Two articles for Philippine History - Prelim Requirement


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SOCIAL SCIENCE DILIMAN (December 2010) 6:2, 79-99

What is Social Science Diliman?
As stated in their website, Social Science Diliman is “an internationally refereed semi-annual journal for the social sciences. It is bilingual (English and Filipino) and both disciplinal and multidisciplinary.” It is published by the Research Dissemination and Utilization Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City.

The legal origins of the embryonic Philippine Republic can be traced back over 500 years to a series of papal issuances known as the “Declaration of Alexander,” which provided the Spanish Crown with legal authority to acquire territory overseas. By the time Miguel Lopez de Legazpi arrived in 1565, Spain had already garnered much experience in the management and exploitation of its colonial possessions. King Philip II wanted to prevent a repeat of the brutal conquests in the Americas that belied Spanish attempts to legitimate its colonial enterprise in the name of Christianity. The Manila Synod of 1582 formulated a novel theory upon which Spain staked its legal claim to sovereignty over the Philippine Islands. Through baptism, natives were deemed to have become subjects of the Pope’s spiritual sovereignty while remaining subjects of their own local leaders. The Pope delegated his sovereign powers to the Crown, and the Crown and its subordinates felt legally empowered to promulgate laws deemed necessary, an arrangement some native leaders purportedly agreed to. But many indios resisted. As such Spain never technically acquired full sovereignty over the entire archipelago.

SOCIAL SCIENCE DILIMAN (January 2008-December 2009) 5:1-2, 26-82

What is Social Science Diliman?
As stated in their website, Social Science Diliman is “an internationally refereed semi-annual journal for the social sciences. It is bilingual (English and Filipino) and both disciplinal and multidisciplinary.” It is published by the Research Dissemination and Utilization Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City.

The Calatagan Pot, with an inscription around its rim, is one of the very few existing archeological evidences of ancient writing in the Philippines. It was discovered in Calatagan, Batangas under uncontrolled conditions and bought by the Philippine National Museum in 1961. Having eluded scientific efforts at decipherment since that time, the current paper proposes a strategy which combines traditional palaeographic techniques and cryptographic methods. By means of this procedure, a tentative decipherment of the inscription has been constructed. The experimental results show that the ancient inscription may be a spell or charm in a central Philippine language with a Javanese admixture.


July 21, 2011 (Thursday), until 6:00 PM only for Thursday class 

July 22, 2011 (Friday), until 7:00 PM only for Friday class

Take note: Article reviews must be HANDWRITTEN on yellow papers (3 pages each article).

Resources on how to make a good article reviews:


Anonymous said...

jenelyn barja
1.sources of history
sources of information provide the evidence from which the historian obstains that fact about the past.the history is the study of past,events,analyzing the ducument and other records left,historial facts uke dancing literature,sport,visual and performing arts also can be considerd as visual.records of a country history and culture soureces for the study of early philippine history can be trace by missonary ohronicles publish by the varios religious orders assigned to the philippines,which include the augustianians,franciscans,dominicians,jesuit,and recolleds.

2.we need to study of phil now is a traces the earl begginings of the country's natural enviroment,the people culture,shaped and changed by socio economic and geopogtical conditions.

3.according the immigration theory of h.otley beyer the ancestors of the filipinos came in waves of migration,the archopelogo was the "caveman"who was similar to the javaman and other asian homopeins of 250,000 years ago .DR.beyer called the first filipino the dawn man this theory became popular and unquestioned for quite a number of years.presently,the so called waves of migration is nowbeing dissmissed because there is no definite evidence,wether archaelogical or support evidence of any "dawnman" type (250,000years ago)or hominid species have been found in a country,so far,the oldest humon relic discovered is only about 22,000 BP

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