Assignment No. 1 in Rizal's Life and Works (1st Sem, AY 2011-2012)


1. Read the following laws concerning the implementation of Rizal Law and other related matters. Then answer the questions that follow. Click each law/directive to read it online. 

Rizal Laws:


a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.


Anonymous said...

Rodel G. Paron
2nd yr- BSIT

a. if we study the life of Rizal, we can have a good sense of nationalism , a good moral character and the love for our country.

b.of course, because Dr. Jose P. Rizal is good model for a student like me, he has a good sense of patriotism, and nationalism.

2. there are people who wants to get rid of Rizal's work in school libraries, but Recto declined, because what he says is true, if we do that the next generation will never have a privilege to know the history of Rizal and His novel El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere.

Anonymous said...

Thursday 7:00-10:00

We knew already that Dr. Jose Rizal is one our national hero, for me it is very important for the studying the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student or as a Filipino citizen we belong in society. And its always important to look back in the event and people which played an important role in the current state of a country. And he is the man that we need to admired because of their moral support in our country.

For me as a student I think there is nothing wrong with that the Rizal’s Life and Writings should be a mandatory in school levels even if it is not have been yet exist because the students should need to familiarize with Rzal’s role in the development of the Philippines progress in political, economic and educational aspects.And especially when it comes to writings.

Base on the article was written by Ambeth Ocampo I think Recto was right because if the people would eliminate the books of Rizal from the schools they could not respect the memory of Dr.Jose Rizal for being the national hero of the Philippines. The novel of Dr. Jose Rizal especially the NOLI ME TANGER, because the purposed of his novel is to encourage of all the Filipino to pursued their studies so that they may able to have a brave to fight their freedom. And be proud of being a Filipino.

{Nice} kEi said...

Johne Rick S. Bermudo
2nd yr-BSHRM

a. Truth be told, Rizal subject is really important to all of us Filipinos especially to students, and the youth, not only because a student cannot graduate in his course without taking and passing it, but because studying his life would really help and teach us a lot of values that we, as part of our nation, should possess and live with. His very noble life is truly inspiring and worth to be admired especially by the young ones of our present time. Hence, all of Rizal’s thoughts, ideals, principles and convictions he shared to us should not only remain as part of our knowledge, but it must also be practice and put into action as we go along our everyday life.

b. At start, you would be wondering why this subject is needed to be taken up when it is not related to some of courses or degrees.
But when the classes start and you would start to know Rizal’s life and his works, you would realize that his life is indeed an inspiration. For me, Republic act 1425 or known as Rizal law which made Rizal subject a compulsory to all college students is very important.
You would also realize that it is nice to know that there is a Filipino who existed like Rizal who taught us the values of nationalism and patriotism which he made as his weapon to save his country from injustice and cruelty of the Spaniards. Without RA 1425 we won’t appreciate how our culture and history was shaped.

2. The church being the religious pillar of our society would do anything to expunge the wrong actions, unreligious and unholy deeds of said religious people particularly the Spanish Friars during our National Hero’s time. And Rizal’s work which figured subjugations of Filipinos lead by the Friars is every way a stain to the image of the church, so getting rid of it would clean the church image. But Recto stood up for Rizal’s work not to be expurgated, for knowing Rizal’s work is a privilege to every generation to see in their mind and heart’s eye that we ought to be proud of our roots.

Anonymous said...

Pagaling, Fherly F.
2nd Year 1st Semester BSHRM
Rizal’s Life and Works
Thursday 7:00am-10:00am

1. Questions:

a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

As a student and as a Filipino citizen, it is important for me to study the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal because it will help me understand more the value of education and how education is helpful not only to myself but also to my country. Studying Rizal’s life and works will remind me of my duties as a Filipino, which will make me a more responsible and patriotic individual. This study will help me discover the good and the bad things done by colonizers and Filipinos in the past that will guide me to the right path in life.

b. Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.

Even without the existence of RA 1425, I think Rizal’s Life and Works should be taught MANDATORY in all schools because Dr. Jose P. Rizal himself is a very good example of an ideal student and citizen of our country. It should be taught MANDATORY in all schools because the blood of a true Filipino runs in our veins and Rizal’s Life and Works will always be relevant regardless of what course a student takes up. The lives and works of our heroes who fought and died for our country are worth studying and should be taught in all schools for us students to develop good character and discipline that we need for a brighter future.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

The article of Mr. Ambeth Ocampo talks about the argument between the government and the Church on Article 1425 or the Rizal Law which states that courses on Rizal’s Life and Works shall be included in the curricula of all schools. Mr. Ocampo is emphasizing the positive and negative effects of Rizal law in our society which I think is a good way of educating his readers what Rizal Law is really all about.

The stand of the government that Rizal’s works are inspiring sources of patriotism for the youth and the stand of the Church that selected passages from Rizal’s works are offensive and anti-Catholic. I believe Mr. Ocampo wants to expose the loopholes of Rizal Law wherein some sections are not clear. Like the exemption from reading Rizal’s novels based on religious beliefs, the adequate number of copies of Rizal’s novels in school libraries, and the translation of Rizal’s novels into major Philippine languages.

For me, Mr. Ocampo wants to tell the readers that Rizal Law is not a perfect law but still, it is important because as Filipinos, we should learn how to appreciate the spirits and intents of all laws in our country.

Anonymous said...

Jazzen C. Alas

1.What is the importance of studying the life and works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and a pilipino citizen

***One reason is because rizal thought us how to be a nationalistic person, then not all revolution may take a bloody action.Then rizal said "The youth
is the hope of the fatherland", so as a student we must educate ourselves and follow the footsteps of rizal, to follow his footsteps we must study rizal's
life as a good example to the youth of the nation now.Then as a student we are the future, as rizal thinks of future he thinks positive so when we study
the rizal subject we will learn how rizal thinks not only for the country but also for his future.***

***Another, as a filipino citizen we must study!Why? cause were a filipino and another thing rizal is the national hero so what is the excuse of not studying
rizal lifes and works?NO EXCUSES!!!...Then another, rizal is a nationalistic person and he thinks more about nationalism, working againsy pity friars and
thinking for the country to modernize. So if we study rizals life and works we will educated and know how to be a real filipino, be nationalistic by not
buying foreign products, and ready to be killed just for the country, thats the importance.***

2.Given the premise that rizal is the National Hero of the philippines, do you think "Rizal lifes and works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all
schools?? Justify your answer

***It should be! Why? Cause rizal is the national hero, then we are filipino so we must study the lifes and works of rizal cause he is our hero, because of
him the philippines were not freed from the spaniards, and because of him the filipinos were aware that the friars are pity and corrupt.Another reason is rizal
teach us to be a nationalistic, he fight the government with courage by not using bolo, but he use his mind by writing novels to expose the corruption in the
government, then is we mandatory study the life and works of rizal we will learn that every revolution may not need war or bloody event, but in a peaceful
way like rizal did.***

3.Write an commentary of the article "the fight over the rizal law"

***The article was great its about the conflict about the catholic and state, while im reading ive learn a lot cause i didnt know that catholic church did
not agreed by passing the rizal law cause some of the writings of rizal were fraud and against the catholic churches.The churches did not want the laws been
passed cause when the student read the novels of rizal they will learn about how the friars and the catholic churches corrupted the filipino nation. In the
article the churches hold the novels cause it will expose their doings, then when the student read the novels theyre minds will be corrupted and there were
possibilities that they hate the catholic church. So this article makes us know how the catholic churches fight to not passed the rizal law but theyve not

Anonymous said...


1.A course on Rizal design to familiarize the student with Rizal's role in the development of the Philippines' progress in political, social, economic and educational aspects. It includes the hero's youth and parentage, his schooling here and abroad, his travels and their implications to Philippine progress. Important episodes in his life are emphasized for their educational and nationalistic values, respectively. An intensive reading and interpretation of the original edition of the NOLI ME TANGERE and EL FILIBUSTERISMO are undertaken together with Rizal's annotation of Morga's Sucesos de las Isla Filipinas, The Philippines - A Century Hence, The Indolence of the Filipinos and My Last Farewell. ..



Kath Garganera said...

Garganera, Katherine C.

1. Dr. Jose P. Rizal is one of our national heroes. And it is important to study the life, works and writing of Rizal because he is the greatest of all our national heroes, aside from that, it will teach us Filipino students to be nationalistic or to have love for our country. It also develops moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience and it teaches us the duties of citizenship.
2. I think it should be taught mandatory because Dr. Jose P. Rizal is one of our greatest heroes and also part of our history it is important for us Filipino to know who our national hero is. And his writings also helps us be nationalistic or to love our country.
3. The article of Ambeth Ocampo entitled “The fight over the Rizal Law” I think it talks a bout if we really need to study the life works and writings of Rizal. It is clear that Rizal’s life and works had passed to teach Filipino students the nationalism. in Ocampo’s article there is nothing controversial except to that end was to make Rizal’s novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo required reading and studying in schools, because there are some part of the novel that are anti-Catholic so the church could not accept that it will teach us nationalism and patriotism. Yes, maybe there are some offensive words about the Catholic Church regarding the two novels but as a whole it still teaches us of being nationalistic. It is great that the Rizal Law is implemented in all schools.

Anonymous said...

Talosig, Trishia

a.What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

For I am a student and as a Filipino citizen studying the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal will gives us moral lesson, through his writings we can relate our government from the past and perhaps for giving a debt of gratitude for what our heroes’ not only Rizal but also to the others who gave their life for the own good sake of every Filipino. Rizal and His Works has been included in the curriculum by the Department of Education because his life and works inspire Filipinos, to be proud of their motherland and native-tongue, to prove that Filipinos are capable to be equal if not excel even to those who treat us as slave. His brilliance, determination, patience and perseverance are just few of his virtues whom, us, Filipinos admired and undyingly referred to whenever we are in the lowest low. There is a great, vital need to study the works and life of Rizal. He is our greatest national hero; others described him as "the first greatest Filipino." He was a genius and the Pride of the Malayan race. He was a poet, doctor, architect, businessman, educator, economist, historian, inventor, musician, psychologist, sculptor, sociologist, ophthalmic surgeon, physicist and many more by studying his biography we could be able also pursue to be like him and follow him.

b.Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.

For me yes it is needed for every school to include this in their curriculum even the law of RA 1425 does not yet exist. For his several works with highly nationalistic and revolutionary ideas.
He had a lot of memorabilia legacies that could represent the races of Filipino because of his images, characteristics which was caused through of this, mold’s the mind of every Filipino.

3.for me the idea of Ambeth Ocampo ‘s article revealed that it is a creative way to make meaning from the past. Beyond dates and facts, history is a clump of STORIES - real or not, who cares? The traditionalists, maybe. But, fact or fiction, it is essential to derive meaning from these it.
This is what Ambeth Ocampo does, to me, at least. That's how I see it. He goes beyond facts and trivia, dates and time lines and challenges you, the student, and the reader of his articles and the listeners of his lectures to history.

Anonymous said...

a.) As s student and a Filipino Citizen th importance of studying th life, works, and wrinrings of Dr.Jose Rizal is to inspire as to do good things for the better of our future and our country; and to learn nationalism and patriotism.
b.) Yes! Because by studying the life, works, and writings of Dr.Jose P. Rizal they will develop their Nationalism and Patriotism; for them to be a hero for themselves, to other people and to our country. For Dr.Rizal once said "the young persons are the hope of the counry"
2.) Catholic Schools should really teach Rizal life, works, and writings even though some of his novel is anti-Catholic. Because in Rizal life we are not studying to be an anti-Catholic but to learn Nationalism and Patriotism. Mr.Claro M. Recto did well for fighting for Rizal Law.

Anonymous said...

Andriano,Bonelita A.
Thursday 7:00-10:00

1. First of all Rizal is our greatest national hero, others described him as the first Filipino and the greatest Filipino. Well, i strongly agree w/ the former.he is indeed Rizal has done many great things in the Philippine history. If would real and analyze and observed his life,you would be greatly inspired.I believe that DEPED has included it in the curriculum because knowing Rizal's life and works inspires Filipinos to become Real Filipinos,to be proud of their motherland and native tongue to prove to other countries that Filipinos are great and capable of Excellencing over the races.I myself has been inspired by his life will also change those people who devotionally and dedicately put their hearts into studying his life.
2. For me Republic Act 1425 known as Rizal law which made Rizal subject a compulsory to all college student is very important.There is need for a Re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for which our heroes live and died.Jose Rizal we remember w/ special fondness and devotion their lives and works that have shaped the national character.
3. Rizal's work which figured subjugation's Filipinos lead by the friars is very way a stain to the image of the church,For knowing Rizal's work is a previlage to every generation to see in their mind and hearts eye's that we ought to be proud our roots.

Ana Deborah Guerrero said...

Guerrero, Ana Deborah B. (BSIT)
Number 1.
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

Number 2.
2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article

a. By studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal… We will be able to recognize the relevance of his ideals, thoughts, and life-values to present conditions in the community and the country and apply them in the solution of day-to-day situations and problems of contemporary life.

b. Rizal Life and Works should be taught mandatory for us to remember his love for our country and willingness to sacrifice his life for it. If RA 1525 does not exist, we will not develop an understanding and appreciation of qualities, behavior, and character of Rizal, as well as his thoughts and ideas that will help in the growth of our moral character, personal discipline, citizenship, and vocational efficiency.

2. I do not agree in what he said about his article.I think we should know what Dr. Jose P. Rizal have done for us in the past years when Philippines is about to conquer by other countries through knowing and studying his novels. Dr. Jose Rizal is a good influence for us because he makes us realize that not all the problems has to be done with violence.

Ana Deborah Guerrero said...

Guerrero, Ana Deborah B. (BSIT)
Number 1.
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

Number 2.
2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article

a. By studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal… We will be able to recognize the relevance of his ideals, thoughts, and life-values to present conditions in the community and the country and apply them in the solution of day-to-day situations and problems of contemporary life.

b. Rizal Life and Works should be taught mandatory for us to remember his love for our country and willingness to sacrifice his life for it. If RA 1525 does not exist, we will not develop an understanding and appreciation of qualities, behavior, and character of Rizal, as well as his thoughts and ideas that will help in the growth of our moral character, personal discipline, citizenship, and vocational efficiency.

2. I do not agree in what he said about his article.I think we should know what Dr. Jose P. Rizal have done for us in the past years when Philippines is about to conquer by other countries through knowing and studying his novels. Dr. Jose Rizal is a good influence for us because he makes us realize that not all the problems has to be done with violence.

Anonymous said...

ballesteros, geneth joy

a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writing of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student, and as a filipino citizen?

***as a student and as a filipino citizen it is important for me to study the life, works and writing of Dr. Jose Rizal Because it will help us to understand and give as more knowledge about Rizal contributed to our country. in studying Rizal life and works, this is the only way for us to know the history of our country and for our national hero.
for us to know the history of the philippine knowing him more is very important, every struggle and works of Rizal is important. his really a role model of a filipino citizen, he contributed inspirational and very meaningful writing. he really has filipino heart and mind. not only writing but he discovered animals like lizard. he fought for the filipino people using his pen not for revolution.

b.Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the philippines do you think's "Rizal life and works" subject should be thought MANDATORY in all school? think us if R.A. 1425 doesn't exist. Justify your position.

***even without Rizal Life should be thought mandatory in all level high school and colleges because majority of the high school student and college are filipino citizen.
all filipino should be aware on the history of the philippine Rizal as an educator filino citizen, as a writter, opthalmologist, painter, scientist, and most of all a good son and brother to his family. for foreigner students, because they want to study and have a degree in philippines they should know how filipino people act. and Rizal is the best example of the filipino attitude therefore i conclude that rizal's life should be thought in high school and college local or international filipino citizen or foreigns student.

2. read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled "the fight over the rizal law" in philippine daily inquirer on may 4 2007 written a commentary on his article.

***the article of Mr. ambeth Ocampo talks about the arguement between the government and the church on this article or the article 1425 or the rizal law state that courses on rizal's life and works shall be included in the curicula of all school.

Drei Arbiol said...

Rizal’s Life and Works
Thursday / 07:00 – 10:00

1. Most often students feel that Rizal course is an additional burden to their studies because it is a minor subject. The person had been studied was already dead. Students further said that what the use of Rizal course is where in fact they could not use the name Rizal as one of their references when they apply for a job nor Rizal could back up them if they need help…Well of course! A dead person cannot do anything about the life of the living but the thoughts, ideals, dreams, principles or convictions that he left might be very influential to people’s life as a basis of getting strength in their day to day existence. And that’s where the relevance of Rizal subject came in.
Indeed, Republic Act 1425 otherwise known as Rizal law was approved in June of 1956 made it clear that Rizal subject is a compulsory to all students who are enrolled in different colleges and universities. Obviously, a student cannot graduate in his course without taking and passing Rizal subject. Therefore, Rizal subject is equally important to all other subjects.
Moreover, Rizal subject would have meaning if the teacher who taught the subject would not just focus her/his discussion to life of Rizal per see but rather made the life of Rizal as a means of discussing the culture of the Filipinos, its political, economic and social affairs in the past and relate it at present situation of the people. In that way, student’s critical thinking would be developed more. As a result students would take an active part not only in the classroom setting but also in participating outside activities for the betterment of the Philippine society in general.

2. As a student, I think teaching Rizal’s life and works are as much important with studying other subjects as well. Because through studying his life, we are able to know the value of being a religious person, a strong willed individual who stands for his convictions, and the one who loves and serves the country are some of the virtues of Rizal. Even without the said law, Filipino people should learn about his life and writings because he contributed a lot to our history and gave influence to our country’s literary works by inspiring other writers.

3. In this article, it is clear that the Catholic church is not in favor in teaching Rizal’s novels – Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo – because there were parts of the writings which were offensive to the religion. Knowing the Philippines as a country dominated with Catholic faith, they said that forcing the students to read the unexpurgated novels is a violation to their freedom of conscience – in which for me is right. No one should be forced to read or do anything they don’t want to do. On the other hand, the Carholic church should also be open-minded that these writings were just a symbol of Rizal’s feelings towards what was happening before. Today, having the law of exempting other students in studying this subject because of religion reasons, I think it is just fair to have it that way. We need to respect each others views and opinions and they should do the same in return.

Drei Arbiol said...

Rizal’s Life and Works
Thursday / 07:00 – 10:00

1. Most often students feel that Rizal course is an additional burden to their studies because it is a minor subject. The person had been studied was already dead. Students further said that what the use of Rizal course is where in fact they could not use the name Rizal as one of their references when they apply for a job nor Rizal could back up them if they need help…Well of course! A dead person cannot do anything about the life of the living but the thoughts, ideals, dreams, principles or convictions that he left might be very influential to people’s life as a basis of getting strength in their day to day existence. And that’s where the relevance of Rizal subject came in.
Indeed, Republic Act 1425 otherwise known as Rizal law was approved in June of 1956 made it clear that Rizal subject is a compulsory to all students who are enrolled in different colleges and universities. Obviously, a student cannot graduate in his course without taking and passing Rizal subject. Therefore, Rizal subject is equally important to all other subjects.
Moreover, Rizal subject would have meaning if the teacher who taught the subject would not just focus her/his discussion to life of Rizal per see but rather made the life of Rizal as a means of discussing the culture of the Filipinos, its political, economic and social affairs in the past and relate it at present situation of the people. In that way, student’s critical thinking would be developed more. As a result students would take an active part not only in the classroom setting but also in participating outside activities for the betterment of the Philippine society in general.

2. As a student, I think teaching Rizal’s life and works are as much important with studying other subjects as well. Because through studying his life, we are able to know the value of being a religious person, a strong willed individual who stands for his convictions, and the one who loves and serves the country are some of the virtues of Rizal. Even without the said law, Filipino people should learn about his life and writings because he contributed a lot to our history and gave influence to our country’s literary works by inspiring other writers.

3. In this article, it is clear that the Catholic church is not in favor in teaching Rizal’s novels – Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo – because there were parts of the writings which were offensive to the religion. Knowing the Philippines as a country dominated with Catholic faith, they said that forcing the students to read the unexpurgated novels is a violation to their freedom of conscience – in which for me is right. No one should be forced to read or do anything they don’t want to do. On the other hand, the Carholic church should also be open-minded that these writings were just a symbol of Rizal’s feelings towards what was happening before. Today, having the law of exempting other students in studying this subject because of religion reasons, I think it is just fair to have it that way. We need to respect each others views and opinions and they should do the same in return.

vanessajavier said...

Vanessa Javier BSIT
a. For me as a student it is important to study the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal. Knowing that he is one of our national hero who contributed a lot in our history.It is necessary because he fought for our freedom as a Filipino citizen and He serve as an inspiration to many of us.The life of Rizal made us realize that we can still fight for our country without using violence and he used his writings to open the eyes and mind of the Filipinos under the Spanish Colony.Jose Rizal is known not only here in our country but also in other countries.If other countries give honor and respect to our national hero why not us as Filipino citizen.
b. I think Rizal's life works and other writings and also the other heroes should be taught in all schools because they are part of our history and they are the reason why we are free today. They contributed a lot in our history.It was so interesting and nice to know the history and life of our heroes.Dr.Rizal died for our country and we should honor and respect him.He serves as an inspiration to many of the Filipinos.
2. As I read the article of Mr. Ambeth Ocampo titled "The fight over the Rizal Law.I think Mr ocampo's view point was right. He just stated the truth that happens today. As I read the law it was not really implemented today as for the example in our barangays.They don't have enough copies or they dont have any copies at all of Rizals novels and writings.

Anonymous said...

May Ann Campos

As a student and also as a Filipino citizen, it is also important to study the life works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal. Upon studying of it, I will know the history of Dr. Jose Rizal , his ideals of freedom and nati0onalism for which he lived and died. And also as a Filipino citizen, I will be inspired and considered those writings as a source of patriotism in myself and maybe do it in action and share to the other youth like me and also it will make me a better citizen.
B) Yes it should be MANDATORY even though RA 1425 doesn’t exist for this we are able to know the importance and also their role in the history of our national character. From studying “Rizal Life and works” we remember with the special fondness and devotion of his braveness to attain freedom in our country.
2) it is clear at ambeth ocampo’s articles “the fight over the rizal law” posted in inquirer, he is not against with this law but he is stating that there is no full implement o this law . there is no action by the implementors to those orders which are providing of free copies of writings of Dr. Jose Rizal particularly his novels to each and every Filipino who wants to have it …. Specially students.

Anonymous said...


a.for me being student i need to know and to study the life,works and writings of Rizal because Jose rizal is the important person. He is one of our heroes in our country so that i need to studying better about Rizal lifes if what is the important his doing of this world before he past away.
Rizal is one of the heroes to depend to our country to the spanish and also Jose Rizal is died to save our motherland,so that Rizal is so very helpful to our fellowmen.

B.I think Rizal life,work,writings should be taught mandatory in all school because Rizal is a very good sample to all student and to our citizen of our country.
So that every schools need to teach the life,works and writing of Rizal and to study all his doing good and to share him knowledge to the next generation.

2.According to the article of Rizal law the life works and writings of Rizal and particularly his novels the named Noli Me Tangere and ELfilibusterismo are constant inspiring sourse of patriotism with which the minds of the youth specially during school years.
Noli Me tangere and Elfilibusterismo shall be included to all schools curicula because this is the important to all student to know better Rizal and to teach his all novels in all schools and colleges and universities.
and to keep their libraries copies .so the all students inspiring to read the writings of Jose Rizal and to study because Rizal is a good example to all students,youth and to our beloved that all student should to imitate the writings of Rizal and to imitate all his doing good.

Anonymous said...

Perez,Allan T.
BCS-CS - 1

A.I really salute! I'm glad that were studying his life rought now and i get interested as if i would like to go back in his time.

B.Of course, because Dr. Jose Rizal is good model for a student like me, he has a good sense of patriotism, nationalism.

2.For me, Mr. Ocampo wants to tell the readers that Rizal law is not a perfect law but still, It is important because as Filipino, we should learn how to appreciate the spirits and intense of all laws in our country.

gelic connon pamplona said...

Pamplona, Gelic Connon R.
BS HRM – 3
Rizal’s life and Works
Th / 07:00-10:00

1. Being one of the most popular Philippine heroes, Jose Rizal’s biography is being taught in schools, colleges and universities in different year levels. It is important for us to know about his life because he brought inspiration to our fellow Filipino men. Rizal fought our colonizers not by physical force but with the strength of his pen and paper. We can not only learn about his writings but also know the deeper personality inside him. Dr. Jose Rizal is a loving man not only to his fellowmen but also to the people that surrounds him.

2. Even if the Republic Act 1425 is not made into law, as a student, I think that it is still needed to be studied. Not only because he is our national hero but because the things he did made a lot of impact to what the Philippines have now. Being one of the most famous Filipinos, it is important for us to learn the things about him because he brought a lot of influence not only to the patriots but also to the simple people who wanted change for the betterment of our country.

3. The article states that the catholic church is against to teaching the uncensored novels of Rizal namely Noli Me tangere and El Filibusterismo. Why? Because there are some parts of the novels that are anti-Catholic and gives negative impact to the church. But later on, the government and the church made an agreement not to force all the students to take the Rizal subject if it is against their faith.

Anonymous said...


1.on my own opinion we should study the life of Rizal why? because he is our hero and he is the one who say "ang kabataan ay ang pag asa ng bayan" and I believe to him

2.yes because Dr.Jose Rizal is our greatest hero and he is a part of the history of the Philippines every one should read what he contribute on our country

. I agree in what he said about his article.I think we should know what Dr. Jose Rizal have done to our country we should appreciate what Jose Rizal contribute in our country and i think if theirs no Rizal fight for our country were are we now

Anonymous said...

Matiga Beryl T.
BSCS (Tue 7:00-9:00)

A) On my own opinion,for me it is important to study about Rizal's life to widen up our minds the different literature works of our own national hero "Jose Rizal". And to be able to us to familiarize the historical literature of being Filipino. citizen.

B) Yes,for me its really needed that "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools. To recall, to remember us Filipino what did Rizal in our be loved country.Rizal gave an important share in its heritage.

C) On Mr. Ocampo's article, i can say that beyond the mistakes of Jose Rizal, we still need to appreciate the sacrifice what he'v done in our country.

Anonymous said...


a.For me as a student and as a filipino citizen the importance of studying rizal's ;ife works and writing's is his life can be model one for the children of our present nation.his good deeds from young boy until his martyrdom people will realize how great is him.To know his love for the people and to his country for being a leader and hero of our country,to know his dreams progress for the youth and his love to his mother and family.He made us face the reality that tells us the deplorable image of our nation in the time of spaniard,it is important to know who planted in the minds of filipino people through his writings the idea of seeking independence from the spaniards.

b.rizal's life and works subject should be thought mandatory in all school not only by giving premises that rizal is the national hero of the philippines but because he was known of the most prominent writers of his time, Among his famous works were the novel Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo these novels give way for his nationalistics thoughts which became the wick of the long revolt in the past.
there are some novelist or poetry that we study thier works for example, the works of william shakespear he is a poetry we study his works the poem which is teach in highschool sometimes they ask student to do some reaction papers about the poem even though his works has no contribution and not related in our history,its inspired the readers about love,unlike Rizal's works inspired all the filipino to fight for their own freedom. He open our eyes and make changes.
let us show our deep love and concern for this hero of democracy so for me it should be taught mandatory.

2.the republic act 1425 states that the subject rizals life and work should be taught mandatory in all school but theres an exemption for the reason in religous belief.
why? because the roman catholic church is against on the writing's of rizal because there is some written about the catholic church that gives a negative impact to them thier ungood deeds in the past,in the time of spaniards.on how they treat the filipino, and make Filipino become slave.

Anonymous said...

Queen Rose Solis

1-A.A course on Rizal to design to familiarize the student with Rizal's role and in the development of the Philippine's progress in political, social, economic, and educational aspects. It includes the heroes youth and parentage, his schooling here and abroad, hid travels and their implications to the Philippine progress. Important episodes in his life are emphasized for their educational and nationalistic values, respectively.

1-B.Yes, Rizal's life and works subject be taught Mandatory in all schools because in the Republic Act 1425 it is said that they include in the curricula of all Public and Private schools, Colleges and Universities courses on the life works and writings of Rizal, Particularly his novels NOLI ME TANGERE and EL FILIBUSTERISMO. The writings of Jose Rizal are constant and inspiring source of patriotism with which the minds of the youth, especially during their formative and decisive years in school.And we are enjoined to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience, and to teach the duties of the citizenship.

2.Ambeth Ocampo is against with the Rizal Law. It is said that Rizal law was only passed to teach the Filipino students nationalism or love of the country as expressed in the life and writing of Rizal, but it is the duty of the school to develop the moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience ,and to teach the duties of the citizenship.

Anonymous said...

Angelo C. Delabajan
3rd year BSIT

a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writing of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student, and as a filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

a. The importance of studying the life of Jose Rizal is to remind us about the sacrifices of our national hero Dr: Jose Rizal for the freedom of the Philippines. The life of Jose Rizal is an inspiration, an inspiration that we need to do as a Filipino citizen. We should love our country, protect it at all times and learn to respect your family,friends,god and all the people around us. The only way to show that we appreciate all the sacrifices of Dr: Jose Rizal is to remember him. Remember him not only of his statue in Luneta Park but. But remember all his sacrifices and works. The writings of Dr: Jose Rizal is the reason of freedom in the Philippines. So believe that you can win in a battle without using a weapon just like what Dr: Jose Rizal did.

b. Yes, because were talking about our national hero. The one responsible for the freedom of Filipino. To show respect to Dr: Jose Rizal the student must know what kind of people is Dr: Jose Rizal and why he become the national hero of the Philippines.

2. The novels of Dr: Jose Rizal discuss about the brutality of the Spaniards to Filipinos. That's the reason why the church is against in the novels of Dr: Jose Rizal,

jr said...

Jr Laggui BSIT-2
A) Republic Act 1425

The importance of studying the life & works of rizal is to know and to realize what rizals greatness heroism and patriotism that he do in our mother Land.
And to know his Novel that he wrote and published to be realize by the Filipinos what they shall do to our country to be free from the chain that the Spaniard do in Filipinos during their times.
The works and writings of rizal particularly his novels Noli metangere and El filibusterismo, are a constant and spiring source of patriotism with which the minds of the youth, Especially during their decisive times.

B) Republic Act 229

For me it is right to be mandatory to all college schools to study life&work of rizal because he is Our National Hero to be proud of, so that many college student realze what rizal do to our Country.
Jose rizal is the Hero that we remember with special fondness and devotion their lives and works that have shaped the national character.

C) Ched memorandum
For In this letter for all state colleges and universities, they must be follow this, because this is the study of rizal in all college universities and for respect to our national hero and to know how great rizal was .

D) Mem order No; 247,,

In this article dapat lang ito, to authorize the printing and distribution his writings and novels to be read, and to know how was great rizal in Writing Like his Poems like his Novels and etc. and to inspire too by his writings

jr said...

The fight over the rizal law
Jr Laggui BSIT-2
Tuesday 7-10
For me this fight of rizal law. For me this is for studying for me like a student. Religion is not important to this because rizal life and works is very important because he is our national hero.
We know that his writings is anti church in their years. Kaya lang naman rizal wrote because he tells the truth to wake her country men for what they should do .
For me catholic religion may be angry for rizal do, but for me why they should be angry? If its not true? in short they are guilty.
Me is a catholic religion, but when I watch rizals life Spaniards is a very very very Bad to Filipinos,
Ginagamit lang nila ang pangalan nang panginoon. For me in rizal times the friars is like a Demon!.
It is not important to me that catholic church is the one who hate the writings of rizal.
The important to me is I have one only god to be praise!

Anonymous said...

Rizal’s Life and Works
By Janine Cañada
Student no. 4100088
The question is asked of us “What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino Citizen?” The answer lies within the question itself; it is to be a disciple of Jose Rizal by being a student and a Filipino Citizen. Dr. Rizal’s contributions to the Filipino community are incredible. His story goes beyond his martyrdom. His story is about his entire life, his writings, and philosophy. As a Filipino citizen, we all have to be educated on the birth of our freedoms and how they were achieved. Dr. Rizal’s writings brought on a movement that no one government could stop. In fact, his writings have inspired other governments across the world in the shaping of their beliefs.
Dr. Jose Rizal’s writings were all about a peaceful realization of both freedom and education, with the latter being the key to freedom. His education should be an example to all of his followers, in that he was an accomplished writer, doctor, philosopher, artist, philanthropist, and linguist. His accolades could have only been manifested through his education and travels. His writings, although controversial, were the basis for many of the laws that we exercise today.
Currently, the Philippines require that all schools must teach about Rizal’s life and works. This has been mandated by several laws (Republic Act 1425, Republic Act 229, Memorandum Order No. 247, etc.). Although this has been done to ensure that the students in the Philippines never forget about what Rizal stood for, I believe that the school curriculum should approach this mandate in a different manner.
There really is a fine line between learning and indoctrination. There is the need to inform the students of our nation’s history, and then there is forcing everyone to applaud one man’s work over span of a youth’s educational life.Let me note that I am not against the teachings or the studying of Dr. Rizal’s life, for his is one of the most important figures in our history as a nation. What I am suggesting is a change, maybe a compromise, on how Dr. Rizal’s life should be integrated into our school curriculum.
Since the beginning a child’s education, we are taught his story over and over again. These laws have required that each year we learn more about him. But is that really effective? I believe a better approach would be to incorporate his story and his life’s works into the curriculum, as opposed to having a class solely based on him.
This would definitely help with the monotony of reliving his life year after year. Also, I believe we would learn a lot more by understanding how his teachings have touched almost every subject taught in school, since he was a doctor, artist, linguist, and world traveler. I believe we would find more in common with Dr. Rizal by applying how he contributed to whatever course of study we are learning about.
One thing is certain; the life of Dr. Jose Rizal needs to be taught in schools. Without his contributions to the Philippines, we would not be having this discussion at all. It is important to remember history and applaud the heroes of old, but let it be done in a more effective and meaningful way in which everyone would benefit from it.

Anonymous said...

BSIT 2nd yr

a. For me as a student we need to study Life works and writings of jose rizal because he is our national hero. And his the one who sacrifice his life to our country. And according to R.A 1425 all publics and privates schools is needed this subject.

b. yes, because Rizal have a good personality to be a model to children.

2.I think mr ocampo wants to tell us that Rizal is not perfect as a hero. but they say nobody's perfect, so that we need appreciate what rizal's did to our country

Anonymous said...

santos,willmark E.
BSIT 3rd yr

Number 1.
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

Number 2.
2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.


a.the important of studying the life works,and writing of Dr.jose rizal is her all works
is have a moral lesson in country.because he died in country in her all works.and for protect all pilipino in philippines for a live in mind of pilipino he died in freedom.

b.In Rizal life & works is to should be taught mondatory to us remember he/she love the country and willing to sacrifice her life in country.If RA 1525 does not exiest, we will not understand of the behavior and character of rizal work as well as his thoughts idea in the growth to our personal discipline and citizenship.

2.I agree, becuase he died in country in her novels and to a live of mind of pilipino do not have a violence to fight.

Anonymous said...

Ecalne, Karl Eruel E.
FRI 10:00 - 1:00

a. as a student and as a Filipino citizen we need to study the life & works of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal why? Because he did everything that he could. Because of Jose Rizal we have the rights to buy, to choose, to be free and do everything we want. He sacrifice his life for our country and he wrote a very important Novel El Filibusterismo & Noli Me Tangere for us to see and realize that the filipinos are not their slave. We study him not because we need it, its because its the way how we give respect to all the good deeds and for us not forget all that they've done.

b. With or without the RA 1425 we should taught MANDATORY in all schools whether public or private to remember the national hero that gave the freedom to our country a national hero who protect the Filipinos during that time to Spaniards and to give him a respect. Dr. Jose Rizal is a good example to everyone.

2. the article of Ambeth Ocampo states the argument of the church vs our government i think we should all know all the contents of his novel el filibusterismo & noli me tangere of Jose Rizal because its part of our history. Some parts of his novel is anti catholic but we cant do anything about it Dr. Jose Rizal just wrote the facts. The Catholic church is nothing to be afraid about it because its just part of the past. Because of his novel Filipinos started to realize on how they been treated. Sen Recto did a great job for defending rizal works.

Anonymous said...

Hernia,Riza N.
BS IT 1st yr
( fri 10-1 )
a.this is important because in studying life, works & writing of Dr. Jose P. Rizal we must know what he want to know. For me, must i know what is his life under the hands of the Spanish is because I am one of a filipino citizen.
b.Rizal is one of our national heroes because he is died to exist to our mind that our country is civilize by the Spaniard. Yes, because in that subject we must know what Rizal does for our country and the Life, Works and Writings of Dr. Jose Rizal.
2. I agree in this issue because Dr. Jose Rizal died for our contry. he is a good influence.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Keith Casas
BSHRM 4th year

A.) As a student and a Filipino citizen; the importance of studying the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal is to inspire us and to learn to do good things for the better of our future and our country.

B.) Yes! It should be taught in all school, universities, and colleges. Because by studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal students will learn nationalism and patriotism. For them to be a hero for themselves, to other people and to our own country .For Rizal once said “the young persons are the hope of the country”.

2.) Catholic schools should really teach Rizal life, works, and writings even though some of his writings is anti-catholic. Because in this subject we are not learning to be an anti-catholic but to learn nationalism and patriotism. Mr.Claro M. Recto did well for fighting for Rizal law.

ericagris said...

Agris, Eric Sherwin M.
Student #: 4100055
Rizal’s life and Works
Friday / 10:00-01:00

a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

As a student and a Filipino citizen, it is important to study the life, works and writings of our National hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal because he is truly a model to everyone, and his life story will teach us to be open-minded how to love our own country.

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

For me it is OK to mandatory include the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to our subject in school, to reminiscing the heroics things he did for our country. And for giving respect as he his our National Hero, his life can inspire many of us. His life will teach us how to love more our country.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

As our national hero, it is just proper to give credit to Dr. JOse P. Rizal. And one way of giving credit to him is supporting his work/ writings. I dont see anything wrong if EL FILIBUSTERISMO or NOLI ME TANGERE has been taught in schools because students are wise enough on whether they will be influeced by what they are reading or not.

Anonymous said...

Michael San Jose
BS in Accountancy 2nd Year
Rizal’s Life and Works

A.The life, works and writings of Jose Rizal particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, are a contant and inspiring source of patriotism with which the minds of the youth, especially during their formative and decisive years in school, should be suffused.

A course on Rizal design to familiarize the student with Rizal's role in the development of the Philippines progress in political, social, economic and educational aspects. It includes the hero's youth and parentage, his schooling here and abroad his travels and their implications to Philippine progress. Important episodes in his life are emphasized for their educational and nationalistic values, respectively.

B. Yes Rizal’s life and works should be taught in all schools because Rizal’s life gives not only inspiration to our lives but also courage to defend in our endeavors. Rizal’s attitude and courage encourage us to develop moral character, personal discipline civil conscience and to love our country and duties of citizenship. Courses on the life, works and writing of Jose Rizal particularly his novel shall be included in the curricula of all schools, college and universities, public and private.
It is necessary to rekindle in the heart or every Filipino, especially the youth the same patriotic favor that once galvanized our forebears to outstanding achievements so we can move forward for a greater destiny.

2. Yes, I agree that Rizal’s novels “NOLI ME TANGERE” and “EL FILIBUSTERISMO” are anti-catholic and Catholic Church is very optimistic about it. But as we can see we especially the youth must understand the essential value and moral lesson that we have got in this novel. The specific exemption from the reading of the novels, based on religious belief is available but not exemption from the course.

We must appreciate the essence of the novel and what could apply in our life. The moral and value that we can acknowledge in our life and in our society as well. The novels are constant and inspiring source of patriotism with which the minds of the youth especially during their formative and decisive years in schools.

Anonymous said...


a). The main course of Studying Rizal Life's and Work's
is to know the eventually role of Jose Rizal and his
implication to the Philippines ,as well as,his
educational course and nationalistic values.
b). of course yes, because Jose Rizal was a good mentor
to us Filipinos .And also to know to all Filipinos
the suffer and indeed of the human kind.
2). Base on the article "The Fight over the Rizal Law"
of Ambeth Ocampo is the argument between Rizal Law's
and church organization . But it insist to other
to relevance the book of Jose Rizal to be part
of Filipino's freedom,as well as to the youth

Anonymous said...

Cruz, Ellaine L.

Number 1.
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

Number 2.
2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article

a.The importance of studying the life, works and writings of Dr.Jose Rizal as a student, is for us to know the history of Rizal what he has done in our country and because he is our national hero although he was not proclaimed as a national hero he still the greatest among the Filipino heroes.And as a Filipino citizen, he inspired many of his Fellowmen and he is a hero not because he is wise and intelligent its because he has a heart that cares for his fellowmen.

b.Yes, Rizal Life and Works should be taught in mandatory in all schools to become more knowledgeable, to gain knowledge and to develop our mind.If RA 1425 does not exist, then yet we are not able to have a knowledge to develop moral character,personal discipline and to teach the duties of citizenship.And according to Dr.Jose Rizal, the school is the book in which is written the future of the nation.

2.I do not agree in what the article tells about Jose Rizal.We should know the sacrifices of Jose Rizal and what he had done in our country, we must appreciate his contribution in our country by studying and knowing the novels of Jose Rizal, he inspired many of his fellowmen by his novel.

jessebelle rico HRM said...

1.We knew already that Dr. Jose Rizal is one our national hero, for me it is very important for the studying the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student or as a Filipino citizen we belong in society. And its always important to look back in the event and people which played an important role in the current state of a country. And he is the man that we need to admired because of their moral support in our country.

2.yes, because Rizal have a good personality to be a model to children

3.The article of Ambeth Ocampo entitled “The fight over the Rizal Law” I think it talks a bout if we really need to study the life works and writings of Rizal. It is clear that Rizal’s life and works had passed to teach Filipino students the nationalism. in Ocampo’s article there is nothing controversial except to that end was to make Rizal’s novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo required reading and studying in schools, because there are some part of the novel that are anti-Catholic so the church could not accept that it will teach us nationalism and patriotism. Yes, maybe there are some offensive words about the Catholic Church regarding the two novels but as a whole it still teaches us of being nationalistic. It is great that the Rizal Law is implemented in all schools.

mary jean barbas HRM said...

1.the important of studying the life works,and writing of Dr.jose rizal is her all works
is have a moral lesson in country.because he died in country in her all works.and for protect all pilipino in philippines for a live in mind of pilipino he died in freedom.

2. Yes,for me its really needed that "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools. To recall, to remember us Filipino what did Rizal in our be loved country.Rizal gave an important share in its heritage.

3.The article states that the catholic church is against to teaching the uncensored novels of Rizal namely Noli Me tangere and El Filibusterismo. Why? Because there are some parts of the novels that are anti-Catholic and gives negative impact to the church. But later on, the government and the church made an agreement not to force all the students to take the Rizal subject if it is against their faith.

harold peter medina HRM said...

a. For me as a student we need to study Life works and writings of jose rizal because he is our national hero. And his the one who sacrifice his life to our country. And according to R.A 1425 all publics and privates schools is needed this subject.

b. yes, because Rizal have a good personality to be a model to children.

2.I think mr ocampo wants to tell us that Rizal is not perfect as a hero. but they say nobody's perfect, so that we need appreciate what rizal's did to our country

Anonymous said...

Norgee B. Parreño


a. Studying the life, and works of Rizal is very important for us students or as filipinos because it reminds us that we should appreciate and value the freedom that we are enjoying, His works signifies or represents the efforts of all filipino heroes or filipinos during the spanish era. While Rizal's writings best describes the hardships and pain that filipinos been through during the abusive spanish clergy, And on the lighter side of his works and writings always taught us that we should learn to be independent, to be proud of being a Filipino and most of all the meaning of "Nationalism".

b. If there is no RA 1425, I should say "Rizal Life and Works" should Mandatory, but I would suggest it will be mandatory in elementary and high school levels only. Where the youthful minds is susceptible to any ideas, especially the life and works of Rizal concentrates on the idea of "Nationalism" or "Love for the country". For college level there's no need to reiterate the lessons that we have learned.

2. After the reading the article of Ambeth Ocampo, It simply talks about the difficulties and issues that RA1425 had when it was first passed. RA 1425 was designed to teach Filipinos students nationalism. Basically, the article gives us a refresher that we have this law solely for our own Dr. Jose Rizal especially his writings. the writer of the said article mentioned that RA1425 has been controversial, when the catholic sector gives learn that 2 novels “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo” required reading in schools. Catholic church see the message of the novels as "anti-Catholic rather than seeing it as a good example of piece of literature that teaches "Patriotism". Mr. Ocampo also mentioned that Claro M. Recto was fearless and stick to his idea to push-thru the bill and pursued to teach Rizal's works all over the archiepelago.The writer also mentioned that we have “The Board of National Education" which promulgate rules and have some provisions regarding the Works or novels of Rizal. I have learn from this article that there is an exemption from reading of the novels is based on religious belief. The Board of National Education also states that there should be an adequate copies of the novels in all libraries, the novels will be translated in our language and copies will be available in our local baranggays.Which the writer doubted.

Anonymous said...


1.We need to study the life and work of order us to know his past or history,so that we can understand the way he is,,,,,although we know that Rizal is a hero,.,but we dont know about his past,thats why we also need to study the life of Rizal.
2.YES. Rizals life and work should taught to the teenager and not to the old people like lola and lolo.
3.In my own opinion,Mr.Ocampo wants to say that,Rizal is not a perfect hero, I mean Rizal could not be considered as a hero cause he failed one character......

Anonymous said...

Ana Victoria R. Mondoy
BSHRM-2`s important to study the Rizal`s life and work for us to know his all works moral lessons.

b.we will not understand of the behavior and character of Rizal works as well as his thoughts idea in the growth to our personal disciplines and citizenship.

2. The novels of Dr: Jose Rizal discuss about the brutality of the Spaniards to Filipinos. That's the reason why the church is against in the novels of Dr: Jose Rizal.

Anonymous said...

Beverlie J. Lafradez
Friday 10 to 1

To know and aware what Dr. Jose Rizal did to our country and to know what is our rights and responsible in our country.

Yes, to known more about what happened to our country that time and to know more about Dr. Jose Rizal Life and Works.

Anonymous said...

Jona Rose Escopel
BSE-English II

a The importance of studying Life, Works and Writings of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student and as a Filipino citizen is that there will be a re-dedication for nationalism and freedom for which our heroes lived and died. It will also enjoin to develop moral character, personal discipline, and civic conscience and to teach the duties of the citizen. Life, Works and writings of Jose Rizal are the constant and inspiring source of patriotism, this will help us boost our confidence and courage to die for the country as what Dr. Jose Rizal did.
b)In my own opinion, Rizal’s Life’s and Work subject should be also taught Mandatory because like other law in the Philippines it’s our obligation as a Filipino citizen to follow whatever law that is being passed and mandated. As we have noticed, the board will not pass any bill if they think that this bill will not help the people of the Philippines. Maybe other works and writings of Rizal are some what offending to other beliefs especially the catholic faith, but still we have to follow. If any case that the R.A 1425 does not yet exist, I know that Filipinos are still admiring and acclaiming the deeds of Rizal especially his patriotic deed. And also if this R.A 1425 does not yet exist, maybe we are now taking other subject that is related to our chosen profession that will help more effective and efficient.
2)The question that comes on my mind when I read the article maid by Ambeth
Ocampo is that Why was the R.A 1425 being passed by the board? Maybe they passed this law because they found out that this law will help us to be more efficient in our daily life. Like for example, Rizal gave value to his education, that now Filipinos are capable and aware of. But in contradiction to this statement, the two books of Rizal were too offensive to the Catholic faith. The Board must also consider the rights and situations of different individuals especially churches before passing any bill. But as a student and as a Roman catholic I am still obeying and following the law because once and for all I am the one who will suffer if in any case I will violate the said law.

Anonymous said...

Jona Rose Escopel
BSE-English II

a)The importance of studying Life, Works and Writings of Dr. Jose Rizal as a student and as a Filipino citizen is that there will be a re-dedication for nationalism and freedom for which our heroes lived and died. It will also enjoin to develop moral character, personal discipline, and civic conscience and to teach the duties of the citizen. Life, Works and writings of Jose Rizal are the constant and inspiring source of patriotism, this will help us boost our confidence and courage to die for the country as what Dr. Jose Rizal did.
b)In my own opinion, Rizal’s Life’s and Work subject should be also taught Mandatory because like other law in the Philippines it’s our obligation as a Filipino citizen to follow whatever law that is being passed and mandated. As we have noticed, the board will not pass any bill if they think that this bill will not help the people of the Philippines. Maybe other works and writings of Rizal are some what offending to other beliefs especially the catholic faith, but still we have to follow. If any case that the R.A 1425 does not yet exist, I know that Filipinos are still admiring and acclaiming the deeds of Rizal especially his patriotic deed. And also if this R.A 1425 does not yet exist, maybe we are now taking other subject that is related to our chosen profession that will help more effective and efficient.
2)The question that comes on my mind when I read the article maid by Ambeth
Ocampo is that Why was the R.A 1425 being passed by the board? Maybe they passed this law because they found out that this law will help us to be more efficient in our daily life. Like for example, Rizal gave value to his education, that now Filipinos are capable and aware of. But in contradiction to this statement, the two books of Rizal were too offensive to the Catholic faith. The Board must also consider the rights and situations of different individuals especially churches before passing any bill. But as a student and as a Roman catholic I am still obeying and following the law because once and for all I am the one who will suffer if in any case I will violate the said law.

Anonymous said...

Willl be study hard and learning in life of rizal then with love the country that a nationalism and patiotnism

Anonymous said...


What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?
Because will be study hard and learning about life jose rizal then suppose love a country and a good moral character support and the country
Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.
Yes because is a good model to all student will have the school library and recto declined the nationalism and patiotnism
Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article
Becau se the all people who wants believe the gid to say the next generation then privillage country to know the history life in rizal about a el filibuterismo and noli me tangere.

Anonymous said...

Roselyn G. Guilaran

a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

a.the importance of studying the life,works,and writings of Dr.Jose P. Rizal,is that we will know the history and backgrounds of Rizal,and we will also know the good things that Rizal did for our country..

b. Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.

b.i agree because,,,so that the students that have no idea about the background and history of Rizal it is the way i think that they will have some small idea about rizal...

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

-i think that in this article there are people that agree and dis agree in this article,but we still need to appreciate the things and sacrifices that Jose Rizal did for our country...

Anonymous said...

a. It is very important to for me as a student to study the life and works of Jose Rizal not just because to become knowledgeable in our history but also to learn moral lessons, to be inspired by him, to be disciplined and to give importance to what we have now because of our heroes.

b. For me YES. Jose Rizal contributed a lot for the freedom and independence of our country. He should serve as a role model in every filipinos. Even if RA 1425 doesn't exist yet, I think Jose Rizal life and works should be taught in every school because we can get a lot of lessons and knowledge from here.

2. Based on what i read by Ambeth Ocampo, I think Claro M. Recto was right, we should not eliminate what we are going to read in novels of Rizal because his novels is the exactly history of our country. But the problem is his novel is anti-catholic, I think we should try to understand that the generation that time is not the same as today. The spaniards are using God to the filipinos before to believe them but now we have a different world, we truly have a very strong faith to God. The whole and exactly history of our country should be pass on next generations.

Jennifer R. Danao
1 - ACT
Friday 10:00 - 1:00

Mr.Marlon B. Raquel

Anonymous said...

Conde, Marvin B.
fri. 10:00-1:00


Number 1.

a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.


a.As a student responsibility to know about all this happening in our country to be one I expand this knowledge.

b.For me correctly analyze the rizal life and work to find each other about all the hard way were studied by our hero to the country was free.

Number 2.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.



Anonymous said...

Geralyn E. Pesquera

Question 1.
a.its importance to a student like me to study about the life,work's and writings of Dr.Jose Rizal.Because of his writing's we can know what's is the life of the Filipino's during that time and it continuous for a generation.I admire him for being a Filipino because of his nationalism for our country.And also he fight for the freedom of the Filipino in the hand of the Spanish.

b.yes it should be,because we know everything what is he done to our country.We should respect for that,and Dr. Jose Rizal have a great personality that can be a good model to everyone.

Question 2.
-Ambeth Ocampo is against with the Rizal for being a hero. But we must appreciate Rizal of what he done to our country from the Spaniards.And now we have a Rizal Law states that the subject Rizal life and work should be taught mandatory in all school.

Anonymous said...

Espares,Jannete c.
bsit 2
fri. 10:00-1:00am

Number 1.
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

Number 2.
2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.


a. As a students, writings, life's,and work of Jose Rizal is very important. Because he makes us to be a good Filipino citizen.As a students we need to be prode of what Jose Rizal done to us . He died for us . And to know all the people that Jose Rizal has a good Personality and he loves our country.

b.For me as a student the Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the curricula of all schools. We need to learned what Jose Rizal done to us.
and to appreciated the works of Jose Rizal, not only Rizal but also the other persons, sacrifice to our country.
And i'm happy that there's a law of including the Rizal's Life's and works ta be able to learned all the students.

2.Ambeth Ocampo and Jose Rizal , i think there are diff. laws. that he wanted to shared to all the people.
the only things that they wants to shared to us is to have a peaceful and good nationalism.

Anonymous said...

Hazelyn O. Lumaad


a.actually for me as a student the importance of studying the life,work's and writing's of Jose Rizal is important because he is the national hero and he sacrifice his life for our country.And he is the good model to all children,he give an inspiration to all of us.

b.yes,because according to R.A.No.1425 it is needed to all public and private schools,college's and universities.And if you dont take this subject you will never be graduate in college. comment is I agree to Ambeth Ocampo.I think Rizal life and work's subject should be taught mandatory in all schools because all he said is truth for me.

Anonymous said...



a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

-This is very important to us especially to the students like me to study the life,works,and writings of Dr.Jose P. Rizal so that we can know everything about his family,history of his life and what he have done to our country.And because of this I really appreciate his sacrifices to our country.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

b. Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.

-For me "Rizal's Lfe and Works "subject should be taught mandatory to all schools because he is one of a good model or example of this generation for being a nationalism and patriotism.And we should know that he died for the sake of freedom to our country.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

-Mr.Ocampo article are against Rizal's Law but we should aprreciate what he have done to our country and he is our national hero.

Anonymous said...

Ricohermoso, Jennifer R.

Number 1.
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

Rizal subject tackle the life and writings of Rizal showing freedom and nationalism to our country. For me as a student, studying Rizal will fulfill the very essence of why Rizal foretold that the future of this civilization lies in the hand of every youth. It also made me clear how to view the Philippines as a real Filipinos with concerns, love and care. It also contributes how a life of one hero dedicated his life from the moment his eyes opened to the truth about the suffering of the Filipino in the hands of the Spaniards. As a student, I am convinced that every Filipino should have the heart of Rizal longing independence, success and oneness of this country. While, being a Filipino citizen, life of Rizal shows exactly how to be passionate and the compassion you must have to the Philippines and the Filipino as well. Rizal became a standard for me when it comes to his knowledge, speaking and action on how to be a Filipino.

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

If we’re going to analyze how liberated the Philippines today, you could tell that the idea of nationalism and patriotisms lies only in the book. The mind and heart of every man desire a good life; success in career but only few concerns the society itself. Without the RA 1425, maybe I, myself would not recognize the other writings of Rizal which he show the other history of our nation. I would not be able to concerns things that is not in my accountable but held my life as a Filipino. I would also only know Rizal as just a national hero and the face in the one-peso coin, nothing more. Therefore, Rizal is a good source of searching how Philippines become what it is today.

Number 2.
2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

For me, it’s all or nothing. I understand how Claro M. Recto pursues as what Rizal really is to the Philippines, even if it says that it is anti- catholic which is the major religion in here but Rizal shows the historic event of the past. The real issue summed-up to the words uses by Rizal which they called “unexpurgated”. I also, like recto disagree on having Rizal with lightened meaning of his books, because you only cover the truth that we Filipino should learn. I, also see the heart of recto to pass to each and every Filipino the character of Rizal being nationalistic and patriotic citizen especially to the youth which Rizal called the hope of this nation.

Anonymous said...

good day!

Anonymous said...

Rose Anne O. Pereira
a. As a student, Rizal’s life and works & writings are important because it helps me to know the story & happenings in his time. Many lessons I’ve learned. Sometimes in our time, the situations and circumstance in the past may happen again in the future. He contributed greatly to society, became the hero for helping his fellow citizens. Died with dignity & respect for self and others. All that has happened & experienced by Dr. RIZAL is possible to confront and experience now. Many people want to be like him, that’s why there are still people willing to help their fellowmen even if their own life is the equivalent.
b. Yes, Rizal’s life and works subject should be taught mandatory in all schools because without RA 1425, the students are not going to develop their characters, they can’t be discipline, used their minds and they can’t teach the duties of citizens.
2) For me, teaching Rizal’s work and life is not an issue & his works are not affecting the Catholic Church. Rizal’s for life & works are for the students to develop themselves for their own good. It’s not bad to read about Rizal life and his works. Even though his dead, we, as a student are able to learn more about him and his works. It doesn’t mean, bloating out his memory, it is for us to act as a better citizen in our community.

Anonymous said...

Dela Peña,Ladylyn E.


A.What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

-The Philippines require that all schools must teach about Rizal’s life and works. This has been mandated by several laws (Republic Act 1425, Republic Act 229, Memorandum Order No. 247). As a student and Filipino citizen it is important to us to study about Rizal especially his works and contribution in our country. And so that we know why Rizal became one of our greatest national hero.
Rizal also known as our inspiration because he give up his life for the seek of our nation. Like Rizal,one of my inspiration why I need to go to school everyday is my mother because since I was young she was there at my side if I have a problem and she was also my first teacher,like Rizal’s mother did.
Rizal’s life especially his works inspire us to do good things and so that we can develop our good character and to decipline us like Rizal. It is also important to study about Rizal so that we know how he lived and how he died.. Rizal has done many great things in the Phillipine history.
I believe that DEPED has included it in the curriculum because knowing Rizal's life and works inspire Filipinos to become REAL Filipinos, to be proud of their motherland and to prove to other countries that Filipinos are great. Rizal and His Works has been included in the curriculum by the Department of Education because his life and works inspire Filipinos, to prove that Filipinos are capable to be equal if not excel even to those who treat us as slave. We need to study his life for us to know his relevance to our country.
Rizal symbolizes nationalism that each Filipino should follow. Although his death brought about a revolution that was contrary to what he believed, his works were at the forefront of all that was trying to be achieved. He believed that education was the key to success in earning ones’ freedom. It is for this reason that we study his life, so that we are able to appreciate what was being fought for during our revolution.
Besides, if we are a concerned citizen and as a resident of this country, we should be aware of every thing that is going on in our country. I believe we would find more in common with Dr. Rizal by applying how he contributed to whatever course of study we are learning about. Rizal is our greatest national hero because he did’nt fight using guns or axe,in novels that’s why Rizal is our greatest national hero short he did not fight with a bloody way instead he fight using his writings and novels.

B.Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.

-Yes, I think Rizal’s life and works subject should be mandatory in all schools it is because Rizal is part of our history. All of us know how he give up his life for our nation.
Everyone of us know how Rizal love his country. If we heard Rizal’s name,we remember about his works and especially his novel,all of his writings and Rizal also have a national character that everyone’s dream.
Everyone wants to be like him,like Rizal have a one big happy family,very supportive and loving mother. And also Rizal is a very smart person so it is important that Rizal’s life and works subject should be mandatory in all schools.
If there is no RA 1425, Rizal's life and works still be mandatory in all school in the Phillipines it is because we already know about Rizal since we are in elementary and high school especially in college/universities. When he was young he start to write a poems and also a novels especially when he was in prison. He did’nt give his ambitions in his life and he do what he wants.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Argel P. Galang
ACT 2nd year

Number 1.
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

b. Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

Number 2.
2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.


A. Because only Jose Rizal is the best and good character model for the youth, he have a love for Filipino and die for the sake of our country to live freedom in every filipino to the spain goverment. but he use a knowledge in writting not for blood. he is a great hero in the history of our country.

B. Since i was child i only know that the dr, Jose Rizal is the national hero of the phillipines. no one can be comparison the same contribute of he did for Filipino. he love a phillipines so he came back to wake up a filipino in to the realty.
he is a good person with a good heart.

2. If Rizal is not enough to be a national hero so who is the other? but think about it. he die for freedom. it is the one reason for me that jose Rizal is the best for national hero. nothing more

Anonymous said...

Gadingan, Alvin E.
bsit f(10-1)

a. for me as a student and as a Filipino citizen,Rizal's life and works is so important and need to be studied because in studying Rizal's life and works, we understand how he died for our country, how he fought with the Spanish government, and how he became our national hero.

b.Yes!, because of his intelligence he show how he love our country, and how he valued the life of all the Filipino.

2.We study the life of Rizal for us to know how he shown his love to his country and how he inspire other Filipino heroes to fight back to all the invaders of the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

Gadingan, Alvin E.
bsit f(10-1)

a. for me as a student and as a Filipino citizen,Rizal's life and works is so important and need to be studied because in studying Rizal's life and works, we understand how he died for our country, how he fought with the Spanish government, and how he became our national hero.

b.Yes!, because of his intelligence he show how he love our country, and how he valued the life of all the Filipino.

2.We study the life of Rizal for us to know how he shown his love to his country and how he inspire other Filipino heroes to fight back to all the invaders of the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

Sotelo,May rizza

a. it reminds us how our national hero faught for our freedom, it shows us the difference of the government we have now than teach us that many heroes sacrificed their life for our freedom.

b.Yes... given the fact of the important things he have done for our country. he is worth the time and effort like the way he did for us..

2. the article was about the debate between the few catholic schools against the law passed by Mr. recto. i agree to the idea of the religion is not an excuse in studying Rizals life because the moment he decided that he wanted the freedom for his people he disregarded his belief to fight the friars greediness.

Anonymous said...

No Daneca C.

Answer :

A. for me as a student it is important to know about Rizal's life and works because Dr. Rizal gives big contribute to our country. By studying Rizal's life and works student could understand in a simple way how Rizal changed Filipinos toward radicalism. By studying of the works of Rizal the young Filipino student will give respect and tribute to the national hero.Rizal want a Filipino to be great.

B. Yes, because it is required to all educational institution in the Philippines because it encourage the young Filipinos to the ideals of freedom and nationalism that was born from the blood of our heroes who fought and died to gain Philippine freedom from foreign colonizers.

2. Maybe Mr. Ocampo tells that Dr. Jose Rizal is not a perfect hero.

Anonymous said...


a.For me as a student and as a Filipino citizen it is important to study the life,works and writings of Dr.Jose P. Rizal.By his writings he awakened Filipino nationalism and paved the way for Philippine revolution.He encouraged the Filipinos to fight for their country against spaniards.Through his works and writings he contributed tremendously to the filipino nationality.His also important to study the life of our foremost national hero,we all know that he completely abandoned his personal interests in order to think of those of his country.

b.Yes,"Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught mandatory in all schools for us to understand the Life of our national her,How he wrote his famous novels such as Noli Tangere and El Filibusterismo,How he awakened Filipino nationalism and to know who made Jose P. Rizal as our foremost national hero.

2.The article "The Fight over the Rizal's Law" mentioned that there is a controversy in Rizal's "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo" because the Church could not accept these as a constant and inspiring source of patriotism because some part of the novel are anti-Catholic and offensive to the Catholic faith.Considering that some of the schools here in the Philippines is a Catholic school,i agreed that catholics could nead selected passages from Rizal's Work.

Anonymous said...

Rizal’s Life and Works
Ma. Catherine Q. Go
1. For me as a student and as a Filipino citizen the importance of studying the life, works of Dr. Jose Rizal is to remember his patriotism to our country. To educate us more on how & why he risked his life, not just we know him as a hero. To know why he wants freedom, equality and respect for this country.
2. Given the presence that Dr. Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines I recommend that the Rizal’s Life and Works shall be and required to teach to us even though the RA 1425 does not exist. It is to give value, importance, and respect to Dr. Rizal’s patriotism and because of him this country would not be free. He lat Filipino realize that they should not be abused especially to Filipino women they should not be raped. They must be respect and there should be equality to every people. We must not be treated as an animal. We know that even animals to Rizal must be treated nicely so to people. They must know our needs responsibilities and opinions. So in short we are very thankful that Dr. Jose Rizal brings the Philippines to freedom. We should not forget it because we are Filipinos.
3. About the article of Ambeth Ocampo entitle” The fight over Rizal Law”, it is right that Recto fights for it to give value to Rizal. It must give importance to the writings of Rizal. They must do they opportunity what they stated to the law.

Anonymous said...

Dionela Mariz M.
BSIT/2nd yr

Q:What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?

A:It is so very important to me as a filipino citizen to studing a novel of Dr.Jose Rizal because he is a person who gave life to the nation and writing many poem with a many moral lesson to understand all youth filipino people that all of you is the new born hero of the philippines

Q:Given the premise that Dr. Jose Rizal is a National Hero of the Philippines, do you think “Rizal Life and Works” subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist? Justify your position.

A: In Rizal life and works It is the one good example of the MANDATORY to all school because it is have a topic to study the all life of Dr. Jose Rizal.writting and poem the love of all filipino people.

Q:Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.

A: For me im agree to te article because Dr. Jose Rizal is the person gave he life to the nation

Anonymous said...

Renato A. Punzalan
BSA – II Tue. 7:00 to 10:00

1A). As a student and as a Filipino citizen here is my personal view in studying life and works of Rizal : Having guide of Rizal thoughts, ideals, dreams, principles and convictions are very important not just in our education but as well as in our day to day life. To have that kind of strength might be very influential to people’s life specially this time that lots of challenges surrounds us. Challenges in economic progress, political, social and on the education.Studying the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal really help and teach us a lot of values that we, as part of our nation, should possess and live with specially we the student of the next generation . Rizal’s dreams and philosophy in life could be my inspiration on achieving my goals in life.
1B). In relation to my answer in number one which I already express my thought and view how important to study Rizal then it is but proper to have it mandatory in all schools. It is usefull to teach the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo as well during High School then to further study in College which is Rizal life, works and writing. His travel, studies and abroad and nationalistic values were just some of the good traits and aspiring deeds that youth must admire and look forward to. Somehow, studying the life of Rizal will help in comparing where we are now in the economy and in the political side and on the progress of the Filipino . Good to be reminded of those heroes of the past so we have something to look back if not to be like them at least to be reminded to be good and not self centered individuals. Being mandated in the school, students would take an active part not only in the classroom setting but also in participating outside activities for the betterment of the Philippine society in general. The value of being a religious person which already behind, a loving and obedient son to his parents, a responsible student, a strong willed individual who stands for his convictions, the one who loves and serves the country are some of the virtues of Rizal that must and should be emphasized in the whole duration of the coarse. And that’s where the relevance of Rizal subject lies.

2. For me the most notable observation by Ambeth Ocampo is that nobody has applied for an exemption to read Rizal's novels on grounds of religious conscience. Filipino citizens are smarter than the obscurantist Roman Catholic hierarchy of the 1950s.
But it would have been interesting to see if the State had taken over Catholic schools as Recto threatened when the religious orders threatened to shut their schools. What would have been then the direction of our society? I do not believe anybody complained about what we went through, nor did anybody rue that we were not taught properly. it was a required course that is generally recommended to be taken. Indeed, teaching the course seemed subjective and depended on the background of the teacher rather that arguing to teach in a Filipino or in English. Clear and prescribed curriculum is important since the Rizal course can be taught in so many ways. Some questions may be consider like should the course be exclusively on the life, times and works of Rizal? Or should it,
as currently practiced in some institutions, be integrated with the general history course?

Anonymous said...

a.for me it is important because he gave me inspiration to be a good pilipino citizen, his writing inspired me to stand for our democracy. after reading his works i realized how great dr. jose rizal is.

b.yes because in that way we will know what he done in sacrifice for us.

2.there are people who wants to get rid of Rizal's work in school libraries, but Recto declined, because what he says is true, if we do that the next generation will never have a privilege to know the history of dr. jose Rizal.

Narvaez D. said...

Narvaez, Darissa C.
BSHRM- 2nd yr.
Fri. 10:00-1:00
a. What is the importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to you as a student and as a Filipino citizen?
->>The real core of studying Rizal’s life, works and writings, is to familiarize the students about our hero’s kind of life and what he has done for our country. To teach us sense of nationalism, patriotism and solidarity. Rizal’s life, works and writings was intended to have a greater impact on the minds of youth and what it has to be the man who died for his countrymen.

b. Given the premise that Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines, do you think "Rizal's Life and Works" subject should be taught MANDATORY in all schools? Think as if RA 1425 does not yet exist. Justify your position.
->>Yes, because Dr. J. Rizal was one of Philippines historical figure and a hero as well. He played a vital role for our country. His works and Writings left great trademarks in our society. Another thing, why it should be taught is for us to grasp the freedom that we have today.

2. Read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. Write a commentary on his article.
I think it’s his way of cultivating readers mind about the Rizal Law. The argument between the Law and the Catholic Church, will create condemnation on Catholic Church during the time of Rizal and criticisms on part of Rizal because he disparaged the church. Both the Catholic and Rizal law have their own rationale reasons why they argued about this.

Claudine Lopez said...

Claudine Lopez

1.As a Filipino/student we need to know how great is his love to our country. We also need to study it so we will be inspired to do the same."Love our Country.It is also for us not to forget him. He put his life to our country. We our now enjoying the fruits of his labor. So, what he had done should remain and live to our hearts. Studying his life and work is a form of respect and a mean of saying thank you for the freedom we had today.

2. The significance of studying his life and work is that we will not be ignorant. Isn't it fool that a Filipino is ignorant of its own national hero. We should patronize his works and do the same thing that he did.

3. I agree that we need them to implement the Rizal Law not only in school but also in all aspects of our life . We should remain and reminisce into our mind his life and work.

Anonymous said...

Jenelyn Barja
1.the importance of studying life, works,and writing of DR.Jose Rizal for me as a student and as a Filipino i need to study about the story of Dr.Jose Rizal to know and get information provide evidence,the fact his from the past and how Dr.Jose Rizal his life for the freedom of our country and for the Filipino people and how much we have benefited from their sacrifice.
2.yes,every school should be though about Rizal life and works because we know Dr.Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines shared his knowlegde and other works of him to other people and he can be a inspiration,a model,to the other student to study more R.A 1425 does not exist yet because other people against him for being a national hero that Bonifacio or Aguinaldo and other heroes should be the national hero because they fought in the revolution while Rizal had cautioned against it.He only used pen the application of his talents to destroyed the moral authority of the Spanish empire in the Philippines.

Anonymous said...


A. as a student it is important to study the Rizal's life and work for us to know the importance of Rizal's life and to familiarize about our hero's kind of life and what he's done to our country, and also teach us how to love our country.

B. YES, because he is the historical hero and as a student i have so many things that i learned about rizal's life and works like how great he is to fight the spanish for our freedom.

2.i think it's his way to say his comment about rizal's life and works and to know the readers about the argument about law and the catholic church because they have their own reason why they argued about this.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday 7:00-10:00 am

The importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to me as a student and as a Filipino citizen is that I would have personal discipline, civic conscience and I would know the duties of citizenship. Studying his life and works teaches us to learn from the past and don't make further mistakes. Rizal’s life and works are very inspiring.

I think “Rizal’s Life and Works” should be taught mandatory in all schools even if RA1425 or the “Rizal Law” does not exist yet because Rizal is our greatest national hero and part of our history. If the Rizal law doesn’t exist, I guess only few students will take the course because not everyone has the interest of studying the life and works of our people from the past. Unlike if it was taught mandatory they will be force to enroll to the course. Students should be force because most of the time they wouldn’t take the subject that is not related to his/her course. He/ she might think that it is just a waste of time not knowing that there are lots of good things and lessons we can get from studying Rizal’s works and writings.

In the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007, it is plain to see that the Catholic church doesn’t want the novels “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo” as constant and inspiring source of patriotism. I agree that using the expurgated versions of the novels and keeping the unexpurgated copies under lock and key in the school libraries is adulterated reading and it will cause us to forget the sacrifices of our national hero. I also agree that there should be exemption from reading of the novels because of religious belief but there should have no exemption from the course. Every Filipino student should take the course to be fair :p…. The schools should provide adequate copies of novels because if they don’t, they should be punished! The problem is on the implementation of the law as always.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday 7:00-10:00am

The importance of studying the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal to me as a student and as a Filipino citizen is that I would have personal discipline, civic conscience and I would know the duties of citizenship. Studying his life and works teaches us to learn from the past and don't make further mistakes. Rizal’s life and works are very inspiring.

I think “Rizal’s Life and Works” should be taught mandatory in all schools even if RA1425 or the “Rizal Law” does not exist yet because Rizal is our greatest national hero and part of our history. If the Rizal law doesn’t exist, I guess only few students will take the course because not everyone has the interest of studying the life and works of our people from the past. Unlike if it was taught mandatory they will be force to enroll to the course. Students should be force because most of the time they wouldn’t take the subject that is not related to his/her course. He/ she might think that it is just a waste of time not knowing that there are lots of good things and lessons we can get from studying Rizal’s works and writings.

In the article written by Ambeth Ocampo titled “The fight over the Rizal Law” in Philippine Daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007, it is plain to see that the Catholic church doesn’t want the novels “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo” as constant and inspiring source of patriotism. I agree that using the expurgated versions of the novels and keeping the unexpurgated copies under lock and key in the school libraries is adulterated reading and it will cause us to forget the sacrifices of our national hero. I also agree that there should be exemption from reading of the novels because of religious belief but there should have no exemption from the course. Every Filipino student should take the course to be fair :p…. The schools should provide adequate copies of novels because if they don’t, they should be punished! The problem is on the implementation of the law as always.

Anonymous said...

1.For me as student, we should study the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal its because he's one of our national hero that contributed a lot in this nation(Philippines), so we should give him some importance. And by his writings I can say that we will learn a lot of things.

2. For me the subject Rizal’s Life and Works should be taught mandatory in all schools, why? simply because he sacrificed his life just for us, and as a return we should give importance to his writings and to his life too.

3. As I read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo, it's very complicated situation between Jose Rizal and religion. The novels that written by Jose Rizal namely EL FILIBUSTERESRISMO and NOLI ME TANGERE is anti-religion maybe because of the violence that we encountered in the time of friars and spaniards. So we cant blame Rizal why he wrote that novels and he just expressed his feelings and opinion.



Anonymous said...

Daniel Nikko V. Alcala
a.we need to study Rizal's Life and writings for us to know his life and novel's as our one of the national heroes and how he fought for our country

b.yes, because we all know how he sacrifice his own life for our freedom that we have now. i read the article written by Ambeth Ocampo for me Recto was right because if the people would blot the memory of Rizal and eliminate his books from the schools and libraries they could not respect the memory of Dr.Jose Rizal for being the national hero of the Philippines. The novel of Dr. Jose Rizal, especially the NOLI ME TANGERE, because the purposed of his novel is to encourage all of the filipinos to fight and have a "paninindigan", ang for being brave.

Anonymous said...

Go, Cathrine Roberta
BS in IT 2nd Year
Rizal's Life's and Works

1. For me as a student and as a Filipino citizen the importance of studying the life, works of Dr. Jose Rizal is to remember his patriotism to our country. To educate us more on how & why he risked his life, not just we know him as a hero. To know why he wants freedom, equality and respect for this country.

2. Given the presence that Dr. Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines I recommend that the Rizal’s Life and Works shall be and required to teach to us even though the RA 1425 does not exist. It is to give value, importance, and respect to Dr. Rizal’s patriotism and because of him this country would not be free. He lat Filipino realize that they should not be abused especially to Filipino women they should not be raped. They must be respect and there should be equality to every people. We must not be treated as an animal. We know that even animals to Rizal must be treated nicely so to people. They must know our needs responsibilities and opinions. So in short we are very thankful that Dr. Jose Rizal brings the Philippines to freedom. We should not forget it because we are Filipinos.

This memorandum refers to the school to implement that the life and works of rizal will be teached to the school for the student to remember and recognize that rizal is one of the most influencing person in our own history. As the memorandum is concern. His birth must be recognize and remembered. This is by the power of late president Fidel Ramos. Signed in the City of Manila, this 26th day of December in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four.

4. "Directing Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports and the CHAIRMAN OF COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION to fully implement the Republic Act No. 1425 entitled "An Act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges and universities, courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and distribution thereof and for other purposes" for guidance of all concerned.

This memorandum refers to the command from the highest authority. To be include all the rizals life and works to the curriculum in schools for him to remembered and follow his abare footsteps to be a good and one example for better patriotism and nationalism. All his writing must be teached to schools.

Anonymous said...

Go, Cathrine Roberta
BS in IT 2nd Year
Riza's Life's and Works

1. For me as a student and as a Filipino citizen the importance of studying the life, works of Dr. Jose Rizal is to remember his patriotism to our country. To educate us more on how & why he risked his life, not just we know him as a hero. To know why he wants freedom, equality and respect for this country.

2. Given the presence that Dr. Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines I recommend that the Rizal’s Life and Works shall be and required to teach to us even though the RA 1425 does not exist. It is to give value, importance, and respect to Dr. Rizal’s patriotism and because of him this country would not be free. He lat Filipino realize that they should not be abused especially to Filipino women they should not be raped. They must be respect and there should be equality to every people. We must not be treated as an animal. We know that even animals to Rizal must be treated nicely so to people. They must know our needs responsibilities and opinions. So in short we are very thankful that Dr. Jose Rizal brings the Philippines to freedom. We should not forget it because we are Filipinos.

This memorandum refers to the school to implement that the life and works of rizal will be teached to the school for the student to remember and recognize that rizal is one of the most influencing person in our own history. As the memorandum is concern. His birth must be recognize and remembered. This is by the power of late president Fidel Ramos. Signed in the City of Manila, this 26th day of December in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four.

4. "Directing Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports and the CHAIRMAN OF COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION to fully implement the Republic Act No. 1425 entitled "An Act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges and universities, courses on the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and distribution thereof and for other purposes" for guidance of all concerned.

This memorandum refers to the command from the highest authority. To be include all the rizals life and works to the curriculum in schools for him to remembered and follow his abare footsteps to be a good and one example for better patriotism and nationalism. All his writing must be teached to schools.

July 09, 2011
11:05PM Saturday

Anonymous said...

Arabel May Razal
BSHRM 3 a student we should study Rizal's life and writings because for us to not to forget what he did for our country. and so someday we can share it to the next next generation. so that even how many years to come we still know his life and works. how he fought our country.

b.yes, because we all know how he fought for our country and he sacrifice his life for us. so i think he deserve that.

2.The fight over the Rizal Law by Ambeth Ocampo the philippine daily Inquirer on May 4, 2007. .
recto was right to fight for the Rizal law. we all should give respect and value what dr. jose rizal did for our country and for his novels. we should care for the memories of rizal and writings.

Mario Z.Recedes jr said...


a.To know why he wants freedom, equality and respect for this country
So believe that you can win in a battle without using a weapon just like what Dr: Jose Rizal did.

b. Rizal is the best example of the filipino attitude therefore i conclude that rizal's life should be thought in high school and college local or international filipino citizen or foreigns student.

2.Dr.Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines shared his knowlegde and other works of him to other people and he can be a inspiration,a model,to the other student to study. and all filipino proud of him because of his work.

Anonymous said...

Noon ang Pilipinas ay isang bilanggo
Bilanggo sa kamay ng mga mananakop
Naging alipin ng mga Espanyol
Nilapastangan at ginapos

Isang Rizal ang sumibol
Upang tayo ay maipagtanggol
Sa kalupitan at kapanghasan
Tayong mga pilipino ay maipaglaban

Isang pasasalamat ang aking handog
Isang tula na puno ng pagkalugod
Sa iyong mga inialay
Buong buhay kamiy'y sayo'y nagpupugay

Nawa'y kabataan ika'y tularan
At maging inspirasyon sa buhay
Maging kagaya sa iyong panindigan

Maraming salamat sa lahat
Sa kalayaang aming tinatamasa
Sa buhay at pagmamahal
Sa iyong bansang Pilipinas

Unknown said...


a. the importance about the rizal's life is to know the that he do in the philippines

b.yes its beacuse some filipino not interested about rizal life and his contribution. not agree,,,just remember that rizal sacrifice his life for the filipino people

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