are destroying the environment are those who are suffering for what they have done all the effects are bouncing back to them and even though innocent people are affected…

4. “The Relationship”

Love can lie
But definitely it won’t die
Love can make you happy
But it hurts badly

Being narrow can destroy everything
And Growing up is the solution for that thing
Don’t think anything against your partner
Trust will make relationship better

Don’t said that one of you should hold relationship
Because, both of you will suffer if you don’t worship
Don’t make it harder
Because it won’t last forever
Remember, things can stay longer
If you think broader

Anonymous said...

Salcedo, Krystal Jade T.

1. Poetry is a composition that expresses experiences that used by sounds and rhythmic languages the difference of poetry to short story is their structure the way it was written and made. The short story can be made in an essay form while poetry has its own uniqueness the way it was written and express.
2. To make a good poem the author must be express very well what he wants to show to the reader he must consider the correct form of poem so that the reader may understand the composition. Poem is one of the best ways to inspired people so that it must be good and gives good impression to the reader.
3. The poem “My People Are” tells about the people of a country who did not value their own land and as a good citizen she wanted to save her land by praying and asking blessing to in light the minds of the people and also to forgive their sins as they destroy the creation of God.

4. One Bottle of Happiness

By: Krystal Jade Salcedo

I’m zipping my refreshment
One bottle of smile
One bottle of hi
One bottle of your
Beautiful eyes

If it is for sale
Tell me where I should find
I promise I will buy
One bottle of happiness
Just to make you mine

Anonymous said...

Rufina D. Lindain Jan.14,2012
Creative writing


1. For me, one useful way of defining Poetry is as condensed meaning, it is literally like message or a theme that has been condensed into small form but which must be unpacked to appreciate the feel significance of what the author is trying to communicate.
Poetry can rhyme scheme can be both fiction and non fiction. It is shorter than short story although not always.
Short stories are of course shorter than novels and so they share many similarities with poetry. In both the authors try to get the message across with brevity and in a succinct form. However, poetry achieves this in the extreme, often only a couple of stanzes can be enough to communicate an incredibly complex theme or idea. In poetry authors do not have the luxury of spending time establishing theme and character, they must say what they want to say in as sparse a form or language as possible.

2. A good poem must be well written with a concise and accurate use of language. A good poem should be able to left the reader out of the ordinary and give glimpses of a more illuminating reality. A good poem should engage the heart of the reader it should be more than mere intellectual cleverness. To a large extent the reader can makeup his own mind . This is another good quality of poem it engages the reader to think for himself.
Good poetry often take it’s inspiration from nature, from the heart can never be faked. There is saying that a” Poet is born not made “ whether this is not true or not writing poetry is not like learning to write by rite.

3 .My interpretation of poem “ MY PEOPLE”
- It’s about the salvation of mankind. God is love thus in his grace and mercy, he decreed that the penalty for sin could be paid by a substitute, providing that the substitute to sinless. His son Jesus Christ had to suffer and die in order to redeem mankind. God is righteous thus his justice demands that a penalty for sin be paid. Heb.9:27..and just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement. Heb. 9:28..So Christ may sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear to a second time not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him

Anonymous said...

Rufina D. Lindain
Creative writing


“Inside the Holy Church of Christ”

Dearest children beloved of my life
Come close and listen to me
For I feel the due time has arrived
To tell you what I’ve been worrying in my mind
Got tearing apart my very sleeping at night
You know were not wealthy
Much I desire and want to but I can leave no definite treasure
You should have to struggle and earn own keep
Yes, I’m sure these hardships will not make you weak
For I have endeavored to raise you right
Inside the holy church aided by the almighty god
So children, I give you now your memorable inheritance
With my solemn prayers for your future life
If you follow my instructions and take my advice
You won’t ever look back and would hold on tight
Don’t be falter on your steps to travel
Until you reach the perfection of faith
For surely in the holy land, we shall all meet again

Submitted to:
Mr. Marlon B. Racquel

Anonymous said...

Student:Jeremiah Greeta D. Baring

1. it has a big different when it comes to structure. the poem is constructed by stanzas while the shorts story is on essay form.Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response while short story is a short piece of fiction.'s structure,rhyme and the usage of flowery make a good poem it should get the readers curiosity. my own interpretation the author of the poem wanted to protect his/her land to those people she/he don't like.
fathers love
I idolized him when I was a child,
I hate him when my mother died.
I did everything to make him proud
but, it doesn't work bec. he is tired.

He exchange my mother to somebody else,
a woman who doesn't care.
all I need is My father love,
to be happy and contented with my life.

Anonymous said...

Jamaica E.Collado

1. Poetry is written in stanza form, read with rising and falling intonation and it occupies minimal space. It has rhyme and meter. The writer in poetry speaks not to the audience but to himself simultaneously. They use images to convey the meanings while, the short story is written in paragraph form, occupies a lot of space, has elements such as first is the character which a writer of a short story must give dominant impression to enable the reader to identify the main one, second the plot or the order of events and when the conflict or the trouble in the story takes place the plot will started to move. Since the short story covers limited time it focuses on single plot and climax only. Third element is the point of view or the narrators.
2. A good poem arouses the emotion of the reader by its meaning. Good poetry is made up of words that enable the readers to relate on it. It is made from real experiences, comes from the heart of a writer and lastly from an inspiration. It touches the heart of the reader.
3. The writer perhaps experienced or noticed something which she thinks not right to happen especially to her fellowmen and to her beloved homeland so she wanted to change that worst scenario, she wanted to put everything in place. She asked god to forgive those people who were blind though they knew that there was a mass of in justice in their surrounding. She considered herself as a savior because she knows that no one would dare to start makes change but her. She wants to save her people and her land before its too late horrible end
In times of happiness or distress,
A very special person is always exist.
I want to thank this special friend,
Who walks with me in time of need.

Give and take that’s what we make,
That’s why our friendship is the best,
Being true to each other makes us fair,
Unselfishness is what we shared.

Sometimes our friendship is in at risk,
Our love for each other always resists.
No matter what happens to our friendship,
I treasured the memories that we have shed.

When time of separation will take place,
Always remember, you can count on me anytime you wish.
Distance is not the hindrances,
For me to payback my friend in need.

Anonymous said...

diozon, madelene C. BEED-III

1. The poetry is the words that have a rhyme to be able in understanding what’s the meaning that the author wants to is tell to the reader and the format before you write a and emotions you get in the poem. It is rhythmical stories that expressing the thoughts and idea in the reader while the short story is the experience that makes people inspire in the moral lesson that they get in the story. It also has characters who act in the situation that the author gives and the reader knows the start, the conflict, solution and the ending.
2. It makes good if you know how to appreciate and understand it well on your own. A patient for what is the meaning and importance you can get to the poem that you write or you read. And also you can make t good if the emotions drive in the stanza that you apply for it.
3. The poem of Mila Aguilar was centered in the people who made sin and God, our savior come to save against them, to become a good people n the society and thank God because he is there to help us n all our sins in this world has a human. In third stanza he represent that if all people needs to forgive to their sins, he forgive for that moment. The last stanza of the poem is no other things in this world are important but the people.
“More than love”
By: Madelene Diozon

Love is priceless feeling
It’s difficult to find,
But in circle of your life,
You feel love in family.

Love can make you hurt,
But in your love one’s
It is unpredictable,
Our family is like tree forever.

Until the end of time,
Feel the love and joy
Feel it until the last drop
Of your tears fade away.

Anonymous said...

Dejumo, Maria Kasiah

1.Poetry it means is to make a form of a literary work of art and it is used for aesthetic value of qualities. and the Short story is only a fiction and it usually written in prose and in the narrative format.

2. the good in the poetry you can express what you truly feel, you can tell anyone what's on your mind, and also it expresses your emotions. and it is good because you can able to write whatever you want to tell.

3. The People are - it tells about what our creator " God" did to us, and it tells also that he saved our life and he forgive us after what we did to him.

4. " Trials "
by : Maria. Kasiah Dejumo

My life is simple and precious
but there's a man came into my life
it was by an accident and coincidence
I felt the sparks at the first sight
when I see him.

We started to become a good friend,
knowing each other
until we had a special feelings to each other
and we never expected this kind of happiness
and how we treated each other
we treasured the days, and things that comes to us
he was captivated me by his charm and humble and his sparkling eyes.

the day's and months goes by
were not just being a good friends
but more on that.
we tried to become a lovers
but the day was come our relationship
face the challenges,
we started to have an argue in small things,
lot's of trials that we've been encountered
many problems ..
we tried to fight of it, but instead to win
we lose.

his holding my hand to thought that it was mine
but I realized that it just only a dream
I just reminiscing and thinking with him
and to thank those small things that he was given
and for those everything that his done to me.

I asking forgiveness for those mistakes that I've done
and I learned my lesson.
after the problems that we had encountered
and to promise again that I'll do anything and everything whatever it takes.

But, maybe its hard for him to start again
perhaps me and him needs a time space warp.
and so this is how to be alone.
and learn how to let it go.

Anonymous said...

Mary Grace B. Sapungay
BSE- English III

1. Poetry has a stanza which makes it different from short story. Sometimes, it also as a metrical pattern which is a basic unifying device in all poetry. It has a rhyme, which is the repetition of similar sounds in two or more words. A poetry also contain “flowery words” or idioms, or either uses figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification and the like which makes a poetry more creative compared to all other literary genres including short stories.
2. A poem is good when it has a sense, wherein he readers will feel real feeling that it has. When the readers can imagine the things that the poem has. A good poem should also have a theme, an imagery, and also characters. We can also say that a poem is good when the number of syllables in the lines are the same, like, 8-12-8-12 and others.
3. The poem is about a person who is actually a born hero. In the first line, the writer says that he was born to redeem his people, because his people are lost, he has to retrieve them. As if its about Christ when he redeemed us from all our sins.
4. Poem

A Daughter’s Love

Back when I was a child
When ignorance is still on me
My father always talked sensibly
Of the value of life, to my mother and me.
Our family is blessed with happiness
With much love from my parents who really care
Living peacefully together
Making dreams come closer.

Every moment brings feelings cheer
Because I have my parents who loved me so
And all I can say is God thank you
For giving me such parents who care me so.

But one day a nightmare came true
My father left and my mother too
He left not even a single ho!
Oh! My father! Why did you do so?

Since then , everyday wasn’t complete anymore
Because my father, was there for me no more.
And my mother always wanted to get out from me
To forget what my father did for me.

Time passed, and I guess I’m now strong
Much stronger than a little child that you’ve left before
And as they say, time heals everything that has done to all
So don’t think that you’re still not forgiven ‘coz you’re wrong.

If you have forgotten me like others say
Well on my part I still love you, as a love of a child to his father dear
Because a daughter’s love will never be lost
To a father like you is much loved.

Anonymous said...

MAry Grace Sapungay

1. Poetry has a stanza which makes it different from short story. Sometimes, it also as a metrical pattern which is a basic unifying device in all poetry. It has a rhyme, which is the repetition of similar sounds in two or more words. A poetry also contain “flowery words” or idioms, or either uses figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification and the like which makes a poetry more creative compared to all other literary genres including short stories.
2. A poem is good when it has a sense, wherein he readers will feel real feeling that it has. When the readers can imagine the things that the poem has. A good poem should also have a theme, an imagery, and also characters. We can also say that a poem is good when the number of syllables in the lines are the same, like, 8-12-8-12 and others.
3. The poem is about a person who is actually a born hero. In the first line, the writer says that he was born to redeem his people, because his people are lost, he has to retrieve them. As if its about Christ when he redeemed us from all our sins.
4. Poem

A Daughter’s Love

Back when I was a child
When ignorance is still on me
My father always talked sensibly
Of the value of life, to my mother and me.
Our family is blessed with happiness
With much love from my parents who really care
Living peacefully together
Making dreams come closer.

Every moment brings feelings cheer
Because I have my parents who loved me so
And all I can say is God thank you
For giving me such parents who care me so.

But one day a nightmare came true
My father left and my mother too
He left not even a single ho!
Oh! My father! Why did you do so?

Since then , everyday wasn’t complete anymore
Because my father, was there for me no more.
And my mother always wanted to get out from me
To forget what my father did for me.

Time passed, and I guess I’m now strong
Much stronger than a little child that you’ve left before
And as they say, time heals everything that has done to all
So don’t think that you’re still not forgiven ‘coz you’re wrong.

If you have forgotten me like others say
Well on my part I still love you, as a love of a child to his father dear
Because a daughter’s love will never be lost
To a father like you is much loved.

Anonymous said...

Palattao,Marian S.
1. How is poetry different from short story?
Poetry different from short story because poetry is written in a stanza and every line are rhyme while the short story written in a paragraph. And poetry has musical element or we called metric which create the rhythmical and poetry, also contain only one character while in a short story have many character.
2. What makes a good poem?
A good poem makes when if the poem written in accurate and would be attach from the heart of the reader .A good poem have a sense and must have a feeling. The poem should be interesting and memorable from the reader. And good poem makes, if the writer comes out from his heart to make a poem.
3. This poem is about, people who commit sin because of being greedy but even people commit sin. Someone prayed them to go away from that hot place, because she/he know that some people needs that thing to being greedy for his satisfaction. And he want to protect them because of unconditional love.

4.Write an original short poem the theme must deal with love for your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, family etc.

Friend of mine
By Marian Palattao
Oh’ a friend of mine
Our friendship always shine
Memories of us I swear
That no one can compare

I’m always beside you
In a moment you need me
To hear and comfort you
And always advise you

That you don’t know
I feel for you
And my heart jump and bumps
Because of you.

Anonymous said...


1. POETRY has stanza and it is a type of discourse which achieves its effects by rhythm, sound patterns and imagery it also evokes emotion and sensation while short story it is concentrating on a single effect which the writer wants to achieve, it also varying widely in length.
2. A poem makes good when it is interesting and has good sense to read especially when the reader appreciate the sense of it and can relate, of course when it is also understandable for the reader.
3. The poem is about how our lord Jesus Christ save us. we are all sinners from the start so he came to sacrifice and he himself be the one to be punished because our Lord love us that much unconditionally.
4. I still Care

I decided to end up our relationship
I realized that we're playing with each other
It really caused pain in my heart
But i have to make a new start

Why do i always dream of you every night?
Hoping that those memories will be back again,
I know you are with someone already
But all I think is YOU!

I love you so much you know that!
But why you're so unfair...
You make me believe that you love me too...
For all those times we've been together,
Its just a DISGUISE!

I know that love is like a rose,
It lives, it dies, it blooms, it grows
But for me its like a pride I show
I take, I chew, I grind, I swallow

Why do i still care for you?
And hoping that we can be together again
I know that it sounds a bit odd
But i cant get you off my mind
And I know I still care for you.

Anonymous said...

Name: Jezel M. Dela Vega
1. Short stories are just equal to a novel that meets a certain requirements to form a short story while a poem or poetry is wide variety of imaginations, feelings and emotions that is written by stanzas and flows with the beat of tempo

2. What makes a good poem is how the writer lift and manipulate emotions of who ever reads it. A good poem must also offer hope, love and excitement that a reader can partake his/herself

3. The poem tells how people was blinded of evil and chaos, but in the end a man stand to retrieve them and free them from the chaos and evil.

4. My tear have dropped on the floor, wishing you’re here at the back of our door,

Wanting you beside me and to hold you more.
And in that there’s nothing I could not ask for

I couldn’t wait anymore until tomorrow,
If this sadness put me into sorrow,
My life is in burden craving you’re love to borrow.

Anonymous said...

Name: Jezel M. Dela Vega
1. Short stories are just equal to a novel that meets a certain requirements to form a short story while a poem or poetry is wide variety of imaginations, feelings and emotions that is written by stanzas and flows with the beat of tempo

2. What makes a good poem is how the writer lift and manipulate emotions of who ever reads it. A good poem must also offer hope, love and excitement that a reader can partake his/herself

3. The poem tells how people was blinded of evil and chaos, but in the end a man stand to retrieve them and free them from the chaos and evil.

4. My tear have dropped on the floor, wishing you’re here at the back of our door,

Wanting you beside me and to hold you more.
And in that there’s nothing I could not ask for

I couldn’t wait anymore until tomorrow,
If this sadness put me into sorrow,
My life is in burden craving you’re love to borrow.

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