Assignment No. 1 in Economics with Land Reform and Taxation (1st Sem, AY 2011-2012)

1. If you were an economic adviser to the President of the Philippines, what will you suggest or propose to President Noynoy Aquino to alleviate the economic conditions of the Filipinos?

2. Define economics. What is the significance of studying economics to you as a student?

3. If we say that resources are scarce, how would we able to meet or satisfy the unlimited needs and wants of the Filipinos? Give at least three (3) examples/suggestions by which we could satisfy our needs and wants using our scarce resources without sacrificing the environment and the health of the people.


Anonymous said...

BS in Information Technology
2nd Year
Economics with Land Reform and Taxation
Mr Marlon B. Raquel (Instructor)

1. If that will the case, I will firmly say to Mr President that we must focus on the fact that we must strengthen our primary production in economic as an agriculture country such as rice productions, land crop and other stuff of supply. And We must mitigate the CORRUPTION in our agricultural agency.

2. Economics is the study of how the forces of supply and demand allocate scarce resources. Subdivided into microeconomics, which examines the behavior of firms, consumers and the role of government; and macroeconomics, which looks at inflation, unemployment, industrial production, and the role of government.

Being a student for me, it is essential to study this course for us to illuminate in the sense of the economic field of the entire nation. It is also to learn what is microeconomics and macroeconomics as well as with touch of land reform and taxation. It is our tool to know how the flow of a supply and demand of a product from the households as a consumers to the whole nation so that we can help ourselves and also our entire nation and government for our country’s Economic Field.

3. These are my solutions on how we could satisfy our needs and wants using our scarce resources without sacrificing the environment and the health of the people.

• By means of stocking a product for future references and uses.
• By means of buying a product from a SALE peak time.
• Re-using, recycling of a product.

kers said...

Crisanto C Ada
3:00am – 6:00am (Saturday)

1. Research shows and has been reported that Philippines is blessed with natural resources, this resources was used in the economy and by some foreign who invested in the country. Agriculture for somehow is eventually growing with the help of individuals who are working for the improvement of it. But somehow the countries budget for agriculture progress cannot suffice for its needs.
If were given a chance to be an adviser of the president of the Philippines, for sure I would suggest the same as above mention, our economic will never grown into stability as with other countries, we knew on some instances that the Philippines is abundant in minerals and forests product. I would suggest to Pres. Noynoy Aquino to give more attention to our agriculture product and focus on technology that will help to achieve more effective output. Good thing in our country because we have much indigenous material? Maybe the Pres. Noynoy should at least make feasible studies before giving it into action.

2. ECONOMICS-is defined as the study of production, distribution and consumption of scarce resources for the unlimited wants of people and Economics, social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.What is the significance in studying the subject? It simple, the Commission of Higher Education would not provide the subject if is not necessary at all. In order for us to understand more on the economic crisis that every countries is facing we must have adequate information on economics its simple or standard basis and to how to help and improve the economy. We can say that student now a day are not aware of the what is really economics, because studying economics is tough subject that needs more on analyzing and weighing of thoughts.

3. When we talk about scarcity, it means insufficient supply or rarity. An individual at least knows first to differentiate the difference between wants and needs. Wants- desire of something while Needs- it is emphasizing on necessity. Desire and necessity are not alike e.g : a student with average income of the family would never ambition to have laptop, if it’s not necessary, it means on the example it is a desire of the student to have laptop and not accordance to its needs as a student, aside from that this student belongs to an average wage.

a. Consumption- we must know what are needs before consuming since we only have limited resource aside from that people now could easily diverge into different things and would rather have more supply than on its demand.
b. Time, money and effort- we must always bear in mind that these three aspects in life are essential. As a student good thinking is the best possible to achieve what we want. Our wants today is not our needs tomorrow.
c. Conservation- we must know how to conserve because as we all know natural resources has come to a point of rarity. By doing to conserve we are applying for the usage for the future and not only for this generation.

Kath Garganera said...

Garganera, Katherine C.

1. If I were the economic adviser to the president of our country the Philippines, I would suggest to him is to improved our own or local products here in the Philippines, to compete equally to the foreign or imported products, cause some imported products is more lesser than the price of our local products. We should be more competitive. A Fund for the poor people for them to start a small business to improve the quality of life. Yes, OFWs’ helps of improving our country’s economy but isn’t much better if we should encourage OFWs’ to work here in our country; we should not send them abroad to work with our competitors.
2. Economics, the social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. For me as a student the significance of economics is it teaches how to save scarce resources or the limited resources. And it will tell us if the economy of our country is improving.
3. To satisfy our needs and wants using our scarce resources without sacrificing our environment and health is to be thrifty, and to buy during sales, recycle or reuse the things that can we use to lessen buying things that are not needs and separate the needs from wants.

Anonymous said...

Renato A. Punzalan
Economics with LRT
1. To allocate more funds on Education. Make sure to cover and support remote areas including those with disabilities, Muslim and indigenous children. Training and financial support to the teachers so they could concentrate and be motivated to teach properly…Be vigilant on the monitoring of funds on the social services and infrastructure as well as human security specifically on the improving of provincial roads and other infrastructure. Improve disaster preparedness and response capability….To collaborate with other agencies and donors to a common policy and agenda, embedding anti-corruption measures throughout the program, incorporating risk management and peace-building principles thought out the Philippines.

2. The social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic system….By learning about economics and working on hundreds of economics problems, we will learn the skill of being able to spot the effects and unintended consequences in other areas. This can help you make better decisions about your personal life and make you more valuable to business. It likely won't help you get a job, but being able to spot and understand the importance of effects, it may help you keep a job or earn a promotion that much faster. Because you learn a lot of skills and knowledge that you can apply to other jobs or to your personal life. Learning about interest rates, exchange rates, economic indicators and equity markets can help you make better decisions about investing and obtaining mortgages.

3. First, we should define what is needs and what is wants so we will be able to meet both even in a scarce resources. Need is something which is essential for you irrespective of your financial conditions These are the things you have to take care first and only then comes other things which you can do without . Wants : These are things which you wish to have, but they are not above your Needs . For example , A Car is a want , when compared to your Child Fees or Education saving . You can live your life without car , but Child Education is Vital and cant be compromised . Expensive clothes above the normal requirement versus medical expenses which is much more need…Understand the point that Wants are not something which you should avoid , but your Needs should not be compromised because of your Wants …These days almost everyone lives their life in a unplanned manner , especially their finances are Unplanned . People spend first and think later about it . But money spent once will not come back. Once you prioritize things well and have a proper road map on your spending pattern,you can take care of your Needs first and move towards your Wants …After you spend and take care of your needs fully,and you are left with surplus , I will myself encourage you to spend your money on your wants like hell !! . But first comes important things, You can live without your Wants , but not without Needs .

Anonymous said...

TOLENTINO, jhoyce "sweet"

If I was an economic adviser to the President of the Philippines, I would strongly advise him to help develop the educational system. I would tell him to put more focus on the science and engineering department. I would encourage him to promote innovation in the young minds of Filipinos. Promote creativity and support those innovators and tell them there is nothing wrong with being different and thinking different and even reward those who are. When we do have smart and creative minds, they tend to go overseas because they fear they will not be as encouraged nor rewarded money-wise if they stay in the Philippines, thus we lose the people who could greatly help our economic growth. Those innovators would create more ground breaking products and/or invent better ways to use the resources the Philippines have. This would create more jobs and help strengthen the growth of the Philippine economy.

Economics simply put, is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. What does that mean for me as a student? The significance is clear. Many students would agree with me even if they don't realize it right away, that the shape of our economy is very important in what we students aim to study in school. Many if not all students, focus on a subject that in the end would help them get a good paying job in that field after they graduate. Unfortunately, we lose many of those smart and hardworking students/workers when they go overseas for more money.

Resources are getting scarce throughout the world, not only in the Philippines. But there a few things we can do in our country than can help eleviate our own problems. Two things that Filipinos want and need are jobs and energy. I believe these two are tied in together and can help solve each other without sacrificing the environment and the health of our people.
- invest in water energy power. The Philippines are islands after all, and we have an abundant supply of water surrounding us. It is time to put it into good use. Energy generated by water is not only safe, it does not hurt the environment and will help create plants that will in turn create more jobs.
- invest more in wind power. There are already a few Wind Farm Plants in the Philippines and it should be encouraged that there should be more.
- solar energy. The Philippines after all is near the equator and we get our fair share of sunlight. If we could harness that untapped energy source it would help reduce our energy costs and wastes.

We should also invest in more efficient and safe ways to mine the minerals in the Philippines. It has been said that Philippine gold, nickel and copper are among the largest in the world. Those metals are craved for around the world and we simply can not ignore it. Mining coal as an alternative energy source I believe should only be done and continued as long as we find ways to mine it safely without harming our environment and ourselves.

These are just a few of the many ways we can think of to help our economic growth in the Philippines. If we focus on the growth of ourselves and our innovation, we as a country can succeed as a whole and be even more proud to call ourselves Filipinos.

Anonymous said...

TOLENTINO, jhoyce "sweet"

If I was an economic adviser to the President of the Philippines, I would strongly advise him to help develop the educational system. I would tell him to put more focus on the science and engineering department. I would encourage him to promote innovation in the young minds of Filipinos. Promote creativity and support those innovators and tell them there is nothing wrong with being different and thinking different and even reward those who are. When we do have smart and creative minds, they tend to go overseas because they fear they will not be as encouraged nor rewarded money-wise if they stay in the Philippines, thus we lose the people who could greatly help our economic growth. Those innovators would create more ground breaking products and/or invent better ways to use the resources the Philippines have. This would create more jobs and help strengthen the growth of the Philippine economy.

Economics simply put, is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. What does that mean for me as a student? The significance is clear. Many students would agree with me even if they don't realize it right away, that the shape of our economy is very important in what we students aim to study in school. Many if not all students, focus on a subject that in the end would help them get a good paying job in that field after they graduate. Unfortunately, we lose many of those smart and hardworking students/workers when they go overseas for more money.

Resources are getting scarce throughout the world, not only in the Philippines. But there a few things we can do in our country than can help eleviate our own problems. Two things that Filipinos want and need are jobs and energy. I believe these two are tied in together and can help solve each other without sacrificing the environment and the health of our people.

- invest in water energy power. The Philippines are islands after all, and we have an abundant supply of water surrounding us. It is time to put it into good use. Energy generated by water is not only safe, it does not hurt the environment and will help create plants that will in turn create more jobs.

- invest more in wind power. There are already a few Wind Farm Plants in the Philippines and it should be encouraged that there should be more.

- solar energy. The Philippines after all is near the equator and we get our fair share of sunlight. If we could harness that untapped energy source it would help reduce our energy costs and wastes.

We should also invest in more efficient and safe ways to mine the minerals in the Philippines. It has been said that Philippine gold, nickel and copper are among the largest in the world. Those metals are craved for around the world and we simply can not ignore it. Mining coal as an alternative energy source I believe should only be done and continued as long as we find ways to mine it safely without harming our environment and ourselves.

These are just a few of the many ways we can think of to help our economic growth in the Philippines. If we focus on the growth of ourselves and our innovation, we as a country can succeed as a whole and be even more proud to call ourselves Filipinos.

Anonymous said...

Michael San Jose
BS in Accountancy 2nd Year
Economics with Land Reform and Taxation

1. Lower the price of basic commodities. So that Filipino people can attain to buy it. If you lower the price we can help them to buy extra food for day today consumption. We can also help them to buy the meal that they want to share for their families.

2. Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. We will know and understand the importance of doing and performing our responsibilities and role as an individual because in our hands rest the future of the economy.

3. You must handle our money wisely. Do not buy things that we know is not important to use. Limited our expenses.

Anonymous said...


Gelardine A. Aldema

1. If I were an economic adviser to the President of the Philippines, I will suggest or propose to President Noynoy Aquino to alleviate the economic conditions of the Filipinos by giving a budget or fund and focus for Filipino products. We need to patronize our own product, reduce the import of foreign products. Most especially on our agricultural sector which is the backbone of our economy since time immemorial unfortunately it became weak in every passing year. It’s time for us to wake up to the reality, which not all products that we will use are made by other country. Farmers could supply the rice without importing it from Vietnam and Indonesia, they just need a fund and more knowledge in handling agriculture business. Focus on Filipino products explore it and be proud of it to represent that we have a lot of resources that we can use in order for our country to be successful. Focus on our product to save and to recognize our products. Let’s support Filipino product and resources.

2. Economics is the science which deals with the study of how individuals, business enterprises and government plans, raise, allocate and use their scarce resources to satisfy human wants. It is a science as well as an art. The significance of studying economics for me as a student is to foresee the reality problem of our economy today and to see the state of our resources and how to appreciate value and use it properly. It is an interesting and intellectually stimulating subject all should know more about it. We are all part of the economy and therefore, we should know and understand what is going on around us. Knowledge of economics empowers us to make rational decisions in using what are limited resources we have. We can also influence others to our way of thinking about economics. Knowledge of economics enables us to analyze, criticize and influence government policies of commerce and programs. It can induce us to be more rational in handling our personal and household resources.

3. We would be able to meet or satisfy the unlimited needs and wants if we know how to take good care, value and use properly of our resources. We can start it from home:
a. Conserve water- don’t forget to close the faucet after use and when we washed our clothes, the used water in rinsing can be used as a flush in toilet bowl.
b. Store and heat the leftover food if not moldy.
c. Restricting purchases to basic needs followed by wants- buy the things that you really need and buy on sale bargain to save.
d. Postponing purchase and save the money instead- prepare for any emergency that will occur.

Anonymous said...


Gelardine A. Aldema

1. If I were an economic adviser to the President of the Philippines, I will suggest or propose to President Noynoy Aquino to alleviate the economic conditions of the Filipinos by giving a budget or fund and focus for Filipino products. We need to patronize our own product, reduce the import of foreign products. Most especially on our agricultural sector which is the backbone of our economy since time immemorial unfortunately it became weak in every passing year. It’s time for us to wake up to the reality, which not all products that we will use are made by other country. Farmers could supply the rice without importing it from Vietnam and Indonesia, they just need a fund and more knowledge in handling agriculture business. Focus on Filipino products explore it and be proud of it to represent that we have a lot of resources that we can use in order for our country to be successful. Focus on our product to save and to recognize our products. Let’s support Filipino product and resources.

2. Economics is the science which deals with the study of how individuals, business enterprises and government plans, raise, allocate and use their scarce resources to satisfy human wants. It is a science as well as an art. The significance of studying economics for me as a student is to foresee the reality problem of our economy today and to see the state of our resources and how to appreciate value and use it properly. It is an interesting and intellectually stimulating subject all should know more about it. We are all part of the economy and therefore, we should know and understand what is going on around us. Knowledge of economics empowers us to make rational decisions in using what are limited resources we have. We can also influence others to our way of thinking about economics. Knowledge of economics enables us to analyze, criticize and influence government policies of commerce and programs. It can induce us to be more rational in handling our personal and household resources.

3. We would be able to meet or satisfy the unlimited needs and wants if we know how to take good care, value and use properly of our resources. We can start it from home:
a. Conserve water- don’t forget to close the faucet after use and when we washed our clothes, the used water in rinsing can be used as a flush in toilet bowl.
b. Store and heat the leftover food if not moldy.
c. Restricting purchases to basic needs followed by wants- buy the things that you really need and buy on sale bargain to save.
d. Postponing purchase and save the money instead- prepare for any emergency that will occur.

Anonymous said...


1. If I were an economic adviser to the President of the Philippines, I will suggest to him add more budget to department of education because as I know we the Filipino citizen
are less fortunate we cannot afford those high tuition on other university. and I will suggest to focus on the education of the Filipino people

2. Economics is the study of how societies manage scarce resources. Scarcity is a central concept in economics because resources--time, money, land and capital, among others--exist only in finite amounts. Societal needs and wants may be infinite, but resources are we should save our resources because this is our true treasure

3.we will save our resources in doing this thing

Re-use or Re-cycle
buy when the products are sale
and stock products

Anonymous said...

grace mahilum
1. i will suggest or purpose to our president. that all products to alleviate the lower price of the basic commodities so that Filipino can afford to buy it all they needs, and give attention to the families have a problem there shelter, foods and etc..
2. as a student it is signifying to alleviate the economic condition of all Filipino products, and witch deals with the study of how individuals, business enterprise and government plans, and study the economics to foresee the reality problems of our economy right now, and to state the resources and the value.
3. we would be able to meet the unlimited needs and wants, needs is something essential conditions of our financials , these are thing can compared our child fees.

Anonymous said...

grace mahilum

1. i will suggest or purpose to our president. that all products to alleviate the lower price of the basic commodities so that Filipino can afford to buy it all they needs, and give attention to the families have a problem there shelter, foods and etc..

2. as a student it is signifying to alleviate the economic condition of all Filipino products, and witch deals with the study of how individuals, business enterprise and government plans, and study the economics to foresee the reality problems of our economy right now, and to state the resources and the value.

3. we would be able to meet the unlimited needs and wants, needs is something essential conditions of our financials , these are thing can compared our child fees.

Claudine Lopez said...

Claudine Lopez

1. In order to help the progress of our economy, I would suggest to give more priority in food production and lessen the importation. We should also patronize our own products. Give financial assistance to small businesses.

2.Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The significance of it for me us a student is it teach me how to conserve and minimize the scarce resources.

3. We should disciplined our selves, prioritize our needs not on our wants. Conserve our resources.

Anonymous said...

May ann Campos
BSE English

1. if i am the economic adviser to our president Noynoy Aqiuno , i would suggest him to offer more jobs to Filipino in order to alleviate the economic condition of the Filipinos , if every member of the society has its own job or source of income, no doubt, economic conditions of our nations will rise and act to be a progressive and productive one.
2. Economic is a study concerned with the use of society of it's scarce resources in attempting to satisfy the unlimited wants and desires of it's members.
the economic represents the mechanism or structure that organizes the scarce sources for the purpose of producing the goods and services desired by the esociety

the significance of studying economics to me as student is that i will be able to know and learn how to budget, and also for me to know how to satisfy my unlimited desires knowing that theirs an abundant resources in the society. Studying economic make me a good and productive citizen as well.

3.we would be able to meet or satisfy the unlimited needs and wants of the Filipino by:

1.more jobs,more source of incomes
2. learn to budget , buy the important needs first.
3... be productive , learn to control your self if you are a materialistic person.

Anonymous said...

Jona Rose Escopel
BSE- English

1) If I were an economic adviser to the President of the Philippines, I will suggest or propose to President Noynoy Aquino that he has to give funds to the farmers. For because of the funds that they might be given, farmers can produce more supply of agricultural products especially rice. If we can produce a lot, it will help us sustain our everyday basic needs. Also it is not necessary for us to import other goods from different countries that cause the products to be in a high price.
2)Economics is a science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of good services to satisfy the unlimited needs and wants of the people using the scarce resources. The significance of this economic subject for us students is that, we are able to know how we produce, distribute and consume the available resources that we have. This will also help us to know how economic crises and economic development affects the everyday living of individuals living in a particular country.
3)First, we have to know how to budget our income and minimize buying those unimportant things. We also have to preserve whatever resources that we have especially our natural resources. Finally, we have to think of any alternatives or any strategies that will give us additional income for us to sustain and supply the needs of each member of the family.

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