Assignment No. 1 in Civic Welfare Training Services I (1st Sem, AY 2011-2012)

1. What is NSTP? Discuss the three components of NSTP.

2. What is the importance of studying this course to you as a student? 

3. If the Congress of the Philippines declares war against China, would you be willing to sacrifice your life in defending our territory?


Anonymous said...

Guanzon,Rona men P.
Answer:Civic welfare Institution
1.NSTP is National Service Training Program.
the 3 component of nstp are...
1.Reserve officer training courpt.
2.literary training service.
3.civic welfare training service.
2.It is important to us as a student because on how to mingled to other people and trained how to save lives in case of emergency.

Biz,Pauline Jane T. said...

1.)NSTP - National Service Training Program
The 3 Components of NSTP are :
*ROTC ( Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
*LTS( Literacy Training Service)
- is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.
*CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
- refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.
2.)For me,the importance of studying this course is to encourage the students to promote the youth in nation building and students will be able to experience the different activities which NSTP contains..It may also help me how to motivate and mobilize in any case of emergency.
3.)YES :)

Anonymous said...

Ibong, Jomalyn T.
1.) NSTP - National Service Training Program
* ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)
which designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize.

*CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)
which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth
to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of
life of the the local community and its various institutional components.

*LTS (Literacy Training Service)
which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school
children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need
of their services.

2.) The importance of studying this course to me as a student is i
can apply it in my daily life or task specially in emergency.

3.) for me its a YES..

camille g. mendoza said...

Mendoza,Camille G.
BEED 1st year
1.NSTP is National Service Training Program,the three components of NSTP are ROTC- Reserve Officer Training Corps, LTS-Literacy Training Service and CWTS-Civic Welfare Training Service.
2.Its important for me as a student because you know how to train other people in case of emergency.

Anonymous said...

cometa Jenelyn BEED
1.NSTP - National Service Training Program.
Three Components of NSTP:
a.ROTC - Reserve Officers Training Corps.
b.CWTS - Civic Welfare Training Service.
c.LTS - Literacy Training Service.
2.The importance of studying this course is to promote the role of the student in the nation-building.As such,it aims to encourage the student to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by nation in cases their services are needed.

Anonymous said...


1)Reserve officers Training Corp
2)Civic Welfare Training Service
3)Literacy Training Service

2)It is important because you don't only a teach but it is in your hand lies the development of every child.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said
Monday July 4,2011 8:25
Perez,Mary Ann N.

1.National Service Training Program

Three Component Of NSTP ;
a.ROTC(Reserve Officers Training Corps)-which designed to provide military training to tertiary the level student in order to motivate, train.Organize and mobilize.
b.CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)- which consist of project and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the environment of general welfare and quality of life of the local community and its virous institational components, more particularly in terms of health, education, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry.
c.LTC(Literacy Training Service)-which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of-school youth and other segment's of society need to their services

2.Everyone is different, and for some students, studying and being motivated to learn comes naturally.Your success in high school and college is dependent on your ability to study effectively and efficiently.


fherdzz said...

Santos,Ferdinand B.
BEED 1st year

1)“ National Service Training Program (NSTP)”

1) “Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)“ is a program institutionalized under Sections
38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077 designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

2) “Civic Welfare Training Service” refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

3) “Literacy Training Service” is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.

2)NSTP is important to us because they are all about to our society,Goverment,politics,
economic that they we will known all about to the happened in our country


Anonymous said...

1)NSTP is National Service Training Program
The Components of NSTP are the following:

a)ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)
-which is designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train,organize and mobilize,them for national defense preparedness.

b)CWTS (Civic Welfare Training service)
which is consist of projects and activities to designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components.

c)LTS (Literacy Training Service)
which is designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services.

2)Studying NSTP can develop a clearer understanding of personal,social and civic responsibilities by acting on accurate information to improve community health.To be able to perform community service better.


Bercasio,Loricel B.

Anonymous said...

Elao,Merced A.


-ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)= which designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize.

-CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)= which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the the local community and its various institutional components. more particularly in terms of health, education, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry.
-LTS (Literacy Training Service)= which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.

2.]The importance of studying this course to me as a student is, it will encourage the students to promote the youth in nation building and students will be able to experience the different activities which NSTP contains..
like how to train other people in case of emergency,teaching good manners and simple education to street children...


Anonymous said...

Elao,Merced A.

1.]NSTP - National Service Training Program


-ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)= which designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize.

-CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)= which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the the local community and its various institutional components. more particularly in terms of health, education, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry.

-LTS (Literacy Training Service)= which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.

2.]The importance of studying this course to me as a student is, it will encourage the students to promote the youth in nation building and students will be able to experience the different activities which NSTP how to train other people in case of emergency, teaching good manners and simple education to street children..


Anonymous said...

TUESDAY JULY 5,2011 7:10AM





christine joy said...

1.NSTP is the National Service Training Program.
The three components of NSTP are:
a.ROTC (Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to train college students
in order to prepare them for national defense and military services.
b.CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
-which consist of project and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the environment of general welfare and quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components, more particularly in terms of health, education, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry.
c.LTS (Literacy Training Service)
-is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of society in need of their services.
2.The importance of this course or subject is that we will be able to communicate with other people through experiencing the things, problems, and challenges that they are facing. And with this subject, we will be encouraged to teach them new things and make innocent minds more knowlegeable.

christine joy said...

1.NSTP is the National Services Training Program
The three components of NSTP are:
a.ROTC( Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to provide training to tertiary level students
in order to prepare them for national defense and military services.
b.CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
-consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the the local community and its various institutional components.
c.LTS(Literacy Training Service)
-designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.
2.The importance of this course or subject is that we will be able to communicate with other people from different social status and learn to understand the different things, problems, and challenges that we face. and we will be encouraged to teach them new things; make innocent minds knowledgeable; and make young lives valuable.

Anonymous said...

Rovira,Rommel R.

1.national service training program
The 3 components of NSTP are
a.reserve officer training program
b.civic welfare training services
c.literacy training service is important because we can communicate to other people and also it is more about our goverment and society and we can learn to understand what was happening to our country.


Anonymous said...

Borja,Eunice Joyce c.
-The National Service Training Program was also known as "An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes" or Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.

The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.

a.Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students become social entrepreneurs and contributing to the general welfare and betterment of the lives of the people in the community by instituting projects especially devoted to improving health, education, environment, safety, recreation, entrepreneurship, and morals of the citizenry

b.Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students on military science, tactics and discipline in order to motivate and mobilize them for defense preparedness.

c.Literacy Training Service (LTS)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students become teachers and teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths as well as to other segments of society in need of their services.

2.NSTP-CWTS had been an important training ground for my future career in community development.


Anonymous said...

Borja,Eunice Joyce c.
-The National Service Training Program was also known as "An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes" or Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.

The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.

a.Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students become social entrepreneurs and contributing to the general welfare and betterment of the lives of the people in the community by instituting projects especially devoted to improving health, education, environment, safety, recreation, entrepreneurship, and morals of the citizenry

b.Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students on military science, tactics and discipline in order to motivate and mobilize them for defense preparedness.

c.Literacy Training Service (LTS)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students become teachers and teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths as well as to other segments of society in need of their services.

2.NSTP-CWTS had been an important training ground for my future career in community development.


Anonymous said...

Borja,Eunice Joyce c.
-The National Service Training Program was also known as "An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes" or Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.

The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.

a.Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students become social entrepreneurs and contributing to the general welfare and betterment of the lives of the people in the community by instituting projects especially devoted to improving health, education, environment, safety, recreation, entrepreneurship, and morals of the citizenry

b.Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students on military science, tactics and discipline in order to motivate and mobilize them for defense preparedness.

c.Literacy Training Service (LTS)
-A component of NSTP that is designed to train students become teachers and teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths as well as to other segments of society in need of their services.

2.NSTP-CWTS had been an important training ground for my future career in community development.


marylouise quintana said...

1.NSTP - National Service Training Program
The 3 Components of NSTP are :

---ROTC ( Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

---LTS( Literacy Training Service)
- is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.

---CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
- refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

2.The importance of this course or subject is that we will be able to communicate with other people through experiencing the things, problems, and challenges that they are facing. And with this subject, we will be encouraged to teach them new things and make innocent minds more knowledgeable.


Anonymous said...

Reynald M. Valenzuela
BEED (Friday 2-4pm)

1. What is NSTP? Discuss the three components of NSTP.
->>NSTP - National Service Training Program

*ROTC ( Reserved Officer Training Corp.)
-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

*LTS( Literacy Training Service)
- is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.

*CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
- refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

2. What is the importance of studying this course to you as a student?
->> The importance of studying this course is by being aware of what to do during emergencies and maintain the presence of mind during emergency situations, promote self discipline, social responsibilities and awareness in the environment we belong to.

3. If the Congress of the Philippines declares war against China, would you be willing to sacrifice your life in defending our territory?

Anonymous said...

1.) NSTP-it is a curriculum requirement for all the college students under RA No.9163 the law provides an opportunity for the youth to directly contribute in national building.
3 components of NSTP
1.)ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corp.)-it deals with military training that will motivate,train,organize and mobilize students or youth for national defense preparedness.
2.)CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)-which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and institutional components in terms of health,education,safety,recreation and morale of the citizenry.
3.)LTS(Literacy Training Service)-which designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school,children,out of school youth and other segments of society need of their services.
2.)For me as a student it is very important because through this course we can learn more about NSTP and how we train so that we can apply this to others in case of emergency.
3.)Yes,im willing to sacrifice my life for my country just to prove that i am a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

Blacer,johannah A.

1.)The 3 Components of NSTP are the following:

a)ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)
-which is designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train,organize and mobilize,them for national defense preparedness.

b)CWTS (Civic Welfare Training service)
which is consist of projects and activities to designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components.

c)LTS (Literacy Training Service)
which is designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services.

2.)The importance of this course to me as a student is to develop me as a good person for the society.

3.) yes

Anonymous said...

1.)The 3 Components of NSTP are the following:

a)ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)
-which is designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train,organize and mobilize,them for national defense preparedness.

b)CWTS (Civic Welfare Training service)
which is consist of projects and activities to designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components.

c)LTS (Literacy Training Service)
which is designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services.

2.)The importance of this course to me as a student is to develop me as a good person for the society.

3.) yes

Anonymous said...

1.NSTP - National Service Training Program
The 3 Components of NSTP are :

---ROTC ( Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

---LTS( Literacy Training Service)
- is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.

---CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
- refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

2.The importance of this course or subject is that we will be able to communicate with other people through experiencing the things, problems, and challenges that they are facing. And with this subject, we will be encouraged to teach them new things and make innocent minds more knowledgeable.


Anonymous said...

1.NSTP - National Service Training Program
The 3 Components of NSTP are :

---ROTC ( Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

---LTS( Literacy Training Service)
- is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.

---CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
- refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

2.The importance of this course or subject is that we will be able to communicate with other people through experiencing the things, problems, and challenges that they are facing. And with this subject, we will be encouraged to teach them new things and make innocent minds more knowledgeable.


Anonymous said...

1.)The 3 Components of NSTP are the following:

a)ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)
-which is designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train,organize and mobilize,them for national defense preparedness.

b)CWTS (Civic Welfare Training service)
which is consist of projects and activities to designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components.

c)LTS (Literacy Training Service)
which is designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services.

2.)The importance of this course to me as a student is to develop me as a good person for the society.

3.) yes

rebecca luce

Anonymous said...

1.)The 3 Components of NSTP are the following:

a)ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)
-which is designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train,organize and mobilize,them for national defense preparedness.

b)CWTS (Civic Welfare Training service)
which is consist of projects and activities to designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components.

c)LTS (Literacy Training Service)
which is designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services.

2.)The importance of this course to me as a student is to develop me as a good person for the society.

3.) yes

rebecca lucena

Anonymous said...

1.]NSTP - National Service Training Program


-ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)= which designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize.

-CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)= which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the the local community and its various institutional components. more particularly in terms of health, education, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry.

-LTS (Literacy Training Service)= which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.

2.]The importance of studying this course to me as a student is, it will encourage the students to promote the youth in nation building and students will be able to experience the different activities which NSTP how to train other people in case of emergency, teaching good manners and simple education to street children..



emmanuel c pagaduan said...

Components of nstp
1.CWTS-(Civic Welfare Training Service)- to encourage the student to social activities and to be a good person to the nature and people.
2.ROTC-(Reserve Officer Training Course)-to train a student to military work and to dicipline in order to motivate and mobilize them for defense preparedness
3.LTS-(Literacy Training Service)- to become a student to be a teacher and to teach to children and other people

For me the importance of studying course is to know your ability and to have a title to my life like teacher and other else.


emmanuel c pagaduan said...

Pagaduan Emmanuel C.
1.NSTP-National Survey Training Program
a). CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)-to train students in social work and learn the social activities
b).LTS(Literacy Training Service)-to train a student become a teacher and to contribute to people
c).ROTC(Reserve Officer Training Course)-to train a student to the military work and tactics and to be prepared to the calamity and other problem of the country

2. the importance to me as a student to study of course is know the tactics taken to course and be acceptable, the language and so on

consequently I was born and here too I die I will protect my family and my countrymen

emmanuel c pagaduan said...

Components of nstp
1.CWTS-(Civic Welfare Training Service)- to encourage the student to social activities and to be a good person to the nature and people.
2.ROTC-(Reserve Officer Training Course)-to train a student to military work and to dicipline in order to motivate and mobilize them for defense preparedness
3.LTS-(Literacy Training Service)- to become a student to be a teacher and to teach to children and other people

For me the importance of studying course is to know your ability and to have a title to my life like teacher and other else.


emmanuel c pagaduan said...


NSTP_National Service Training Program
component of nstp
1.CWTS-(Civic Welfare Training Service)- to encourage the student to social activities and to be a good person to the nature and people.
2.ROTC-(Reserve Officer Training Course)-to train a student to military work and to dicipline in order to motivate and mobilize them for defense preparedness
3.LTS-(Literacy Training Service)- to become a student to be a teacher and to teach to children and other people

For me the importance of studying course is to know your ability and to have a title to my life like teacher and other else.


Anonymous said...

Bryan Gibbs Echaluse
Civic Welfare


The National Service Training Program was also known as "An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes" or Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.

The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.

1. ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps-which designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize.
2. CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service- which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components. more particularly in terms of health, education, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry.
3. LTS (Literacy Training Service- which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.

2. The importance of studying this course to me as a student is that it makes me more aware of the economic status as well as the current state of the Philippines. It will help me understood things beyond my understanding. It will help me save and become a productive student.

3. Yes, I am more than willing to offer my life to protect my country. I would do it not for myself but for my family, loved ones and fellow Filipinos.

Anonymous said...


answer ;
1) NSTP- National Service Training Program
The Three Component of NSTP are :
-Civic Welfare Training Service(CWTS)-It is an activities that could contribute to health,education,environment,safety and moral of the citizenry
-Literacy Training Service(LTS)-specializes in the education of the people,strengthening the education sector to empower the people through education
-Reserve Officer Training Corps.(ROTC)-The primary objective the youth in national defense,became merely a component of the program.

2) for me being a student NSTP is important because it can help us how to protect our country and to serve without any can also develop our "pusong makabayan " and a warrior.

3) yes !

Anonymous said...

Galido Christine joy D.

1. What is NSTP? Discuss the three components of NSTP.

The National Service Training Program was also known as "An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes" or Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.

The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.

Read more:

2. What is the importance of studying this course to you as a student?
the importance of studying NSTP is to know how we protect our country from the conqueror

3. YES Sir !

Anonymous said...

Jonna Basilio
Thursday, July 07, 2011 8:59:00 AM
1.) NSTP-it is a curriculum requirement for all the college students under RA No.9163 the law provides an opportunity for the youth to directly contribute in national building.
3 components of NSTP
1.)ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corp.)-it deals with military training that will motivate,train,organize and mobilize students or youth for national defense preparedness.
2.)CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)-which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and institutional components in terms of health,education,safety,recreation and morale of the citizenry.
3.)LTS(Literacy Training Service)-which designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school,children,out of school youth and other segments of society need of their services.
2.)For me as a student it is very important because through this course we can learn more about NSTP and how we train so that we can apply this to others in case of emergency.
3.)Yes,im willing to sacrifice my life for my country just to prove that i am a good citizen.

jennydeliva said...


1.What is NSTP ? discuss the three components of NSTP .
The National Service Training Program was also known as “An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes” or Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.

It invoked the constitutional provision regarding the “duty of the state to serve and protect its citizens,” specifically Article II (Declaration of Principles and State Policies), Section 2, which states that “The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect the people. The government may call upon the people to defend the state, and in fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required under conditions provided by law, to render personal military or civil service” (italics supplied). This is the same principle that created and sustained the Reserve Officers Training Corps.
The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.
Compared with the ROTC which specializes in military training, and the E-ROTC which granted three options for students yet was limited in implementation, the NSTP law ensured that the three components – Civic Welfare Service, Literacy Training Service and Reserve Officers Training Corps – will be given the same and equal implementation in educational institutions. Moreover, it defined the different components, the duration of the training, coverage, etc.
The Three NSTP Components
This program is aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program components, namely

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) - designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) – refers to programs or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

Literacy Training Service (LTS) – designed to train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of society in need of their service.

2.what is the importance of studying this course to you as a student ?
Answer : the study was important to everyone because they want to learn ang also for me im willing to learn to stimulate my minds and mold inquisitive minds into intellectuals. Higher learning takes the intellect to the next level, providing a deeper understanding of the world around us.and also i think Teachers pass on knowledge and values to children, prepare them for further education and for working life and are main contributors to good education.

3. If the Congress of the Philippines declares war against China, would you be willing to sacrifice your life in defending our territory?
Answer: If I was fighting for my country, it wouldn't be for the sake of my country itself and I want to unite to fight for the rights of the country. and my other reason, why you need to war If you can unite For no friction on each trade ,but for some higher cause, something I believed in. I would sacrifice my life for my loved ones.

Julie Ann Torres said...

Julie ann Torres
Room #305

1.National Service Training Program

Three Component Of NSTP ;
a.ROTC(Reserve Officers Training Corps)-which designed to provide military training to tertiary the level student in order to motivate, train.Organize and mobilize.
b.CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)- which consist of project and activities designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the environment of general welfare and quality of life of the local community and its virous institational components, more particularly in terms of health, education, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry.
c.LTC(Literacy Training Service)-which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of-school youth and other segment's of society need to their services

2.Everyone is different, and for some students, studying and being motivated to learn comes naturally.Your success in high school and college is dependent on your ability to study effectively and efficiently.

3.Yes , because this is important our life..

marlove maneja said...

marlover b. maaneja

1.)NSTP - National Service Training Program
The 3 Components of NSTP are :
*ROTC ( Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
*LTS( Literacy Training Service)
- is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.
*CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
- refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.
2.)For me,the importance of studying this course is to encourage the students to promote the youth in nation building and students will be able to experience the different activities which NSTP contains..It may also help me how to motivate and mobilize in any case of emergency.
3.)YES :)

Daisy Ermita Cudiamat said...

Daisy Ermita Cudiamat

1. What is NSTP? Discuss the three components of NSTP.
Answer: 1)NSTP is National Service Training Program
The Components of NSTP are the following:

a)ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps.)
-which is designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train,organize and mobilize,them for national defense preparedness.

b)CWTS (Civic Welfare Training service)
which is consist of projects and activities to designed to encourage the youth to contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local community and its various institutional components.

c)LTS (Literacy Training Service)
which is designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services.

2. What is the importance of studying this course to you as a student?
Answer: for me it is important because studying this course is my way to reach my goal in life.And that goal is to be able to finished my study by studying hard and to be a good teacher someday.

3. If the Congress of the Philippines declares war against China, would you be willing to sacrifice your life in defending our territory?
Answer: Yes I am ready to sacrifice my life. for the benefit of the majority and to fight for our rights.

Anonymous said...

Ermita , Anjunette B.


The National Service Training Program was also known as “An Act Establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes” or Republic Act No. 9163. It was signed into law in January 23, 2002 amidst the various calls of dissenting sectors for its abolition or reform.


A.)Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) - designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.

B.)Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) – refers to programs or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

C.)Literacy Training Service (LTS) – designed to train students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of society in need of their service.

2.)Frist of all , i choose this course because i want to express and to enhance my skill to this course . The importance to me are to learn how to manage , how to cook and how to make my own decision..that's all

3.)yes , i will sacrifice my life

laurice t sanga said...

laurice t. sanga

1.What is NSTP? Discuss the three components of NSTP.
answer: 1.)NSTP - National Service Training Program
The 3 Components of NSTP are :
*ROTC ( Reserved Officer Trainin Corp.)
-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
*LTS( Literacy Training Service)
- is a program designed to train students to become teachers
of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their service.
*CWTS(Civic Welfare Training Service)
- refers to programs of activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement
of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.

2. What is the importance of studying this course to you as a student?
answer: For me,the importance of studying this course is to encourage the students to promote the youth in nation building and students will be able to experience the different activities which NSTP contains..It may also help me how to motivate and mobilize in any case of emergency.
3. If the Congress of the Philippines declares war against China, would you be willing to sacrifice your life in defending our territory?
Answer: YES :)

Anonymous said...

Credo Myrna E.
BEED 1st Year

1.N stands for National
S stands for Service
T stands for Training
P stands for Program
The Three Components Of NSTP:
LTS(Literacy Training Service)-which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.
ROTC(Reserve Officers Training Corps)-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)-to encourage the student to social activities and to be a good person to the nature and people.

2.For me as a student the importance of NSTP is to enhance my strength and weaknesses.NSTP also plays an important role in my college life because we are trained to be a better student or educators in the future.

3. YES ....

Credo, Myrna E.

Anonymous said...

Credo Myrna E.
BEED 1st Year

1.N stands for National
S stands for Service
T stands for Training
P stands for Program
The Three Components Of NSTP:
LTS(Literacy Training Service)-which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.
ROTC(Reserve Officers Training Corps)-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)-to encourage the student to social activities and to be a good person to the nature and people.

2.For me as a student the importance of NSTP is to enhance my strength and weaknesses.NSTP also plays an important role in my college life because we are trained to be a better student or educators in the future.

3. YES ....

Anonymous said...

Credo Myrna E.
BEED 1st Year

1.N stands for National
S stands for Service
T stands for Training
P stands for Program
The Three Components Of NSTP:
LTS(Literacy Training Service)-which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.
ROTC(Reserve Officers Training Corps)-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)-to encourage the student to social activities and to be a good person to the nature and people.

2.For me as a student the importance of NSTP is to enhance my strength and weaknesses.NSTP also plays an important role in my college life because we are trained to be a better student or educators in the future.

3. YES ....

Anonymous said...

Credo Myrna E.
BEED 1st Year

1.N stands for National
S stands for Service
T stands for Training
P stands for Program
The Three Components Of NSTP:
LTS(Literacy Training Service)-which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their services.
ROTC(Reserve Officers Training Corps)-designed to provide military training to tertiary level students
in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service)-to encourage the student to social activities and to be a good person to the nature and people.

2.For me as a student the importance of NSTP is to enhance my strength and weaknesses.NSTP also plays an important role in my college life because we are trained to be a better student or educators in the future.

3. YES ....

Credo, Myrna E.

Anonymous said...

Jenipher M. Dola
BEED 1st Yaer.

1) answer
1)Reserve the officers training corp.
2)Civic welfare training service.
3)Literacy training service...

For me nstp is importance because we are train to become a good leader someday...

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